Welcome to the IPNS LCTPC Group's Home Page
The IPNS LCTPC group is developing a Micro-Pattern-Gas-Detector (MPGD) readout TPC for the future linear collider in the "LCTPC" collaboration, which has an Asian subset "LCTPC Asia".
Our Activities
Our R&D program covers the design, prototyping, and construction of a large prototype TPC for linear collider experiments as well as basic studies using a small prototype TPC to help better understand fundamental processes in the TPC. Our current focus is on R&D of GEM (Gas Electron Multiplier) modules.
- GEM modules
- Readout electronics (S-ALTRO)
- 2-Phase CO2 cooling
- Positive Ion studies (primay and backdrift)
- Positive ion gating
- Tracking software for non-uniform magnetic field
- Gas studies
- Beam tests
- Laser test bench
Keisuke Fujii keisuke.fujii_at_kek.jp Makoto Kobayashi kobayasi_at_post.kek.jp Takeshi Matsuda matsuda_at_post.kek.jp Tomohisa Ogawa ogawat_at_post.kek.jp Yumi Aoki yumia_at_post.kek.jp Takahiro Mizuno mizunot_at_post.kek.jp Keita Yumino yumino_at_post.kek.jp Jurina Nakajima jurina_at_post.kek.jp
Lectures / Notes
- "Basic Physics behand Operation of TPC" by K.Fujii (lecture given originally at TPC School on Jan. 7-11, 2008 in Beijing):
- Effects of Ionization Statistics and Gas Gain Fluctuation on Charge Centroid (Notes by K.Fujii on Ryo's thesis work) (pdf: 160kB)
- "Time Stamping - CDC/TPC Comparison Studies -", LC-TPC TPC R&D Meeting (pdf: 11.3MB) by K.Fujii
- "Towards the Final Design of a TPC for the ILD Detector", TYL/FKPPL Meeting, June, 2013, Seoul (ppt: 27MB, pdf: 3.7MB ) by K.Fujii