ROOT version 3.05 Release Notes

2003-05-09 13:40  rdm

	* build/unix/
	fix fatal typo.
2003-05-09 13:22  brun

	* build/unix/
	Add libfreetype.a when linking the static modules.
2003-05-09 13:16  brun

	* minuit/src/TMinuit.cxx:
	Rename function InteractiveFCN to avoid a clash with TVirtualFitter::InteractiveFCN
	when linking statically
2003-05-09 12:53  rdm

	* build/unix/
	fix for UnitedLinux (has no link to gtar).
2003-05-08 19:50  brun

	* Makefile:
	From Axel Naumann:
	* Add make install feature for win32gcc
	* remove lib/*.dll.a for distclean
2003-05-08 19:42  rdm

	* gui/src/TGSlider.cxx:
	ungrabpointer before dispatching any messages, this avoids long message
	handling routines from locking up X11. Suggestion by Brett Viren.
2003-05-08 19:20  rdm

	* base/src/TBuffer.cxx:
	remove some trailing blank.
2003-05-08 19:20  rdm

	* gui/src/TGTextView.cxx:
	fix backward searching. By Thomas Bretz.
2003-05-08 18:55  brun

	* graf/: inc/TLatex.h, src/TLatex.cxx:
	Delete TLatex::GetTextExtent. Use TText::GetTextExtent.
	The version in TText is more recent and support the switch off of TTF.
2003-05-08 17:54  brun

	* base/inc/RVersion.h, build/version_number:
	Stamp version 3.05/05
2003-05-08 17:20  brun

	* histpainter/src/THistPainter.cxx:
	From Axel Naumann:
	A fix in PaintTitle to take into account gStyle->GetTitleH()
2003-05-08 17:00  brun

	* hist/src/TSpectrum2.cxx:
	Some improvements in TSpectrum2::Search and more comments
2003-05-08 16:41  brun

	* histpainter/src/TPainter3dAlgorithms.cxx:
	From Olivier:
	Bug fixed in color levels drawing for option CONT4 and colored surfaces
	and legos. They were wrong. It was easy to see when the color palette was
2003-05-08 11:12  brun

	* hist/: inc/TSpectrum2.h, src/TSpectrum2.cxx:
	New version of TSpectrum2::Search2General
	Now the algorithm is based on 2-nd, 4-th, 6-th
	smoothed differences.The meaning of the threshold is the same
	as in 1-dimensional case. The sigma (beacause of 6-th order differences)
	should not be less than 2. Recommended values are 4 and higher.
2003-05-08 11:09  brun

	* hist/src/TH1.cxx:
	In TH1::Fit add comments to indicate how to set the default fitter in system.rootrc
2003-05-08 11:08  brun

	* base/src/TVirtualFitter.cxx:
	Use the default fitter as possibly setr in teh resource file system.rootrc.
	The default fitter is Minuit
2003-05-08 11:07  brun

	* config/
	Add new environment resource to select the Fitter:
	# Default Fitter (current choices are Minuit and Fumili)
	Root.Fitter:             Minuit
2003-05-07 22:16  brun

	* configure:
	From Philippe:
	To configure correctly on Irix (32 bit mode by default), /usr/lib32
	must be specified before /usr/lib
2003-05-07 19:52  brun

	* matrix/src/: TMatrix.cxx, TMatrixD.cxx:
	From Eddy Offerman
	Since 3.05 We have hard-coded the inverse for dim <=3 for speed reasons.
	Unfortunately, I forgot that the matrix is stored column-wise which
	results in an our for dim=3.
2003-05-07 18:49  brun

	* tutorials/fitcont.C:
	Add a Warning to indicate that this tutorial can only run with Minuit.
2003-05-07 18:25  brun

	* base/src/TMath.cxx:
	Fix another problem in TMath::BesselI (thanks Peter Steinberg),
	1. if (TMath::Abs(x) < kBigPositive) return 0;
	2.  for (Int_t j=m; j<=1; j--) {
	in both cases, the "<" should be ">".
2003-05-07 18:20  brun

	* tutorials/FittingDemo.C:
	Preset parameters for fitFcn to have the same result between Minuit and Fumili.
2003-05-07 18:07  brun

	* base/src/TMath.cxx:
	Fix a bug in TMath::BesselI (kBigPositive was used instead of kBigNegative)
	(thanks to Peter Steinberg)
2003-05-07 16:21  brun

	* geom/src/TGeoMatrix.cxx:
	From Andrei;
	This class was forgotten in the previous bunch of changes.
2003-05-07 15:46  brun

	* fumili/src/TFumili.cxx:
	From Statislav Nesterov:
	I've found some bugs in calculating Chi-square
	when Likelihood is used: 'params' instead of 'gin' in H1FitLikelihoodFumil
	causes troubles, because 'gin' is calculated always.
	   Counter of FCN calls now is set to zero when TFumili::Clear is called.
	   Functional values now compatible with the same of Minuit.
2003-05-07 15:32  brun

	* geom/inc/LinkDef.h, geom/inc/TGeoManager.h,
	geom/inc/TGeoMatrix.h, geom/inc/TGeoVolume.h,
	geom/inc/TVirtualGeoPainter.h, geom/inc/TVirtualGeoTrack.h,
	geom/src/TGeoManager.cxx, geom/src/TGeoTube.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoVolume.cxx, geom/src/TVirtualGeoTrack.cxx,
	geompainter/inc/LinkDef.h, geompainter/inc/TGeoPainter.h,
	geompainter/inc/TGeoTrack.h, geompainter/src/TGeoPainter.cxx,
	New version of the geometry package from Andrei:
	4 new files:
	This new version adds support for track visualization. Adding tracks is a user task
	and can be done using :
	  TGeoManager::AddTrack() for primary tracks. The manager class knows
	about the current primary and provides utility methods to
	retreive/change this. Users has to handle only TVirtualGeoTracks.
	Secondaries can be added to their primary :
	Points (x,y,z,tof) can be associated with a track :
	  Providing tracks to the modeller and adding points are users tasks.
	Track names should be supplied by users after creation :
	    TVirtualGeoTrack::SetName() - note that tracks are not tnamed
	objects, but their names are globally handled by the TGeoManager. The
	usage of ROOT default particle names are recommended for tracks since it
	triggers special colors/line attributes.
	Tracks are drawable/pickable objects. Drawing options are :
	  - default - only current track drawn
	  - /D      - track and first level daughters
	  - /*      - track and all descendents
	  - /N<name> - only tracks from particles with given <name>
	If points with time of flight are supplied, the drawing range tmin,tmax
	can be specified :
	  TGeoManager::SetTminTmax() (if no arguments time cut is supressed)
	Tracks can be animated individually or global :
	Animation otions are :
	  /G - animate also geometry in the given time interval
	  /S - save all frames as .gif files
	  drawing options act as well in animation. Options can be concatenated
	and should be upper case (due to /N<name>)
	If tracks are defined, the geometry I/O takes them into account.
	However, when loading a geometry file containing tracks, libGeomPainter
	has to be loaded since it contains the class implementation definition :
2003-05-07 15:31  brun

	* base/: inc/TView.h, src/TView.cxx:
	From Andrei,
	Add 3 new arguments to TView::MoveFocus
2003-05-07 13:24  rdm

	* freetype/
	fix in gtar detection for Solaris (by Daniel Sigg).
2003-05-07 12:35  brun

	* fumili/src/TFumili.cxx:
	Several cosmetic changes.
	Functions sorted by alphetic order.
2003-05-07 12:34  brun

	* base/inc/TVirtualFitter.h:
	Add #include "TNamed.h"
	This is required When TVirtualFitter.h is used like in test/minexam.cxx
2003-05-07 10:33  brun

	* tree/src/TBranchElement.cxx:
	Add protection in TClonesArray::Unroll (thanks Victor) in case
	of a TClonesArray pointer inside another TClonesArray.
	In this case fBranchPointer may be null. We cannot split the nested
	TClonesArray in this case.
2003-05-07 09:19  brun

	* build/unix/
	From Axel Naumann:
	the current binutil-cvs ld for cygwin doesn't need import libs anymore.
	I've built the libs with (15min) and without (3.5min)import libs - the
	difference (mainly due to memory consumption by ld) is worth being handled
	in The attached patch that will take care of the different
2003-05-06 22:42  brun

	* fumili/src/TFumili.cxx:
	Several changes from Stanislav Nesterov.
2003-05-06 15:14  brun

	* hist/: inc/TF1.h, src/TF1.cxx:
	Implement new function TF1::GetX
	Double_t TF1::GetX(Double_t fy, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax) const
	// return the X value corresponding to the function value fy for (xmin<x<xmax).
	// Method:
	//   the function z = abs(f-fy) is computed at fNpx points between xmin and xmax
	//   xxmax is the X value corresponding to the minimum function value
	//   An iterative procedure computes the minimum around xxmax
	//   until dx is less than 1e-9 *(fXmax-fXmin).
	//  In case the problem has several solutions in X, the higher X solution is returned
	//  If the problem has no solution, the function returns the value of X
	//  where f(X) is closer to fy.
2003-05-06 11:25  brun

	* config/Makefile.win32gcc:
	Remove -lnsl from F77LIBS
2003-05-06 11:24  brun

	* base/src/TVirtualFitter.cxx, fumili/src/TFumili.cxx:
	Move destructor of the fMethodCall object to TVirtualFitter destructor.
	Sert some unitialized variables.
	Many style changes.
2003-05-06 10:23  rdm

	* fumili/src/TFumili.cxx, hist/src/TF12.cxx,
	proof/src/TEventIter.cxx, proof/src/TProofPlayer.cxx,
	remove warning on MacOS X (unused arguments and variables).
2003-05-06 07:27  brun

	* treeplayer/src/TTreeFormula.cxx:
	Patch from Philippe fixing a problem reported by Walter Mueller.
	The problem was related to the fact that pct.amp was a static array of size 4 inside
	a TClonesArray and pct.xo is just a data member inside the same TClonesArray.
	Hence pct.amp[0][] is a array of size either 4 or 0 (if no element in the clones) and
	pct.xo is a variable size array of the size of the current clonesArray.  When the
	clonesArray was of size exactly one, the system was confused and
	thought that pct.xo was of the same size as pct.amt[0][].
	'tree->Draw("pct.amp[0]:pct.xo");' and 'tree->Draw("pct.amp[0]:pct.t.xo");' presented
	the same error but due to different path in the code were failing in different ways.
2003-05-06 00:15  rdm

	* fumili/, minuit/
	add $(MUINUITLIBDEP) and $(FUMILILIBDEP) to the dependency to make sure that
	these libs are build before libFumili and libMinuit.
2003-05-05 23:43  brun

	Add Stanislav Nesterov for his contribution to TFumili
2003-05-05 23:36  brun

	* fumili/src/TFumili.cxx:
	Fix compilation errors on HP-UX/aCC
2003-05-05 22:58  brun

	* fumili/src/TFumili.cxx:
	Fix compilation errors on alpha/cxx6
2003-05-05 22:50  brun

	* fumili/src/TFumili.cxx:
	Fix compilation problems with VC++
2003-05-05 22:34  brun

	* fumili/:, inc/LinkDef.h, inc/TFumili.h,
	Add new directory fumili (thanks Stanislav Nesterov)
	The class TFumili derives from TVirtualFitter. It is an alternative
	to Minuit.
	The default fitter is Minuit. To select Fumili, do:
	Note that this new class is still an experimental version.
2003-05-05 22:32  brun

	* config/Makefile.depend:
	Modify Minuit dependencies (not libGraf and libHist are required)
	Add Fumili dependencies
2003-05-05 22:30  brun

	* Makefile:
	Add new directory fumili
2003-05-05 18:47  brun

	* winnt/src/Win32Splash.cxx:
	From Bertrand Bellenot:
	New version of splash screen staying on the foreground and keeping focus
	in the DOS window.
2003-05-05 18:41  brun

	* config/
	Mods for the plugin manager to support multiple fitters ("Minuit" and "Fumili")
2003-05-05 18:38  brun

	* minuit/: inc/TFitter.h, src/TFitter.cxx:
	Many changes in the class to accomodate the changes in TVirtualFitter.
	The objective functions H1FitChisquare and H1FitLikelihood previously in TH1
	or TGraph have been moved to TFitter.
	The global variables communicating with TH1 or TGraph have been replaced
	by the functions in TVirtualFitter.
2003-05-05 18:38  brun

	* graf/src/TGraph.cxx:
	Many changes in TGraph::Fit to use the new TVirtualFitter extended interface.
	The static functions GraphFitChisquare has been moved to TFitter.
	The global variables :
	  TF1 *grF1
	  TVirtualfitter *grFitter
	have been deleted and replaced by functions from TVirtualFitter.
2003-05-05 18:38  brun

	* hist/: inc/TH1.h, src/TH1.cxx:
	Many changes in TH1::Fit to use the new TVirtualFitter extended interface.
	The static functions H1FitChisquare, H1FitLikelihood have been moved to TFitter
	The global variables :
	  TF1 *gF1
	  TVirtualfitter *hFitter
	  Int_t hxfirst,hxlast,hyfirst,hylast,hzfirst,hzlast
	have been deleted and replaced by functions from TVirtualFitter.
	The following comments have been added in the doc of TH1::Fit
	//      Access to the Fitter information during fitting
	//      ===============================================
	//     This function calls only the abstract fitter TVirtualFitter.
	//     The default fitter is TFitter (calls TMinuit).
	//     A different fitter can be set via TVirtualFitter::SetDefaultFitter.
	//     For example, to call the "Fumili" fitter instead of "Minuit", do
	//          TVirtualFitter::SetDefaultFitter("Fumili");
	//     During the fitting process, the objective function:
	//       chisquare, likelihood or any user defined algorithm
	//     is called (see eg in the TFitter class, the static functions
	//       H1FitChisquare, H1FitLikelihood).
	//     This objective function, in turn, calls the user theoretical function.
	//     This user function is a static function called from the TF1 *f1 function.
	//     Inside this user defined theoretical function , one can access:
	//       TVirtualFitter *fitter = TVirtualFitter::GetFitter();  //the current fitter
	//       TH1 *hist = (TH1*)fitter->GetObjectFit(); //the histogram being fitted
	//       TF1 +f1 = (TF1*)fitter->GetUserFunction(); //the user theoretical function
2003-05-05 18:38  brun

	* base/: inc/TVirtualFitter.h, src/TVirtualFitter.cxx:
	The TVirtualFitter interface has been substantially changed
	to accomodate more fitters (like Fumili).
	New static functions:
	 TVirtualFiytter::SetDefaultFitter(const char *name);
	 const char *TVirtualFitter::GetDefaultFitter();
	 The default fitter name is "Minuit". A new alternative is "Fumili"
	New functons:
	   virtual void      SetFCN(void *fcn);
	   virtual void      SetFCN(void (*fcn)(Int_t &, Double_t *, Double_t &f, Double_t *, Int_t));
	   virtual void      SetFitMethod(const char *name) = 0;
	   virtual void      SetFitOption(Foption_t option) {fOption = option;}
	   virtual void      SetObjectFit(TObject *obj) {fObjectFit = obj;}
	   virtual void      SetUserFunc(TObject *userfunc) {fUserFunc = userfunc;}
	   virtual void      SetXfirst(Int_t first) {fXfirst = first;}
	   virtual void      SetXlast (Int_t last)  {fXlast  = last;}
	   virtual void      SetYfirst(Int_t first) {fYfirst = first;}
	   virtual void      SetYlast (Int_t last)  {fYlast  = last;}
	   virtual void      SetZfirst(Int_t first) {fZfirst = first;}
	   virtual void      SetZlast (Int_t last)  {fZlast  = last;}
	+ the corresponding getters
	The class has new data members:
	   Foption_t              fOption;     //struct with the fit options
	   Int_t                  fXfirst;     //first bin on X axis
	   Int_t                  fXlast;      //last  bin on X axis
	   Int_t                  fYfirst;     //first bin on Y axis
	   Int_t                  fYlast;      //last  bin on Y axis
	   Int_t                  fZfirst;     //first bin on Z axis
	   Int_t                  fZlast;      //last  bin on Z axis
	   TObject               *fObjectFit;  //pointer to object being fitted
	   TObject               *fUserFunc;   //pointer to user theoretical function (a TF1*)
	   TMethodCall           *fMethodCall; //Pointer to MethodCall in case of interpreted function
	   void                 (*fFCN)(Int_t &npar, Double_t *gin, Double_t &f, Double_t *u, Int_t flag);
	   static TString         fgDefault;   //name of the default fitter ("Minuit","Fumili",etc)
2003-05-05 13:24  brun

	* win32gdk/src/TGWin32.cxx:
	From Valeriy Onuchin:
	add option to disable splash screen with win32gdk
2003-05-05 13:21  brun

	* win32gdk/gdk/: dll/gdk-1.3.dll, lib/gdk-1.3.lib:
	New versions of the gdk dll and lib that should fix a problem with axis transparency.
2003-05-05 12:13  brun

	* hist/src/TH1.cxx:
	Add a new Fit option "LL".
	This is an improved Log Likelihood fit in case of very low statistics
	and when bin contents are not integers. Do not use use this option
	if bin contents are large (say greater than 100)
	(thanks to Valeria Bartsch)
2003-05-05 11:36  rdm

	* chirp/src/TChirpFile.cxx, dcache/src/TDCacheFile.cxx,
	net/src/TNetFile.cxx, rfio/src/TRFIOFile.cxx:
	fix in offset handling in case of cache usage. Use Seek() now instead
	of directly updating fOffset, Seek() takes care of reseting the real file
	offset pointer if needed.
2003-05-05 11:18  brun

	* hist/src/THLimitsFinder.cxx:
	In THLimitsFinder::Optimize take into account very special cases when the number of bins is
	less than 5
2003-05-05 08:21  brun

	* cint/src/expr.c:
	Activate G__OLDIMPLEMENTATION1863_YET. This is mandatory to run the CMS tests.
2003-05-05 03:04  rdm

	* cint/: inc/G__ci.h, lib/prec_stl/deque, lib/prec_stl/list,
	lib/prec_stl/map, lib/prec_stl/memory, lib/prec_stl/multimap,
	lib/prec_stl/multiset, lib/prec_stl/set, lib/prec_stl/vector,
	lib/pthread/Makefile, src/CallFunc.cxx, src/debug.c, src/expr.c,
	src/fread.c, src/func.c, src/longif.cxx, src/struct.c,
	import of CINT 5.15.86.
	For what else is new see
2003-05-03 08:21  brun

	* base/inc/Bytes.h:
	Fix a typo (thanks John Zweizig)
2003-05-02 16:43  brun

	* histpainter/src/THistPainter.cxx:
	Fix by Olivier in PaintColorLevels to have a more rational behaviour
	in contour levels and the color palette for the "col" and "cont" algorithms.
2003-05-02 13:32  rdm

	* test/RootShower/Makefile:
	add AMD Opteron case.
2003-05-02 13:29  rdm

	* Makefile, configure, base/inc/RConfig.h,
	cint/iosenum/iosenum.linuxx8664gcc3, config/ARCHS,
	config/Makefile.linuxx8664gcc, config/,
	rootd/, test/Makefile:
	port to AMD's new 64 bit Opteron processor using gcc. Configure tag is
	linuxx8664gcc (based on the Opteron's compiler flag __x86_64__). Use this
	option when the machine runs in full 64 bit mode under Linux. The Opteron
	can also run in full 32 bit compatability mode (use tag linux in that case).
2003-05-02 12:43  brun

	* postscript/src/TPostScript.cxx:
	From Olivier: for a problem reported by Otto Schaile
	 "I just noticed that if the title of a canvas wraps around a line
	  wrong PostScript output is produced"
2003-05-02 12:33  brun

	* hist/src/TH1.cxx:
	In the TH1::SetBinContent functions, one must also call LabelsInflate
	in case of the overflow bin (thanks to Go Iwai for reporting the problem)
2003-05-02 12:28  rdm

	* gui/src/TGClient.cxx:
	move initialization of graphics event handler (gXDisplay) just before
	initialization of fRoot. This is required for moving gXDisplay->Notify()
	from TWinNTSystem::DispatchOneEvent() to TGWin32::GdkThread().
	This will significantly reduce thread switches.
2003-05-02 12:08  brun

	* win32gdk/gdk/lib/gdk-1.3.lib:
	New version of the gdk lib file
2003-05-02 12:06  brun

	* win32gdk/gdk/dll/gdk-1.3.dll:
	New version of the gdk dll with enhancements from Bertrand and Valeriy
2003-05-01 19:51  rdm

	* base/inc/MessageTypes.h, base/inc/TVirtualProof.h,
	proof/inc/TEventIter.h, proof/inc/TProof.h,
	proof/inc/TProofPlayer.h, proof/inc/TVirtualPacketizer.h,
	proof/src/TEventIter.cxx, proof/src/TPacketizer2.cxx,
	proof/src/TProof.cxx, proof/src/TProofPlayer.cxx,
	implementation of TProof::StopProcess() and propagation infrastructure.
	By Maarten.
2003-05-01 19:26  rdm

	* gui/inc/TGLayout.h:
	change TGLayoutHints padding values from UInt_t to Int_t. Padding
	can also be negative to fine-tune the layout.
2003-05-01 19:16  rdm

	* gui/src/TGClient.cxx, x11/src/GX11Gui.cxx, x11/src/TGX11.cxx:
	iin several locations the depth of the original rootwindow was used and
	not the depth of the best visual. This should solve the FindBestVisual()
	problems most often seen on Solaris and eXceed. By Daniel Sigg.
2003-05-01 17:26  rdm

	* gui/inc/TRootEmbeddedCanvas.h:
	added the methods:
	   Bool_t     GetAutoFit() const { return fAutoFit; }
	   void       SetAutoFit(Bool_t fit = kTRUE) { fAutoFit = fit; }
	by setting autofit to false the embedded canvas will not be resized anymore
	to the size of the embedded canvas frame. The canvas frame instead will
	get scrollbars that will allow the scrolling of the canvas. Typically used
	 TRootEmbeddedCanvas *embedded = new TRootEmbeddedCanvas(0, p, 100, 100);
	   [note name must be 0, not null string ""]
	 Int_t wid = embedded->GetCanvasWindowId();
	 TCanvas *myc = new TCanvas("myname", 600, 600, wid);
2003-05-01 12:56  brun

	* winnt/src/Win32Splash.cxx:
	From Bertrand Bellenot:
	Modified splash screen, now appearing behind the root
	box, leaving focus to root command line.
2003-05-01 09:42  brun

	* base/: inc/TObject.h, src/TObject.cxx:
	Add new option kWriteDelete in TObject::Write
	   //  The option can be a combination of:
	   //    kSingleKey, kOverwrite or kWriteDelete
	   //  Using the kOverwrite option a previous key with the same name is
	   //  overwritten. The previous key is deleted before writing the new object.
	   //  Using the kWriteDelete option a previous key with the same name is
	   //  deleted only after the new object has been written. This option
	   //  is safer than kOverwrite but it is slower.
2003-04-30 23:24  brun

	* hist/src/TH1.cxx:
	Minor correction in TH1::GetAsymmetry by Jason Seely
2003-04-30 18:29  brun

	* tree/: inc/TBasket.h, inc/TBranch.h, src/TBasket.cxx,
	From Philippe:
	This patch adds the capability to transfer buffer directly from one tree to another
	without creating the contained objects or even without uncompressing the buffer
	(in the case where there is only one object in the buffer).
	This code has been in usage in CDF for at least 1 1/2 year and the code has not been
	changed since at least 12 months.
2003-04-30 18:22  brun

	* meta/src/TStreamerInfo.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	If the user creates a dictionary for one of its STL containers, it can happen that
	a TClass is created.  However for now there is no corresponding StreamerInfo.
	This patch avoids even attempting to write it.
2003-04-30 16:25  rdm

	* gui/src/TGButton.cxx:
	provide sensible default if pixmap argument is 0, don't crash anymore.
2003-04-30 16:09  rdm

	* configure:
	when configuring for pure Win32 skip headers and libs in the typical
	cygwin /usr/include and /lib and /usr/lib directories.
2003-04-30 15:20  rdm

	* test/Makefile:
	small correction for Win32.
2003-04-29 18:14  brun

	* test/Tetris.cxx:
	from Valeriy Onuchin;
	added SetInputFocus to Tetris
2003-04-29 16:15  brun

	* test/Tetris.cxx:
	Remove a printf statement left from a debugging session
2003-04-29 11:43  brun

	* base/src/TView.cxx:
	In TView::PadRange initialize two elements of the array xgraf that could be
	left uninitialized.
2003-04-29 11:13  rdm

	* Makefile:
	small fix to support also gcc 3.3.
2003-04-28 19:41  rdm

	* configure:
	only say that "gmake install" should be done when --prefix has been specified.
2003-04-28 19:41  rdm

	* build/package/rpm/
	fix for description of ttf and icon directories.
2003-04-28 18:33  rdm

	* win32/inc/TVirtualMenuItem.h:
	SetItem() did not have a return type (void) specified.
2003-04-28 18:33  rdm

	* config/Makefile.depend:
	forgot special case for OpenGL for old win32.
2003-04-28 18:28  brun

	* base/src/TKey.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	In the TKey constructor add a protection in case the compression algorithm
	cannot compress the buffer. This protection was already in place in TBasket
	for the case of Trees.
2003-04-28 18:18  brun

	* base/src/TBuffer.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	TBuffer::MapObject can be called with a pointer worth '-1' in some cases.  Without the
	case, it tries to dereferences the pointer and of course crashes.
2003-04-28 17:31  rdm

	* config/Makefile.depend:
	fix dependency for linking old win32 version.
2003-04-28 17:20  brun

	* base/src/TSystem.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	This patches prevent the confusion between an empty build location and a relative path!
2003-04-28 12:37  brun

	* test/: Tetris.cxx, Tetris.h:
	From Valeriy Onuchin:
	Tetris.h, Tetris.cxx modified to have correct drawing under win32gdk
2003-04-28 12:35  brun

	* win32gdk/src/GWin32Gui.cxx:
	From Valeriy Onuchin
	TGWin32::KeysymToKeycode(UInt_t keysym) was corrected.
	    Keboard keys are  handled properly under win32gdk (e.g. Tetris game)
2003-04-28 12:35  rdm

	* configure:
	check always for shared libX11. Fixes problem when called with --disable-shared.
2003-04-28 12:21  rdm

	* graf/
	remove -p option from rootcint when generating G__Graf2.cxx, this is not
	needed anymore (was remant from first TTF inclusion AFAIR). It was causing:
	cxx: Warning: ./base/inc/RConfig.h, line 85: incompatible redefinition of macro
	#      define R__B64
	warnings on Alpha cxx where R__B64 is predifined by rootcint.
2003-04-28 12:18  rdm

	* base/inc/TFile.h, base/src/TFile.cxx, chirp/src/TChirpFile.cxx,
	dcache/src/TDCacheFile.cxx, rfio/src/TRFIOFile.cxx:
	fix ReOpen() problem reported by Bill Tannenbaum. We now save the real
	filename that was used to open the file (in fRealName) and use that when
	calling ReOpen().
2003-04-28 11:39  rdm

	* cint/: inc/G__ci.h, lib/prec_stl/iterator, lib/prec_stl/vector,
	import of CINT 5.15.85.
	For what else is new see
	Fixes for typedef.c and expr.c included.
2003-04-28 11:01  rdm

	* cint/: inc/G__ci.h, inc/longif.h, lib/longlong/longdbl.h,
	lib/longlong/longlong.h, lib/pthread/Makefile, src/Api.cxx,
	src/decl.c, src/newlink.c:
	import of CINT 5.15.84.
	For what else is new see
	Typedef.c fix included.
2003-04-28 11:00  brun

	* cint/src/expr.c:
	The array ebuf should be allocated with strlen(expression)+2 and not
	with strlen(expression)+1
2003-04-28 10:58  brun

	* cint/src/typedef.c:
	Protection added in case of a null string. Replace
	   if(temp[len-1]=='*') {
	   if(len > 0 && temp[len-1]=='*') {
2003-04-28 07:23  brun

	* html/src/THtml.cxx:
	From Axel:
	Previous problems reported by Reiner hould all be fixed now.
	The return type issue for c'tors and d'tors
	should be fixed, too.
2003-04-26 15:34  rdm

	* configure, build/win/
	fix win32 problems.
2003-04-26 09:52  rdm

	* config/Makefile.depend:
	new library dependency makefile, included by the main Makefile.
2003-04-26 09:51  rdm

	* Makefile, configure, build/unix/, config/Makefile.aix,
	config/Makefile.aix5, config/Makefile.aixegcs,
	config/Makefile.alphacxx6, config/Makefile.alphaegcs,
	config/Makefile.alphakcc, config/Makefile.freebsd,
	config/Makefile.freebsd4, config/Makefile.hpuxacc,
	config/Makefile.hpuxegcs, config/Makefile.hpuxia64acc,
	config/Makefile.hurddeb, config/, config/Makefile.linux,
	config/Makefile.linuxalphaegcs, config/Makefile.linuxarm,
	config/Makefile.linuxdeb, config/Makefile.linuxdeb2,
	config/Makefile.linuxdeb2ppc, config/Makefile.linuxia64ecc,
	config/Makefile.linuxia64gcc, config/Makefile.linuxia64sgi,
	config/Makefile.linuxicc, config/Makefile.linuxkcc,
	config/Makefile.linuxpgcc, config/Makefile.linuxppcegcs,
	config/Makefile.linuxrh42, config/Makefile.linuxrh51,
	config/Makefile.linuxsuse6, config/Makefile.lynxos,
	config/Makefile.macosx, config/Makefile.mklinux,
	config/Makefile.sgicc, config/Makefile.sgiegcs,
	config/Makefile.sgikcc, config/Makefile.sgin32egcs,
	config/Makefile.solaris, config/Makefile.solarisCC5,
	config/Makefile.solarisgcc, config/Makefile.solariskcc,
	config/Makefile.win32, config/Makefile.win32gcc,
	config/Makefile.win32gdk, gl/, x11ttf/,
	changes to support explicit linking with dependent libraries on all platforms.
	Usage: ./configure linux --enable-explicitlink. Also cleanup of some GL
	dependencies from the platform makefiles to just the gl/
	Added detection of the libX11 location instead of hard coding it in the
	platform makefiles.
2003-04-26 09:48  rdm

	* gui/src/TGMenu.cxx:
	typo in comment.
2003-04-25 09:36  brun

	* graf/src/TGraph.cxx:
	Fix a problem in TGraph::Smooth preventing option "CF" (smooth fill area)
	to work correctly as well as option "e4" in TH1::Draw
2003-04-24 21:18  brun

	* base/src/TSystem.cxx, config/
	From Philippe:
	This patch insures to properly use the value of GetBuildDir or the build_dir parameters as a relative pathname.  Note,
	that when using (the new) SetBuildDir with a relative pathname, this pathname will be relative to the current directory
	at the time of calling CompileMacro and not at the time of calling SetBuildDir.
	I added ACLiC.BuildDir to
2003-04-24 21:00  brun

	* tree/src/TBranch.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	The method TBranch::GetMother was returning the daughter of the top level mother instead of the top level mother.  In
	order for GetEntry to properly set the addresses it requires the top level mother to be returned by that functions.
2003-04-24 08:25  brun

	* html/src/THtml.cxx:
	From Axel Naumann: Fixes for a few problems reported by Reiner Rohfls
2003-04-21 17:16  brun

	* base/inc/RVersion.h, build/version_number:
	Tag version 3.05/04
2003-04-21 13:08  brun

	* base/src/TProcessID.cxx:
	In TProcessID::ReadProcessID, do not return null if file=0 and pidf=0,
	but return the current processID. This case may happen when cloning
	an object.
2003-04-20 23:26  brun

	* treeplayer/src/TTreePlayer.cxx:
	In TTreePlayer::DrawSelect, do not draw the generated histogram
	if the number of selected rows is null and option "same" is not specified.
	Instead clear the current pad.
2003-04-20 22:03  brun

	* hist/src/TF2.cxx:
	Implement TF2::DistancetoPrimitive and add a protection
	to prevent calls to TF2::Eval outside the function range.
2003-04-19 23:34  brun

	* test/: Makefile, Makefile.win32:
	Implement changes originally proposed by Matt Langston
	when running with VisualC++.NET
2003-04-19 18:59  brun

	* hist/: inc/TH2.h, inc/TH3.h, src/TH1.cxx, src/TH2.cxx,
	SetBinContent implementation moved from the header files to
	the implementation files.
	The new implementation is protected against wrong arguments.
	It also increments the number of entries.
	This solves another problem when drawing 2-d histograms filled
	via SetBinContent.
2003-04-18 21:27  brun

	* meta/src/TClass.cxx, treeplayer/src/TTreeFormula.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	This patch repair TClass to recognize a Foreign Emulated class, it also update TTree::Draw
	to properly draw Foreign objects stored via a pointer in a parent class.
2003-04-18 18:42  brun

	* meta/inc/TStreamerInfo.h, meta/src/TStreamerInfo.cxx,
	From Philippe:
	In TBranchElement::SetAddress we have something like:
	     TClass *clm = gROOT->GetClass(GetClassName());
	     Int_t *offsets = clm->GetStreamerInfo()->GetOffsets();
	        if (mOffset > 0) fOffset = mOffset -offsets[fID];
	However, if the class has been modified so that the order of the data member in the "live" class is different from
	the version that was used to write the file, the fID does NOT point to the index of the needed datamember in the new
	StreamerInfo.  We have to retrieve it by name instead (hence the patch).
2003-04-18 14:55  brun

	* hist/src/THStack.cxx:
	Add another improvement by Jiri Masik when drawing THStack in log scale.
2003-04-18 12:03  brun

	* hist/src/THStack.cxx:
	Protection added in THStack::Paint when setting a logy scale
	and a minimum not set for the stack.
	(thanks to Jiri Masik)
2003-04-17 21:19  brun

	* hist/src/THStack.cxx:
	From Olivier:
	Implement support for stacked lego plots with variable bin size histograms
2003-04-17 17:51  brun

	* geom/src/: TGeoPcon.cxx, TGeoPgon.cxx, TGeoTrd1.cxx,
	Some bug fixes and improvements by Andrei Gheata
2003-04-17 15:27  brun

	* win32gdk/gdk/: dll/gdk-1.3.dll, lib/gdk-1.3.lib:
	New version of the gdk libraries (from Valeriy Onuchin).
	This new version has an important speed improvement when drawing lines.
	Still bottlenecks with polymarkers and special line styles to be investigated.
2003-04-17 10:38  brun

	* cont/src/TClonesArray.cxx:
	Add the following comment in the TClonesArray constructors:
	   // The second argument s indicates an approximate number of objects
	   // that will be entered in the array. If more than s objects are entered,
	   // the array will be automatically expanded.
2003-04-17 09:59  brun

	* histpainter/src/THistPainter.cxx:
	Remove obsolete comment in THistpainter::Paint about option "hist'
2003-04-17 09:55  brun

	* hist/: inc/TH1.h, src/TH1.cxx, src/TH2.cxx, src/TProfile.cxx:
	Implement TH1::SetTitle (Olivier)
	   //   if title is of the form "stringt;stringx;stringy;stringz"
	   //   the histogram title is set to stringt,
	   //   the x axis title to stringy, the y axis title to stringy,etc
	Add comments in all TH1, TH2, TProfile constructors about this new
	convention for the title.
2003-04-17 09:44  brun

	* tree/src/TTree.cxx, tutorials/copytree3.C:
	Add comments in TTree::CopyTree to refer to the copytree3.C tutorial
2003-04-16 18:47  brun

	* mysql/src/TMySQLServer.cxx:
	Changes by Volker Hejny to work with MySql4 and 3
2003-04-16 17:06  brun

	* hist/src/TProfile.cxx:
	TProfile::ProjectionX has (forgotten?) debug messages:
	"before the loop"
	"before SetEntries"
	Thanks to
2003-04-16 16:20  brun

	* hist/src/: TAxis.cxx, TH1.cxx:
	From Olivier:
	Add new functionality in the histogram title.
	If the title is of the form
	the histogram title will stringt, the x axis title will be stringx, etc
	  TH1F* h1=new TH1F("h1","Histogram title;X Axis;Y Axis;Z Axis",100,1,100);
	  for (int i=0;i<=10000;i++) {
2003-04-16 13:15  rdm

	* gui/: inc/TRootBrowser.h, src/TRootBrowser.cxx:
	added DoubleClicked(TObject* obj) signal which is emitted when user
	double clicks on an icon in TBrowser. By Valeriy O.
2003-04-15 19:54  brun

	* meta/src/TStreamerInfo.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	This patches solves a problem where a TClonesArray was not saving/restoring properly its base class part when using
	multiple inheritance.
2003-04-15 15:26  brun

	* config/Makefile.alphacxx6:
	Add option
	EXTRA_CXXFLAGS := -Iinclude -long_double_size 64
	in  Makefile.alphacxx6
	This option is apparently not the default with some alphacxx6 installations.
2003-04-15 11:51  brun

	* graf/src/TGraphErrors.cxx:
	Fix a typo in comments of TGraphErrors::Paint (thanks Ilka)
2003-04-15 11:37  brun

	* tutorials/peaks.C:
	Add a new tutorial illustrating how to use the peak finder (class TSpectrum)
	associated with a complex minimization problem.
2003-04-15 11:36  brun

	* hist/src/: TSpectrum.cxx, TSpectrum2.cxx:
	Use math functions from TMath only.
	Indent the classes with the ROOT convention.
2003-04-15 08:51  brun

	* graf/src/TGraph.cxx:
	Fix a portability problem (loop index Ip defined twice in the same function)
2003-04-14 22:06  brun

	* g3d/src/TNode.cxx:
	Fix in TNode::Master2Local by Robert Hatcher
2003-04-14 18:54  brun

	* graf/src/TGraph.cxx, histpainter/inc/Hoption.h,
	From Olivier.
	Implement new histogram drawing option "]["
	When this option is specified, the vertical lines for the first and last bin
	are not drawn.
	This option is interesting when superimposing many histograms on the same picture.
2003-04-14 16:57  rdm

	* cint/: inc/G__ci.h, inc/longif.h, include/_iostream,
	lib/longlong/longdbl.h, lib/longlong/longlong.h, src/fread.c,
	src/newlink.c, src/sizeof.c, src/val2a.c:
	import of CINT 5.15.83.
	For what else is new see
2003-04-14 16:13  rdm

	* gui/src/TGListBox.cxx:
	remove compiler warning.
2003-04-14 16:13  rdm

	* base/inc/Riostream.h, meta/src/TStreamerInfo.cxx:
	fix some VC++ v6 __int64 related problems. Note VC++ v7 is ok.
2003-04-14 15:59  brun

	* hist/src/TSpectrum2.cxx:
	Fix more portability problems
2003-04-14 15:53  rdm

	* base/src/TVirtualPad.cxx:
	fix for Solaris 8 and CC v6. Expand gPad in function definition compiler
	does not like parenthesis of the gPad define. By Daniel Siggs.
2003-04-14 15:51  brun

	* hist/src/: TSpectrum.cxx, TSpectrum2.cxx:
	Fix a portability problem with math functions.
2003-04-14 15:10  rdm

	* base/inc/Riostream.h:
	add missing operator<<(std::ostream& os, __int64 i) for MS VC++6 (VC++7 is ok).
2003-04-14 14:57  brun

	* tutorials/: clonesA_Event.C, clonesA_Event.cxx, clonesA_Event.h,
	otto.C, otto.cxx, otto.h:
	Rename tutorials otto into clonesA_Event
	Add several improvements from Otto Schaille
2003-04-14 14:56  brun

	* hist/: inc/LinkDef.h, inc/TSpectrum.h, inc/TSpectrum2.h,
	src/TSpectrum.cxx, src/TSpectrum2.cxx:
	Add a new version of TSpectrum.cxx with several new algorithms
	and in particular a better peak finder.
	Add new class TSpectrum2 (same as TSpectrum but for 2-D histograms)
2003-04-13 21:50  brun

	* test/RootShower/Makefile:
	Add win32gcc support
2003-04-13 19:52  rdm

	* x11/src/TGX11.cxx:
	remove CWBorderPixel attribute from XCreateWindow in FindBestVisual() for
	Solaris. This seems to fix the problem on Solaris where finding the best
	visual caused X11 to fail. Fix by Daniel Sigg.
2003-04-13 19:38  rdm

	* base/inc/Rtypes.h, meta/src/TDataType.cxx:
	fix Win32 compiling problems related to long long (which on Win32 is __int64).
2003-04-13 17:30  brun

	* hist/: inc/TF1.h, src/TF1.cxx:
	Add new function
	void TF1::SetParErrors(const Double_t *errors)
2003-04-12 23:48  brun

	* graf/src/TGaxis.cxx:
	Remove a limitation to 36 characters when calling  strftime  (Damir)
2003-04-12 19:14  brun

	* graf/src/TGaxis.cxx, graf/src/TLatex.cxx, hist/src/TAxis.cxx:
	Implement extension of TLatex by Damir Buskulic.
	A TLatex string may be split in two lines (like a fraction without the line)
	with the new command #splitline{top}{bottom}.
	TAxis and TGaxis have been modified to take advantage of the new feature.
	For example a new option in the time axis can show the date/time over two lines
	with eg: #splitline{21 April 2003}{14:23:56}
2003-04-12 11:04  brun

	* cint/inc/longif.h:
	Fix a typo in previous correction
2003-04-12 10:58  brun

	* cint/inc/longif.h:
	Fix a problem for HP-UX (ifdef was inverted)
2003-04-11 23:58  brun

	* base/src/TBuffer.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	in TBuffer::CheckObject, print a more accurate message when a class is not available.
2003-04-11 23:24  brun

	* hist/src/TFormula.cxx:
	Add more comments in the functions TFormula::SetParameters
2003-04-11 20:21  rdm

	* base/inc/RConfig.h:
	define _INCLUDE_LONGLONG for HPUX aCC. Fixes compiler error in TDSet.cxx.
2003-04-11 18:39  rdm

	* proof/src/TProofProgressDialog.cxx:
	change %ld to %lld in printf for Long64_t vars.
2003-04-11 15:05  brun

	* histpainter/src/THistPainter.cxx:
	Fix by Olivier for eliminating empty bins with options col.
2003-04-11 14:36  brun

	* physics/src/TRotation.cxx:
	Fix some portability problems in new code from Clark McGrew
2003-04-11 13:48  rdm

	* base/inc/Bytes.h, base/inc/RConfig.h, base/inc/Rtypes.h,
	base/inc/TBuffer.h, base/inc/TVirtualProof.h, base/src/TBuffer.cxx,
	base/src/TPluginManager.cxx, base/src/TROOT.cxx,
	base/src/TUUID.cxx, meta/inc/TDataType.h, meta/inc/TStreamerInfo.h,
	meta/src/TCint.cxx, meta/src/TDataMember.cxx,
	meta/src/TDataType.cxx, meta/src/TMethodCall.cxx,
	meta/src/TStreamerInfo.cxx, proof/inc/TEventIter.h,
	proof/inc/TProofPlayer.h, proof/inc/TProofProgressDialog.h,
	proof/inc/TVirtualPacketizer.h, tree/inc/TDSet.h,
	Big (unsigned) long long support patch. Following provided:
	- basic typedefs in Rtypes.h: Long64_t and ULong64_t
	- basic Long64 I/O support in TBuffer
	- automatic Long64 I/O support in TStreamerInfo
	- Long64 byteswap in Bytes.h
	- Long64 type handling in classes like TDataMember, TDataType, TCint,
	  TROOT, etc
	- Removal of obsolete Long64_t typedefs in many PROOF classes
	No changes for non-Long64 data types (no backward incompatibilies).
	I/O tested for Long64 basic type, and static and dynamic arrays using
	handcoded streamers, rootcint generated streamers and automatic StreamerInfo
2003-04-11 08:44  brun

	* physics/: inc/TRotation.h, src/TRotation.cxx:
	Additions of new functions in TRotation to rotate a vector using Euler angles.
	Thanks to  Clark McGrew <>
2003-04-10 22:29  brun

	* cont/src/TClonesArray.cxx:
	MakeZombie the TClonesArray in the second constructor in case the specified
	class is invalid.
2003-04-10 22:12  brun

	* graf/: inc/TGraph.h, inc/TGraphAsymmErrors.h, inc/TGraphErrors.h,
	src/TGraph.cxx, src/TGraphAsymmErrors.cxx, src/TGraphErrors.cxx:
	New set of functions added to TGraph, TGraphErrors, TGraphAsymmErrors to sort
	a graph via a standard predefined function in TGraph or a user defined function.
	Thanks to Axel Naumann
2003-04-10 19:09  brun

	* histpainter/src/THistPainter.cxx:
	Add additional comments describing the option "hist"
2003-04-10 17:25  brun

	* base/src/TBuffer.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	The following patch protects CheckByteCount against a very corrupted byte count.
	If the byte count was to push the buffer beyond its end, an error message is printed
	and the buffer is set to exactly its end position.
2003-04-10 14:58  brun

	* tree/src/TBranchElement.cxx:
	Protection added in TBranchElememnt::Streamer in case a Tree has been read
	from a file, then written again to the same file without any I/O
	in between. In this case the TStreamerInfo of the referenced classes
	is not available. (thanks to Peter Hristov for showing a simple case).
2003-04-10 11:05  brun

	* graf/src/TGaxis.cxx:
	Fix a compiler warning with a variable potentially not initialized
2003-04-10 11:00  brun

	* g3d/src/TAxis3D.cxx, graf/inc/TGaxis.h, graf/src/TGaxis.cxx,
	hist/inc/TAxis.h, hist/src/TAxis.cxx,
	From Olivier;
	 New function SetTimeOffset in TAxis and TGaxis to change the time offset
	for time Axis. This implied also changes in SetTimeFormat
2003-04-09 22:38  brun

	* base/inc/Bytes.h, hist/inc/TAxis.h:
	Fix for compiler warnings on Windows with VC++6 (thanks Stefan Ritt)
2003-04-09 18:32  brun

	* hist/inc/TH1.h:
	From Philippe:
	This patch prevents the un-intentional copy of a TH1x into a TH1.
	Actually .... is it legal to create a pure TH1?  If it is not all (expect the default contructor for I/O)
	constructors should be made protected (hence accessible from the inheriting class but not from the user).
2003-04-09 18:30  brun

	* treeplayer/src/TTreePlayer.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	In the case where the tree contains 2 top level objects which happen to have a data member
	that has the same name, the variable name for the branch pointer in the class created by
	MakeClass (i.e. b_branchname) was identical.  This corrects the situation.
2003-04-09 16:30  brun

	* tree/src/TChain.cxx, treeviewer/src/TTreeViewer.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	There is still a problem with TChains and StartViewer (In the call stack one of the TDirectory object stored is deleted then used).  This patch fixes the problem.
2003-04-09 10:48  brun

	* tree/src/TTree.cxx, treeplayer/src/TTreePlayer.cxx:
	Change comments in TTree::MakeSelector to document the selector Process function instead
	of ProcessCut and ProcessFill.
	In TTreePlayer::MakeClass, change the comments in the generated code for Process.
2003-04-09 10:18  brun

	* gpad/src/TPad.cxx, postscript/src/TPostScript.cxx:
	In TPad::Print do not print the Info message "file xxxx has been produced"
	if the file could not be open
2003-04-08 19:07  brun

	* meta/src/: TStreamerElement.cxx, TStreamerInfo.cxx:
	Extend some internal arrays dimensioned to 512 to [kMaxLen] = 1024
	in a few places in TStreamerInfo and TStreamerElement
2003-04-08 15:05  brun

	* graf/src/TGaxis.cxx, hist/src/TAxis.cxx:
	Fix compiler warning (Olivier)
2003-04-08 12:53  rdm

	* proof/: inc/TProof.h, src/TProof.cxx, src/TProofServ.cxx:
	fixes in the package manager to use gunzip -c to uncompress. Also run only on the unique nodes, while SETUP.C is run on all active nodes.
2003-04-08 10:16  brun

	* graf/src/TGaxis.cxx, hist/src/TAxis.cxx:
	The time offset is now saved in fTimeFormat in TAxis and TGaxis (by Olivier)
2003-04-07 23:41  brun

	* histpainter/src/THistPainter.cxx:
	Add new comments in THistPainter::PaintStat proposed by Jiri Masik
2003-04-07 17:29  rdm

	* newdelete/src/NewDelete.cxx:
	re-call ::free() when it has been interrupted by EINTR.
2003-04-07 02:48  rdm

	* build/unix/
	no need to build long long and long double dll anymore.
2003-04-07 02:48  rdm

	* cint/: inc/Api.h, inc/G__ci.h, inc/global.h, inc/longif.h,
	lib/longlong/longdbl.h, src/CallFunc.cxx, src/cast.c, src/decl.c,
	src/fread.c, src/global2.c, src/newlink.c, src/sizeof.c,
	src/struct.c, src/typedef.c:
	import of CINT 5.15.82.
	For what else is new see
2003-04-07 00:03  brun

	* tree/: inc/TBranchElement.h, src/TBranchElement.cxx:
	Add new function;
	 Int_t TBranchElement::GetDataMemberOffset(TClass *cl, const char *name)
	returning the offset of member name in class cl, one of its base class or class by composition.
	TBranchElement::SetAddress uses this new function.
2003-04-06 23:30  rdm

	* base/inc/RConfig.h, proofd/src/net.cxx, proofd/src/proofd.cxx,
	rootd/src/net.cxx, rootd/src/netpar.cxx, unix/src/TUnixSystem.cxx:
	port to Solaris GCC 3 by Eddy Offermann.
2003-04-05 18:53  brun

	* hist/: inc/LinkDef.h, inc/TF12.h, src/TF12.cxx:
	Add new class TF12.
	A TF12 is a projection of a TF2 along X or Y and has the same behaviour as a TF1
	//      Example of a function
	//   TF2 *f2 = new TF2("f2","sin(x)*sin(y)/(x*y)",0,5,0,5);
	//   TF12 *f12 = new TF12("f12",f2,0.1,"y");
	//   f12->Draw();
2003-04-04 19:06  brun

	* gpad/: inc/TCanvas.h, src/TCanvas.cxx:
	add new method SetFolder to enable/disable a canvas to be browsable.
	By default a canvas is not browsable. This allows browsing a collection
	of canvases saved in a Root file by simpling double clicking on the canvas key(s)
2003-04-04 18:57  brun

	* hist/: inc/TH1.h, src/TH1.cxx:
	This patch from Philippe allows:
	        hadd = h1+h2+h3;
	in gcc 3.2 and above (and in older gcc, it removes the warning message:
	add.C:10: warning: initialization of non-const reference `class TH1F &' from rvalue `TH1F'
	H1.h:396: warning: in passing argument 1 of `operator +(TH1F &, TH1F &)'
	It also updates the syntax to be more standard compliant (by not relying as friend declaration
	to be a function declaration).
2003-04-04 18:47  brun

	* base/src/TStyle.cxx, graf/src/TPaveStats.cxx:
	Following the remark below by Michael Wiesmann:
	 "Just a small comment: I was a little bit surprised by the amount of
	  numbers one gets when setting OptStat to 10000 (officially underflow)
	  in a 2d histogram.
	  As far as I checked there was no comment exceeding the information for
	  1D histos. At some point I understood by myself, but maybe it is
	  possible to add a comment either in TPaveStats or in the Users Guide".
	New comments have been added to TPaveStats and TStyle to warn users
	of the Under/Overflow options
	//  NOTE that in case of 2-D histograms, when selecting just underflow (10000)
	//        or overflow (100000), the stats box will show all combinations
	//        of underflow/overflows and not just one single number!
2003-04-04 18:35  brun

	* tree/src/TBranchObject.cxx:
	Protect TBranchObject::SetAddress when reading a Tree without the original classes.
2003-04-04 16:58  brun

	* tree/src/TBranchElement.cxx:
	Several corrections to support complex cases of inheritance and composition.
	A new tutorial "otto.C" has been developed to test this complex situation.
2003-04-04 16:55  brun

	* tutorials/: otto.C, otto.cxx, otto.h:
	Add a new example illustrating how to create/read a Tree with a complex
	class inheritance and composition.
2003-04-04 12:21  rdm

	* proof/src/TEventIter.cxx, proof/src/TProof.cxx,
	proof/src/TProofPlayer.cxx, proof/src/TProofServ.cxx,
	patch by Maarten. Remove several memory leaks.
2003-04-04 12:20  rdm

	* proof/src/TProofProgressDialog.cxx:
	correction in rate calculation.
2003-04-04 08:38  brun

	* proof/src/TProofProgressDialog.cxx:
	Fix a fatal compilation error
2003-04-04 03:01  rdm

	* cint/inc/G__ci.h:
	after fixes by Masa G__ONELINE can be again 256 for ROOT too.
2003-04-04 03:00  rdm

	* tutorials/dialogs.C:
	move to macros directory.
2003-04-04 02:58  rdm

	* macros/Dialogs.C:
	move Dialogs.C from tutorials to macros directory. It is an utility
	macro and not a tutorial.
2003-04-04 02:55  rdm

	* meta/inc/TFunction.h, tree/src/TSelectorCint.cxx:
	small corrections in white space.
2003-04-04 02:55  rdm

	* proof/src/TPacketizer2.cxx:
	send last timer message before deleting the timer (was accidentally inverted).
2003-04-04 02:52  rdm

	* config/Makefile.aix, config/Makefile.aix5, config/Makefile.win32,
	config/Makefile.win32gcc, config/Makefile.win32gdk,
	config/, proof/, proof/inc/TProof.h,
	build and use the new PROOF progress dialog.
2003-04-04 02:40  rdm

	* proof/: inc/TProofProgressDialog.h, src/TProofProgressDialog.cxx:
	new PROOF progress dialog. Will be compiled into the plugin.
2003-04-04 02:39  rdm

	* base/src/TQObject.cxx, base/src/TROOT.cxx, meta/inc/TCint.h,
	meta/inc/TInterpreter.h, meta/src/TCint.cxx, meta/src/TClass.cxx:
	make char* arguments in GetInterfaceMethod() and
	GetInterfaceMethodWithPrototype() const char*.
	In other classes remove now unneeded casts to char*.
2003-04-04 02:10  rdm

	* base/: inc/TPluginManager.h, inc/TROOT.h, src/TPluginManager.cxx,
	new features in the plugin manager: constructors can now be global functions.
	In the rootrc file a global function is specified by starting the ctor with
	"::". Also added support for plugin macros, instead of the lib name just
	use the macro name (typically myplugin.C). The macro will be searched for in
	the standard macro path.
	Added new default argument to TROOT::LoadMacro() to check for the macros
	existence (symmetric with LoadClass()). Used by the plugin manager to check
	if a macro exists.
2003-04-03 22:20  brun

	* g3d/src/TMixture.cxx:
	In TMixture::Streamer take into account the case with a number of elements
	of the mixture being negative. (thanks to Robert Hatcher)
2003-04-03 21:15  brun

	* build/unix/
	New version from Axel
2003-04-03 19:46  brun

	* base/src/TQObject.cxx:
	Remove a compiler warning
2003-04-03 18:59  rdm

	* config/Makefile.linuxgentoo:
	temporarily removed while waiting for a better gentoo solution.
2003-04-03 18:55  rdm

	* base/inc/TQConnection.h, base/inc/TQObject.h,
	base/src/TPluginManager.cxx, base/src/TQConnection.cxx,
	base/src/TQObject.cxx, meta/inc/TMethodCall.h,
	meta/src/TMethodCall.cxx, tree/src/TSelectorCint.cxx:
	G__CallFunc::SetArgArray() does now take an argument count if less than
	all arguments are set (in case of default arguments one does not have
	to specify all arguments). This change is now reflected in TMethodCall
	and the classes that use this call. Execept for the signal/slot and
	plugin manager code this is backward compatible in the ROOT sources
	(e.g. since in TF1 the array contained always the values for all arguments).
	The changes in the signal/slot and pluginmanager code make this change
	also backward compatible for the user code.
2003-04-03 18:46  rdm

	* cint/: inc/CallFunc.h, inc/G__ci.h, inc/global.h, src/Apiif.cxx,
	src/CallFunc.cxx, src/decl.c, src/global2.c, src/ifunc.c,
	src/loadfile.c, src/parse.c, src/pcode.c, src/typedef.c, src/var.c:
	import of CINT 5.15.81.
	For what else is new see
	Long long support still not optimal.
2003-04-03 17:31  brun

	* graf/src/TGaxis.cxx:
	Fix by Olivier for a problem reported by Daniel Cussol
	when drawing an axis with option LG+
2003-04-03 17:19  brun

	* build/unix/, cint/iosenum/iosenum.win32gcc3,
	New files to install ROOT under Windows with win32gdk option. (from Axel)
2003-04-03 17:14  brun

	* test/Makefile:
	Simplification of the Makefile by Axel.
	Add support for win32gcc
	new variable EXPLLINKLIBS
2003-04-03 16:57  rdm

	* config/ARCHS:
	mention that win32gcc is for cygwin.
2003-04-03 16:52  rdm

	* base/src/TFile.cxx, unix/src/TUnixSystem.cxx:
	typo in error message in TUnixSystem. Small formatting change in TFile.
2003-04-03 16:51  rdm

	* graf/inc/TTF.h, graf/src/TTF.cxx, x11ttf/,
	back out Axel's change in TTF.h, TTF.cxx and x11ttf/ TTF::GetBox()
	is doing what he wanted and use that now in TGX11TTF.cxx.
2003-04-03 16:50  rdm

	update PROOF install description.
2003-04-03 16:38  brun

	* meta/src/TStreamerInfo.cxx:
	Fix from Clark McGrew in TStreamerInfo::ForceWriteInfo to avoid a recurvity
	and infinite loop problem in case of a class like:
	        class aProblemChild: public TNamed {
	           aProblemChild *canBeNull;
2003-04-03 15:46  brun

	* Makefile, configure, base/inc/RConfig.h, base/src/TFile.cxx,
	base/src/TMapFile.cxx, base/src/TTimeStamp.cxx, base/src/TUUID.cxx,
	base/src/TVirtualPad.cxx, build/unix/, config/ARCHS,
	config/, freetype/, g3d/inc/TPolyMarker3D.h,
	graf/inc/TTF.h, graf/src/TTF.cxx, proof/src/TProofServ.cxx,
	rootx/, unix/src/TUnixSystem.cxx, x11ttf/,
	Several changes by Axel Naumann to install ROOT under Windows/CYGWIN
	with the gcc3.2 compiler and the X11 environment.
2003-04-03 11:10  brun

	* hist/src/TProfile.cxx:
	In the default constructor call BuildOptions to initialize internal
	structures. This prevents crashes when calling functions like Sumw2
	or other stupid calls made to an object created with thsi default constructor.
2003-04-03 08:42  brun

	* hist/src/TH1.cxx:
	In TH1::Streamer ResetBit(kCanDelete) when reading the histogram.
	This bit is set by TTree::Draw when generating the "htemp" histogram
	in such a way that TPad::Clear can automatically delete the histogram.
	If the user makes this histogram persistent, this bit should be reset.
2003-04-02 19:18  brun

	* cint/src/sizeof.c:
	From Philippe and Brett Wiren:
	The problem is that when writing the line with G__setnewtype, cint/rootcint tries to grab a comment for the typedef (so far so good).  This is done by calling G__getcommenttypedef which read up to G__ONELINE-1 and stores it in its parameters which in this case is of size G__ONELINE (so, so far still no problem).  However, it is then massaged by passing the same buffer to G__add_quotation which adds at least 2 characters.
	In addition in your case, the typedef is a function typedef without any explicit comment.  In this case, cint/rootcint comments the typedef by its declarations.  However it starts from the beginning of the typedef to the end of the line with the typedef.  Since your typedef is inside a macro, this line is longer than G__ONELINE.
	Hence the slight out-of-bounds write.
	Attached is a patch that insures that a typedef comments terminates at the first ';'.  This solves your problems, however, in other cases this might chop the user specified comment if it happens to contains a ';' ....
2003-04-02 16:14  brun

	* graf/src/TArrow.cxx:
	Fix by Ilka in TArrow::SavePrimitive. The arrow angle is now saved.
2003-04-02 08:24  brun

	* tree/: inc/TSelectorCint.h, src/TSelectorCint.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	TSelectorCint used (indirectly) G__MethodInfo objects that were
	constructed using a G__ClassInfo constructed on the stack.
	However the G__MethodInfo objects remember this address and
	then tried to use it (and sometimes failed weirdly).
	I fixed the problem by making sure that the G__ClassInfo objects
	known by the G__MethodInfo objects had the same life time.
2003-04-02 08:21  brun

	* utils/src/rootcint.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	rootcint is incorrectly detecting the presence of a default constructor in some cases
	of template classes.
2003-04-01 22:16  brun

	* treeplayer/src/TSelectorDraw.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	Now that a default TSelectorDraw can be part of TTreePlayer, it is possible
	that notify is called of a TSelectorDraw without a tree attached to it.  For
	example in:
	   TChain *chainJet = new TChain("T");
	causes a crash.  The following patch solves the problem.
2003-04-01 19:44  brun

	* graf/: inc/TGraphAsymmErrors.h, src/TGraphAsymmErrors.cxx:
	TGraphAsymmErrors::Set must be defined to overwrite TGraphErrors::Set
	(thanks to Matt Palmer)
2003-04-01 10:09  brun

	* hist/src/TH1.cxx:
	In TH1::UseCurrentStyle, do not set the kNoStats bit if gStyle->GetOptFit
	is not null.
2003-03-31 18:04  brun

	* hist/: inc/TF1.h, inc/TF2.h, inc/TF3.h, src/TF1.cxx, src/TF2.cxx,
	Make all GetRange functions const
2003-03-28 22:45  brun

	* test/RootShower/: RootShower.cxx, RootShower.h:
	New version of RootShower from Bertrand
2003-03-28 22:27  brun

	* win32gdk/: inc/TGWin32.h, src/GWin32Gui.cxx, src/GdkThread.cxx,
	Several changes from Bertrand
2003-03-28 16:02  brun

	* treeplayer/src/TSelectorDraw.cxx:
	Initialize several members in the constructor.
	In particular fNfill must be initialized when processing a THbookTree.
	Thanks to Andrei Gaponenko and Konstantin Olchanski
2003-03-26 19:01  rdm

	* cint/src/CallFunc.cxx:
	turn off altogether fix 1840 since there are side effects when interpreted
	objects have been explictitely newed, like TSelectorCint for PROOF.
2003-03-26 17:20  brun

	* physics/src/TRotation.cxx:
	Fix a typo in the documentation reported by Esben B. Klinkby
	error in the Rx(a) rotation matrix.
	        | 1   0       0    |
	Rx(a) = | 1 cos(a) -sin(a) |
	        | 0 sin(a) cos(a)  |
	First coulum, second row should be 0, not 1.
2003-03-25 18:45  rdm

	* cint/src/CallFunc.cxx:
	avoid null pointer to be passed to strcmp() in ExecIntrepretedFunc().
2003-03-25 02:44  rdm

	* cint/: inc/Api.h, inc/CallFunc.h, inc/G__ci.h, inc/Type.h,
	inc/common.h, inc/fproto.h, inc/longif.h, include/limits.h,
	include/mkincld.c, lib/longlong/longdbl.h, lib/longlong/longlong.h,
	lib/pthread/Makefile, src/Api.cxx, src/CallFunc.cxx,
	src/DataMbr.cxx, src/Method.cxx, src/Type.cxx, src/cast.c,
	src/decl.c, src/disp.c, src/expr.c, src/func.c, src/ifunc.c,
	src/init.c, src/longif.cxx, src/macro.c, src/newlink.c, src/opr.c,
	src/parse.c, src/pause.c, src/shl.c, src/sizeof.c, src/struct.c,
	src/tmplt.c, src/typedef.c, src/val2a.c, src/var.c:
	import of CINT 5.15.80.
	For what else is new see
	Long long support still not optimal.
2003-03-21 21:57  brun

	* g3d/: inc/TSPHE.h, src/TSPHE.cxx:
	Initialize fNdiv in the non-default constructor.
	GetNumberOfDivisions returns directly fNdiv
	(thanks Brett Viren)
2003-03-21 17:23  brun

	* histpainter/src/THistPainter.cxx:
	The color palette for surfaces was computed differently than for the COL
2003-03-21 15:53  brun

	* hist/inc/TLimit.h, hist/inc/TLimitDataSource.h,
	hist/src/TLimit.cxx, hist/src/TLimitDataSource.cxx,
	Fix from Christophe Delaere.
	All TH1F and TArrayF are replaced by TH1D and TArrayD respectively.
	This solves some numerical precision problems observed with the float
2003-03-21 10:09  brun

	* histpainter/src/THistPainter.cxx:
	Fix to a precision problem (<= instead of <) in the algorithm allocating the color number
	in function of the contour number.
2003-03-21 08:27  brun

	* cint/inc/Api.h:
	In Api.h change G__INFO_TITLELEN to 512
2003-03-20 23:33  rdm

	* base/src/TAttText.cxx:
	remove special WIN32 ifdef, not needed anymore.
2003-03-20 20:02  rdm

	* build/package/rpm/
	change absolute path for truetype font location to be prefixed by @prefix@.
2003-03-20 14:07  brun

	* base/inc/Bytes.h:
	To avoid compiler warnings, change statements like
	  buf[0] = -1
	 buf[0] = (char) -1;
	Thanks to Jiri Masik
2003-03-19 22:50  brun

	* win32gdk/gdk/dll/gdk-1.3.dll:
	New gdk dll from Bertrand that solves the grid transparency problem on win98
2003-03-19 19:06  brun

	* postscript/src/TPostScript.cxx:
	Fix by Olivier for CUPS Postscript viewers
2003-03-19 18:25  brun

	* tree/src/TChain.cxx:
	This patch from Philippe allos to set  the address of branch in a friend which is a TChain.
2003-03-19 15:01  rdm

	* tree/inc/TChain.h, tree/inc/TDSet.h, tree/inc/TTree.h,
	tree/src/TChain.cxx, tree/src/TDSet.cxx, tree/src/TTree.cxx,
	replace argument "TCut" by "const TCut&" in method Draw(). Allows replacement
	of TCut.h by a simple forward declaration.
2003-03-19 14:07  brun

	* base/inc/LinkDef2.h, base/inc/TDSet.h, base/src/TDSet.cxx,
	tree/inc/LinkDef.h, tree/inc/TDSet.h, tree/src/TDSet.cxx:
	class TDSet moved from base to tree to avoid circurlar dependencies
2003-03-18 21:25  brun

	* base/src/TStyle.cxx:
	In TStyle::reset, one must call the TAttAxis::ResetAttAxis
	with the right options "X", "Y" or "Z" for the corresponding axis.
2003-03-18 17:28  brun

	* postscript/src/TPostScript.cxx:
	From Olivier:
	 TPostScript::Initialize: move the line "%%Page: number 1" just after the
	line "%%EndProlog" to be compliant with the CUPS printing software.
2003-03-18 17:13  rdm

	* proof/: inc/TProof.h, src/TProof.cxx:
	add protocol check to prevent connecting to older incompatible version
	of the proof server. Fix bug that prevented recreating a proof session
	after a first failed login attempt.
2003-03-18 16:56  brun

	Add Kirill Filimonov for his contribution to the TMath Struve functions.
2003-03-18 16:49  brun

	* base/: inc/TMath.h, src/TMath.cxx:
	Split the function previously called TMath::Struve(Int_t n, Double_t x)
	into two functions with names following the mathematical nomenclature for Struve/Bessel
	functions and add two new functions (thanks to Kirill Filimonov)
	to compute the modified Struve functions.
	The new functions are:
	   static Double_t StruveH0(Double_t x);
	   static Double_t StruveH1(Double_t x);
	   static Double_t StruveL0(Double_t x);
	   static Double_t StruveL1(Double_t x);
2003-03-18 15:29  rdm

	* base/inc/TDSet.h, base/inc/TVirtualProof.h, base/src/TDSet.cxx,
	proof/inc/TProof.h, proof/inc/TProofPlayer.h,
	proof/src/TEventIter.cxx, proof/src/TPacketizer2.cxx,
	proof/src/TProof.cxx, proof/src/TProofPlayer.cxx,
	proof/src/TProofServ.cxx, tree/src/TSelector.cxx:
	PROOF patch from Maarten. Introduction of Draw() skeleton.
2003-03-18 14:26  rdm

	* meta/src/TClass.cxx:
	use Error() and not ::Error().
2003-03-17 21:17  brun

	Extend Olivier Couet contribution
2003-03-17 21:15  brun

	Add Andrei and Mihaela Gheata for the development of the geometry package
2003-03-17 20:23  rdm

	* graf/src/TGraph.cxx:
	few small typos in comment.
2003-03-17 20:04  rdm

	* tutorials/graph.C:
	remove usage of GetHistogram() for graph axis, logic has been simplified
	and axis can be obtained directly from the graph.
2003-03-17 17:38  rdm

	* gui/src/TGFrame.cxx:
	in Cleanup() don't delete the globally owned fgDefaultHints.
2003-03-17 17:38  rdm

	* gui/: inc/TGXYLayout.h, src/TGColorDialog.cxx:
	updates in comments.
2003-03-17 15:30  rdm

	* cont/src/TObjArray.cxx:
	if in GetObjectRef() is obj==0 then return begin address of container.
	Needed by Victor for his new I/O.
2003-03-17 14:02  brun

	* graf/src/TGraph.cxx, histpainter/src/THistPainter.cxx:
	From Olivier:
	      - In case of option "line" the center of the bin was used to fill
	        the vector pass to TGraph::PaintGrapHist. This generated
	        incompatibilities when option "line" was used with other options.
	      - Clean up, removed a lot of useless code.
	      - Take into account the modification done in THistPainter::PaintHist
	      - In case of low resolution the histogram drawing was shifted by
	        one bin on the left.
2003-03-16 17:35  brun

	* gui/src/TRootContextMenu.cxx:
	Fix from Bertrand in TRootContextMenu constructor
2003-03-16 16:32  brun

	* win32gdk/src/GdkThread.cxx:
	Fix from Bertrand  to solve a bug in clipboard operations.
2003-03-15 18:12  brun

	* config/Makefile.linuxgentoo:
	Makefile for Linux Gentoo (see
	provided by  Dmitry Kustov.
	ROOT version 3.05/03 is part of the "portage tree"
	of Gentoo.
2003-03-15 15:21  rdm

	* gui/src/TGClient.cxx:
	add comment about the need to deleting the font loaded by GetFontByName().
2003-03-15 15:19  rdm

	* gui/: inc/TGMenu.h, src/TGMenu.cxx:
	change TGPopupMenu::fWidth and fHeight to fMenuWidth and fMenuHeight to
	dis-ambigue them from TGFrame::fWidth and fHeight.
2003-03-14 20:21  rdm

	* tree/inc/TChain.h, base/src/TFile.cxx, tree/src/TChain.cxx:
	add method UseCache(). This allows the setting of file cache options for
	the files opened by the chain. Same arguments and options as TFile::UseCache().
2003-03-14 15:31  brun

	* win32gdk/gdk/dll/gdk-1.3.dll:
	New version of this dll from Bertrand fixing a problem on NT4 systems.
2003-03-14 12:49  brun

	* geom/: inc/TGeoArb8.h, inc/TGeoBBox.h, inc/TGeoCache.h,
	inc/TGeoCompositeShape.h, inc/TGeoCone.h, inc/TGeoEltu.h,
	inc/TGeoManager.h, inc/TGeoPara.h, inc/TGeoPcon.h, inc/TGeoPgon.h,
	inc/TGeoShape.h, inc/TGeoSphere.h, inc/TGeoTrd1.h, inc/TGeoTrd2.h,
	inc/TGeoTube.h, inc/TGeoVolume.h, src/TGeoArb8.cxx,
	src/TGeoBBox.cxx, src/TGeoCache.cxx, src/TGeoCone.cxx,
	src/TGeoEltu.cxx, src/TGeoManager.cxx, src/TGeoPara.cxx,
	src/TGeoTrd1.cxx, src/TGeoTrd2.cxx, src/TGeoTube.cxx,
	From Andrei:
	Add support for positioning
	parametrized boxes into : TRAP, GTRA, PARA, TRD1 and TRD2. Now in D0
	there are only 793 extrusions/overlaps within 0.1 cm.
2003-03-14 12:34  rdm

	* gui/: inc/TGSplitter.h, src/TGSplitter.cxx:
	rename fWidth and fHeight to fFrameWidht and fFrameHeight to avoid possible
	name clash with baseclass fHeight and fWidth.
2003-03-14 12:33  rdm

	* rint/src/TTabCom.cxx:
	mod by Bertrand to support file name exapnasion on the command line in Win32.
2003-03-14 09:45  brun

	* meta/src/TDataMember.cxx:
	Fix (thanks Jiri masik) for a mismatch between new/delete in
	the TDataMember destructor.
2003-03-11 17:59  brun

	* geom/: inc/TGeoVolume.h, src/TGeoManager.cxx, src/TGeoTube.cxx,
	From Andrei:
	modified files in order to fully map G3-like
	volume parametrization : supports divisions of parametrized volumes
	(e.g. D0). D0 has one Rmin/Rmax error in the definition, but still runs.
2003-03-11 16:05  brun

	* base/inc/RVersion.h, build/version_number:
	Stamp new version 3.05/03
2003-03-11 15:58  rdm

	* build/unix/
	don't build long long support, it is now built into CINT for ROOT.
2003-03-11 15:35  brun

	* graf/src/TLatex.cxx, test/RootShower/.rootshowerrc:
	Fix by Olivier in TLatex::Analyze for a problem appearing only on Windows
	and preventing to draw correctly the SUM and Integral signs.
2003-03-11 15:27  rdm

	* base/: inc/Bytes.h, inc/TBuffer.h, src/TBuffer.cxx:
	fix in writing negative Long_t's, the unsused 4 bytes must be set to -1
	and not 0 to be able to read on 64 bit machines at least up to 4 byte
	negative longs. Without this fix -1 written on 32 bit was read as 4294967295
	on a 64 bit machine.
2003-03-11 10:58  brun

	* geom/inc/TGeoManager.h, geom/src/TGeoManager.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoMatrix.cxx, geom/src/TGeoVolume.cxx,
	- Main containers of TGeoManager changed from TList to TObjArray to fix
	geometry building/IO speed problems for very large geometries
	- stressgeom.cxx fixed to cope with this change
2003-03-11 10:19  brun

	* test/stress.cxx:
	Renormalize stress to take into account all the latest changes (CINT, TTreeFormula,
2003-03-11 08:57  brun

	* base/src/TSystem.cxx:
	Fix from Philippe for filenames including special characters like "@"
2003-03-11 08:55  brun

	* cint/src/newlink.c:
	Fix by Philippe to take into account the special character "@"
	when using filenames
2003-03-11 08:48  brun

	* geom/src/TGeoSphere.cxx:
	Fix a compiler warning for a non-used argument
2003-03-11 03:27  rdm

	* base/src/TSystem.cxx:
	remove some unused arguments from CopyFile().
2003-03-11 02:18  rdm

	* meta/src/TStreamerInfo.cxx:
	comment out unused argument to remove compiler warning.
2003-03-11 02:11  rdm

	* cint/: inc/G__ci.h, inc/common.h, inc/dllrev.h, inc/global.h,
	inc/longif.h, include/ReadF.h, include/mkincld.c, include/stddef.h,
	lib/dll_stl/mp.h, lib/dll_stl/multmp.h, lib/prec_stl/utility,
	lib/pthread/Makefile, src/Api.cxx, src/auxu.c, src/cast.c,
	src/expr.c, src/func.c, src/global2.c, src/ifunc.c, src/inherit.c,
	src/init.c, src/longif.cxx, src/newlink.c, src/parse.c,
	src/pause.c, src/struct.c, src/stub.c, src/tmplt.c, src/val2a.c,
	src/value.c, src/var.c:
	import of CINT 5.15.78.
	For what else is new see
	This new version runs again all standard tests. However, fix 1809 is disabled
	in G__ci.h. Includes long long natively in CINT. Includes latest tmplt.c
	fix from Philippe. G__ONELINE is 512.
2003-03-10 19:38  brun

	* cint/src/tmplt.c:
	From Philippe:
	This patch solves the problem added recently to the template parsing routines (tmplt.c).
2003-03-10 18:33  brun

	* main/src/g2root.f:
	New version from Andrei fixing a problem when converting G3 volume names
	terminating with the character "0"
2003-03-10 15:57  rdm

	* base/src/TApplication.cxx, config/
	remove reference and loading of libwin32ttf.
2003-03-10 14:39  brun

	* test/RootShower/: RSVersion.h, RootShower.cxx, RootShower.h:
	From Bertrand:
	 - Do not reset 3D view at each new event, but keep user selected angles.
2003-03-10 10:08  rdm

	* test/RootShower/Makefile:
	compile with -O instead of -O2. O2 fails on WinXP VC++7 .NET.
2003-03-10 09:44  rdm

	* config/Makefile.win32gdk, win32gdk/
	correction if FREETYPELIB dependency, needed for parallel builds.
2003-03-10 08:57  brun

	* Makefile, config/Makefile.win32gdk, graf/inc/TTF.h,
	win32gdk/, win32gdk/inc/TGWin32.h,
	win32gdk/src/GWin32Gui.cxx, win32gdk/src/TGWin32.cxx:
	From Bertrand
	Remove directory win32ttf. Code moved to win32gdk
2003-03-08 21:00  brun

	* base/src/TQObject.cxx:
	From Mathieu De Naurois,
	Addition of LOckGards to run in a multi-threded program
2003-03-08 17:07  brun

	* meta/src/TStreamerInfo.cxx:
	in ReadBuffer and ReadBufferClones, one should not create the object
	in case kAnyP before calling the pstreamer function. pstreamer will do it
	automatically when calling the operator >>
2003-03-07 23:21  brun

	* tutorials/dirs.C:
	Fix a typo
2003-03-07 19:56  brun

	* cint/src/tmplt.c:
	Fix by Philippe :
	"I discovered the problem.  It was not with fgets but the file generated by G__replacetemplate.  In the case where a symbol was followed by
	a space,
	it was removing all susequent white space (including new lines).  I modified
	the code to keep the newlines (See attached diffs and tar file).
2003-03-07 16:47  brun

	* treeplayer/src/TSelectorDraw.cxx:
	In TSelectorDraw::Notify, the member fWeight must also be updated
	with the weight of the new Tree.
2003-03-07 11:54  brun

	* tree/src/TBranchObject.cxx:
	Update the logic in TBranchObject::Streamer when the branch is diverted
	to a separate file.
2003-03-07 11:45  brun

	* hist/src/TF2.cxx:
	Simplify logic in TF2::Paint to take into account the changes in TStyle::SetOptStat
2003-03-07 11:18  brun

	* base/src/TStyle.cxx, graf/inc/TPaveStats.h,
	In TPaveStats move functions GetOptFit,GetOptStat,SetOptFit,SetOptStat
	from the header file to the implementation.
	The Get functions take into account the current TStyle setting.
	The set functions reset the TStyle setting.
	In TStyle::SetOptFit and SetOptStat, set the bit kTakeStyle in the "stats"
	object of the current pad and set the pad bit modified.
	With these changes, when selecting the "Show Stats or Fit" in the canvas
	Option menu, the stats box is automatically updated with the corresponding options.
2003-03-07 11:13  brun

	* histpainter/src/THistPainter.cxx:
	Change const Int_t kCannotRotate = BIT(11);
	to const UInt_t kCannotRotate = BIT(11);
2003-03-07 09:40  brun

	* hist/src/TH1.cxx:
	Mods in the TH1 destructor and TH1::RecursiveRemove to protect against recursive
	infinite loops when deleting an object owned by the histogram list of functions.
2003-03-07 09:37  brun

	* gpad/src/TPad.cxx:
	Modify TPad::RecursiveRemove to set fView=0 in case the object in the argument
	is fView.
2003-03-07 09:36  brun

	* base/src/TView.cxx:
	Set bit kMustCleanup in all the constructors. When a TView object is
	deleted with the mouse, the pad is intructed via (TPad::RecursiveRemove)
	to set fView to 0 and the canvas is instructed to set fSelected to 0.
2003-03-07 08:55  brun

	* geom/src/TGeoPcon.cxx:
	Fix by Andrei for the computation of Safety
2003-03-07 08:20  brun

	* base/src/TQConnection.cxx:
	The class TQConnection uses CINT and is not protected for multi-threading.
	This patch from Mathieu de Naurois adds R__LOCKGUARD(gCINTMutex) at
	several places in the code.
2003-03-07 01:01  brun

	* hist/src/TH1.cxx:
	Undo part of the corrections in the TH1 destructor.
	Had side effects in stress
2003-03-07 00:48  brun

	* hist/: inc/TH1.h, src/TH1.cxx:
	Implement TH1::RecursiveRemove. This function is used to automatically
	clean the list of functions when an object in this list (eg the stats box)
	is deleted via the mouse.
	The destructor has been protected against infinite loops.
2003-03-07 00:07  brun

	* tree/src/TChain.cxx, treeplayer/src/TTreeFormula.cxx:
	From Philippe;
	This patch corrects 2 problems.
	The first one is one where the list of friends of a tree of a chain was not properly updated if the friend was added after the tree was
	loaded (i.e c->LoadTree(); c->AddFriend(); ).
	The second one was a failure of TTreeFormula to request (sometime) the proper entry of a branch if this branch was part of a friends of a
	chain where the tree where uneven in lenght(but the 2 chains were of the same length).
2003-03-06 22:53  brun

	* tree/src/TBranchElement.cxx:
	In TBranchElement::Streamer, add logic to write the TBranch object in
	the file where the branch is diverted in addition to the file
	containing the Tree header. This logic was in TBranch before.
2003-03-06 22:51  brun

	* tree/src/TBranch.cxx:
	Fix a problem happening in some rare cases in TBranch::GetMother.
	Delete the code in Streamer writing the branch in a separate file.
	This is now done in TBranchElement::Streamer.
2003-03-06 22:49  brun

	* base/src/TFile.cxx:
	Modify TFile::Recover to not print a message when recovering containing
	only TBaskets and a TStreamerInfo object. This case happens when
	splitting branches of a Tree to separate files.
2003-03-06 18:09  rdm

	* base/src/TMD5.cxx:
	fixed error in byte swapping (md5's were different on machines with different
2003-03-06 16:27  brun

	* hist/: inc/TF1.h, src/TF1.cxx:
	Implement functions
	  TAxis *TF1::GetXaxis() const
	  TAxis *TF1::GetYaxis() const
	TF1::GetHistogram is internally cally TF1::Paint to force the generation
	of the histogram.
	TF1::Paint modified to preserve existing axis titles in case one switches
	between lin and log scales
2003-03-06 00:40  brun

	* tree/src/TBranch.cxx:
	restore previous version of TBranch.
2003-03-06 00:36  brun

	* meta/src/TClass.cxx, tree/src/TBranch.cxx,
	From Philippe:
	This simple patch improve the situation as far as private inheritance is concerned.  In particular this allow usages like :
	class X : Y, public TObject {};
	This also corrects the temporary objects deletion in TClass::BuildRealData which was incorrect for classe inheriting from
	TObject only as 2nd or later inheritances.
2003-03-06 00:33  brun

	* tree/: inc/LinkDef.h, src/TBranchElement.cxx,
	Implement a custom Streamer for TBranchElement and TBranchObject.
	The custom Streamer is required for two reasons:
	 - to call ForceWriteInfo for all classes referenced by the class in the branch
	 - to avoid a recursivity problem when the branch is diverted to a separate file.
2003-03-06 00:31  brun

	* meta/: inc/TStreamerInfo.h, src/TStreamerInfo.cxx:
	In method TStreamerInfo::ForceWriteInfo, add a second optional argument
	Bool_t force=kFALSE.
	When the argument is set to kTRUE, ForceWriteInfo will loop on all
	classes referenced by this class, calling in turn the ForceWriteInfo.
	This logic was necessary to force the TStreamerInfo object to be written
	in the file even when the class has no data members.
2003-03-05 21:40  brun

	* graf/src/TGraph.cxx:
	Thanks to Jiri Masik for reporting a problem in the TGraph constructor
	with a TH1 as argument. One should set the max/min of the graph
	using the min/max of the original histogram.
2003-03-05 21:11  brun

	* gpad/src/TDialogCanvas.cxx:
	In the TDialogCanvas with the long argument sequence, invoke the TCanvas
	constructor with a negative value for wtopx instead of ww
	(thanks to Jorg Stelzer)
2003-03-05 17:08  rdm

	* base/inc/LinkDef3.h, base/inc/TVirtualProof.h,
	export global gProof (TVirtualProof) via libCore and not via libProof.
2003-03-05 17:07  rdm

	* proof/: inc/TProof.h, inc/TSlave.h, src/TProof.cxx,
	src/TProofServ.cxx, src/TSlave.cxx:
	implement protocol version exchange between client - master and master - slave.
	This allows from now on to be backward compatible in the communication protocol.
2003-03-05 15:28  brun

	* win32gdk/src/: GWin32Gui.cxx, GdkThread.cxx:
	patch from Bertrand
	I found a bug in gdk implementation :
	key state is actually not returned !!!
	QueryPointer actally returns windows as described in GWin32Gui.cxx, but the
	window's event mask instead of the keyboard state ! (sorry).
	It is fixed now (will send patch asap):
	It is a part of my code and not gdk one, keyboard state is asked only at
	QueryPointer calling time with this Win32 function :
	  GetKeyboardState (kbd);
	The GetKeyboardState function copies the status of the 256 virtual keys to
	the specified buffer (BYTE kbd[256];).
	And then converted into a single UInt value returned by GdkThread.
2003-03-05 12:04  brun

	* minuit/src/TMinuit.cxx:
	Remove printf statements left from a debugging session
2003-03-05 12:02  brun

	* minuit/src/TFitter.cxx:
	Replace gMinuit by the new member fMinuit
2003-03-05 12:00  brun

	* minuit/: inc/TFitter.h, src/TMinuit.cxx:
	Add a new member fMinuit to replace the global TMinuit
2003-03-05 08:16  brun

	* gpad/: inc/TAttFillCanvas.h, inc/TAttLineCanvas.h,
	inc/TAttMarkerCanvas.h, inc/TAttTextCanvas.h, inc/TDialogCanvas.h,
	src/TAttFillCanvas.cxx, src/TAttLineCanvas.cxx,
	src/TAttMarkerCanvas.cxx, src/TAttTextCanvas.cxx,
	Change the arguments in theh constructors from type UInt_t to Int_t
	to be consistent with the corresponding arguments in TCanvas
2003-03-04 23:24  brun

	* tree/: inc/TBranch.h, inc/TBranchElement.h, src/TBranch.cxx,
	Move getter functions GetMother and GetSubBranch from TBranchElement
	to the base class TBranch
2003-03-04 18:29  rdm

	* proof/: inc/TProof.h, inc/TProofLimitsFinder.h, inc/TProofServ.h,
	src/TProof.cxx, src/TProofServ.cxx:
	implementation of package manager. Package manager allows the distribution,
	installation and setting up of user code in the PROOF sandbox environment.
	The package manager distributes so called PAR files, which are standard
	tarred and gziped files, but with extension .par. A file "mylibs.par" is
	required to untar into a directory "mylibs". A PAR file contains in addition
	to the user's code and libraries one special directory PROOF-INF that contains
	two scripts: and SETUP.C. is a shell script that is
	used to build the user's libraries on the PROOF cluster (which might be
	of a different architecture/compiler then the user's machine). SETUP.C is
	a ROOT macro that is used to load the user's libraries, built by,
	and to do any other kind of setup needed to run with the user libraries.
	These scripts are executed in the package directory (not the PROOF-INF
	directory). An example of a is:
	#! /bin/sh
	An example of SETUP.C is:
	void SETUP()
	The package manager API is:
2003-03-04 18:09  rdm

	* proof/src/TProofPlayer.cxx:
	handle case where selector file was specified with full path name (use
	gSystem->BaseName() to strip path off).
2003-03-04 18:08  rdm

	* proof/src/TPacketizer2.cxx:
	use Long64_t in several places where entries were used (was Int_t).
2003-03-04 18:07  rdm

	* base/inc/TVirtualProof.h:
	comment out unused arguments to avoid compiler warnings.
2003-03-04 18:06  rdm

	* base/inc/MessageTypes.h:
	remove several unused PROOF message types (left over from 4 year old prototype).
2003-03-04 18:04  rdm

	* tutorials/guitest.C:
	SafeDelete() is not availabe in the interpreter.
2003-03-04 08:14  brun

	* cint/lib/posix/posix.h:
	new attempt to build on alpha/cxx
2003-03-03 23:31  brun

	* cint/lib/posix/posix.h:
	fix a typo
2003-03-03 22:35  brun

	* cint/lib/posix/posix.h:
	m Philippe,
	This patch should fix cintdlls on alpha gcc
	and fix stdcxxfunc.a and posix.a for alpha cxx
2003-03-03 22:31  brun

	* cint/lib/posix/posix.h:
	 fix by Philippe for alpha/gcc
2003-03-03 21:42  brun

	* base/src/TSystem.cxx:
	From Philippe,
	Repair ACLiC so that it properly finds the extra_linkdef when it is stored in the same directory as the script
	and when a custom library name is specified.
2003-03-03 21:29  brun

	* histpainter/src/THistPainter.cxx:
	In THistPainter::PaintTable, call the Paint functions when
	the number of entries is negative (can be set on purpose by the user)
2003-03-03 21:02  brun

	* base/inc/TDatime.h:
	Fix in TDatime constructor (thanks to Mathieu de Naurois)
	root [12] TDatime t((UInt_t)time(0));
	root [13] t.Print()
	Date/Time = Sat Sep 18 01:59:00 2010
	root [14] t.Set((UInt_t)time(0))
	root [15] t.Print()
	Date/Time = Mon Mar  3 20:28:19 2003
2003-03-03 19:57  brun

	* cint/lib/: posix/posix.h, prec_stl/multiset,
	This fix from Philippe should fix gcc295 and aix/xlc
2003-03-03 19:50  brun

	* meta/src/TClass.cxx:
	Thanks to Victor for pointing to an incoherency in TClass::BuildRealDataFake.
	GetFullName should be called instead of TStreamerElement::GetName.
2003-03-03 19:20  brun

	* base/src/TSystem.cxx:
	From Jiri Masik
	there is a problem with loading an up-to-date version of a script via
	G__loadfile+ACLiC if the script filename starts with the tilde (CVS
	head, linuxdeb2ppc). It works if the same file is loaded by
	It looks like gSystem->GetPathInfo is not supposed to work with ~
	paths as at the end TUnixSystem::UnixFileStat employs
	stat(filename,....) so I think filename_fullpath should be used
	instead of filename in
2003-03-03 09:00  brun

	* gpad/src/TPad.cxx:
	Implement a suggestion from Brett Viren:
	The TCanvas::Print("") mechanism is very useful, but it can be
	a little inconvenient to have the action of opening/closing a file
	being atomic with printing a page.  Particularly if pages are being
	generated in some loop one needs to detect the special cases of first
	and last page and then munge the argument to Print() accordingly.
	To keep the API the same I'd think choosing a new hint, say "[" and
	"]" would work.  Example:
	  canvas->Print("[");   // No actual print, just open
	  for (int i=0; i<10; ++i) {
	    // fill canvas for context i
	    // ...
	    canvas->Print("");  // actually print canvas to file
	  }// end loop
	  canvas->Print("]");   // No actual print, just close.
2003-03-02 12:51  brun

	* hist/: inc/TF1.h, src/TF1.cxx:
	Implement functions TF1::GetMaximum and TF1::GetMinimum returning the
	maximum/minimum value of the function in a specified range.
	These two functions are variant of the existing functions GetMaximumX and
	GetMinimumX returning the position of the max/min along X.
2003-03-02 12:39  brun

	* meta/src/TStreamerInfo.cxx:
	In TStreamerInfo::BuildOld, replace printf statements by Warning or Error messages.
2003-03-02 08:33  brun

	* cint/lib/prec_stl/vector:
	New version of vector now running under aix (from Philippe)
2003-03-01 23:36  brun

	* mc/src/TMCVerbose.cxx:
	Fixes by Ivana to get the class compiled on all machines.
2003-03-01 23:35  brun

	* meta/src/TClass.cxx:
	Several changes in TBuildRealData::Inspect
	 - increase size of local buffer rname from 256 to 512.
	 - filter members that are not real data members of the class.
	   For example when building the TRealData for TPaveStats that derives
	from TPaveText, one also builds the Realdata for TPaveText. In teh previous
	version, all Realdata members of TPaveStats were also duplicated
	in all base classes waisting a lot of space in memory.
	This also fixes another problem when Inspecting a TPaveText (eg the histogram
	title in a pad). The previous version crashed because members of TPaveStats
	were in TPaveText and Inspect was confused.
2003-03-01 23:29  brun

	* base/src/TDirectory.cxx:
	Protect TDirectory::ReadKeys in case one key contains garbage (file
	has been overwritten).
2003-02-28 23:57  brun

	* treeplayer/src/TTreePlayer.cxx:
	In TTreePlayer::Copytree, one must call UpdateFormulaLeaves for the selection TtreeFormula
	when moving to a new Tree in a TChain.
2003-02-28 23:40  brun

	* cint/lib/prec_stl/vector:
	This new version from Philippe should make an improvement on AIX/xlC
2003-02-28 21:26  brun

	* meta/: inc/TClass.h, src/TClass.cxx, src/TStreamerInfo.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	Before this patch doing the following in cint
	        class Event;
	        new TFile("test.root");
	resulted in the erroneous message:
	        The StreamerInfo of class Event read from file test.root
	        has the same version (=1) as the active class but a different checksum.
	        You should update the version to ClassDef(Event,2).
	        Do not try to write objects with the current class definition,
	        the files will not be readable.
	This patch fixes this problem.  It also initialize some forgotten data members.
	It also introduce TClass::kIsEmulation, a new bit set for all 'fake classes'
	(or emulated classes).
2003-02-28 21:24  brun

	* hist/src/TH1.cxx:
	In TH1::Reset do not delete the TPaveStats "stats" object (if there is one).
	In multithreaded applications, it could happen that a thread resets
	the histogram at a high frequency while another thread display the histogram.
	During the paint of the TPaveStats, it could happen that Reset deletes the object.
	Now protected.
2003-02-28 21:20  brun

	* build/unix/, cint/lib/longlong/longlong.h,
	cint/lib/posix/posix.h, cint/lib/prec_stl/deque,
	cint/lib/prec_stl/list, cint/lib/prec_stl/map,
	cint/lib/prec_stl/memory, cint/lib/prec_stl/multimap,
	cint/lib/prec_stl/multiset, cint/lib/prec_stl/set,
	cint/lib/prec_stl/vector, cint/lib/stdstrct/stdcxxfunc.h:
	From Philippe,
	Fixes to build cintdlls on Solaris and Sgi/CC
2003-02-28 12:09  rdm

	* base/inc/RConfig.h, test/Makefile, test/Makefile.win32,
	enable R__ANSISTREAM for VC6 (was already enabled for VC7 (.NET)). Now
	VC6 and VC7 binaries and dll's can be mixed. Tested this on Win2000 with
	VC6 and on WinXP with VC7. On both platforms all tests and RootShower work.
2003-02-28 10:27  brun

	* meta/src/TStreamerInfo.cxx:
	Correct ReadBufferConv and ReadBufferClonesConv when converting arrays of pointers
	from one type to another type.
2003-02-28 08:27  brun

	* cint/lib/prec_stl/: deque, list, map, multimap, multiset, set,
	New patch from Philippe to repair a broken version with gcc
2003-02-27 23:43  brun

	* build/unix/
	Undo previous change introduced by mistake
2003-02-27 23:31  brun

	* build/unix/
	Fix by Philippe that should improve make cintdlls under aix
2003-02-27 22:55  rdm

	* base/inc/Windows4Root.h, winnt/src/TWinNTSystem.cxx:
	fix for new CopyFile() method.
2003-02-27 22:51  brun

	* hist/: inc/TF1.h, src/TF1.cxx:
	Add new function
	Double_t TF1::GetMinimumX(Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax) const
	// return the X value corresponding to the minimum value of the function
	// Method:
	//   the function is computed at fNpx points between xmin and xmax
	//   xxmax is the X value corresponding to the minimum function value
	//   An iterative procedure computes the minimum around xxmax
	//   until dx is less than 1e-9 *(fXmax-fXmin)
	The function GetMaximumX had already been introduced a few weeks ago.
2003-02-27 22:10  brun

	* treeplayer/: inc/TTreeFormula.h, src/TTreeFormula.cxx:
	Remove the unused and non-initialized member fInstance.
	Increment class version number.
2003-02-27 22:09  brun

	* treeplayer/src/TTreePlayer.cxx:
	In TTreePlayer::Scan, one must call UpdateFormulaLeaves for the selection
	expression if there is one, when moving to a new file in a TChain.
2003-02-27 21:26  brun

	* cint/lib/: dll_stl/vec.h, prec_stl/deque, prec_stl/list,
	prec_stl/map, prec_stl/multimap, prec_stl/multiset, prec_stl/set,
	From Philippe
	fix  to compile the cintdlls with KCC
2003-02-27 20:03  brun

	* cint/lib/longlong/: longdbl.h, longlong.h:
	From Philippe
	The files longlong.h and longdl.h are missing a few 'inline' keyword.  Without those keyword some compilers (at least gcc
	3.2.1) end-up duplicating the G__ateval symbols
	for long longs and long doubles.
2003-02-27 19:48  rdm

	* base/inc/TSystem.h, base/src/TSystem.cxx, unix/inc/TUnixSystem.h,
	unix/src/TUnixSystem.cxx, winnt/inc/TWinNTSystem.h,
	new method:
	   int CopyFile(const char *from, const char *to, Bool_t overwrite)
	Method Rename() now returns in int (was void) to be consistent with all
	other file handling methods.
2003-02-27 19:40  rdm

	* utils/src/rootcint.cxx:
	check in rootcint for definition of R__B64 so that when Rtypes.h is
	processed the correct typedefs are put in the dictionary. Fixes
	sizeof(Seek_t) problem in interpreter.
2003-02-27 19:36  rdm

	* base/inc/LinkDef2.h:
	export TRefCnt to CINT.
2003-02-27 13:17  brun

	* meta/src/TStreamerInfo.cxx:
	In TStreamerInfo::BuildOld, always force a call to BuildRealData
	just in case one of the base classes of this class is an abstract class.
2003-02-27 12:50  rdm

	* Makefile, main/
	proofserv does not depend anymore on libGpad and libTreePlayer.
2003-02-27 12:42  rdm

	* hist/src/TH1.cxx:
	few typos in comments.
2003-02-27 12:40  rdm

	* hist/src/TFormula.cxx:
	fix in ipar validity check in GetParName().
2003-02-27 12:38  rdm

	* build/: unix/, win/
	print correctly script name.
2003-02-27 12:35  rdm

	* build/win/
	mods so HP/Compaq Visual Fortran 6.x plays nicely with VC .NET.
2003-02-26 23:27  brun

	* hist/src/TH1.cxx:
	In the TH1 functions Add, Divide and Multiply reset the Minimum and Maximum
	in case one or both were set in the original histograms.
2003-02-26 22:06  brun

	* mc/src/TMCVerbose.cxx:
	Put code of TMCVerbose::Stepping under conditional compilation.
	Code from Ivana compiles only with gcc3.2
2003-02-26 17:24  rdm

	* config/: Makefile.aix, Makefile.aix5, Makefile.win32,
	libMC depends now on libEG.
2003-02-26 16:09  brun

	* base/src/TFile.cxx:
	Fix in TFile::Init when opening a file in read or update mode
	and in 64 bits mode.
2003-02-26 15:59  brun

	* base/src/TFree.cxx:
	In TFree::getBestFree replace an Int_t by Seek_t
	(discovered by testing big files on alpha)
2003-02-26 14:45  brun

	* mc/inc/LinkDef.h:
	Add TMCVerbose to the list of mc classes
2003-02-26 14:31  brun

	* mc/: inc/TMCVerbose.h, src/TMCVerbose.cxx:
	From Ivana:
	new class TMCVerbose for printing detailed info from MC application
2003-02-26 14:30  brun

	* mc/inc/TVirtualMCStack.h:
	From Ivana:
	method CurrentTrackParent() added;
	argument done in SetTrack() rename toBeDone
2003-02-26 14:30  brun

	* mc/inc/TMCProcess.h:
	From Ivana:
	kPTransportation added (to be able to map G4 transportation process);
2003-02-26 11:11  brun

	* base/inc/TFile.h, base/inc/TFree.h, base/src/TDirectory.cxx,
	base/src/TFile.cxx, base/src/TFree.cxx, base/src/TKey.cxx,
	Implement all the changes required to process files > 2 GBytes.
	Activating this option will imply changing Seek_t to long long.
	We hope that Masa will implement the longlong type by default
	in the not too distant future in CINT.
	The file format remains compatible for files smaller than the
	threshold set in TFile::kStartBigFile = 2 GigaBytes.
	The changes are the following:
	in TFile
	Remove the enum kBegin, kUnits (not used anymore).
	Add new enum kStartBigFile
	When creating a new file (in TFile::Init) fBEGIN is now set to 100
	bytes instead of 64. TFile::WriteHeader is called assuming that
	the file will be smaller than kStartBigFile.
	When closing the file, if the file is bigger than kStartBigFile,
	a new format is used in WriteHeader using 64 bits to store all
	values of type Seek_t and the file version (fVersion) is set
	to fVersion+1000000.
	All functions like TFile::Map, TFile::Recover have been adapted
	to follow the new convention.
	in TDirectory
	 TDirectory::Sizeof has been modified to return 12 bytes in addition
	for fSeekDir, fSeekParent and fSeekKeys when writing a directory
	in a file bigger than kStartBigFile.
	The TDirectory constructor is setting a temporary bit to inform
	the function Sizeof that it has to return 12 addtional bytes.
	TDirectory::FillBuffer writes fSeekDir, fSeekParent and fSeekKeys
	with 64 bits if necessary. The version number of the directory
	is set to TDirectory class version + 1000 in this case.
	Corresponding changes in TDirectory::ReadBuffer and TDirectory::Streamer.
	in TFree
	TFree::Sizeof has been moved to the implementation file.
	Like for TDirectory, the functions FillBuffer and ReadBuffer have been
	modified to write fFirst and fLast in 64 bits if necessary.
	When writing in 64 bits mode, the TFree version is incremented by 1000.
	in TKey and TBasket
	Same changesas in TDirectory in teh functions FillBuffer, ReadBuffer
	and Streamer. The TKey version number is incremented by 1000
	when writing in 64 bits mode.
2003-02-25 18:58  brun

	* base/src/TBuffer.cxx:
	A few protections in case of buffer overrun
2003-02-25 18:55  brun

	* meta/src/TClass.cxx:
	Add several protections in case of overwritten files or missing TStreamerInfo.
2003-02-25 18:21  rdm

	* net/src/TUrl.cxx:
	add special case for windows in case defaultIsFile is true. Windows file
	names can have a :/ in the path, like c:/data/file.root.
2003-02-25 15:17  brun

	* hist/src/: TH2.cxx, TH3.cxx, TProfile.cxx, TProfile2D.cxx:
	Protect the GetBinContent and GetStats functions in case the default
	constructor for these classes is called, followed by a call to Draw.
2003-02-25 13:01  rdm

	* gpad/src/TPad.cxx:
	fix small memory leak in PaintFillArea() pointed out by valgrind.
2003-02-24 22:31  brun

	* matrix/inc/: TMatrixDUtils.h, TMatrixUtils.h:
	Implement default constructors and virtual destructors.
2003-02-24 21:34  brun

	* base/src/TFile.cxx:
	Fix a problem in TFile::Recover when the file being recovered had no keys to recover
2003-02-24 19:22  brun

	* cint/lib/prec_stl/: deque, list, map, memory, multimap, multiset,
	set, vector:
	From Philippe;
	This patch enable the building of the cintdlls for the intel compiler (at least icc 6.0).
2003-02-24 19:11  brun

	* cint/inc/G__ci.h:
	Extend G__ONELINE from 256 to 512 characters. With this fix, the CMS test runs.
2003-02-24 19:07  brun

	* cint/include/stddef.h:
	From Philippe
	The issue is that on (at least some) linux ptrdiff_t is defined as int AND in gcc 2.95.2, ptrdiff_t is used as a template parameter (so it matters whethere it is int or long).
2003-02-24 12:32  rdm

	* build/package/: debian/, rpm/
	change --with-ttf-fontdir to --fontdir.
2003-02-24 11:33  brun

	* hist/inc/TH1.h, hist/src/TH1.cxx,
	From Olivier:
	New method GetContourLevelPad in TH1. It returns the contour level value
	in Pad coordinates ie: if the Pad is in log scale along Z, the log value
	of the level is returned. This was needed to draw user defined contours in
	PaintContour and PaintColorLevels in THistPainter.
2003-02-24 11:19  rdm

	* cint/: inc/G__ci.h, inc/common.h, include/ReadF.h,
	include/mkincld.c, include/spice.h, lib/dll_stl/mp.h,
	lib/dll_stl/multmp.h, lib/prec_stl/multiset, lib/pthread/Makefile,
	src/cast.c, src/decl.c, src/disp.c, src/dump.c, src/end.c,
	src/expr.c, src/fread.c, src/g__cfunc.c, src/ifunc.c, src/init.c,
	src/input.c, src/loadfile.c, src/new.c, src/newlink.c, src/parse.c,
	src/pause.c, src/scrupto.c, src/shl.c, src/struct.c, src/tmplt.c,
	src/typedef.c, src/value.c, src/var.c:
	import of CINT 5.15.76.
	For what else is new see
2003-02-24 09:36  brun

	* hist/src/TProfile.cxx:
	Add comments in TProfile::GetBinError explaining the evolution
	of the algorithm computing errors for TProfiles with low statistics bins.
2003-02-23 19:28  brun

	* test/RootShower/: .rootshowerrc, MyDetector.cxx, MyEvent.cxx,
	MyEvent.h, MyParticle.cxx, RSVersion.h, RootShower.cxx,
	SettingsDlg.cxx, constants.h:
	From Bertrand
	Here are latest modified RootShower files.
	 - better (?) magnetic field handling
	 - added TMath functions
	 - code cleaning
	For magnetic field, I took the atlfast/geant3 code as model, but it doesn't
	change that much.
	There is still a problem with scatter angle, but not fixed yet.
2003-02-22 17:21  brun

	* gpad/src/TPad.cxx, histpainter/src/THistPainter.cxx:
	In TPad::RedrawAxis, implement a new option "g"
	//  By default, if the pad has the options gridx or/and gridy activated,
	//  the grid is not drawn by this function.
	//  if option="g" is specified, this will force the drawing of the grid
	//  on top of the picture
	THistPainter::Paint modified to support the new option from RedrawAxis.
2003-02-22 14:27  brun

	* tree/src/TBranchElement.cxx:
	Add several protections in case the TStreamerInfo is missing for a branch.
	Test if the TClonesArray is Zombie in case of branch being a member
	of a TClonesArray.
2003-02-22 14:25  brun

	* cont/src/TClonesArray.cxx:
	In the TClonesArray constructor, MakeZombie the TClonesArray if the class
	in the TClonesArray has one of its referenced classes (base or composition) missing
2003-02-22 14:24  brun

	* meta/src/TStreamerElement.cxx:
	Add a protection in TStreamerBase in case one base class is missing
2003-02-22 14:22  brun

	* meta/src/TStreamerInfo.cxx:
	Add protections in TStreamerInfo::BuildOld in case one of the base classes
	is missing.
2003-02-22 14:13  brun

	* meta/src/TClass.cxx:
	Add a feww protections in case a class has one of its base classes missing
2003-02-21 22:21  brun

	* g3d/src/TPolyLine3D.cxx:
	In the TPolyLine3D constructors, set the bit kCanDelete like for TPolyMarker3D
2003-02-21 18:26  brun

	* base/src/TStyle.cxx:
	Add more documentation and an example in TStyle::SetHeaderPS
2003-02-21 16:08  brun

	* base/src/TAttAxis.cxx, gpad/src/TPad.cxx,
	Take advantage of the new functions in TStyle to set the default
	options for the axis attributes and the histogram title.
2003-02-21 16:07  brun

	* base/: inc/TStyle.h, src/TStyle.cxx:
	Modify/extend the API for the following functions:
	  Color_t  GetTitleColor(Option_t *axis="X") const;
	  Style_t  GetTitleFont(Option_t *axis="X") const;
	  void     SetTitleColor(Color_t color=1, Option_t *axis="X");
	  void     SetTitleFont(Style_t font=62, Option_t *axis="X");
	  void     SetTitleSize(Float_t size=0.02, Option_t *axis="X");
	Add new functions
	  void     SetTitleFillColor(Color_t color=1)
	  void     SetTitleTextColor(Color_t color=1)
	This allows to set the axis title colors/font separately from the title
	color/font for the histogram in the pad.
	The function implementation is moved to TStyle.cxx.
2003-02-21 12:33  brun

	* histpainter/src/THistPainter.cxx:
	Take into account user-given contour levels in PaintColorLevels
2003-02-21 11:26  brun

	* meta/src/TClass.cxx:
	In TClass::GetRealData add support for the special case where a member
	of type static array has been converted to a dynamic array,
	for example arr[2] is now *arr
2003-02-20 23:54  brun

	* base/src/TSystem.cxx:
	from Philippe:
	The source file itself is not listed in the file created by rmkdepend.  This patch fix ACLiC to work around this by explictly
	checking the time stamp of the script.
2003-02-20 23:39  brun

	* histpainter/: inc/THistPainter.h, src/THistPainter.cxx:
	Add a new argument drawGridOnly to THistPainter::PaintAxis.
	In THistPainter::PaintHist, PaintAxis is called first to paint the grid only
	if a grid has been requested in the pad. A second call to PaintAxis
	will draw the axis without the grid.
	This change is to make sure that the grid is drawn in the background
	and the axis tick marks in the foreground of the pad.
2003-02-20 23:36  brun

	* graf/: inc/TGaxis.h, src/TGaxis.cxx:
	Add a new optional argument drawGridOnly to TGaxis::PaintAxis.
	By default, this argument is false. If set to true, the function PaintAxis
	paints only the grid (if gridx or/and y have been activated in the pad)
2003-02-20 19:11  brun

	* graf/src/TGraph.cxx:
	In TGraph::GetHistogram take into account a possible setting of fMaximum and fMinimum
	when creating the local histogram.
2003-02-20 15:38  brun

	* base/src/TSystem.cxx:
	Deactivate debug info by default from ACLIC
2003-02-20 15:09  brun

	* tree/src/TBranchElement.cxx:
	In TBranchElement::setAddress, create the TClonesArray in case
	of a top level branch being a TClonesArray and a null pointer.
2003-02-20 09:50  brun

	* test/stress.cxx:
	Change the reference number of lines generated in the ps file
	in stress5 and stress16 following the optimisation in TPostScript
	for linewidth and linestyle.
2003-02-20 09:49  brun

	* postscript/src/TPostScript.cxx:
	Do not write linewidth or linestyle if identical to previous values.
	This saves a lot of space in the ps file.
2003-02-20 08:08  brun

	* base/src/TSystem.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	ACLiC's '+' now properly recreates the library when the script or one
	of the file it includes is newer than the shared library.
	When asked to load a script (file.C) which has already been compiled
	(into, ACLiC looks for a dependency file (file_C.d).
	If this dependency file is older than the library or does not exist, ACLiC
	generates a new dependency file using ROOT's rmkdepend tool and the list
	of -I and -D directives it knows  about (see ACLiC description on how to
	set those).
	Then ACLiC compare the time stamp of all the files listed in the dependency
	file and rebuild the library if any of them is newer than the library.
2003-02-19 15:27  brun

	* meta/src/TStreamerInfo.cxx:
	Complete the implementation of ReadBufferConv and ReadBufferClonesConv
2003-02-19 11:17  brun

	* win32gdk/gdk/dll/gdk-1.3.dll:
	New version of gdk dll from Bertrand
2003-02-19 11:12  brun

	* hist/src/TH1.cxx:
	Fix a bug in TH1::Multiply(TF1*) (thanks to Hajime Nanjyo)
	The function multiplication coefficient was not correctly taken into account when
	computing the sum of squares of weights
2003-02-18 17:39  brun

	* cint/lib/prec_stl/: multiset, set:
	Patch from Philippe fixing problems with set and multiset
2003-02-18 16:37  brun

	* geom/inc/TGeoVoxelFinder.h, geom/src/TGeoBBox.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoManager.cxx, geom/src/TGeoVoxelFinder.cxx,
	From Andrei;
	TGeoManager :
	 - Safety() fully implemented using voxelization
	 - FindNextBoundary() modified in order to compute safety only when
	needed (when a value MAXSTEP representing the physical step is given as
	TGeoBBox :
	  - correction for points exactly on box boundary for DistToIn()
	TGeoVoxelFinder :
	- fast check if distance to the voxel corresponding to a given node is
	smaller than a input value - used in computing safety and distance to
	next boundary;
	- CheckPoint() changed to use new Safety().
2003-02-17 21:06  brun

	* cint/lib/prec_stl/: deque, list, map, memory, multimap, multiset,
	set, vector:
	Reintroduce the CINT/STL changes from Philippe that were forgotten
	when introducing the new version of CINT
2003-02-17 19:33  brun

	* base/inc/TVirtualX.h:
	in TVirtualX::glBegin, replace UInt_t mode by UInt_t to avoid a compiler warning.
2003-02-17 16:33  brun

	* cint/src/ifunc.c:
	Remove all statements where length of function name is tested against
2003-02-17 16:04  brun

	* meta/src/TStreamerInfo.cxx:
	Implement case for convertir a static array into a dynamic array in ReadBufferConv
	Comment test on IsOldFormat in TStreamerInfo::BuildOld
2003-02-17 15:04  brun

	* cint/src/allstrm.cxx:
	Fix from Daniel Barna for a typo in allstrm.cxx
2003-02-17 14:40  brun

	* geom/src/TGeoCache.cxx:
	Still a problem with delete instead of delete []
2003-02-17 14:23  brun

	* geom/src/: TGeoArb8.cxx, TGeoCache.cxx:
	Replace several delete xxx by delete [] xxx;
2003-02-17 12:57  brun

	* geom/inc/TGeoManager.h, geom/inc/TGeoMaterial.h,
	geom/inc/TGeoVolume.h, geom/inc/TVirtualGeoPainter.h,
	geom/src/TGeoManager.cxx, geom/src/TGeoMaterial.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoVolume.cxx, geom/src/TGeoVoxelFinder.cxx,
	geompainter/inc/TGeoChecker.h, geompainter/inc/TGeoPainter.h,
	geompainter/src/TGeoChecker.cxx, geompainter/src/TGeoPainter.cxx:
	m andrei;
	TGeoManager :
	 - added TGeoManager::Safety() that computes the global safety for the
	current point. This is just the first implementation, since it does not
	use yet voxelization. This will be needed for the VMC because for the
	time being safety is computed just for the crossed volumes along the
	current direction plus the current volume, which of course is not enough
	- finding the closest neighbour for a given point has to use a different
	 - added weight estimation for the top volume
	TGeoMaterial :
	 - material index in the list of materials added as data member (as for
	volumes) - I needed this for weight computation, but it will be helpfull
	for any other analysis based on material indexing.
	TGeoVolume :
	 - weight estimation method in the context menu of volumes : can be
	verbose (default) or not and takes as argument the desired precision.
	Prints error (1 x SIGMA)
	 - implementation of weight estimation based on sampling random points
	in the bounding box of a volume. Materials with rho<0.01 g/cm3 (mostly
	gases) ignored due to the fact that we generally do not want to weight
	the air in the top volume container (it can have quite significant mass)
	other modified classes just provide redirection of Weight() method to
	the geopainter package.
2003-02-17 11:51  brun

	* test/RootShower/RootShower.cxx:
	From Bertrand:
	Added a function to automatically  switch to related display tab when
	user press "show selection" or "start new event" buttons
2003-02-16 15:37  rdm

	* cint/: inc/G__ci.h, inc/common.h, inc/fproto.h, include/carray.h,
	include/darray.h, include/spice.h, lib/longlong/longlong.h,
	lib/prec_stl/deque, lib/prec_stl/list, lib/prec_stl/map,
	lib/prec_stl/memory, lib/prec_stl/multimap, lib/prec_stl/multiset,
	lib/prec_stl/set, lib/prec_stl/vector, src/dump.c, src/expr.c,
	src/ifunc.c, src/init.c, src/input.c, src/pause.c, src/struct.c,
	src/tmplt.c, src/typedef.c, tool/batch.c:
	For what else is new see
	Took Masa's version of prec_stl. Philippe please check.
2003-02-15 06:41  brun

	* html/: inc/THtml.h, src/THtml.cxx:
	Add include "TROOT.h" in THtml.h (reference to gROOT).
	This is necessary when THtml is included itself in some user code.
2003-02-14 22:24  brun

	* gui/src/HelpText.cxx:
	Remove end of line characters
2003-02-14 21:50  brun

	* gui/src/HelpText.cxx:
	Some fixes by Bertrand in the table of key strokes for OpenGL
2003-02-14 20:19  rdm

	* test/RootShower/RootShower.cxx:
	add command line argument to start either with TApplication or with TRint.
2003-02-14 20:05  rdm

	* rint/src/TTabCom.cxx:
	since AddAll() accepts now const TCollection* some casts are not needed
2003-02-14 10:24  brun

	* build/unix/, config/Makefile.macosx:
	Two patches for MacOSX from Remi Mommsen
	I prepared two patches for the Mac OS X build of ROOT. I came across
	these issues while preparing a fink package ( for
	fink.patch: The config/Makefile.macosx misuses the EXTRA_* entries for
	setting the fink specific paths (/sw/lib, /sw/include). A problem
	arises if you want to compile root with fixed paths using the
	HAVE_CONFIG compiler flag which is passed using the EXTRA_* entries.
	Therefore I added dedicated FINK_* flags to Makefile.macosx. They stay
	empty in case that there is no fink installation in /sw and therefore
	should not interfere with no-fink systems.
	dylib_loading.patch: On Mac OS X there are two ways how to find shared
	libraries at run time. The linux way to define DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH
	pointing to the library path and the Apple preferred way to hardcode
	the full library path into the executable at linking time. ROOT
	currently uses the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH which enables the relocation of
	the libraries after the linking. Apple uses for all applications the
	latter method having the advantage that the common Apple user does not
	have to fiddle around with environment variables. For the fink package
	I'm going to provide I will use the latter method. This patch
	introduces minor changes to config/Makefile.macosx and
	build/unix/ to enable the hard-coded library path. I do not
	have any preferences on how ROOT should handle this by default. Any
2003-02-14 09:23  brun

	* cont/: inc/TCollection.h, src/TCollection.cxx:
	make argument of TCollection::AddAll const (thanks Jiri Masik)
2003-02-13 21:57  brun

	* hist/src/TFormula.cxx:
	Improvement of TFormula::Analyze by Glenn Horton-Smith.
	With the previous version, a command like:
	root [1] TF1 *f= new TF1("f","max(0,min(x,1))")
	*ERROR 22 :
	 POW requires two arguments
	Two-argument functions can't be used in an argument to any two-argument
	function.  The parser (TFormula::Analyze()) gets confused when it sees the comma
	in the argument list to the second (nested) two-argument function, even if the
	argument is fully parenthesized.
2003-02-13 21:37  brun

	* win32gdk/src/TGWin32.cxx:
	Fix from Bertrand for a problem affecting RootShower at startup time
	in win32gdk
2003-02-13 15:44  brun

	* config/Makefile.linuxdeb2ppc, test/Makefile,
	Add support for linuxdeb2ppc from Jiri Masik
2003-02-13 12:21  rdm

	* configure:
	new option fontdir was not handled correctly.
2003-02-13 12:04  brun

	* geompainter/: inc/TGeoOverlap.h, src/TGeoOverlap.cxx,
	Bug fix by Andrei when viewing/browsing volume overlaps
2003-02-12 21:59  brun

	* test/RootShower/icons/: about.xpm, quit.xpm, save.xpm,
	New icons from Bertrand
2003-02-12 21:51  brun

	* test/RootShower/: Makefile, RootShower.cxx, RootShower.h:
	Remove end of line character from original Bertrand's files
2003-02-12 21:42  brun

	* test/RootShower/: Makefile, RootShower.cxx, RootShower.h:
	From Bertrand;
	 - Added Bool_t fIsRunning flag to lock access to different menu entries
	while running simulation.
	 - Added fClient->WaitFor() on Root Help Dialogs to avoid having
	multiple ones opened at the same time.
	 - Added forgotten initialization of Bool_t fSettingsModified at
	construction time.
	 - Corrected Makefile to build on win32gdk arch.
2003-02-12 19:02  brun

	* test/
	This script should now run correctly on Solaris
2003-02-12 18:47  brun

	* eg/inc/TParticle.h:
	Forgot to commit this change
2003-02-12 18:44  brun

	* physics/inc/: TLorentzVector.h, TVector3.h:
	Add comments in the header files for the functions Phi()
	There are at least two definition of the azimuth angle in root:
	1) TLorentzVector::Phi() and TVector3::Phi() returns phi from -pi to pi:
	2) TParticle::Phi() returns phi from 0 to 2pi:
2003-02-12 18:20  brun

	* geom/inc/TVirtualGeoPainter.h, geompainter/inc/TGeoOverlap.h,
	geompainter/inc/TGeoPainter.h, geompainter/src/TGeoOverlap.cxx,
	From Andrei:
	"I managed to change completely the way to draw overlaps. Now class
	TGeoOverlap has line and 3D attributes and paints by itself without
	affecting the geometry at all. It prints the object stats when activated
	in the pad."
2003-02-12 15:49  brun

	* geom/src/TGeoManager.cxx, geom/src/TGeoTube.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoVolume.cxx, test/RootShower/RootShower.cxx:
	From andrei:
	  TGeoManager.cxx :
	    - removed obsolete MakeCopyNodes() from MakeXXX()
	   TGeoTube.cxx :
	   -  allow placing parametrized tubes in more shapes.
	   - wrong divisioning issue now a Fatal() instead of Error()
	   - corection in handling divisions of parametrizes shapes - it
	affected EMCAL where some node where duplicated
2003-02-12 15:15  rdm

	* unix/src/TUnixSystem.cxx, winnt/src/TWinNTSystem.cxx:
	protection in Which() to not return directories, only files.
2003-02-12 14:49  rdm

	* gl/inc/: TRootGLU.h, TRootGLViewer.h, TRootGLX.h,
	TRootOIViewer.h, TRootWGL.h, TWin32GLViewerImp.h:
	fix for GL macros on Solaris confusing GL methods in TVirtualX.h. Also
	corrected multiple inclusion macros that were not of the format ROOT_filename.
2003-02-12 13:05  brun

	* histpainter/src/THistPainter.cxx:
	Paintaxis before painting the histogram to avoid the grid on top
	of the axis in case a grid is selected.
2003-02-12 12:19  brun

	* histpainter/src/THistPainter.cxx, test/RootShower/Makefile:
	Optimisation in THistPainter::PaintInit when computing the Y limits.
	In case of a Logy scale, do not use the function values to compute the
	minimum if the corresponding bin content is null.
2003-02-12 11:49  brun

	* test/RootShower/RootShower.cxx:
	Do not attempt to fit in case the number of entries in the histogram is small.
	Delete the fit function if the result of the fit is non-sense
2003-02-12 10:03  brun

	* meta/src/TStreamerInfo.cxx:
	Remove a printf statement lreft from a debug exercise
2003-02-12 09:58  brun

	* test/RootShower/MyParticle.cxx:
	Remove optional default arguments in implementation file
2003-02-12 09:10  brun

	* test/RootShower/MyParticle.cxx:
	Fix in MyParticle: to circumvent an overloading problem on HP-UX
	Ambiguous overloaded function declaration; default arguments make this
	    function indistinguishable from previous one. Clashing function "MyParticle::MyParticle(int,int,int,int,const
	    TVector3 &,const TVector3 &)" was previously declared at ["MyParticle.h", line 45].
	    MyParticle::MyParticle(Int_t id, Int_t pType,Int_t pStat,Int_t pDecayType,co
2003-02-12 08:58  brun

	* eg/: inc/TParticlePDG.h, src/TParticlePDG.cxx:
	Move TParticlePDG::DecayChannel from header to implementation file
2003-02-12 08:41  brun

	* test/RootShower/SettingsDlg.cxx:
	Remove a comma in an enum (fatal on Solaris)
2003-02-12 08:38  brun

	* test/RootShower/: MyDetector.cxx, MyEvent.cxx, MyEvent.h,
	RootShower.cxx, RootShower.h:
	Several fixes to avoid compilation warnings or fatal errors on some machines.
	Replace the member Long_t fEventTime by TDatime
2003-02-12 01:13  rdm

	* Makefile:
	recursively also call distclean in test/RootShower.
2003-02-12 01:07  rdm

	* build/: unix/, win/
	export also test/RootShower.
2003-02-12 01:06  rdm

	* configure, test/Makefile, test/
	no test/ needed anymore, use directly "root-config --arch" to set
	the architecture.
2003-02-12 00:58  rdm

	* test/RootShower/: Makefile, Makefile.linux, Makefile.linuxicc,
	new unified Makefile for all platforms.
2003-02-11 21:25  brun

	* cont/src/TBits.cxx:
	Fix a memory leak in TBits assignement operator
	(thanks to Mathieu de Naurois)
2003-02-11 19:22  brun

	* meta/: inc/TStreamerInfo.h, src/TStreamerInfo.cxx:
	Implement new functions;
	 Int_t  ReadBufferSkip(TBuffer &b, char *pointer, Int_t i, Int_t kase, TStreamerElement *aElement);
	 Int_t  ReadBufferConv(TBuffer &b, char *pointer, Int_t i, Int_t kase, TStreamerElement *aElement);
	 Int_t  ReadBufferClonesSkip(TBuffer &b, TClonesArray *clones, Int_t nc, Int_t i, Int_t kase, TStreamerElement *aElement);
	 Int_t  ReadBufferClonesConv(TBuffer &b, TClonesArray *clones, Int_t nc, Int_t i, Int_t kase, Int_t eoffset, TStreamerElement *aElement);
	Move in these new functions, the code previously in ReadBuffer/ReadbufferClones
	for skiping or converting members.
	Implement the conversion code for TClonesArray.
2003-02-11 17:13  rdm

	* test/RootShower/: GButtonFrame.cxx, GButtonFrame.h,
	GTitleFrame.cxx, GTitleFrame.h, MyDetector.cxx, MyDetector.h,
	MyEvent.cxx, MyEvent.h, MyParticle.cxx, MyParticle.h,
	ParticlesDef.h, RSAbout.cxx, RSAbout.h, RSHelpText.h,
	RSHelptext.cxx, RSLinkDef.h, RSMsgBox.cxx, RSMsgBox.h,
	RootShower.cxx, SettingsDlg.cxx, constants.h, anim/anim01.xpm,
	anim/anim02.xpm, anim/anim03.xpm, anim/anim04.xpm, anim/anim05.xpm,
	anim/anim06.xpm, anim/anim07.xpm, anim/anim08.xpm, anim/anim09.xpm,
	anim/anim10.xpm, anim/anim11.xpm, anim/anim12.xpm, anim/anim13.xpm,
	anim/anim14.xpm, anim/anim15.xpm, anim/anim16.xpm, anim/anim17.xpm,
	anim/anim18.xpm, anim/anim19.xpm, anim/anim20.xpm, anim/anim21.xpm,
	anim/anim22.xpm, anim/anim23.xpm, anim/anim24.xpm, icons/cern.xpm,
	icons/mclogo01.xpm, icons/open.xpm, icons/right.xpm:
	files did still have dos line endings.
2003-02-11 16:48  rdm

	* test/RootShower/.rootshowerrc:
	config file for RootShower.
2003-02-11 16:48  rdm

	* test/RootShower/icons/: Alice.xpm, about.xpm, browser.xpm,
	cern.xpm, help.xpm, infos.xpm, left.xpm, license.xpm, manual.xpm,
	mclogo01.xpm, open.xpm, quit.xpm, right.xpm, save.xpm, saveas.xpm,
	settings.xpm, view3d.xpm:
	icons used by RootShower.
2003-02-11 16:47  rdm

	* test/RootShower/anim/: anim01.xpm, anim02.xpm, anim03.xpm,
	anim04.xpm, anim05.xpm, anim06.xpm, anim07.xpm, anim08.xpm,
	anim09.xpm, anim10.xpm, anim11.xpm, anim12.xpm, anim13.xpm,
	anim14.xpm, anim15.xpm, anim16.xpm, anim17.xpm, anim18.xpm,
	anim19.xpm, anim20.xpm, anim21.xpm, anim22.xpm, anim23.xpm,
	animated icon used by RootShower.
2003-02-11 16:46  rdm

	* test/RootShower/: GButtonFrame.cxx, GButtonFrame.h,
	GTitleFrame.cxx, GTitleFrame.h, Makefile.linux, Makefile.linuxicc,
	Makefile.win32, MyDetector.cxx, MyDetector.h, MyEvent.cxx,
	MyEvent.h, MyParticle.cxx, MyParticle.h, ParticlesDef.h,
	RSAbout.cxx, RSAbout.h, RSHelpText.h, RSHelptext.cxx, RSLinkDef.h,
	RSMsgBox.cxx, RSMsgBox.h, RSVersion.h, RootShower.cxx,
	RootShower.h, RootShower.ico, RootShower.png, SettingsDlg.cxx,
	SettingsDlg.h, constants.h:
	add Bertrand Bellenot's very nice GUI and physics demonstration program.
2003-02-11 16:00  rdm

	* gl/src/TRootWin32GLViewer.cxx:
	not needed anymore since win32gdk uses now the common TRootGLViewer.cxx.
2003-02-11 13:30  rdm

	* pgsql/inc/: TPgSQLResult.h, TPgSQLRow.h, TPgSQLServer.h:
	seems to work without the <sys/time.h> include.
2003-02-11 13:29  rdm

	* base/inc/TVirtualX.h, config/Makefile.win32gdk, gl/,
	gl/src/TGdkGLKernel.cxx, gl/src/TRootGLViewer.cxx,
	win32gdk/inc/GdkConstants.h, win32gdk/inc/TGWin32.h,
	win32gdk/src/GWin32Gui.cxx, win32gdk/src/GdkThread.cxx,
	win32gdk/src/TGWin32.cxx, x11/src/TGX11.cxx:
	changes by Bertrand to support OpenGL in Win32gdk mode.
2003-02-11 13:17  rdm

	* table/src/TPoints3D.cxx, table/src/TPointsArray3D.cxx,
	table/src/TResponseTable.cxx, table/src/TTable.cxx,
	treeplayer/src/TTreeFormula.cxx, geom/inc/TGeoCache.h:
	remove unused variable and argument warnings spotted by MacOS X.
2003-02-11 13:16  brun

	* geom/src/: TGeoCone.cxx, TGeoTube.cxx:
	Accept rmin being equal to rmax
2003-02-11 09:48  brun

	* geom/inc/TGeoManager.h, geom/inc/TVirtualGeoPainter.h,
	geom/src/TGeoArb8.cxx, geom/src/TGeoManager.cxx,
	geompainter/inc/TGeoChecker.h, geompainter/inc/TGeoPainter.h,
	geompainter/src/TGeoChecker.cxx, geompainter/src/TGeoOverlap.cxx,
	From Andrei;
	add method TGeoManager::PrintOverlaps
	fix compilation warnings
2003-02-10 22:53  brun

	* cint/lib/longlong/longlong.h:
	New version from Philippe fixing a problem with gcc3.2
2003-02-10 18:23  brun

	* geom/inc/TGeoManager.h, geom/inc/TGeoShape.h,
	geom/inc/TGeoVolume.h, geom/src/TGeoCone.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoManager.cxx, geom/src/TGeoTube.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoVolume.cxx, geompainter/inc/LinkDef.h,
	geompainter/inc/TGeoOverlap.h, geompainter/src/TGeoChecker.cxx,
	geompainter/src/TGeoOverlap.cxx, geompainter/src/TGeoPainter.cxx:
	From Andrei:
	- new files TGeoOverlap.h/cxx in geompainter directory. Contains one
	base class and 2 derived, describing overlaps. The CheckOverlaps()
	methods in TGeoManager and TGeoVolume fills a list of these objects
	which is held by TGeoManager class and appears in the browser as
	"Illegal overlaps". The elements in this list are ordered according the
	overlapping distance, big comes first and extrusions before node
	overlaps. Double-clicking triggers drawing. Points in the
	overlapping/extruding region are paint in red, while the 2 candidates in
	bleu/green. The list of overlaps is dynamic and changes whenever a check
	is done per volume.
	- volumes with invalid shapes post a warning (see ATLAS)
2003-02-10 18:16  brun

	* cint/lib/prec_stl/: deque, list, map, memory, multimap, multiset,
	set, vector:
	From Philippe,
	Fixes to the CINT STL librray that should work for gcc2.91, gcc2.95, gcc2.96 and gcc3.2
2003-02-10 11:57  rdm

	* base/inc/TObjString.h:
	make argument of SetString const char*, was char*.
2003-02-10 10:55  brun

	* geompainter/src/TGeoChecker.cxx:
	Remove reference to TGeoShape::kBig (problem with dlls on win32)
2003-02-10 10:54  brun

	* geompainter/inc/TGeoChecker.h:
	Add include "TObject.h"
2003-02-10 10:54  brun

	* geom/inc/TGeoBBox.h:
	Remove forward reference to TGeoShape
2003-02-10 09:58  brun

	* hist/src/TFormula.cxx:
	Fix typos in Error messages
2003-02-09 19:35  brun

	* base/: inc/TFolder.h, src/TFolder.cxx:
	Add a new constructor to class TFolder.
	   TFolder(const char* name, const char* title)
	This constructor creates a default collection of type TList.
2003-02-09 10:59  rdm

	* cint/: inc/G__ci.h, inc/cbstrm.h, inc/fproto.h, inc/gcc3strm.h,
	inc/iccstrm.h, inc/sunstrm.h, include/iostream.h, include/stdio.h,
	lib/cbstream/fstrm.h, lib/cbstream/iostrm.h, lib/dll_stl/eh.h,
	lib/gcc3strm/fstrm.h, lib/iccstrm/fstrm.h, lib/prec_stl/multimap,
	lib/pthread/Makefile, lib/snstream/fstrm.h, src/Api.cxx,
	src/debug.c, src/func.c, src/gcc3strm.cxx, src/iccstrm.cxx,
	src/ifunc.c, src/loadfile.c, src/newlink.c, src/pause.c,
	src/struct.c, src/sunstrm.cxx, src/tmplt.c, src/value.c,
	import of CINT 5.15.74.
	For what else is new see
	Retained change in map that Masa did not yet take over because it does not
	compile on all platforms. To be sorted out.
2003-02-09 09:55  brun

	* base/src/TRandom.cxx:
	Do not mask to 31 bits in Rndm, RndmArray.
2003-02-08 22:31  brun

	* cont/src/TBits.cxx:
	Fix a mismatch between new and delete (delete [])
2003-02-08 10:15  brun

	* cint/lib/prec_stl/map:
	From Philippe
	The definition of map in cint/lib/prec_stl uses an incorrect default allocator.  It uses allocator<T> instead of allocator<pair<const Key, T> >:
2003-02-08 00:46  brun

	* treeplayer/src/TTreeFormula.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	This patch instructs TTreeFormula to ignore branch that are disabled (when searching for a method).
2003-02-07 19:20  rdm

	* gui/src/TGTab.cxx:
	correct typo in comment of RemoveTab(). Thanks Ilka.
2003-02-07 17:16  brun

	* utils/src/rootcint.cxx:
	patch from Axel Naumann to circumvent a bug in VisualC++.
	assume the following class layout
	class A {
	  class B1 {};
	  class B2: public B1 {};
	rootcint will generate code like this:
	This triggers the good old "call of non-static member function" bug in
	MSVC6. There are workarounds for similar code fragments in rootcint (e.g.
	for ShowMembers)
2003-02-07 14:46  brun

	* geom/inc/TGeoBBox.h, geom/inc/TGeoCone.h, geom/inc/TGeoManager.h,
	geom/inc/TGeoPcon.h, geom/inc/TGeoShape.h, geom/inc/TGeoSphere.h,
	geom/inc/TGeoTube.h, geom/inc/TGeoVolume.h,
	geom/inc/TVirtualGeoPainter.h, geom/src/TGeoArb8.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoBBox.cxx, geom/src/TGeoCone.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoManager.cxx, geom/src/TGeoPara.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoPcon.cxx, geom/src/TGeoPgon.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoShape.cxx, geom/src/TGeoSphere.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoTrd1.cxx, geom/src/TGeoTrd2.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoTube.cxx, geom/src/TGeoVolume.cxx,
	geompainter/inc/TGeoChecker.h, geompainter/inc/TGeoPainter.h,
	geompainter/src/TGeoChecker.cxx, geompainter/src/TGeoPainter.cxx:
	New version from Andrei and Mihaela:
	 - several implementations of method Safety for shapes
	 - few bug fixes in safety computation (phi segmented shapes)
	 - volumes have now an unique ID that you can get with GetNumber()
	 - Mihaela implemented an overlap checker that can be called either for
	all geometry :
	    TGeoManager::CheckOverlaps(Double_t ovlp=0.1) or just for a given
	volume. OVLP is the lower overlapping limit. The checker looks for the
	following errors in the geometry definition :
	  1 - nodes extruding their mother - can be visualised with
	TGeoManager::DrawExtrusion(char *mother, char *node) which draws mother
	in blue and extruding daughter in red
	  2 - ONLY brothers overlapping to each other - can be  visualized with
	TGeoManager::DrawOverlap(char *volume, char *node1, char *node2) - node1
	will appear in red and node2 in blue.
	  These methods can be called only after CheckOverlaps() that prints the
	list of overlaps. They are all in the context menu of both TGeoVolume
	and TGeoManager.
2003-02-07 10:04  brun

	* histpainter/src/THistPainter.cxx:
	In THistPainter::PaintTitle, change the default minimum for the title box
	from 60% to 70% of the width of the pad.
2003-02-06 22:44  brun

	* base/src/TMath.cxx:
	Remove references to numerical recipee and code twisting.
2003-02-06 00:48  rdm

	* base/: inc/TObject.h, src/TObject.cxx:
	also define the operators new[]() and delete[]() for TObject. These were
	missing and could cause assymmetric behaviour in case of "new TObject" and
	"new TObject[]" whereby the latter would not go via TStorage::ObjectAlloc().
2003-02-06 00:36  rdm

	* matrix/src/: TVector.cxx, TVectorD.cxx:
	use TStorage::Alloc() and TStorage::Dealloc() to create and delete in
	a symmetric way the fElements array.
2003-02-06 00:35  rdm

	* table/: inc/TTableDescriptor.h, src/TTableDescriptor.cxx:
	"const" is redundant in return type of "const Int_t ColumnByName()".
2003-02-05 20:30  brun

	* matrix/src/: TMatrix.cxx, TMatrixD.cxx:
	Fix from Eddy Offermann fixing a problem reported by Chris Crawford
	when inverting symmetric matrices with a zero in the diagonal.
2003-02-05 19:11  brun

	* meta/src/TStreamerInfo.cxx:
	Add a protection in TStreamerInfo::BuildCheck for a problem
	reported by Robert Hatcher when reading very old Root files.
2003-02-05 16:22  rdm

	* matrix/src/: TVector.cxx, TVectorD.cxx:
	::operator delete[](void*) does not exist and did not compile on Windows,
	revert to ::operator delete(void*).
2003-02-05 16:11  rdm

	* rootd/src/rootd.cxx, net/src/TNetFile.cxx:
	fix a problem with "recreate" and "update" modes. If the recreate or update
	resulted in the creation of a new file an attempt to read the new file was
2003-02-05 16:08  rdm

	* utils/src/rootcint.cxx:
	small reordering of comments and help text.
2003-02-05 16:07  rdm

	* config/, config/, tree/inc/TBranch.h,
	if a branch is a folder use a different icon then when it is not (like for
	branch elements).
2003-02-05 16:03  rdm

	* base/inc/TBuffer.h:
	fix typo in comment of new fClassMap member.
2003-02-04 23:04  brun

	* base/: inc/TBuffer.h, src/TBuffer.cxx, src/TKey.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	The following patch insures that object of class using multiple inheritance with TObject not being in the
	'left-most' inheritance part are now correctly returned even when they are saved multiple time in the same
	buffer (the class information for these objects are stored only once, and was not available during the 2nd
2003-02-03 02:02  rdm

	* test/Tetris.cxx:
	don't call gApplication->Terminate() but gTetris->Quit() which properly
	resets the keyboard repeat action. In the past this did not work, but now
	that we've solved the proper closing of TRootCanvases (via ReallyDelete())
	it works fine.
2003-02-03 01:58  rdm

	* gui/src/TRootCanvas.cxx:
	typo in comment.
2003-02-02 17:25  brun

	* test/: Tetris.cxx, Tetris.h:
	Initialize array of pointers fBoard in TetrisBoard constructor.
	Fix a bug in TetrisBoard::AllAboveLinesDown encountered only by good players ::)
2003-02-01 19:23  brun

	* tutorials/bill.C:
	Renormalize benchmark
2003-02-01 18:35  brun

	* gpad/: inc/TCanvas.h, src/TCanvas.cxx:
	Move TCanvas::SetSelected to the implementation file.
	Set the bit kMustCleanup for the selected object.
	This will force TPad::RecursiveRemove to be called when the selected
	object will be deleted and prevent TCanvas::HandleInput to call
	TCanvas::EnterLeave with a deleted object.
	Following this change, the tutorial anim.C can be executed without
	crashing Root when the mouse is entering/leaving the canvas.
2003-02-01 08:40  brun

	* win32gdk/src/GWin32Gui.cxx:
	New Version of GWin32Gui::CreateGlWindow from Bertrand.
2003-01-31 23:53  brun

	* matrix/src/: TVector.cxx, TVectorD.cxx:
	In destructors use delete [] instead of delete
2003-01-31 23:24  brun

	* base/: inc/TView.h, src/TView.cxx:
	Change argument type of TView::PadRange from Double_t to Int_t
2003-01-31 19:02  brun

	* treeplayer/src/TTreePlayer.cxx:
	Modify TTreePlayer::Process to Notify the selector.
2003-01-31 18:43  rdm

	* meta/
	when using VC++ vers 1300 compile StreamerInfo with -O instead of -O2.
2003-01-31 18:36  rdm

	* config/: Makefile.linuxicc, Makefile.win32, Makefile.win32gdk:
	add code to get major and minor version number of compiler. To be used for
	conditional compilation.
2003-01-31 18:19  brun

	* tree/src/TSelector.cxx:
	Initialize fStatus in TSelector constructor
2003-01-31 18:19  brun

	* base/src/TSystem.cxx:
	Fix a bug in TSystem::CompileMacro.
	Replace all statements
	   delete name
	   delete [] name;
2003-01-31 18:00  brun

	* test/
	m Philippe:
	a more generic way of removing DrawTest known warning messages.
2003-01-31 18:00  brun

	* html/: inc/THtml.h, src/THtml.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	Inlined virtual destructor are known to cause problem with some compilers.  KCC, with exception enabled, is definitively one of them.  I solved the problem by moving the destructor to the implementation file.
2003-01-31 17:47  rdm

	* treeplayer/inc/TTreeFormulaManager.h:
	only make dtor public for VC++ 1300 compiler, not for anyother. This allows
	for the intended behaviour on all other systems/compilers.
2003-01-31 17:38  brun

	* geom/inc/TGeoArb8.h, geom/inc/TGeoCone.h, geom/inc/TGeoManager.h,
	geom/inc/TGeoTube.h, geom/inc/TVirtualGeoPainter.h,
	geom/src/TGeoCone.cxx, geom/src/TGeoManager.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoPcon.cxx, geom/src/TGeoPgon.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoSphere.cxx, geom/src/TGeoTube.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoVolume.cxx, geompainter/inc/TGeoChecker.h,
	geompainter/inc/TGeoPainter.h, geompainter/src/TGeoChecker.cxx,
	New version of the geometry package from Andrei:
	 - new algorithms for computing safety for tubes, cones, pcon
	 - TGeoChecker::CheckPoint() modified so that a "safety ball" is drawn
	when one uses it. - global tracking modified such that the distances for most of the
	shapes (except pgon and arb8) are computed only if the safety to these
	shapes is smaller than a refference value.
	 There is one limitation in case global safety is computed : the value
	fSafety hold by TGeoManager does not represent the real safety, but the
	minimum safety value among those calculated for the checked nodes.
	Therefore if some node is "backwards" w.r.t the current direction, it
	will be ignored in safety computation. I do not know if this affects
	tracking, but I guess not. In short words, the global safety depends on
	the current direction - for instance after just exiting a volume it
	might happen that safety is not a very small value.
2003-01-31 17:37  brun

	* test/stressgeom.cxx:
	New version by Mihaela Gheata to include "trusted" values for
	the first part of the test
2003-01-31 17:20  brun

	* test/Tetris.cxx:
	Make Tetris working again
2003-01-31 17:06  rdm

	* Makefile, cint/, freetype/, utils/
	small cleanup of Matt's fixes + bug fix in cleanup script in freetype/
2003-01-31 16:42  brun

	* test/Hello.cxx:
	Fix in TChar::GetWidth to take into account teh new TText::GetTextExtent
2003-01-31 16:13  brun

	* tutorials/timeonaxis.C:
	Remove call to gROOT->Reset in timeonaxis.C
2003-01-31 16:11  brun

	* tutorials/FeldmanCousins.C:
	Update comments
2003-01-31 14:09  brun

	* Makefile, configure, cint/, config/Makefile.win32,
	config/Makefile.win32gdk, main/, utils/
	Some mods by Matt Langston optimizing the make clean setup
	and adding support to install under MS .NET environment
2003-01-31 12:32  brun

	* test/stress.cxx:
	Renormalize stress following the recent additions from Philippe
2003-01-31 12:21  brun

	* base/inc/RVersion.h, build/version_number:
	Increment version to 3.05/02
2003-01-31 12:21  brun

	* hist/src/TH1.cxx:
	Add comments in TH1::Fit indicating how to access the fit covariance matrix
2003-01-31 12:06  brun

	* base/inc/RConfig.h:
	revert to the previous version.
	Activating R__ANSISTREAM with VC++6 has two many side-effects.
	Bugs found in VC++6 when compiling TDatime and TTime. Hopeless to fix.
	This seems to compile however correctly with VC++7
2003-01-31 09:24  brun

	* table/: inc/TCL.h, inc/TTable.h, inc/TTableMap.h,
	Several updates from Valeri Fine fixing portability problems
2003-01-31 09:23  brun

	* treeplayer/inc/TTreeFormulaManager.h:
	The TTreeFormulaManager destructor moved to the public area.
	VC++7 did not accept it as private.
2003-01-31 09:22  brun

	* base/inc/RConfig.h:
	use R__ANSISTREAM for all versions of VC++
2003-01-31 09:10  brun

	* utils/src/rootcint.cxx:
	from Philippe
	workaround for a Solaris compiler bug with nested classes.
2003-01-30 15:55  brun

	* test/: dt_build.C, dt_wrap.C:
	New scripts required by the new version of
2003-01-30 15:36  rdm

	* config/Makefile.aix5, config/Makefile.win32,
	config/Makefile.win32gdk, html/
	add in the libHtml build rule the dependency on libGraf so parallel builds will
	still work.
2003-01-30 15:07  brun

	* html/src/THtml.cxx:
	Remove unused variable "end"
2003-01-30 15:05  brun

	* geom/src/TGeoVoxelFinder.cxx:
	Remove unused variable "in"
2003-01-30 14:52  brun

	* config/Makefile.aix5:
	add lGraf as LIBHTMLLIBEXTRA required by new THtml
2003-01-30 14:34  brun

	* html/: inc/THtml.h, src/THtml.cxx:
	More compilation problems fixed
2003-01-30 12:59  brun

	* html/: inc/THtml.h, src/THtml.cxx:
	Fix several portability problems
2003-01-30 12:33  brun

	* html/: inc/LinkDef.h, inc/THtml.h, src/THtml.cxx:
	New version of THtml by Axel Naumann implementing a new function MakeHelp
	to be used by the new ROOT Help system in preparation.
2003-01-30 10:21  brun

	* treeviewer/src/TTreeViewer.cxx:
	Add protection in case the Treeviewer is used to draw a variable
	and gPad is null.
2003-01-30 09:37  brun

	* graf/: inc/TMarker.h, src/TMarker.cxx:
	Implement support for NDC coordinates. New function SetNDC
2003-01-30 09:22  brun

	* test/
	Add special case for Windows to build stressgeom
2003-01-30 07:40  brun

	* test/Event.cxx, test/Event.h, test/dt_DrawTest.C,
	test/dt_MakeRef.C, test/dt_Makefile, test/dt_RunDrawTest.C,
	test/, treeplayer/inc/TTreeFormula.h,
	treeplayer/src/TSelectorDraw.cxx, treeplayer/src/TTreeFormula.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	This patch adds systematic test for the ability of TTree::Draw to draw TBits objects.
	It also fixes all the bug discovered during the tests.
	It also adds a test for split level 2.
2003-01-29 22:58  brun

	* hist/src/TH1.cxx:
	Mods in TH1::BufferEmpty and TH1::RebinAxis to support multiple calls
	to BufferEmpty when the kCanRebin bit is set.
2003-01-29 17:53  brun

	* win32gdk/src/TGWin32.cxx:
	From Bertrand
	One more fix for the line dash style
2003-01-29 17:49  brun

	* histpainter/src/THistPainter.cxx:
	From Olivier:
	* New option SURF5:
	  "SURF5"  : Same as SURF3 but only the colored contour is drawn. Used
	             with option CYL, SPH or PSR it allows to draw colored
	             contours on a sphere, a cylinder or a in pseudo rapidy space.
	             In cartesian or polar coordinates, option SURF3 is used.
	 * With option SURF4 (Gouraud shading) only the cartesian system was
	   allowed. This restriction (in the funtion analysing the plotting
	   options) has been removed because Gouraud shading works in all the
	   coordinate systems (POL, CYL, SPH and PSR).
2003-01-29 12:32  brun

	* hist/src/TH1.cxx:
	Fix a mismatch with operator delete in TH1::BufferEmpty
2003-01-29 11:42  brun

	* geom/src/TGeoManager.cxx:
	Fix a bug in TGeoManager::SetTopVolume.
	The temp array of chars for the name was not allocated sufficiently large.
2003-01-29 09:32  brun

	* icons/Splash.bmp:
	Update to 3.05 by Bertrand
2003-01-29 08:36  brun

	* win32gdk/gdk/dll/gdk-1.3.dll:
	New version of the dll from Bertrand with better line types for NT and w2000 (but not w95 or w98)
2003-01-28 23:06  rdm

	* win32gdk/gdk/dll/gdk-1.3.dll:
	new version with fixes for dashed lines. By Bertrand.
2003-01-28 21:07  brun

	* win32gdk/src/TGWin32.cxx:
	Fix in line styles by Bertrand
2003-01-28 19:31  rdm

	* gui/src/: TGColorDialog.cxx, TGColorSelect.cxx:
	don't set user defined colors after widget has already been
	deleted, now set just before window is deleted. Reportded by Otto Schaile.
2003-01-28 19:12  brun

	* geom/inc/TGeoManager.h:
	Remove reference to TGeoShape::kBig. TGeoShape is only a forward reference.
	This gives problems when compiling geom on Windows.
2003-01-28 17:41  brun

	* geom/src/TGeoManager.cxx, hist/inc/TF1.h, hist/src/TF1.cxx:
	Add new function in TF1;
	Double_t TF1::GetMaximumX(Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax) const
	// return the X value corresponding to the maximum value of the function
	// Method:
	//   the function is computed at fNpx points between xmin and xmax
	//   xxmax is the X value corresponding to the maximum function value
	//   An iterative procedure computes the minimum around xxmax
	//   until dx is less than 1e-9 *(fXmax-fXmin)
2003-01-28 08:43  brun

	* base/: inc/TMath.h, src/TMath.cxx:
	Add the Poisson distribution function
	   static Double_t  Poisson(Double_t x, Double_t par);
2003-01-27 21:41  brun

	* table/: inc/LinkDef.h, inc/TCL.h, inc/TChair.h,
	inc/TColumnView.h, inc/TDataSet.h, inc/TDataSetIter.h,
	inc/TFileIter.h, inc/TFileSet.h, inc/TGenericTable.h,
	inc/TIndexTable.h, inc/TObjectSet.h, inc/TPoints3D.h,
	inc/TPointsArray3D.h, inc/TPolyLineShape.h,
	inc/TResponseIterator.h, inc/TResponseTable.h, inc/TTable.h,
	inc/TTable3Points.h, inc/TTableDescriptor.h, inc/TTableIter.h,
	inc/TTableMap.h, inc/TTablePoints.h, inc/TTableSorter.h,
	inc/TVolume.h, inc/TVolumePosition.h, inc/TVolumeView.h,
	inc/TVolumeViewIter.h, inc/Ttypes.h, inc/tableDescriptor.h,
	src/TCL.cxx, src/TChair.cxx, src/TColumnView.cxx, src/TDataSet.cxx,
	src/TDataSetIter.cxx, src/TFileIter.cxx, src/TFileSet.cxx,
	src/TGenericTable.cxx, src/TIndexTable.cxx, src/TObjectSet.cxx,
	src/TPoints3D.cxx, src/TPointsArray3D.cxx, src/TPolyLineShape.cxx,
	src/TResponseTable.cxx, src/TTable.cxx, src/TTable3Points.cxx,
	src/TTableDescriptor.cxx, src/TTableIter.cxx, src/TTableMap.cxx,
	src/TTablePoints.cxx, src/TTableSorter.cxx, src/TVolume.cxx,
	src/TVolumePosition.cxx, src/TVolumeView.cxx,
	New version of the Table package by Valeri Fine.
	New classes TIndexTable TResponseIterator TResponseTable TTableMap
2003-01-27 19:24  rdm

	* base/src/TSystem.cxx, winnt/inc/TWinNTSystem.h,
	change several other Char_t's to char.
2003-01-27 19:13  brun

	* unix/src/TUnixSystem.cxx:
	Change Char_t to char in HomeDirectory to be consistent with the prototype.
2003-01-27 19:04  brun

	* geom/: inc/TGeoCache.h, inc/TGeoManager.h, inc/TGeoVolume.h,
	src/TGeoCache.cxx, src/TGeoManager.cxx, src/TGeoVolume.cxx:
	add a second argument to TGeoManager::GetBranchNumbers to also return the
	volume serial numbers in addition to the volume copy numbers.
	Add a new data member fNumber in TGeoVolume. fNumber is the volume
	serial number in the list of volumes as returned by AddVolume.
2003-01-27 14:16  brun

	* geom/: inc/TGeoCache.h, inc/TGeoManager.h, inc/TGeoNode.h,
	inc/TGeoVolume.h, src/TGeoBBox.cxx, src/TGeoCache.cxx,
	src/TGeoCone.cxx, src/TGeoManager.cxx, src/TGeoNode.cxx,
	src/TGeoPara.cxx, src/TGeoPgon.cxx, src/TGeoSphere.cxx,
	src/TGeoTrd1.cxx, src/TGeoTrd2.cxx, src/TGeoVolume.cxx:
	Update to the geometry package to support copy numbers in TGeoNode.
2003-01-27 11:34  rdm

	* cint/: inc/G__ci.h, include/iostream.h, include/stdio.h,
	lib/cbstream/iostrm.h, lib/gcc3strm/iostrm.h, lib/iccstrm/iostrm.h,
	lib/posix/posix.h, lib/pthread/Makefile, lib/snstream/iostrm.h,
	lib/stdstrct/setup, lib/stdstrct/stdfunc.h, src/cast.c,
	src/gcc3strm.cxx, src/iccstrm.cxx, src/loadfile.c, src/newlink.c,
	src/struct.c, src/sunstrm.cxx:
	import of CINT 5.15.72.
	For what else is new see
2003-01-27 11:28  brun

	* geom/: inc/TGeoManager.h, src/TGeoManager.cxx:
	Some optimisations when calling GetNode or MastertoLocal
2003-01-27 11:28  brun

	* base/src/TRandom.cxx:
	Minor optimisation in RndmArray
2003-01-26 22:03  brun

	* base/: inc/TRandom.h, inc/TRandom2.h, inc/TRandom3.h,
	src/TRandom.cxx, src/TRandom2.cxx, src/TRandom3.cxx:
	In TRandom add new function:
	   virtual  void     RndmArray(Int_t n, Float_t *array);
	In TRandom2 and TRandom3, add the functions:
	   virtual  void     RndmArray(Int_t n, Float_t *array);
	   virtual  void     RndmArray(Int_t n, Double_t *array);
2003-01-26 15:49  brun

	* build/unix/
	Remove geom and geompainter from the list of libs excluded
2003-01-26 15:46  brun

	* geom/src/TGeoManager.cxx:
	Optimize TGeoManager::FindNode(x,y,z) bypassing the call to FindNode()
2003-01-26 14:21  brun

	* base/src/TMath.cxx:
	In the Locmin and Locmax functions, start loop at element 1 instead of 0.
2003-01-26 14:17  brun

	* gui/src/TGListTree.cxx:
	Implement suggestion by Bertrand to optimize the tooltip position
2003-01-24 18:27  rdm

	* build/unix/
	make it compile on Solaris, reference to include directory was missing.
2003-01-24 18:26  rdm

	* graf/, x11ttf/
	make sure our freetype include directory appears before any system directory
	that might contain also freetype includes (was found on MacOS X).
2003-01-24 10:49  brun

	* tutorials/: basic.C, hadd.C, multidimfit.C, pythiaExample.C,
	tree0.C, waves.C:
	Change <iostream.h> to "Riostream.h" to run with gcc3.2
	Several changes to run with ACLIC
2003-01-24 09:38  brun

	* geom/src/: TGeoArb8.cxx, TGeoBBox.cxx, TGeoCompositeShape.cxx,
	TGeoCone.cxx, TGeoEltu.cxx, TGeoManager.cxx, TGeoPara.cxx,
	TGeoPcon.cxx, TGeoPgon.cxx, TGeoSphere.cxx, TGeoTrd1.cxx,
	TGeoTrd2.cxx, TGeoTube.cxx:
	From Andrei:
	fix warnings aboit unused arguments
2003-01-24 09:24  brun

	* treeviewer/src/TTreeViewer.cxx:
	Add protection in the TTreeViewer constructor in case of a Tree in memory (no file)
2003-01-24 08:58  brun

	* test/stress.cxx:
	Renormalize stress (slower after Philippe's change) and use only CPU time.
2003-01-24 08:06  brun

	* test/:, dt_Makefile,
	From Philippe:
	Update suite for Windows
2003-01-24 08:04  brun

	* treeplayer/: inc/TSelectorDraw.h, inc/TTreeFormula.h,
	src/TSelectorDraw.cxx, src/TTreeFormula.cxx:
	From Philippe
	Inclosed is a patch that allow the TTree::Drawing a TBits object.  I.e
	will create a 1D histogram from 0 to nbits which is filled for
	each bitnumber which is non-null.
	This features is enable if and only if the 'to be drawn' formula contains
	only one variable and no operations but can contains method calls:
	The system will be extended to allow the 'drawing' of classes other than TBits.
	This version is working but is not aggresively optimized (no code
	duplication) but has a negligeable impact on the existing cases (one extra
	'if (bool)' for each TSelectorDraw::ProcessFill.
	TTreeFormula has a new eval function EvalObject which returns a pointer to
	the (eventual) object pointed to by the formula.  EvalClass return the TClass
	corresponding to this object.
2003-01-24 00:25  rdm

	* config/Makefile.aix5:
	add also GRAFLIB dependency to X11TTFLIBDEP.
2003-01-23 22:46  brun

	* config/Makefile.aix5:
	Add -lGraf to X11TTFLIBEXTRA
2003-01-23 22:11  rdm

	* freetype/
	add code to undef FT_MACINTOSH in ftconfig.h which is for MacOS 9 and not
	MacOS X. Freetype 2 works now also on MacOS X.
2003-01-23 21:12  rdm

	* freetype/
	remove warning message when doing multiple time "make distclean".
2003-01-23 15:25  brun

	* geom/: inc/TGeoArb8.h, inc/TGeoBBox.h, inc/TGeoCompositeShape.h,
	inc/TGeoCone.h, inc/TGeoEltu.h, inc/TGeoManager.h, inc/TGeoPara.h,
	inc/TGeoPcon.h, inc/TGeoPgon.h, inc/TGeoShape.h, inc/TGeoSphere.h,
	inc/TGeoTrd1.h, inc/TGeoTrd2.h, inc/TGeoTube.h, inc/TGeoVolume.h,
	src/TGeoArb8.cxx, src/TGeoBBox.cxx, src/TGeoCompositeShape.cxx,
	src/TGeoCone.cxx, src/TGeoEltu.cxx, src/TGeoManager.cxx,
	src/TGeoNode.cxx, src/TGeoPara.cxx, src/TGeoPcon.cxx,
	src/TGeoPgon.cxx, src/TGeoSphere.cxx, src/TGeoTrd1.cxx,
	src/TGeoTrd2.cxx, src/TGeoTube.cxx, src/TGeoVolume.cxx,
	From Andrei:
	- all shape classes : changed the prototype for Safety() method.
	Eliminated validity checking in Divide() methods that are now globally
	handled by TGeoVolume::Divide(). Added methods
	TGeoShape::GetAxisName/Range(Int_t iaxis) which are used by the new
	global division mechanism.
	- safety for TGeoTrap now computed (pcon, pgon not yet)
	- TGeoVolume : eliminated unnecesarry Divide() prototypes. The new
	Divide() prototype is backwards compatible (old macros works with it)
	but supports an option in order to allow all G3 division types. More
	description in TGeoVolume::Divide().
	- TGeoManager : Only one prototype for G3-like divisions left,
	supporting all G3 options and also being able to assign to the division
	volumes a medium different than the one of the divided volume. New
	FindNode(x,y,z) implemented. New IsSameLocation(x,y,z) with the same
	functionality as GINVOL.
2003-01-23 13:12  rdm

	* config/Makefile.alphacxx6, freetype/
	fix for Alpha cxx6, freetype needs to be compiled with cc and not gcc.
2003-01-23 10:47  rdm

	* freetype/
	untarring should now work on sgi too.
2003-01-22 23:53  rdm

	* freetype/
	compile freetype in pic mode (needed for HP-UX).
2003-01-22 23:26  rdm

	* cint/: inc/G__ci.h, inc/Method.h, inc/fproto.h, inc/global.h,
	lib/longlong/longdbl.h, lib/prec_stl/memory,
	lib/stdstrct/stdfunc.h, src/Method.cxx, src/debug.c, src/decl.c,
	src/expr.c, src/func.c, src/global2.c, src/ifunc.c, src/loadfile.c,
	src/newlink.c, src/parse.c, src/pause.c, src/pragma.c,
	src/struct.c, src/tmplt.c, src/typedef.c, src/var.c,
	import of CINT 5.15.71.
	For what else is new see
2003-01-22 18:53  brun

	* x11ttf/src/TGX11TTF.cxx:
	Remove an unreachable statement in TGX11TTF::SetTextFont
2003-01-22 18:51  rdm

	* freetype/
	check for gtar and use that instead of zcat.
2003-01-22 18:49  brun

	* utils/src/rootcint.cxx:
	In the functions Compress and Strdup allocate 20 additional characters
	more than the strlen of the original string to cope with some situations like
	vector<vector<T>> (note the missing blank between the >>)
	In the section generating code for STL, replace generated lines like
	  if (!R__n) return;
	  if (R__n) {
	With this change, the generated code works also when the option "+"
	is not specified in the pragma of LinkDef
2003-01-22 16:05  rdm

	* main/
	hadd had missing libGraf dependency, causing failure with parallel build.
2003-01-22 15:50  rdm

	* graf/inc/TTF.h:
	better CINT only forward declaration of some freetype types. Fixes problem
	on Alpha.
2003-01-22 14:33  rdm

	* build/package/common/README:
	update comments about obtaining ttf font files.
2003-01-22 14:31  rdm

	* build/package/rpm/
	ttf now integral part of ROOT.
2003-01-22 14:31  rdm

	* build/package/debian/
	ttf now integral part of ROOT.
2003-01-22 14:30  rdm

	* build/package/common/: root-ttf.dscr, root-ttf.files,
	ttf is now integral part of ROOT.
2003-01-22 12:23  rdm

	* Makefile, configure, README/INSTALL, base/src/TApplication.cxx,
	base/src/TAttText.cxx, build/package/common/root-bin.files,
	build/package/lib/, build/package/lib/,
	build/package/rpm/, build/unix/,
	build/win/, cint/tool/ifdef/setup.bat,
	config/Makefile.aix, config/Makefile.aix5, config/,
	config/Makefile.sgicc, config/Makefile.win32gdk, config/,
	config/, etc/.cvsignore, graf/,
	graf/inc/LinkDef1.h, graf/inc/LinkDef2.h, graf/inc/TLatex.h,
	graf/inc/TText.h, graf/src/TLatex.cxx, graf/src/TText.cxx,
	gui/src/TGApplication.cxx, proofd/src/proofd.cxx,
	rint/src/TRint.cxx, rootd/src/rootd.cxx,
	win32gdk/inc/GdkConstants.h, win32gdk/inc/TGWin32.h,
	win32gdk/src/GdkThread.cxx, win32gdk/src/TGWin32.cxx,
	winnt/src/TWinNTSystem.cxx, x11/src/TGX11.cxx, x11ttf/,
	x11ttf/inc/TGX11TTF.h, x11ttf/src/TGX11TTF.cxx:
	big patch adding full freetype 2 TTF support to the ROOT core and X11
	and Win32gdk displaying modules. TTF support provided by Olivier Couet
	and Bertrand Bellenot (for Win32), build system updated by me.
	Also fixes the RH8.0 installation problems of rootd and proofd.
2003-01-22 12:09  rdm

	* freetype/src/.cvsignore:
	prevent unpacked freetype directory from showing up in cvs listing.
2003-01-22 12:07  rdm

	* graf/: inc/TTF.h, src/TTF.cxx:
	class that interfaces all font handling to freetype 2. By Olivier Couet.
2003-01-22 12:03  rdm

	* freetype/:, src/freetype-2.1.3.tar.gz,
	src/win/freetype.dep, src/win/freetype.mak:
	add freetype 2.1.3. The freetype-2.1.3.tar.gz is the unaltered freetype
	distribution tar file. We will use freetype's own make procedure to build it.
	freetype.mak is the windows nmake file for freetype (was not included in the
2003-01-22 11:58  rdm

	* fonts/: LICENSE, arial.ttf, arialbd.ttf, arialbi.ttf, ariali.ttf,
	ariblk.ttf, comic.ttf, comicbd.ttf, cour.ttf, courbd.ttf,
	courbi.ttf, couri.ttf, georgia.ttf, georgiab.ttf, georgiai.ttf,
	georgiaz.ttf, impact.ttf, monotype.ttf, symbol.ttf, times.ttf,
	timesbd.ttf, timesbi.ttf, timesi.ttf, trebuc.ttf, trebucbd.ttf,
	trebucbi.ttf, trebucit.ttf, verdana.ttf, verdanab.ttf,
	verdanai.ttf, verdanaz.ttf, webdings.ttf, wingding.ttf:
	Add Microsoft public truetype font set.
2003-01-22 09:05  brun

	* base/inc/RVersion.h, build/version_number:
	Make version 3.05/01
2003-01-22 09:04  brun

	* utils/src/rootcint.cxx:
	Increase size of all arrays with dimensions 512 to kMaxLen=1024
2003-01-21 23:48  rdm

	* win32gdk/gdk/dll/gdk-1.3.dll:
	new version not depending on msvcrtd.dll, by Bertrand.
2003-01-21 14:51  brun

	* meta/src/TStreamerInfo.cxx:
	In TStreamerInfo::BuildCheck, always scan the list of TStreamerElement if
	a TStreamerInfo with the same class version already exists. If the TStreamerElement
	titles are different, set the old title to the new title.
	This change is required to cope with complex cases when the old TStreamerInfo
	was built from a Tree in no split mode and the new TStreamerInfo from a Tree
	in split mode. In this case, a class with a TClonesArray may have the class name
	contained in the TClonesArray missing in the TStreamerElement title.
2003-01-21 09:10  brun

	* cint/iosenum/iosenum.win32:
	iThis file had erroneous quotes in the pragma statements. As a result
	when running on Windows, the following message was generated:
	Unrecognized string ''#pragma ifndef G__TMPLTIOS''#pragma
2003-01-20 16:33  rdm

	* base/: inc/TBrowser.h, src/TBrowser.cxx:
	don't create browser imp when default ctor is called via TClass::New().
	Like for TCanvas.
2003-01-20 15:35  brun

	* geom/: inc/TGeoManager.h, inc/TGeoNode.h, src/TGeoArb8.cxx,
	src/TGeoBBox.cxx, src/TGeoCone.cxx, src/TGeoManager.cxx,
	src/TGeoNode.cxx, src/TGeoPara.cxx, src/TGeoPcon.cxx,
	src/TGeoTrd1.cxx, src/TGeoTrd2.cxx, src/TGeoTube.cxx,
	Several updates to the geometry pacjage by Andrei:
	TGeoManager :
	- added getter for current direction;
	- dummy cache option by default
	- set the name for parametrized divisions; minor fix in allocating the
	space for the name (safer now)
	TGeoPatternFinder :
	- the getter for the matrix of a divided node will return the updated
	matrix (before one had to do TGeoNodeOffset::cd() first, now
	TGeoNodeOffset::GetMatrix() does this in one go)
	Shape classes :
	- protection for wrong division range slightly modified
2003-01-20 13:57  brun

	* treeplayer/src/TFileDrawMap.cxx:
	cast to char* calls to strstr (for Solaris)
2003-01-20 09:44  brun

	* base/src/TQConnection.cxx, base/src/TVirtualPS.cxx,
	g3d/src/TNode.cxx, gui/inc/TGMenu.h, gui/src/TGClient.cxx,
	postscript/src/TPostScript.cxx, postscript/src/TSVG.cxx,
	tree/src/TBranch.cxx, x11/src/GX11Gui.cxx, x11ttf/inc/TGX11TTF.h,
	Add protections in destructors in case the default constructor has been called.
	Initialize pointers in some default constructors.
2003-01-20 08:25  brun

	* x11/src/TGX11.cxx:
	Add protection in the destructor in case the default constructor has been called.
2003-01-19 22:47  brun

	* treeplayer/src/TFileDrawMap.cxx:
	Remove dependencies from libGpad
2003-01-19 22:18  brun

	* treeplayer/: inc/TFileDrawMap.h, src/TFileDrawMap.cxx:
	Add function TFileDrawMap::AnimateTree showing the sequence in which
	baskets are read from the file.
2003-01-19 22:17  brun

	* base/src/TFile.cxx:
	From Bertrand:
	The _commit function forces the operating system to write the file associated
	with handle to disk. This call ensures that the specified file is flushed immediately,
	not at the operating system's discretion.
2003-01-19 12:35  brun

	* winnt/src/TWinNTSystem.cxx:
	From Bertrand:
	Here is TWinNTSystem.cxx who solves the problem
	of 100% CPU usage in batch mode...and speeds up
	benchmarks.c executed in batch mode as :
	root -b -q benchmarks.c
2003-01-17 20:06  brun

	* gui/src/TRootBrowser.cxx:
	Bug fixes in the browser vy Valeri Onuchin
2003-01-17 18:48  brun

	* base/src/TFile.cxx, config/, tree/inc/TTree.h,
	tree/inc/TVirtualTreePlayer.h, tree/src/TTree.cxx,
	treeplayer/inc/LinkDef.h, treeplayer/inc/TFileDrawMap.h,
	treeplayer/inc/TFileMap.h, treeplayer/inc/TTreeFileMap.h,
	treeplayer/inc/TTreePlayer.h, treeplayer/src/TTreePlayer.cxx,
	treeplayer/src/TFileDrawMap.cxx, treeplayer/src/TFileMap.cxx,
	Merge the functionality of the two previous classes TFileMap and TTreeFileMap
	into a single new class TFileDrawMap.
	See comments in TFileDrawMap for usage info.
	make distclean is recommended
2003-01-17 18:48  brun

	* treeplayer/src/: TSelectorDraw.cxx, TTreeFormula.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	The following patch repairs the fact that the new TSelectorDraw
	does not properly recover from error in the parsing of the formulas.
	It also fixes a problem in the parsing of erroneous input when part
	of the name matches a split TClonesArray branch name.
2003-01-17 14:59  brun

	* base/inc/TFile.h:
	Add the following getters:
	    virtual Int_t     GetNbytesInfo() const {return fNbytesInfo;}
	    virtual Int_t     GetNbytesFree() const {return fNbytesFree;}
	    virtual Seek_t    GetSeekFree() const {return fSeekFree;}
	    virtual Seek_t    GetSeekInfo() const {return fSeekInfo;}
2003-01-17 14:58  brun

	* base/inc/TDirectory.h:
	Add new getter function:
	    virtual Int_t       GetNbytesKeys() const
2003-01-17 14:55  brun

	* histpainter/src/THistPainter.cxx:
	Allocate and Deallocate dynamic arrays fXbuf and fYbuf in THistPainter::Paint
	instead of the constructor/destructor.
	In case of many histograms, the previous allocation was a substantial
	overhead in memory.
2003-01-17 11:40  rdm

	* meta/src/TClass.cxx:
	in New() add comment about defConstructor argument.
2003-01-17 11:35  rdm

	* base/src/TBuffer.cxx:
	small corrections in comments.
2003-01-17 11:35  rdm

	* net/src/TNetFile.cxx:
	big bug in TNetFile, due to mistake in argument parsing could not create
	new files via rootd anymore. Reported by Gerri Ganis.
2003-01-16 19:49  brun

	* base/: inc/TFile.h, src/TFile.cxx:
	Add new function TFile::DrawMap. When invoked (via context menu)
	TFile::DrawMap calls the class TFileMap via the PluginManager.
	Description of this new class still to be done.
2003-01-16 19:47  brun

	* treeplayer/: inc/TTreeFileMap.h, src/TTreeFileMap.cxx:
	Several changes to synchronize with new class TFileMap. In particular,
	the Tree map may be invoked directly from a TFileMap picture.
2003-01-16 19:46  brun

	* config/
	Add new plugin TFileMap
2003-01-16 19:45  brun

	* treeplayer/: inc/LinkDef.h, inc/TFileMap.h, src/TFileMap.cxx:
	Add a new class to draw a graphical map of objects in a TFile.
	The class is automatically invoked from TFile::DrawMap.
2003-01-16 19:07  brun

	* hist/: inc/TMultiDimFit.h, src/TMultiDimFit.cxx:
	From Christian.Holm.Christensen, solving a problem and adding features
	requested by Gilles Quéméner.
	I've  made a patch for TMultiDimFit.h and TMultiDimFit.cxx that
	exposes the (new) member functions, GetCorrelationMatrix(),
	GetCoefficients(), GetPolyType(), and takes two new options to Print:
	  K   Print correlation matrix
	  M   Pretty print the parameterisation.
	Also, the patch fixes a bug.
2003-01-16 18:57  rdm

	* gui/: inc/TRootBrowser.h, src/TRootBrowser.cxx:
	Two changes in TRootBrowser:
	1. two signals added to TRootBrowser class
	   void     BrowseObj(TObject *obj);            //*SIGNAL*
	   void     ExecuteDefaultAction(TObject *obj); //*SIGNAL*
	2. few data members of TRootBrowser made protected, so one can
	   gain access to these methods via a derived class.
	How to use it?
	   TBrowser *b;
	   TRootBrowser *imp = (TRoorBrowser*)b->GetBrowserImp();
	   imp->Connect("BrowseObj(TObject*)", ...
	   imp->Connect("ExecuteDefaultAction(TObject*)", ...
2003-01-16 18:36  rdm

	* configure:
	set correct -rpath for Solaris (is -R option). Reported by Eddy Offermann.
2003-01-16 12:23  brun

	* hist/src/TF1.cxx:
	Add a protection in the new code from Daniel de Marco in TF1::GetRandom
2003-01-16 07:39  brun

	* cint/lib/prec_stl/memory, utils/src/rootcint.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	I finally got some time to look at why CINT dictionary kept using __malloc_alloc_template with gcc 2.9x.  The reasons I was
	into it is that I have been having to filter out the word
	'__malloc_alloc_template' when creating the Shadow (this was leading
	to compiler error).  And today, I discovered that, more subtely, it
	was making most multiple inheritances from a std container wrong.
	The content of G__cpp_setup_inheritancedict was something like:
	     DerivedTemplate<int> *G__Lderived;
	     list<int,__malloc_alloc_template> *G__Lpbase=(list<int,__malloc_alloc_template>*)G__Lderived;
	        ... (long)G__Lpbase-(long)G__Lderived ...
	with DerivedTemplate inheriting from list.  And the result of the substraction was 0!
	So I investigated further and discovered that gcc 2.9x uses __malloc_alloc_template
	if and ONLY if the symbol __USE_MALLOC was set.  In the other case it uses
	This means that in my example DerivedTemplate inherited from
	list<int,__default_alloc_template> and NOT from list<int,__malloc_alloc_template>.
	Hence the error.
	The simple solution was to use neither of the 2 alloc_template but to use/rely on the typedef that gcc uses.  So for
	makecint/rootcint ONLY, I modified CINT's memory header (see attachement).
	This actually should fix ALL the problems we encountered related to __malloc_alloc_template.
2003-01-15 22:45  brun

	* hist/: inc/TF1.h, inc/TF2.h, src/TF1.cxx, src/TF2.cxx:
	Implement TF1::GetRandom(Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax), a proposal from Daniel de Marco.
	This function is dummied in case of TF2.
2003-01-15 07:58  brun

	* tree/inc/TChain.h:
	from Philippe
	Implement TChain::SetMakeClass
2003-01-14 19:19  brun

	* histpainter/src/THistPainter.cxx:
	Fix a problem when computing the color palette in logx scale
2003-01-14 18:11  brun

	* cint/inc/G__ci.h:
	Fix by Philippe for a problem with typedefs and templates reported by Bill Tanembaum
2003-01-14 17:13  brun

	* geompainter/src/TGeoChecker.cxx:
	Bug fix by Andrei
2003-01-14 16:44  rdm

	* gui/src/TGFrame.cxx, test/guitest.cxx, tutorials/guitest.C:
	support for new "wall style" border for group-frames: if frame option
	is kRaisedFrame, the group-frame border is of "wall style", otherwise it
	is of "groove style". I added examples of "wall style" border of group
	frame to guitest.C and guitest.cxx. By Valeriy O.
2003-01-14 15:24  rdm

	* tutorials/file.C:
	header text was not properly placed (showed more clearly with new TTF
	implementation). By Olivier.
2003-01-13 23:17  brun

	* geom/src/TGeoSphere.cxx:
	Fix uninitialized arrays in functions DistToOut
2003-01-13 23:06  brun

	* geom/src/: TGeoSphere.cxx, TGeoTube.cxx:
	Fix uninitialized arrays in the DistToIn functions.
2003-01-13 21:53  brun

	* test/stressgeom.cxx:
	Use new option "d" (dummy cache) when calling CloseGeometry.
2003-01-13 21:52  brun

	* geom/: inc/TGeoCache.h, inc/TGeoManager.h, src/TGeoManager.cxx:
	From Andrei:
	Implement an option "dummy cache"
2003-01-13 21:18  brun

	* tree/src/TChain.cxx:
	Add comments in TChain::Merge to indicate that the input file is always closed and deleted.
2003-01-13 19:00  brun

	* geom/src/: TGeoPcon.cxx, TGeoPgon.cxx:
	Remove calls to ComputeBBox from the constructors.
2003-01-13 18:45  brun

	* geom/src/: TGeoPcon.cxx, TGeoPgon.cxx:
	Bug fixes in TGeoPgon and TGeoPgon by Andrei
2003-01-13 17:57  brun

	* histpainter/: inc/TPaletteAxis.h, src/TPaletteAxis.cxx:
	Implementation of TPaletteAxis::GetObjectInfo by Olivier
2003-01-13 17:46  rdm

	* base/src/TROOT.cxx:
	initialize the pluginmanager earlier to avoid crash in
2003-01-13 17:01  brun

	* geom/src/: TGeoVolume.cxx, TGeoVoxelFinder.cxx:
	Fix by Andrei for warnings due to unused arguments
2003-01-13 16:05  rdm

	* rfio/inc/TRFIOFile.h, rfio/src/TRFIOFile.cxx,
	support AccessPathName() via helper class to RFIO.
2003-01-13 16:04  rdm

	* treeplayer/: inc/TSelectorDraw.h, src/TSelectorDraw.cxx:
	remove two unused argument warnings (reported by MacOS X). Some reformatting
	to 3 idents.
2003-01-13 15:53  brun

	* geom/: inc/TGeoTube.h, src/TGeoTube.cxx:
	Bug fixes in TGeoTube by Andrei.
2003-01-13 14:53  brun

	* histpainter/src/: THistPainter.cxx, TPaletteAxis.cxx:
	The color palette was drawn twice as soon as the pad was redrawn.
2003-01-13 11:57  brun

	* tutorials/rootmarks.C:
	rootmarks.C tuned
2003-01-13 02:33  rdm

	* proofd/src/proofd.cxx, rootd/src/rootd.cxx:
	glibc 2.3.2 has setresgid() and setresuid() defined in unistd.h.
2003-01-13 02:31  rdm

	* rootx/inc/: rootlogo_xbm.h, rootlogo_xpm.h:
	change version to 3.05.
2003-01-12 22:02  brun

	* cint/src/ifunc.c:
	Reintroduce an important change by Philippe that was fixing Maarten's problem
	and unfortunately not taken by Masa in the new version of CINT
2003-01-12 18:54  brun

	* base/inc/RVersion.h, build/version_number:
	Stamp first development version 3.05/00
2003-01-12 18:24  rdm

	* cint/: inc/G__ci.h, lib/dll_stl/eh.h, lib/pthread/Makefile,
	lib/stdstrct/stdfunc.h, src/Api.cxx, src/error.c, src/func.c,
	src/ifunc.c, src/loadfile.c, src/pause.c, src/struct.c,
	src/typedef.c, src/var.c:
	import of CINT 5.15.70.
	Added memory initialization patch in var.c and enabled feature 1770
	in ifunc.c that allows bypassing of method implementations in header
	files (for Victor P.).
	For what else is new see
2003-01-12 17:09  rdm

	* cint/
	small simplification.
2003-01-12 17:09  rdm

	* base/src/TFile.cxx:
	fix some identation.
2003-01-12 15:51  brun

	* test/:, stressgeom.cxx:
	add new stress test suite for the geometry package.
	Modify the Makefile to build the test stressgeom automatically.
2003-01-12 15:49  brun

	* geom/: inc/TGeoManager.h, inc/TGeoPatternFinder.h,
	inc/TGeoVolume.h, src/TGeoArb8.cxx, src/TGeoBBox.cxx,
	src/TGeoCone.cxx, src/TGeoManager.cxx, src/TGeoPara.cxx,
	src/TGeoPcon.cxx, src/TGeoPgon.cxx, src/TGeoTrd1.cxx,
	src/TGeoTrd2.cxx, src/TGeoTube.cxx, src/TGeoVolume.cxx,
	New version of TGeo classes from Andrei:
	-TGeoManager - added G3-like prototypes for building geometry
	-TGeoPatternFinder - added parameters of a division (fStart, fStep, fEnd)
	-TGeoVolume - fix in TGeoVolumeMulti::AddVolume() to update existing
	  nodes for all volumes in list
	  several shapes supporting divisions - using TGeoVolumeMulti for divisions
	-TGeoVoxelFinder - fixed dtor
2003-01-12 13:50  rdm

	* x3d/src/TViewerX3D.cxx:
	aiai, bug in icc in dynamic_cast<> when casting up to second base class
	(in case of multiple inheritance).
2003-01-12 12:52  brun

	* test/stress.cxx, tutorials/rootmarks.C:
	Slight retuning of benchmarks to give exactly 200 Rootmarks on pcnotebrun
	and 600 Rootmarks on pcbrun3. There is exactly a factor 3 between
	the two machines.
	Note that benchmarks.C in interactive mode is not yet tuned.
	Use only root -b -q benchmarks.C
	Also note that the current CVS version is slightly faster (3 per cent) since
	the restructuring of TTreePlayer/TSelectorDraw.
2003-01-12 12:19  rdm

	* x3d/src/TViewerX3D.cxx:
	remove also here R__RTTI option.
2003-01-12 12:06  rdm

	* base/inc/RConfig.h, base/src/TQObject.cxx,
	gui/src/TGButtonGroup.cxx, gui/src/TGTableLayout.cxx:
	remove R__RTTI option which was only used for systems not supporting
	dynamic_cast<>. All systems now support this standard C++ feature.
2003-01-12 12:05  rdm

	* configure:
	build also by default multithreaded version on linux IA64.
2003-01-12 00:49  rdm

	* base/src/TUUID.cxx:
	try getting host-by-name only once in case host name does not resolve
	properly. Also cache random system info. Should fix problem in case of
	misconfigured name servers.
2003-01-11 19:19  brun

	* test/bench.cxx, test/stress.cxx, tutorials/rootmarks.C:
	Renormalize all benchmarks/rootmarks to give 600 Rootmarks
	on (Pentium IV 2.4 GHz/gcc3.2)
2003-01-11 18:28  brun

	* hist/src/TH1.cxx:
	Add a protection in TH1::SetStats.
	In Th1::Build, move the creation of fFunctions before calling UseCurrentStyle.
2003-01-11 17:26  brun

	* utils/src/rootcint.cxx:
	Remove an unreachable statement
2003-01-11 15:21  brun

	* treeplayer/src/TTreePlayer.cxx:
	Mods in TTreePlayer::DrawSelect to take into account the case when the function
	is called by TTreePlayer::Fit. TTreePlayer::fHistogram must be set
	to the histogram object returned by the selector.
2003-01-11 13:54  brun

	* hist/src/TH1.cxx:
	In TH1::UseCurrentStyle, take into account a possible change
	of gStyle->GetOptStat
2003-01-11 13:47  brun

	* treeplayer/: inc/TSelectorDraw.h, src/TSelectorDraw.cxx,
	Move histogram drawing to TTreePlayer.
	Implement TSelectorDraw::Notify replacing the old UpdateFormulaLeaves
2003-01-11 10:10  brun

	* utils/src/rootcint.cxx:
	From Philippe.
	Remove a small memory leak from rootcint
2003-01-11 10:07  brun

	* cint/src/func.c, cint/src/ifunc.c, cint/src/struct.c,
	cint/src/var.c, treeplayer/inc/TSelectorDraw.h,
	treeplayer/src/TSelectorDraw.cxx, treeplayer/src/TTreePlayer.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	Looking at Maarten's problem  I noticed that the G__var_array are not properly initialized.
	In the attached patch I corrected the problem by calling memset on each of the structs.
	I also noticed (running Maarten's example) that a few times, the start of an error message is printed but the ending
	(which should come from G__genericerror) is not printed because G__const_noerror is set to 1.  So in a couple of place I
	preceded the printing of the start of the error message by if (0==G__const_noerror).
2003-01-10 22:39  brun

	* cint/src/ifunc.c:
	From Philippe.
	A fix to a problem reported by Maarten when running rootcint
2003-01-10 16:56  brun

	* meta/src/TStreamerInfo.cxx:
	Use the standard ROOT Warning function instead of printf in TStreamerInfo::BuildCheck
2003-01-10 15:53  brun

	* treeplayer/: inc/TSelectorDraw.h, src/TSelectorDraw.cxx:
	New class TSelectorDraw deriving from TSelector.
	This new class is used from the new version of TTreePlayer::DrawSelect.
2003-01-10 15:51  brun

	* treeplayer/: inc/LinkDef.h, inc/TTreePlayer.h,
	Important restructuring of the TTreePlayer class in view of PROOF.
	In particular TTree::DrawSelect is reduced to a few lines to use
	the new TSelectorDraw class via TTreePlayer::Process.
	More changes are foreseen to use the same mechanism for TTree::Scan
	and TTree::Query.
2003-01-10 15:46  brun

	* tree/inc/TVirtualTreePlayer.h:
	Remove unused funcions GetMultiplicity and Loop
2003-01-10 15:45  brun

	* tree/: inc/TTree.h, src/TTree.cxx:
	Remove unused function TTree::Loop
2003-01-10 15:44  brun

	* tree/inc/TSelector.h:
	Add new member fStatus + GetStatus and SetStatus
2003-01-10 11:38  brun

	* hist/src/TAxis.cxx:
	Move initialisation of fLabels from the Set functions to the constructors.
2003-01-09 18:13  brun

	* histpainter/src/THistPainter.cxx:
	From Olivier:
	 Implement non equidistant levels in option COL for 2D histogram drawing.
2003-01-09 18:13  brun

	* histpainter/src/TPaletteAxis.cxx:
	From Olivier
	 The palette in case of non equidistant level was wrong
2003-01-09 17:54  rdm

	add Dan Bradley for the Chirp plugin.
2003-01-09 17:52  rdm

	* dcache/src/TDCacheFile.cxx:
	code cosmetics.
2003-01-09 17:51  rdm

	* Makefile, configure, chirp/, chirp/inc/LinkDef.h,
	chirp/inc/TChirpFile.h, chirp/src/TChirpFile.cxx,
	config/, config/
	a small plugin module for ROOT that enables access to remote
	files via the Chirp protocol (
	This works especially nicely with the Condor job manager
	( that we and many others are using to run
	CMS event simulations.  The patch to v3.03.0 is attached if you would
	like to include this in your distribution.  It touches nothing outside
	of the new module other than adding config entries.
	Normally, remote system calls by jobs in Condor are handled
	transparently as though the job were executing on the original submit
	machine.  (This has been very useful to us in Wisconsin, because we use
	a large pool of execution machines that are not specially configured and
	which therefore do not share a filesystem with our submission machines.)
	However, this requires relinking the application with some special
	libraries which are currently not compatible with the new multithreaded
	CMS software.  By adding a Chirp plugin to ROOT, we are able to
	selectively enable remote access wherever we need it, simply by
	prepending "chirp:" to the file names (assuming TFile:Open() is used, of
	course).  No additional daemons need to be installed or configured
	unless we want to serve up the files from a machine other than the
	submit machine. Code contributed by Dan Bradley.
2003-01-09 07:59  brun

	* utils/src/rootcint.cxx:
	Fix by Philippe for a problem with enums.
2003-01-07 18:31  rdm

	* dcache/src/TDCacheFile.cxx:
	small mod in option handling.
2003-01-07 18:31  rdm

	* base/inc/TApplication.h:
	make SetReturnFromRUn() public.
2003-01-07 18:29  rdm

	* cint/: inc/G__ci.h, lib/posix/posix.h, lib/prec_stl/vector,
	src/disp.c, src/func.c, src/g__cfunc.c, src/ifunc.c,
	src/loadfile.c, src/newlink.c, src/pause.c, src/tmplt.c,
	src/typedef.c, src/value.c, src/var.c:
	import of CINT 5.15.69.
	For what else is new see
2003-01-07 12:24  brun

	* geom/: inc/TGeoCache.h, inc/TGeoManager.h, src/TGeoCache.cxx,
	Replace members fBits by fBitsArray
2003-01-07 10:48  brun

	* geom/: inc/TGeoManager.h, inc/TGeoMaterial.h, inc/TGeoVolume.h,
	src/TGeoManager.cxx, src/TGeoNode.cxx, src/TGeoVoxelFinder.cxx:
	Use forward declarations instead of includes.
2003-01-06 18:06  brun

	* geom/: inc/TGeoMedium.h, src/TGeoMedium.cxx:
	Add new class to the geometry package
2003-01-06 18:05  brun

	* geom/inc/LinkDef.h, geom/inc/TGeoManager.h,
	geom/inc/TGeoMaterial.h, geom/inc/TGeoNode.h,
	geom/inc/TGeoVolume.h, geom/inc/TGeoVoxelFinder.h,
	geom/inc/TVirtualGeoPainter.h, geom/src/TGeoArb8.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoBBox.cxx, geom/src/TGeoCone.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoEltu.cxx, geom/src/TGeoManager.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoMaterial.cxx, geom/src/TGeoNode.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoPara.cxx, geom/src/TGeoPcon.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoPgon.cxx, geom/src/TGeoShape.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoSphere.cxx, geom/src/TGeoTrd1.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoTrd2.cxx, geom/src/TGeoTube.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoVolume.cxx, geom/src/TGeoVoxelFinder.cxx,
	geompainter/inc/TGeoPainter.h, geompainter/src/TGeoPainter.cxx,
	main/src/g2root.f, tutorials/rootgeom.C:
	many changes in the geometry package.
	Addition of the new class TGeoMedium
2003-01-06 18:04  brun

	* mc/inc/TVirtualMC.h:
	Add a new function TrackPosition returning x,y,z into the arguments instead
	of TLorentzVector.
2003-01-06 09:38  brun

	* graf/src/TGraph.cxx:
	Protect TGraph::RemovePoint in case gPad is null.
2003-01-06 09:14  brun

	* histpainter/: inc/TPaletteAxis.h, src/TPaletteAxis.cxx:
	TPaletteAxis derives from TPave instead of TBox.
	Functions Paint and ExecuteEvent modified such that the palette
	is not affected by zooming on the axes.
2003-01-04 00:56  brun

	* hist/src/TF1.cxx:
	In TF1::Paint use a TH1D instead of a TH1F to avoid precision problems in case
	the relative range/absolute range in x or y is less than 10^7
2003-01-02 23:41  brun

	* graf/src/: TGraph.cxx, TGraphAsymmErrors.cxx, TGraphErrors.cxx:
	Protect several functions like ComputeRange, GetHistogram, GetXaxis
	when gPad is null.
2003-01-02 23:40  brun

	* meta/src/TStreamerInfo.cxx:
	Modify TStreamerInfo::TagFile to return immediatly if the function
	is called while TFile::WriteStreamerInfo is called.
2003-01-02 23:39  brun

	* base/src/TFile.cxx:
	Replace statements fWritable=xx by SetWritable(xxx) except in the TFile constructor.
	Modify TFile::WriteStreamerInfo to set the fClassIndex->fArray[0]=2, such that
	TStreamerInfo::TagFile will not modify the array.
2003-01-02 23:36  brun

	* base/: inc/TDirectory.h, src/TDirectory.cxx:
	Implement a new function TDirectory::SetWritable (thanks to Bill Tanenbaum).
	SetWritable recursively sets the fWritable flag for all subdirs (if any)
	of the directory for which SetWritable is called.
2002-12-20 22:08  brun

	* base/src/TFile.cxx:
	Fix a bug found by Bill Tanenbaum.
	        Reading the free list uses the global "gFile".  So, sometime before
	calling ReadFree(), reopen should save the value of gDirectory, and cd()
	to the current file.  Afterwards, it can cd() back to the saved value.
	In the new version, we cd() always to the file.
2002-12-20 16:26  brun

	* hist/src/TF1.cxx:
	Introduce a fix from Marco van Leeuwen <> to solve
	a precision problem when comparing two floats in TF1::IntegralMultiple.
2002-12-20 09:11  brun

	* meta/src/TClass.cxx:
	In TClass::GetRealData add support for pointers in embedded objects
	like in TH1 with the members fXaxis.*fLabels. This fixes a problem
	appearing with gcc3.2 only and reported my Mark Tessier and Brett Wiren.
2002-12-20 03:29  rdm

	* unix/src/TUnixSystem.cxx:
	in StackTrace() don't use special RedHat gcc 2.96 "gnu-new-abi" option
	for c++filt, but instead the official gcc 3 option "gnu-v3".
2002-12-20 03:03  rdm

	* cint/iosenum/iosenum.linuxia64gcc:
	add version for gcc 2.x.
2002-12-20 02:35  rdm

	* cint/
	use different iosenum.h file when using gcc v3.
2002-12-20 02:33  rdm

	* cint/iosenum/iosenum.linux:
	version for gcc 2.x.
2002-12-20 02:32  rdm

	* cint/iosenum/: iosenum.linux3, iosenum.linuxia64gcc,
	iosenum.linuxia64gcc3, iosenum.macosx, iosenum.macosx3:
	add new iosenum cache files for gcc 3. Remove files that were for gcc 2.x.
2002-12-19 17:06  brun

	* hist/src/TAxis.cxx:
	The member fLabels was not initialized in some cases.
	Set fLabels=0 in the Set functions.
2002-12-19 08:47  brun

	* graf/src/TGraph.cxx:
	In TGraph::GetHistogram take into account the case when ymin is slightly negative.
2002-12-19 08:46  brun

	* base/inc/LinkDef1.h:
	From Philippe:
	Add declarations of the following typedefs:
	ROOT::NewFunc_t ROOT::NewArrFunc_t ROOT::DelFunc_t ROOT::DelArrFunc_t ROOT::DesFunc_t
2002-12-18 09:07  brun

	* base/: inc/TProcessID.h, src/TProcessID.cxx:
	Change TProcessID::IsValid to support the case where the argument is a TProcessUUID.
2002-12-17 22:14  brun

	* utils/src/rootcint.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	The following patch insures that nested union and enumerations are
	 properly treated in the ShadowClass generation.
2002-12-17 17:39  brun

	* base/inc/RVersion.h, build/version_number:
	Stamp version 3.04/02
2002-12-17 17:15  brun

	* utils/src/rootcint.cxx:
	From Philippe
	Fix for hp-ux
2002-12-17 11:15  brun

	* base/: inc/TProcessID.h, src/TRef.cxx:
	Change return type of TProcessID::IsValid from UInt_t to Bool_t
2002-12-17 08:00  brun

	* utils/src/rootcint.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	Fix a problem reported by Bill Tanembaum.
	The problem had to do with nested typedef to simple type.
	I simplify the resulting code of the shadow class by resolving the
	typedef to their true names.
2002-12-17 07:59  brun

	* base/src/TSystem.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	This patch insures that all ACLiC temporary files are created in the
	same directory as the library being building.  (However the CINT
	temporary files are created in their own location.)
2002-12-17 03:03  rdm

	* base/: inc/TSystem.h, src/TSystem.cxx:
	ACliC patch by Philippe:
	Add a new optional parameter to
	        TSystem::mkdir(const char*name, Bool_t recursive=kFALSE);
	If recursive is true, mkdir behaves like mkdir -p, i.e. makes parent
	directories as needed, or returns 0 if the directory already exist.
	When the file being passed to ACLiC is on a readonly filesystem, ACLiC warns
	the user and creates the library in a temporary directory:
	   root [0] .L readonly/t.C++
	   Warning in <ACLiC>: /scratch/aclic/subs/./readonly is not writeable!
	   Warning in <ACLiC>: Output will be written to /tmp
	   Info in <TUnixSystem::ACLiC>: creating shared library
	To select the temporary directory ACLiC looks at $TEMP, $TEMP_DIR, $TEMPDIR,
	$TMP, $TMPDIR, $TMP_DIR or uses /tmp (or C:/).
	Also, a new interface TSystem::Get/SetBuildDir is introduced to let the
	user select an alternative 'root' for the building of the ACLiC libraries.
	For the filename /full/path/name/macro.C, the library is created as
	Also, the ACLiC linkdef does NOT contain anymore pragma link off.
	This means, that you can now steer the dictionary generation from
	within the script itself. However beware of multiple inclusion!
	ACLiC will now obey ALL pragma link C++ it sees!
2002-12-16 21:52  brun

	* tree/src/TBasket.cxx:
	Mod in ReadBasketBuffer to read buffers generated by old ROOT versions
	and having an uncompressed size equal to the compressed size.
2002-12-16 21:29  brun

	* hist/: inc/TH1.h, src/TH1.cxx:
	Add new function proposed by Jason Seely:
	TH1 *TH1::GetAsymmetry(TH1* h2, Double_t c2, Double_t dc2)
	//  return an histogram containing the asymmetry of this histogram with h2,
	//  where the asymmetry is defined as:
	//  Asymmetry = (h1 - h2)/(h1 + h2)  where h1 = this
	//  works for 1D, 2D, etc. histograms
	//  c2 is an optional argument that gives a relative weight between the two
	//  histograms, and dc2 is the error on this weight.  This is useful, for example,
	//  when forming an asymmetry between two histograms from 2 different data sets that
	//  need to be normalized to each other in some way.  The function calculates
	//  the errors asumming Poisson statistics on h1 and h2 (that is, dh = sqrt(h)).
	//  example:  assuming 'h1' and 'h2' are already filled
	//     h3 = h1->GetAsymmetry(h2)
	//  then 'h3' is created and filled with the asymmetry between 'h1' and 'h2';
	//  h1 and h2 are left intact.
	//  Note that it is the user's responsibility to manage the created histogram.
2002-12-16 19:58  brun

	Add Jason Seely for his contribution to TH1::GetAsymmetry
2002-12-16 19:43  brun

	* cint/src/disp.c:
	From Philippe:
	Fix to a problem already fixed by Philippe, but not fully imported by Masa
	in the new version of CINT
2002-12-16 19:25  brun

	* base/src/TFile.cxx:
	Fix by Philippe for a problem reported by Bill Tanenbaum.
	The problem appears if gDirectory points to a subdirectory of the file being close.  In this case (which the existing ROOT),
	the pointer is not changed but the directory is deleted (by the file closing).  Hence gDirectory points to a deleted object.
2002-12-16 13:54  rdm

	* cint/: inc/G__ci.h, src/disp.c, src/ifunc.c:
	import of CINT 5.15.68.
	For what else is new see
2002-12-16 09:13  brun

	* win32gdk/src/: GdkThread.cxx, TGWin32.cxx:
	From Bertrand
	special (wide) characters were not displayed
	correctly (see pstable.C macro).
2002-12-14 16:14  brun

	* win32gdk/src/GWin32Gui.cxx:
	Fix by Bertrand in function SplitLong (uninitialized variable)
2002-12-14 08:52  brun

	* base/src/TRef.cxx:
	In TRef::GetObject, change the test on TProcessID::IsValid.
2002-12-14 08:14  brun

	* utils/src/rootcint.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	The following patch makes sure that the Shadow Class always use fully qualified name when refering to their data members.  This is avoid a confusion when the template
	parameter and the template instantiation are in the same dictionary.  (This is usefull for CMS).
2002-12-13 23:12  brun

	* tree/src/TLeafC.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	TLeafC was forgetting about its place holder if it encounters an empty string.  This is never recovered from! (i.e. the address stays null and nobody checks or change
	This patch correct the situation for simply making the string of null length.
2002-12-13 21:05  brun

	* cint/src/disp.c:
	From Philippe:
	If a class has the character '%' it is currently 'interpreted' by G__more when you try to diplay a class.  For example with the current ROOT
	        root [] .class TLimit
	will lead to a very very ugly printout because TLimit.h has:
	   ClassDef(TLimit, 1)          // Class to compute 95% CL limits
	Note the '%'.
	This is because G__more says:
	   else fprintf(fp,msg);
	which means that if 'msg' contains a percent (%), it will expects parameters and substitute them!  So the fix is to do:
	   else fprintf(fp,"%s",msg);
2002-12-13 20:17  brun

	* tree/src/TBasket.cxx:
	In TBasket::WriteBuffer, if after compression the size of the compressed buffer
	is identical to the size of the uncompressed buffer, write the buffer not compressed.
	This situation may happen in some rare cases depending on the data in the buffer.
2002-12-13 20:11  brun

	* tree/src/TSelector.cxx:
	Fix by Philippe when the selector file is not in the current dir
2002-12-13 19:17  brun

	* base/src/TBuffer.cxx:
	add protections in the ReadArray functions to not read beyond the buffer limit.
2002-12-13 19:16  brun

	* utils/src/rootcint.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	patch which makes sure that the fully qualified name is used for the inheritance of shadow
2002-12-12 13:02  rdm

	* tutorials/LDAPExample.C:
	added some error handling code.
2002-12-12 13:02  rdm

	* geom/src/TGeoCache.cxx:
	remove compiler warning of pointer being cast to an int (warning of 64 bit
2002-12-12 13:02  rdm

	* config/, gui/src/TRootBrowser.cxx:
	Browser's ShowHidden option can now be preset in the .rootrc file.
	By Valeriy.
2002-12-11 20:04  rdm

	* config/Makefile.linuxia64ecc:
	use same compiler options as for gcc.
2002-12-11 18:10  brun

	* geom/inc/TGeoCache.h, geom/inc/TGeoManager.h,
	geom/inc/TGeoVolume.h, geom/src/TGeoArb8.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoCache.cxx, geom/src/TGeoManager.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoPgon.cxx, geom/src/TGeoVolume.cxx,
	From Andrei:
	attached the last version, with bug fixes in tracking. Now you can do
	lego plots for everything in alice. It does not do extra steps (except
	very seldom in ITS in som very thin tubes - 1 extra step to cross). Much
	more stable. I temporarly disabled TGeoVolume::CheckGeometry from the
	context menu of volumes since it seems to have a bug that I need to fix.
	 Much better version in computing distances.
2002-12-11 16:16  brun

	* base/src/TApplication.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	This fix (re)allows the usage of ROOT's macropath is the search path when
	loading a macro.
2002-12-11 13:19  brun

	* hist/src/TH1.cxx:
	In TH1::KolmogorovTest, cast argument to FillRandom.
2002-12-11 10:59  rdm

	* icons/Splash.bmp:
	new splash screen for windows.
2002-12-10 22:39  brun

	* winnt/src/TWinNTSystem.cxx:
	Fix a problem reported by Bertrand:
	In TWinNTSystem.cxx, please add the missing comma
	between const char *options and Bool_t isRegexp at the
	following line (1579):
	const char *TWinNTSystem::GetLibraries(const char *regexp, const char *options,
	                                       Bool_t isRegexp)
2002-12-10 20:51  brun

	* base/: inc/TSystem.h, src/TApplication.cxx, src/TROOT.cxx,
	From Philippe:
	This patch renables the usage of I/O indirection in TApplication::ProcessLine.
	Removes a core dumps and add warnings when parameters are passed when loading a macro (as opposed to executing it).
2002-12-10 18:26  rdm

	* base/inc/TSystem.h, base/src/TApplication.cxx,
	base/src/TROOT.cxx, base/src/TSystem.cxx, winnt/inc/TWinNTSystem.h,
	generalization by Philippe of ACliC argument parsing. New method
	TSystem::SplitAclicMode(). Change by me in GetLibraries() to also
	allow for non regexp search (solves problem with pathnames containing
	regexp characters, like ++).
2002-12-10 17:40  brun

	* hist/src/TH1.cxx:
	Add new option "M" in TH1::KolmogorovTest
	//         "X" Run the pseudo experiments post-processor with the following procedure:
	//             make pseudoexperiments based on random values from the parent
	//             distribution and compare the KS distance of the pseudoexperiment
	//             to the parent distribution. Bin the KS distances in a histogram,
	//             and then take the integral of all the KS values above the value
	//             obtained from the original data to Monte Carlo distribution.
	//             The number of pseudo-experiments NEXPT is currently fixed at 1000.
	//             The function returns the integral.
	//             (thanks to Ben Kilminster to submit this procedure). Note that
	//             this option "X" is much slower.
2002-12-10 16:14  rdm

	* base/src/TROOT.cxx:
	correctly handle trailing +(+) in Macro() and LoadMacro(). Before we fialed
	on path names containing ++, like .../g++/macro.C.
2002-12-10 15:42  rdm

	* configure:
	allow also --enable-rpath when doing a ROOTSYS driven build. However,
	when using this option the build product is not relocatable anymore
	(i.e. the build directory cannot change location afterwards).
2002-12-10 15:34  brun

	* geom/src/TGeoArb8.cxx, geom/src/TGeoCone.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoPgon.cxx, geompainter/src/TGeoChecker.cxx:
	From Andrei:
	solved some extra bugs so that all lego plots in non-MANY volumes
	looks fine.
2002-12-10 15:00  brun

	* matrix/: inc/LinkDef.h, inc/TMatrixDUtils.h, inc/TMatrixUtils.h,
	src/TMatrix.cxx, src/TMatrixD.cxx, src/TMatrixDUtils.cxx,
	From Eddy Offermann:
	1) IsSymmetric was incorrect for non-square matrices: should fail
	   if matrix is not square
	2) THaarMatrix and THilbertMatrix can now be accessed in the interpreter
2002-12-10 15:00  brun

	* graf/src/TEllipse.cxx:
	Some optimisations in TEllipse::PaintEllipse to use more points
	for large ellipses and less points for small ellipses.
2002-12-10 14:26  brun

	* win32gdk/src/TGWin32.cxx:
	From Bertrand;
	Optimisation of the text position/alignment
2002-12-10 13:12  rdm

	* unix/src/TUnixSystem.cxx:
	make compileable on glibc 2.0 systems (have no execinfo.h and backtrace()).
	Also remove unused variable warning.
2002-12-10 13:11  rdm

	* base/src/TFile.cxx, net/src/TNetFile.cxx, net/src/TWebFile.cxx:
	correct comments in ReOpen() to be more clear about return values.
2002-12-10 09:40  brun

	* geompainter/src/TGeoChecker.cxx:
	In TGeoChecker::LegoPlot remove unused variable is_entering
2002-12-10 09:27  brun

	* base/inc/RVersion.h, build/version_number:
	Stamp version 3.04/01 (hopefully the PRO release)
2002-12-10 08:52  brun

	* geom/src/TGeoVolume.cxx, geompainter/src/TGeoChecker.cxx:
	Fixes by Andrei for the legoplot option.
2002-12-10 03:52  rdm

	* unix/src/TUnixSystem.cxx:
	use c++filt also for icc and ecc in StackTrace().
2002-12-10 03:52  rdm

	* utils/src/rootcint.cxx:
	The attached patch fixes a dictionary generation problem concerning
	STL and gcc 2.x, i.e. in gcc 2.x use the correct allocator in STL containers.
	By Philippe.
2002-12-10 03:20  rdm

	* proof/src/TPacketizer2.cxx:
	add missing variable initialization (Maarten and valgrind).
2002-12-10 03:19  rdm

	* base/inc/MessageTypes.h, base/inc/TFile.h, base/src/TFile.cxx,
	net/inc/TNetFile.h, net/inc/TWebFile.h, net/src/TNetFile.cxx,
	net/src/TWebFile.cxx, rfio/src/TRFIOFile.cxx, rootd/src/rootd.cxx:
	new method TFile::ReOpen(Option_t *mode). Reopens a file with a different
	access mode, like from READ to UPDATE or from NEW, CREATE, RECREATE, UPDATE
	to READ. Thus the mode argument can be either "READ" or "UPDATE". The
	method returns 0 in case of success, 1 in case mode did not change and
	-1 in case of failure.
2002-12-09 18:39  rdm

	* unix/src/TUnixSystem.cxx:
	do correct demangling in case of g++ 3.x.
2002-12-09 16:13  rdm

	* ldap/inc/CintLDAP.h:
	change order of lber.h and ldap.h.
2002-12-09 16:12  rdm

	* base/inc/RtypesImp.h, utils/src/rootcint.cxx:
	This patch enables the proper creation of the ShowMembers function for
	templated classes on MS Windows.
2002-12-09 15:03  rdm

	* gui/inc/LinkDef1.h, gui/inc/TGFrame.h, gui/src/TGFrame.cxx,
	test/guitest.cxx, tutorials/guitest.C:
	new method TGGroupFrame::SetTitlePos() allowing the positioning of the title
	of the group frame. By Valeriy.
2002-12-09 14:51  rdm

	* cint/: inc/G__ci.h, inc/common.h, include/_iostream,
	lib/posix/posix.h, src/disp.c, src/func.c, src/loadfile.c,
	import of CINT 5.15.67.
	For what else is new see
2002-12-09 13:43  rdm

	* rootx/inc/: rootlogo_xbm.h, rootlogo_xpm.h:
	Splash screen for 3.04. No time to update credit list (logo to small and
	no access to original). Plan new splash screen based on Guiliana's official
	ROOT nimpf with more place for credits.
2002-12-09 13:24  rdm

	* unix/src/TUnixSystem.cxx:
	in case of debug information being available also print the line number
	and file in the stack trace.
2002-12-08 20:22  rdm

	* utils/src/rootcint.cxx:
	remove warning of unused function argument tmplt.
2002-12-08 20:21  rdm

	* unix/src/TUnixSystem.cxx:
	disable StackTrace() for AIX.
2002-12-08 17:58  rdm

	* rint/src/TTabCom.cxx:
	small code layout correction.
2002-12-08 17:56  rdm

	* base/src/Stringio.cxx:
	update comments in ReadLine() and ReadString().
2002-12-08 17:51  rdm

	* unix/src/TUnixSystem.cxx, config/
	added stack trace code for Linux glibc based systems and AIX (via
	stack walker function xl__trbk()). Code borrowed from Lassi Tuura's ClassLib
	but improved by taking care of C++ symbol demangling. Later code will come
	for Solaris, Irix and True64. The stack trace can be disabled via the
	system.rootrc key "Root.Stacktrace". Default is on.
2002-12-08 10:18  brun

	* utils/src/rootcint.cxx:
	Fix by Philippe for a problem reported by George and Maarten
2002-12-06 23:08  brun

	* graf/src/TGraph.cxx:
	Changes in TGraph::SetMinimum,SetMaximum to use GetHistogram() instead of fHistogram.
	GetHistogram guarantees that fHistogram is computed.
2002-12-06 22:30  brun

	* base/src/TRef.cxx:
	In TRef::GetObject protect against the case where fPID points to
	a deleted processID using the new function TProcessID::IsValid.
2002-12-06 22:28  brun

	* base/inc/TProcessID.h:
	Add new static function
	  UInt_t IsValid(TProcessID *pid)
2002-12-06 17:53  brun

	* base/src/TDirectory.cxx:
	Change comment in TDirectory::Append
2002-12-06 17:45  brun

	* geom/inc/TGeoCone.h, geom/inc/TGeoShape.h, geom/inc/TGeoSphere.h,
	geom/src/TGeoPgon.cxx, geom/src/TGeoSphere.cxx,
	From Andrei:
	New patch for shape algorithms, including :
	- bug fixes in TGeoPgon::DistToIn()
	- new algorithm by Mihaela for computing distances to a sphere (it was
	So, now all algorithms per shape for computing distances should be "in
	shape", at least as far as we have tested. Clearly some problems still
	remain with the global algorithm including MANY's. At least now the lego
	plot seem to work for the rootgeom example (shooting in /TOP/Replica
	produces a nice plot). Obviously we will eventually find other bugs, but
	the version as it is now seems to work reasonably good.
2002-12-06 17:36  brun

	* eg/inc/TParticle.h:
	Add new function
	  void           SetStatusCode(int status) {fStatusCode = status;}
2002-12-06 13:16  rdm

	* cint/include/_iostream:
	fix in TString atval layout so that tab expansion works again on TStrings.
2002-12-06 12:12  brun

	* hist/src/THLimitsFinder.cxx:
	Add more comments in THLimitsFinder::FindGoodLimits
2002-12-06 07:40  brun

	* base/src/TKey.cxx, meta/src/TClass.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	This patch allows for the proper handling of class that do not inherit directly from TObject but are missing their library (this was
	broken when we added more support for multiple inheritance)
2002-12-06 07:35  brun

	* tree/src/TTree.cxx:
	Fix by Philippe to fix a problem in his previous patch. Now test/DrawTest works again.
2002-12-05 18:55  brun

	* utils/src/rootcint.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	rootcint now properly detects that an operator new hides (for C++) any operator new
	with placement previously declared in the class hierarchy
2002-12-05 16:56  rdm

	* proof/inc/TProof.h:
	handle missing namespace std on HP more elegantly.
2002-12-05 16:55  rdm

	* gui/src/TGButtonGroup.cxx:
	fix in ButtonRelease() by Valeriy. Radiobuttons were not toggled correctly.
2002-12-05 16:31  rdm

	* base/: inc/TString.h, src/TString.cxx:
	new method
	Int_t TString::CountChar(Int_t c) const
	returns the number of times character c appears in the TString.
	On request by Eddy Offerman.
2002-12-05 11:26  brun

	* base/: inc/TObjNum.h, src/TObjNum.cxx:
	Remove class TObjNum
2002-12-05 11:26  brun

	* test/tcollex.cxx:
	Reintroduce the original version of tcollex with the inline class TObjNum
2002-12-05 11:25  brun

	* base/:, inc/LinkDef3.h:
	The new class TObjNum is removed (at least temporarily) because
	it did not compiled on several systems.
2002-12-05 11:24  brun

	* histpainter/src/THistPainter.cxx:
	From Olivier;
	Fix a problem in THistPainter::PaintColor replacing Hparam.zmin
	by the real minimum fH->GetMinimum()
2002-12-05 11:02  brun

	* meta/src/TStreamerInfo.cxx:
	In TStreamerInfo::BuildOld add support for members moved to base classes
	even when the base class did not exist in the old version of the class.
2002-12-05 11:01  brun

	* meta/: inc/TClass.h, src/TClass.cxx:
	Add new function TRealData *TClass::GetRealData(cont char *name) const
	Use this new function in TClass::GetDataMemberOffset and TStreamerInfo::BuildOld
2002-12-04 21:02  brun

	* cint/src/var.c:
	Fix by Philippe for the problem with CINT when setting an array of doubles.
2002-12-04 18:59  brun

	* utils/src/rootcint.cxx:
	Fix by Philippe to terminate a tring by 0.
2002-12-04 16:11  brun

	* histpainter/src/THistPainter.cxx:
	In THistPainter::PaintHist remove the dependency of the histogram
	line width as a function of the canvas size.
2002-12-04 15:35  rdm

	* base/: inc/LinkDef3.h, inc/TObjNum.h, inc/TObjPtr.h,
	src/TBuffer.cxx, src/TObjNum.cxx, src/TObjPtr.cxx:
	fix in explicit template instantiation syntax which was wrong, but accepted
	by gcc and icc (!). Remove TObjPtr class which is now just an instantiation
	of TObjNum<void*> (for backward compatability we provide the typedef:
	typedef TObjNum<void*> TObjPtr;). Remove reference to TObjPtr.h from
	TBuffer.cxx. To compile make sure to remove base/src/G__Base1.d,
	base/src/G__Base2.d, base/src/G__Base3.d and base/src/TBuffer.d.
2002-12-04 13:14  rdm

	* test/tcollex.cxx:
	use new TObjNumI class instead of local example class.
2002-12-04 13:13  rdm

	* base/:, inc/LinkDef3.h, inc/TObjNum.h, src/TObjNum.cxx:
	add small templated TObjNum class. Version for all basic types are available
	as TObjNumC, TObjNumS, TObjNumI, etc. Altough not very memory efficient
	(since containing a TObject in addition to the basic type) it is useful in
	some circumstances, like TObjString.
2002-12-04 12:23  brun

	* postscript/src/TPostScript.cxx:
	Fix by Olivier when printing patterns. The line width must be set to 1.
2002-12-04 11:38  brun

	* hist/: inc/TF1.h, inc/TF2.h, inc/TH1.h, inc/TH2.h, inc/TH3.h,
	inc/TProfile.h, inc/TProfile2D.h, src/TF1.cxx, src/TF2.cxx,
	src/TH1.cxx, src/TH2.cxx, src/TH3.cxx, src/TProfile.cxx,
	Make all DrawCopy functions const
	Add new function in TH1
	TH1 *TH1::DrawNormalized(Option_t *option, Double_t norm) const
	//  Draw a normalized copy of this histogram.
	//  A clone of this histogram is normalized to norm and drawn with option.
	//  A pointer to the normalized histogram is returned.
	//  The contents of the histogram copy are scaled such that the new
	//  sum of weights (excluding under and overflow) is equal to norm.
	//  Note that the returned normalized histogram is not added to the list
	//  of histograms in the current directory in memory.
	//  It is the user's responsability to delete this histogram.
	//  The kCanDelete bit is set for the returned object. If a pad containing
	//  this copy is cleared, the histogram will be automatically deleted.
	//     See Draw for the list of options
2002-12-04 10:54  brun

	* hist/src/TH1.cxx:
	Fix a problem reported by Andreas Zoglauer in TH1::SmoothArray
2002-12-04 10:13  brun

	* pythia6/src/TPythia6.cxx:
	We forgot the definition of PYCHGE for windows.
2002-12-04 09:18  brun

	* gpad/src/TPad.cxx:
	Add a new feature in TPad::WaitPrimitive.
	When this function is called with no arguments, it will wait
	until a double-click is executed in the canvas or any key pressed.
	A call to gSystem->Sleep(10) has been added in the loop to avoid
	consuming all the CPU.
	This new option is convenient when executing a macro. By adding
	statements like
	one can monitor the progress of a running macro, stop at convenient
	places with the possibility to interact with the canvas and resume
	the execution with a double click or a key press.
2002-12-04 08:12  brun

	* base/inc/RConfig.h, build/win/bindexplib/bindexplib.cxx:
	Corrections by Valery to compile root under "Microsoft Studio
2002-12-04 07:59  brun

	* cint/iosenum/iosenum.linuxkcc:
	New version of iosenum for kcc by Philippe
2002-12-03 18:42  rdm

	* geom/inc/: TGeoCache.h, TGeoVolume.h:
	still some unused argument warnings on MacOS X.
2002-12-03 18:37  rdm

	* unix/src/TUnixSystem.cxx:
	replace NULL by 0.
2002-12-03 18:10  rdm

	* test/
	compile tests with -O on Mac.
2002-12-03 17:44  brun

	* thread/: inc/TCondition.h, inc/TMutex.h, src/TThread.cxx:
	From  Mathieu de Naurois <>
	"From the manual of pthread_cond_timedwait, I have:
	 pthread_cond_timedwait  atomically  unlocks mutex and waits on
	cond, as pthread_cond_wait does, but it also bounds the duration
	of the wait. If cond  has  not  been  signaled  within  the amount
	of time specified by abstime, the mutex  mutex  is  re-acquired
	and pthread_cond_timedwait returns  the error ETIMEDOUT.
	The abstime parameter specifies an absolute time, with the same
	origin  as  time(2)  and gettimeofday(2):  an abstime of 0
	corresponds to 00:00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970.
	In the code of ROOT, the line:
	 while (fgXAct) {fgXActCondi->TimedWait(1);}
	was a nonsense that it equivalent to :
	and it uses 100% of CPU.
	I modified the TThread class in the version we use for HESS.
	For us, in a heavily multithreaded DAQ, this modified version works fine
	and is faster when opening canvases from threads."
2002-12-03 17:13  brun

	* geom/src/TGeoCone.cxx:
	Remove unused variables zv1, zv2 (detected by SGI/CC)
2002-12-03 17:10  brun

	* geompainter/src/TGeoChecker.cxx:
	New version of TGeoChecker removing several compiler warnings on SGI/CC
2002-12-03 17:01  brun

	* geom/inc/TGeoArb8.h, geom/inc/TGeoBoolNode.h,
	geom/inc/TGeoCache.h, geom/inc/TGeoCompositeShape.h,
	geom/inc/TGeoCone.h, geom/inc/TGeoPatternFinder.h,
	geom/inc/TGeoPcon.h, geom/inc/TGeoPgon.h, geom/inc/TGeoSphere.h,
	geom/inc/TGeoVolume.h, geom/src/TGeoArb8.cxx, geom/src/TGeoAtt.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoBBox.cxx, geom/src/TGeoBoolNode.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoCache.cxx, geom/src/TGeoCompositeShape.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoCone.cxx, geom/src/TGeoEltu.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoManager.cxx, geom/src/TGeoMaterial.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoNode.cxx, geom/src/TGeoPara.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoPatternFinder.cxx, geom/src/TGeoPcon.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoPgon.cxx, geom/src/TGeoSphere.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoTrd1.cxx, geom/src/TGeoTrd2.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoTube.cxx, geom/src/TGeoVolume.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoVoxelFinder.cxx, geompainter/src/TGeoChecker.cxx,
	New version of the geometry package from Andrei:
	Fixes to compile with no warnings with the option -ansi -pedantic
	It also includes bug fixes for Trd1,2,  cone and pcon DistToIn/Out
2002-12-03 12:20  rdm

	* base/src/TQObject.cxx, clib/src/Demangle.c, gpad/src/TPad.cxx,
	table/src/TVolumeView.cxx, treeviewer/inc/TTVLVContainer.h,
	remove some more MacOS X warnings that I missed yesterday.
2002-12-03 11:25  brun

	* hist/: inc/TH1.h, inc/TH2.h, inc/TH3.h, src/TH1.cxx, src/TH2.cxx,
	Make const the following functions in TH1:
	GetXaxis, GetYaxis, GetYaxis, GetCenter and KolmogorovTest
	Make const the KolmogorovTest function in TH2 and TH3
2002-12-03 10:36  brun

	* treeplayer/src/TTreePlayer.cxx:
	In TTreePlayer::MakeClass, generate new comments to clarify where
	the global entry in the chain or the local entry in the Tree should be used.
2002-12-02 23:07  brun

	* tree/src/TChain.cxx, tree/src/TTree.cxx,
	From Philippe:
	The following patch allows TTree objects to properly treat TTreeFriends which are actually TChain objects.
	Also adding a few protection in case of an empty chain.
2002-12-02 22:39  brun

	* hist/src/THLimitsFinder.cxx:
	In the FindGoodLimits functions for 1,2 and 3-d histograms, add support
	for axis with alphanumeric bin labels.
2002-12-02 19:50  rdm

	* treeplayer/src/TTreePlayer.cxx, x11/src/GX11Gui.cxx,
	x11/src/TGX11.cxx, x3d/src/x3d.c, zip/src/Inflate.c:
	mega patch to remove almost all compiler warnings on MacOS X where the
	compiler is by default in pedantic mode (LHCb also like to use this option).
	The following issues have been fixed:
	- removal of unused arguments
	- comparison between signed and unsigned integers
	- not calling of base class copy ctor in copy ctor's
	To be done, the TGeo classes where we get still many hundred warnings of
	the above nature. List forwarded to Andrei.
2002-12-02 19:50  rdm

	* base/inc/RtypesImp.h, base/inc/TQObject.h, base/inc/TVirtualX.h,
	base/src/TBuffer.cxx, base/src/TDSet.cxx, base/src/TFile.cxx,
	base/src/TFolder.cxx, base/src/TMD5.cxx,
	base/src/TMessageHandler.cxx, base/src/TQConnection.cxx,
	base/src/TROOT.cxx, base/src/TTask.cxx, base/src/TTimeStamp.cxx,
	clib/src/Demangle.c, clib/src/Getline.c, clib/src/mmtrace.c,
	clib/src/snprintf.c, cont/src/TBits.cxx, cont/src/TRefArray.cxx,
	eg/src/TDatabasePDG.cxx, g3d/src/TAxis3D.cxx, gl/src/TGLKernel.cxx,
	gpad/inc/TCanvas.h, graf/inc/TPaveStats.h, graf/src/TAttImage.cxx,
	graf/src/TGraph.cxx, graf/src/TGraphSmooth.cxx, gui/inc/TGFrame.h,
	gui/inc/TGListTree.h, gui/src/TGColorDialog.cxx,
	gui/src/TGColorSelect.cxx, gui/src/TGListTree.cxx,
	gui/src/TGNumberEntry.cxx, gui/src/TRootBrowser.cxx,
	hbook/src/THbookBranch.cxx, hbook/src/THbookFile.cxx,
	hbook/src/THbookTree.cxx, hist/inc/TF2.h, hist/inc/TF3.h,
	hist/inc/TH1.h, hist/inc/TH2.h, hist/inc/TH3.h,
	hist/inc/TMultiDimFit.h, hist/inc/TProfile.h,
	hist/inc/TProfile2D.h, hist/src/TFractionFitter.cxx,
	hist/src/TH1.cxx, hist/src/THStack.cxx, hist/src/TMultiDimFit.cxx,
	hist/src/TPrincipal.cxx, hist/src/TProfile.cxx,
	hist/src/TProfile2D.cxx, histpainter/src/TPaletteAxis.cxx,
	ldap/src/TLDAPAttribute.cxx, ldap/src/TLDAPEntry.cxx,
	meta/src/TClass.cxx, meta/src/TStreamerInfo.cxx,
	newdelete/src/NewDelete.cxx, postscript/inc/TSVG.h,
	postscript/src/TPostScript.cxx, postscript/src/TSVG.cxx,
	proof/src/TPacketizer.cxx, proof/src/TPacketizer2.cxx,
	proof/src/TProof.cxx, proof/src/TProofPlayer.cxx,
	proof/src/TProofServ.cxx, proof/src/TVirtualPacketizer.cxx,
	rootd/src/rootd.cxx, table/inc/TChair.h, table/inc/TTableIter.h,
	table/inc/TVolumePosition.h, table/inc/TVolumeView.h,
	table/inc/Ttypes.h, table/src/TDataSet.cxx,
	table/src/TDataSetIter.cxx, table/src/TPoints3D.cxx,
	table/src/TPointsArray3D.cxx, table/src/TTable.cxx,
	table/src/TTablePoints.cxx, table/src/TVolumeView.cxx,
	tree/inc/TLeaf.h, tree/inc/TSelector.h, tree/src/TBranch.cxx,
	tree/src/TBranchElement.cxx, tree/src/TChain.cxx,
	tree/src/TChainElement.cxx, tree/src/TFriendElement.cxx,
	tree/src/TLeafElement.cxx, tree/src/TTree.cxx,
	mega patch to remove almost all compiler warnings on MacOS X where the
	compiler is by default in pedantic mode (LHCb also like to use this option).
	The following issues have been fixed:
	- removal of unused arguments
	- comparison between signed and unsigned integers
	- not calling of base class copy ctor in copy ctor's
	To be done, the TGeo classes where we get still many hundred warnings of
	the above nature. List forwarded to Andrei.
2002-12-02 19:41  brun

	* meta/src/TClass.cxx:
	Fix from Philippe:
	The new data memberfInterStreamer was not initialized in all the constructors.
2002-12-02 18:46  brun

	* meta/src/TClass.cxx:
	Add suggested mod by Markus Frank in Class::Destructor
2002-12-02 15:35  rdm

	* configure:
	fix in order of mysql include and library detection.
2002-12-02 15:34  rdm

	* cint/iosenum/iosenum.macosx:
	macosx version of iosenum.
2002-12-02 12:35  brun

	* meta/src/TClass.cxx:
	Applied changes suggested by Markus Frank
2002-12-02 02:11  rdm

	* cint/: inc/Api.h, inc/CallFunc.h, inc/G__ci.h,
	include/iostream.h, lib/dll_stl/str.h, lib/prec_stl/iterator,
	lib/prec_stl/string, src/CallFunc.cxx, src/Class.cxx, src/fread.c,
	src/func.c, src/g__cfunc.c, src/ifunc.c, src/init.c, src/newlink.c,
	src/struct.c, src/tmplt.c, src/var.c:
	import of CINT 5.15.66.
	For what else is new see
2002-12-01 09:33  brun

	* treeplayer/src/TTreeFormula.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	This  patch solves problems related to checking (during the
	parsing/discovery phase) the content of leaves which are inside a
	TClonesArray and contains a TClonesArray.
2002-11-30 21:48  brun

	* tutorials/jets.C:
	// script illustrating the use of a Tree using the JetEvent class.
	// The JetEvent class has several collections (TClonesArray)
	// and other collections (TRefArray) referencing objects
	// in the TClonesArrays.
	// The JetEvent class is in $ROOTSYS/test/JetEvent.h,cxx
	// to execute the script, do
	// .x jets.C
2002-11-30 21:46  brun

	* test/: JetEvent.cxx, JetEvent.h:
	Add new example JetEvent:
	// A JetEvent emulates 2 detectors A and B producing each
	// a TClonesArray of Hit objects.
	// A TClonesArray  of Track objects is built with Hits objects
	// of detectors A and B. Eack Track object has a TRefArray of hits.
	// A TClonesArray of Jets is made with a subset of the Track objects
	// also stored in a TRefArray.
	// see $ROOTSYS/tutorials/jets.C for an example creating a Tree
	// with JetEvents.
2002-11-30 11:36  brun

	* graf/src/TGraph.cxx:
	Fix a problem in TGraph::PaintGrapHist in low resolution mode with empty bins
2002-11-30 10:33  brun

	* tutorials/tree2a.C:
	Update tutorial to declare several class members to be transient only.
2002-11-29 16:28  brun

	* tutorials/pythiaExample.C:
	Replace Form by printf in order to run with the interpreter on Alpha/cxx.
2002-11-29 15:48  brun

	* tree/src/TBranchElement.cxx:
	New version of SetBranchAddress supporting the split of TClonesArray
	when the pointer is in a sub-class.
	Also added support for the case when the top level branch is forced with a "."
	as the last branch name character.
2002-11-29 15:45  brun

	* treeplayer/src/TTreeFormula.cxx:
	Add a protection in TTreeFormula::GetLeafWithDatamember.
	The pointer clones can be null.
2002-11-29 10:32  brun

	* tutorials/tree2.C:
	Add comment referencing the new tutorial tree2a.C
2002-11-29 10:31  brun

	* tutorials/tree2a.C:
	New tutorial with the same functionality than tree2.C but using a class
	instead of a C-struct.
2002-11-29 09:16  brun

	* base/src/TFile.cxx:
	several changes in the logic for file recovery. With this patch:
	 - the case of a file currently being created by another process and connected
	   by the current process is supported again.
	 - The StreamerInfo record was not correctly read back. This fix is important
	   in case one connects to a file without the shared lib.
2002-11-29 00:26  rdm

	* cont/src/TClonesArray.cxx:
	add extra comment about disabling BypassStreamer() in case one wants to send
	a TClonesArrays via a TMessage of a TSocket.
2002-11-29 00:16  rdm

	* base/src/TFile.cxx:
	remove a test that prevented files that were not properly closed
	(e.g. interrupted via a ctrl-c) to be recovered.
2002-11-28 22:16  brun

	* tree/src/TBranchElement.cxx:
	Modify TBranchElement::FillLeaves to support the case when a Tree
	is in FakeClass mode.
	For example, if a new Tree is created via CloneTree in a Loop
	function of a class generated by MakeClass, one has to rebuild
	the new Tree in a way compatible with a future reading using
	the shared library or not.
2002-11-28 20:38  brun

	* test/dt_RunDrawTest.C:
	From Philippe:
	Use Riostream.h instead of iostream.h
2002-11-28 20:19  rdm

	* proof/src/TPacketizer2.cxx:
	remove warning of float assignment to int.
2002-11-28 19:39  rdm

	* cont/src/TObjArray.cxx:
	correction in comment.
2002-11-28 19:39  rdm

	* ldap/inc/CintLDAP.h:
	add include to lber.h that was missing in older versions of ldap.h.
2002-11-28 19:38  rdm

	* base/inc/TVirtualProof.h, proof/inc/TPacketizer2.h,
	proof/inc/TProof.h, proof/inc/TProofPlayer.h,
	proof/src/TPacketizer2.cxx, proof/src/TProof.cxx,
	latest patch from Maarten, adding support for a list of feedback objects
	that can be displayed while the query is running. Also better packet
	size algorithm.
2002-11-28 09:11  brun

	* base/inc/TView.h:
	Increase size of fTnorm, etc arrays from 12 to 16
2002-11-28 09:06  brun

	* geompainter/src/TGeoChecker.cxx:
	Remove unused variables
2002-11-28 08:33  brun

	* base/inc/RVersion.h, build/version_number:
	Start numbering new version 3.04/00
2002-11-28 08:29  brun

	* base/inc/TBuffer.h:
	Fix by Philippe replacing R__GCC by R__GNU to be consistent with RConfig.h
2002-11-28 00:16  brun

	* tutorials/h1analysis.h:
	Upgrade h1analysis.h to reflect the latest changes in TSelector,TSelectorCint.
2002-11-27 22:54  brun

	* treeplayer/src/TTreePlayer.cxx, utils/src/rootcint.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	This patch:
	        a) add ClassDef to the generate TSelector with version 0.
	        b) keep the Error message for all cases but those inheriting from TSelector
	                (Warnings are not seems in the default rootcint mode).
	        c) rootcint succeed in all cases (hence allowing user to compile
	                classes that do not strictly implement the TObject interface).
2002-11-27 21:44  brun

	* tutorials/copytree3.C:
	New tutorial illustrating how to
	 - open a file
	 - loop over the entries of a Tree
	 - under certain conditions, copy selected entries into another Tree
2002-11-27 21:01  brun

	* cint/src/var.c:
	Fix by Philippe for a problem reported by David Adams
2002-11-27 16:24  rdm

	* base/src/TMath.cxx:
	remove warning of possibly used variable which was not intialized.
2002-11-27 16:23  rdm

	* base/src/TNamed.cxx:
	added comment to Clear() method.
2002-11-27 16:23  rdm

	* gui/src/TGButtonGroup.cxx:
	remove compiler warning on 64bit machines (int to pointer cast).
2002-11-27 16:22  rdm

	* gui/src/TGListTree.cxx:
	some protections added by Valeriy.
2002-11-27 12:48  rdm

	* cint/iosenum/iosenum.linuxia64gcc:
	wrong version checkin yesterday.
2002-11-27 12:31  brun

	* mc/inc/TVirtualMCDecayer.h:
	Remove enum Decay_t
2002-11-27 09:20  brun

	* histpainter/src/THistPainter.cxx:
	Use gStyle->GetNumberContours instead of the default constant 20.
2002-11-27 09:19  brun

	* base/: inc/TStyle.h, src/TStyle.cxx:
	Add new member
	  Int_t fNumberContours;
	and the corresponding getter/setter GetNumberContours, SetNumberContours.
	The default number of contours is 20.
2002-11-27 00:53  brun

	* tree/src/TBranchElement.cxx:
	New simplification of TBranchElement::SetAddress and a bug fix
2002-11-26 19:39  brun

	* table/: inc/LinkDef.h, inc/TTable.h, inc/Ttypes.h,
	src/TTable.cxx, src/TTableDescriptor.cxx:
	Corrections in libTable by Valery Fine to take into account
	the new ROOT features with ClassDef/ClassImp, etc.
2002-11-26 18:57  brun

	* pythia6/: inc/TPythia6.h, src/TPythia6.cxx:
	From Andreas Morsch;
	"on Nick's request I have added the two methods
	Pymass and Pychge to TPythia6.
	Also ImportParticles is called after a Pyedit call."
2002-11-26 18:35  brun

	* tree/src/TBranchElement.cxx:
	In Unroll function, remove the limitation that a TClonesArray cannot be split
	when the pointer is in a base class. However, there are still changes
	required in the browse functions to get this feature operational.
	one change from Dave Morrison to escape the slash character.
2002-11-26 18:33  brun

	* hist/src/TFormula.cxx:
	From David Morrison <>
	With the 3.03 series there are changes in the way that TFormula parses
	it's arguments that have stalled PHENIX's deployment of recent ROOT
	versions.  In particular, we build up the name of a branch in such a way
	that the "/" character is a part of the name.  With versions 2.2x
	through 3.01.x through 3.02.x these names were parsed in such a way
	that, for instance, a TBrowser could be used to peruse our reconstructed
	data.  With 3.03, things have changed and a TBrowser seg faults when
	used to browse one of our existing files.  We have about 100 TB of such
	files on tape.  Anyway, I'm including a little patch against the CVS
	HEAD that seems to fix things up.  It offers the ability to use the
	backslash character to escape the "/" and not have it interpreted as a
	mathematical operator.
2002-11-26 18:26  brun

	* meta/: inc/TDataMember.h, src/TDataMember.cxx:
	addition of new data members in TDataMember class by Victor:
	   TString   fTypeName;     //data member type, e,g.: "class TDirectory*" -> "TDirectory".
	   TString   fFullTypeName; //full type description of data member, e,g.: "class TDirectory*".
	   TString   fTrueTypeName; //full type description with no typedef
	These members are copied from the CINT dictionary and are safer.
	The getter functions return safe pointers to the string while CINT
	is reusing the space of the string in the next call to the getter function.
	CV: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2002-11-26 17:29  rdm

	* cint/iosenum/iosenum.linuxia64gcc:
	new iosenum.h for IA64 gcc.
2002-11-26 17:17  rdm

	* cint/iosenum/iosenum.linuxia64ecc:
	new iosenum.h for Linux IA64 ecc.
2002-11-26 11:24  brun

	* meta/: inc/TStreamerElement.h, src/TStreamerElement.cxx,
	changes by Victor for the STL support.
2002-11-26 11:24  brun

	* meta/: inc/TBaseClass.h, inc/TClass.h, inc/TDataMember.h,
	inc/TDataType.h, inc/TDictionary.h, inc/TFunction.h, inc/TGlobal.h,
	inc/TMethodArg.h, src/TBaseClass.cxx, src/TClass.cxx,
	src/TDataMember.cxx, src/TDataType.cxx, src/TFunction.cxx,
	src/TGlobal.cxx, src/TMethodArg.cxx:
	TDictionary derives now from TNamed instead of TObject.
	This change simplifies all the meta classes avoiding duplication
	of functions GetName, GetTitle, Compare, Hash.
	This also removes some coupling with CINT.
2002-11-26 09:45  brun

	* tree/src/TBranchClones.cxx:
	Add a protection in TBranchClones::Streamer when iterating on
	the list of TRealData. rd->GetDataMember() may be null.
2002-11-26 08:58  brun

	* base/: inc/TNamed.h, src/TNamed.cxx:
	Add TNamed::Clear(Option_t *option) function.
	This function is useful to clear TNamed objects in TClonesArray
	when TClonesArray::Clear is called with option "C".
2002-11-25 21:15  brun

	* tree/src/TBranchElement.cxx:
	One more fix in case of nested inheritance with the same class used
	in the base class and by composition.
2002-11-25 17:30  brun

	* meta/src/TClass.cxx:
	In TClass::GetDataMemberOffset add new logic to support data members
	in a hierarchy of inherited classes.
2002-11-25 17:29  brun

	* gpad/: inc/TCanvas.h, src/TCanvas.cxx:
	Remove unused function TCanvas::GetPadDivision.
	Implement TVirtualPad::GetPad as a better alternative.
2002-11-25 17:27  brun

	* base/inc/TVirtualPad.h, gpad/inc/TPad.h, gpad/src/TPad.cxx:
	Implement new functions
	  Int_t        TVirtualPad::GetNumber() const
	  TVirtualPad *TVirtualPad::GetPad(Int_t subpadnumber) cont
	The GetPad function returns a pointer to a sub-division of a pad.
2002-11-25 15:55  rdm

	* cint/: inc/G__ci.h, inc/gcc3strm.h, include/iostream.h,
	lib/gcc3strm/iostrm.h, lib/gcc3strm/sstrm.h, src/expr.c,
	src/func.c, src/gcc3strm.cxx, src/ifunc.c, src/parse.c,
	src/pause.c, src/struct.c:
	import of CINT 5.15.65.
	For what else is new see
2002-11-25 14:58  brun

	* gui/src/TGFileDialog.cxx:
	fixes for WIN32/WIN32GDK
2002-11-25 00:16  rdm

	add authors of LDAP interface.
2002-11-24 23:49  rdm

	* cint/, config/Makefile.linuxicc:
	check for new icc v7, in that case can compile CINT without problems (for
	v6 we needed to compile struct.c without optimization).
2002-11-24 23:47  rdm

	* gui/src/TGFrame.cxx:
	addition to some comments.
2002-11-24 23:46  rdm

	* base/src/TObject.cxx:
	small typo in comment.
2002-11-24 23:45  rdm

	* Makefile, configure, build/unix/,
	add case for new ldap module.
2002-11-24 23:43  rdm

	* tutorials/LDAPExample.C:
	example showing usage of LDAP interface. Needs some tunings since currently
	it accesses too much data.
2002-11-24 23:42  rdm

	* ldap/:, inc/CintLDAP.h, inc/LinkDef.h,
	inc/TLDAPAttribute.h, inc/TLDAPEntry.h, inc/TLDAPResult.h,
	inc/TLDAPServer.h, src/TLDAPAttribute.cxx, src/TLDAPEntry.cxx,
	src/TLDAPResult.cxx, src/TLDAPServer.cxx:
	OpenLDAP interface by Evgenia Smirnova and Oleksandr Grebenyuk of GSI.
	Several memory leaks removed from original code.
2002-11-24 15:13  brun

	* meta/src/TClass.cxx:
	Fix a casting problem resulting from changing GetDataMember to const
2002-11-24 15:07  brun

	* base/inc/TRealData.h:
	Make all getters const
2002-11-24 15:06  brun

	* gpad/src/TPad.cxx:
	In the TPad::SetLogx,y,z, set the value of fLogx to the argument value
	instead of setting it to 0 or 1. This change will allow future upgrades
	of the log options.
2002-11-24 15:04  brun

	* tree/src/TTree.cxx:
	In TTree::CloneTree, copy the option fMakeClass into the cloned tree.
	With this change, it is possible to use TTree::CloneTree when processing
	code generated by TTree::MakeClass.
2002-11-24 15:02  brun

	* tree/src/TBranchElement.cxx:
	Simplify TBranchElement::SetAddress by using the new function
	This new function works for normal classes and fake classes for any
	combination of inheritance and composition.
2002-11-24 14:59  brun

	* meta/: inc/TClass.h, src/TClass.cxx:
	Add two new functions in TClass:
	 void  BuildRealDataFake(const char *name, Int_t offset, TClass *cl);
	   // Build the list of TRealData for a fake class
	 Int_t GetDataMemberOffset(const char *membername) const;
	   // return offset for member name. name can be a data member in
	   // the class itself, one of its base classes, or one member in
	   // one of the aggregated classes.
	   // In case of a fake class, the list of fake TRealData is built
	make const TClass::GetDataMember
2002-11-22 19:57  brun

	* meta/: inc/TDataMember.h, src/TDataMember.cxx,
	From Victor:
	In TDataMember.h new method which returns true type name,
	not a typedef one.
	   const char    *GetTrueTypeName() const;
	Its implementation in TDataMember.cxx
	const char *TDataMember::GetTrueTypeName() const
	   // Get true, non typedef,  type description of data member, e,g.: "int*" not "Int_t*".
	   return fInfo->Type()->TrueName();
	In file TStreamerInfo.cxx
	old code :
	         if (dm->IsSTLContainer()) {
	            TStreamerSTL *stl = new TStreamerSTL(dm->GetName(),dm->GetTitle(),offset,dm->GetFullTypeName(),dm->IsaPointer());
	replaced by:
	         if (dm->IsSTLContainer()) {
	            TStreamerSTL *stl = new TStreamerSTL(dm->GetName(),dm->GetTitle(),offset,dm->GetTrueTypeName(),dm->IsaPointer());
2002-11-22 16:53  brun

	* geom/src/: TGeoTrd1.cxx, TGeoTrd2.cxx:
	From Andrei:
	Bug fixes for  DistToIn/Out() for TGeoTrd1, TGeoTrd2 classes.
2002-11-22 14:54  brun

	* hist/src/: TH1.cxx, TH2.cxx, TH3.cxx:
	Fix a problem in the GetRandom functions when interpolating in the integral bin.
	(thanks to Yuri Fisiak for reporting the problem)
2002-11-22 14:13  brun

	* gui/src/TRootBrowser.cxx:
	From Valeriy:
	1. Correct TRootBrowser::ProcessMessage method.
	   Add direct "return kTRUE" after IconBoxAction which
	   prevents form "segmentation violation" when IconBoxAction invokes
	   execution C++ macro in which this browser could be deleted,
	   for example via gROOT->Reset().
2002-11-22 12:24  brun

	* gui/src/TGFileDialog.cxx:
	From Bertrand:
	 correct memory leak in TGFileDialog::ProcessMessage method under win32gdk
2002-11-22 11:07  brun

	* histpainter/src/THistPainter.cxx:
	Protect HParam.xfirst to be >= 1
2002-11-22 11:05  brun

	* graf/src/: TGraphAsymmErrors.cxx, TGraphErrors.cxx:
	I the Paint functions, optimize the distance between the error bar
	and the marker.
2002-11-21 21:38  brun

	* treeplayer/src/TTreeFormula.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	This patch removes a memory leak in TTreeFormula's usage of
2002-11-21 21:33  brun

	* gui/src/TRootBrowser.cxx:
	From Valeriy:
	1. TRootBrowser::ListTreeHighlight(TGListTreeItem *item) method modified
	   to "improve" double-click handling on tree-list folder containing
	   many objects.
2002-11-21 17:27  rdm

	* cint/src/gcc3strm.cxx:
	re-introduce the orginal gcc3strm from CINT.
2002-11-21 16:27  brun

	* gui/src/TRootBrowser.cxx:
	Bug fix from Valeriy
2002-11-21 11:30  brun

	* gui/src/TGFileDialog.cxx:
	Fix by Bertrand required for win32gdk
2002-11-21 09:37  brun

	* cint/iosenum/iosenum.win32:
	New version of iosenum for windows
2002-11-20 18:52  brun

	* gui/src/TRootBrowser.cxx:
	From Valeriy,
	TRootBrowser::Refresh method corrected
2002-11-20 16:17  rdm

	* gui/src/TRootBrowser.cxx:
	remove fName from TRootIconList, it is already in TCollection.
2002-11-20 15:38  brun

	* html/src/THtml.cxx:
	Fix by Axel in the documentation of the basic types.
2002-11-20 11:05  brun

	* cint/src/gcc3strm.cxx:
	From Jiri Masik:
	I checked out the CVS head after a while and found that gcc3strm.cxx
	does not compile due to G__G__streamLN_mbstate_t etc being used before
	its definition.
2002-11-20 10:52  brun

	* base/src/TView.cxx:
	Remove a printf line in TView::ResizePad
2002-11-20 10:50  brun

	* histpainter/src/TPaletteAxis.cxx:
	Remove unused variables bin1,bin2
2002-11-20 10:31  brun

	* gui/src/TRootBrowser.cxx:
	From Valeriy:
	 corrections added to display wait-cursor during long-period operations
2002-11-20 10:11  brun

	* html/src/THtml.cxx:
	From Axel Naumann
	*Header was copied to html output dir even if the class was decided to be linked from Root.Html.Root
	* output (class description + source) was generated that was not even used (for classes linked from
	* All ROOT classes with names containing a "_" (i.e. many structs) ended up in USER_Index.html, and THtml
	didn't realize how to link their documentation in. They are now sorted into the correct package.
2002-11-20 09:55  brun

	* base/inc/TView.h, base/src/TView.cxx, geom/inc/TGeoVolume.h,
	geom/inc/TVirtualGeoPainter.h, geom/src/TGeoBBox.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoPcon.cxx, geom/src/TGeoTrd1.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoVolume.cxx, geompainter/inc/TGeoChecker.h,
	geompainter/inc/TGeoPainter.h, geompainter/src/TGeoChecker.cxx,
	geompainter/src/TGeoPainter.cxx, gpad/src/TPad.cxx:
	Following improvements by Andrei Gheata:
	1. gpad - containing a modified src/TPad.cxx (notification to TView
	class when resizing the pad and having perspective view)
	2. base - containing modified TView.h/.cxx
	3. geom, geompainter - modifications to geometry classes (perspective
	view support + some bug fixes in shape algorithms)
	 New features :
	 - First implementation of TGeoChecker::CheckGeometry() by Mihaela : it
	can be called from the volume context menu and for the time being just
	draws the boundary intersections not matching on the way back and forth
	(no histogram generated). Anyway, we discovered by using it that we have
	to correct several bugs in the shapes DistToIn/Out algorithms ... :-(
	- Perspective view fully implemented. Activated with TView(11) - this is
	the default now for the new geometry classes. For all other views
	(instantiated usually with TView(1)) one can switch parralel/perspective
	from TView context menu.
	- Navigation inside geometries based on perspective view : just draw
	some geometry, then double-click on volumes in the pad - you will get a
	nice grab-focus effect (specially if the number of volumes on screen is
	relatively small)
	- navigation keys : zoom in/out, move left/right/up/down exactly like in x3d
	- resizing of pad and drawing of axes in TView supported - aspect ratio
	always kept.
2002-11-20 09:24  brun

	* gui/: inc/TRootBrowser.h, src/TRootBrowser.cxx:
	From valeriy
	1. up level directory navigation
	2. clicking on folder at icon-box highlights correspondent
	   folder at list-tree and adjust postition in list-tree
2002-11-20 00:37  rdm

	* gui/src/TGCanvas.cxx:
	fix in TGCanvas::Layout() by Valeriy to fix layout problems showing up
	in the inspector window.
2002-11-19 00:04  rdm

	* gui/src/TGCanvas.cxx:
	few typos in comments.
2002-11-19 00:03  rdm

	* proof/src/: TPacketizer2.cxx, TProof.cxx, TProofPlayer.cxx,
	fix a bug in TPacketizer2, not owner lists should be cleared before list
	owning the items. Fix also final shutdown crash.
2002-11-19 00:02  rdm

	* base/inc/TError.h, base/src/TError.cxx, rint/src/TRint.cxx,
	unix/src/TUnixSystem.cxx, vms/src/TVmsSystem.cxx:
	add new function Break() in TError. Use this instead of direct Printf() in
	TUnixSystem and TRint for printing of *** Break *** message. This allows to
	also see the break message in the logs in proof and to terminate in case one
	desires so. Also made the message size dynamic (solves Yves S. problem).
2002-11-18 22:52  brun

	* main/src/h2root.cxx:
	Add a comment in the converter for profiles.
2002-11-18 22:49  brun

	* hist/src/TH2.cxx:
	In TH2::FitSlicesX,Y use directly the pointer to the TF1 object
	instead of its name.
2002-11-18 22:48  brun

	* graf/src/TGraph.cxx, hist/src/TH1.cxx:
	In the fit functions, the test on Foption.Errors was not correct.
	As a result, the parabolic error was returned in case the maximum
	precision error had been requested and vice-versa.
2002-11-18 08:12  brun

	* config/Makefile.macosx:
	Fix to SYSLIBS and CILIBS variables by Keisuke Fujii, Remi Mommsen
2002-11-17 20:12  brun

	* cint/iosenum/iosenum.sgikcc:
	This iosenum was never put in CVS !
2002-11-17 20:00  brun

	* cint/iosenum/: iosenum.alphacxx6, iosenum.alphaegcs,
	iosenum.hpuxacc, iosenum.sgicc, iosenum.sgiegcs,
	New versions of iosenum have been generated
2002-11-17 18:35  brun

	* html/src/THtml.cxx:
	Fix by Axel
2002-11-17 18:04  brun

	* base/src/: TRandom.cxx, TRandom2.cxx, TRandom3.cxx:
	Modify the Rndm function in the generator classes such that they never
	return 0.
	Remove the test on 0 from several functions in TRandom.
2002-11-16 19:23  brun

	* matrix/src/: TMatrix.cxx, TMatrixD.cxx:
	From Eddy Offermann:
	The InvertPosDef matrix complained when a matrix was not positive definite
	but nevertheless continued its calculation and returnd of course the wrong
	Now, an error message appears and the inversion is continued with the Gaus-Jordan
2002-11-16 18:13  brun

	* pythia6/inc/: TPythia6.h, TPythia6Calls.h:
	Replace interface to Pythia6.1 by 6.2. The main difference is the size
	of the common block /pydat3/. The new definition is
	struct Pydat3_t {
	  int    MDCY[3][500];
	  int    MDME[2][KNDCAY];
	  double BRAT[KNDCAY];
	  int    KFDP[5][KNDCAY];
	instead of:
	struct Pydat3_t {
	  int    MDCY[3][500];
	  int    MDME[2][4000];
	  double BRAT[4000];
	  int    KFDP[5][4000];
	where KNDCAY=8000. To run with the previous version of Pythia5.1,
	simply change KNDCAY from 8000 to 4000.
2002-11-16 16:17  brun

	* graf/: inc/TGraph.h, inc/TGraphAsymmErrors.h, inc/TGraphErrors.h,
	src/TGraph.cxx, src/TGraphAsymmErrors.cxx, src/TGraphErrors.cxx:
	Make const the function ComputeRange in TGraph, TGraphErrors
	   and TGraphAsymmErrors.
	Rewrite TGraph::GetHistogram to create the histogram without
	painting the graph.
2002-11-16 08:58  brun

	* matrix/src/: TMatrix.cxx, TMatrixD.cxx:
	From Eddy Offermann
	the operator*(const TMatrix &source1,const TMatrix &source2);
	was not correctely defined: it would multply matrix of transposed shapes: a(m,n) * b(n,m)
2002-11-15 23:20  brun

	* base/src/TBuffer.cxx:
	In ReadArray and ReadStaticArray functions, replace several tests of the form
	   if (!n) return n;
	   if (n <=0 ) return 0;
	In the WriteArray functions, protect against n <0
2002-11-15 21:18  rdm

	* cint/iosenum/iosenum.linux:
	new version that also works with gcc 3.2.
2002-11-15 21:14  rdm

	* win32gdk/src/GWin32Gui.cxx:
	fix in CreateCursor() code.
2002-11-15 21:10  rdm

	* cint/: inc/G__ci.h, inc/gcc3strm.h, include/_iostream,
	include/iostream.h, include/strstream.h
	include/timespec.h, iosenum/iosenum.cxx, iosenum/iosenum.linuxicc,
	lib/gcc3strm/iostrm.h, lib/pthread/Makefile, src/cast.c,
	src/func.c, src/gcc3strm.cxx, src/ifunc.c, src/kccstrm.cxx,
	src/newlink.c, src/pause.c, src/tmplt.c:
	import of CINT 5.15.64.
	For what else is new see
	ATTENTION: if failure in iostream code occurs, remove the file
	cint/iosenum/iosenum.<arch> and do make again. This will force the rebuilding
	of this file which then has to be checked into cvs again. This might happen
	on CC5 and KCC. Already fixed for icc and gcc 3.2.
2002-11-15 21:02  rdm

	* base/inc/MessageTypes.h, proof/inc/TProofPlayer.h,
	proof/src/TProof.cxx, proof/src/TProofPlayer.cxx:
	more mods for dynamic feedback.
2002-11-15 19:14  rdm

	* proof/: inc/TProofDebug.h, src/TProof.cxx:
	two small mods by Maarten in preparation of dynamic feedback.
2002-11-15 18:53  brun

	* mc/: inc/TVirtualMC.h, src/TVirtualMC.cxx:
	Undo previous change replacing TRandom by TRandom3
2002-11-15 17:54  brun

	* gui/src/TRootBrowser.cxx:
	In TRootBrowser::CloeWindow, simply call DeleteWindow (from TGFrame).
	DeleteWindow takes care of deleting the CINT global pointing to the frame
	if necessary. With this fix, the object is not deleted twice.
2002-11-15 17:11  brun

	* hist/src/TAxis.cxx:
	Remove code in TAxis::ExecuteEvent now obsolete after the introduction
	of the new class TPaletteAxis.
2002-11-15 17:05  brun

	* histpainter/src/THistPainter.cxx:
	Rewrite THistPainter::PaintPalette to use the new class TPaletteAxis.
2002-11-15 17:04  brun

	* histpainter/: inc/LinkDef.h, inc/TPaletteAxis.h,
	Add new class TPaletteAxis. This new class is called by THistPainter::PaintPalette.
	With this new class, the palette object can be moved, resized in the pad.
	TPaletteAxis supports zooming on the palette axis.
2002-11-15 17:02  brun

	* meta/src/TClass.cxx:
	Protect TClass::Streamer when IsTObject() is true and fClassInfo=0
2002-11-15 16:48  brun

	* mc/: inc/TVirtualMC.h, src/TVirtualMC.cxx:
	 Implement a suggestion from Federico:
	 I think we lost one bit going to the Virtual MonteCarlo. The generator
	is not any more TRandom3, but gRandom, as initialised in TVirtualMC, and
	therefore TRandom simply. So we have 0's. There are 2 solutions.
	Isuggest to replace the initialisation of fRandom in TVirtualMC from
	fRandom=gRandom=new TRandom3()
2002-11-15 15:53  brun

	* gui/src/: TGCanvas.cxx, TGListTree.cxx:
	More mods from Valeriy
2002-11-15 15:41  rdm

	* gui/src/TRootBrowser.cxx:
	some small comment typos and formatting.
2002-11-15 15:41  rdm

	* geom/src/TGeoManager.cxx:
	when TClass::IsCallingNew() returns TClass::kDummyNew don't delete the
	existing geometry manager.
2002-11-15 15:40  rdm

	* base/src/TKey.cxx:
	in IsFolder() call TClass::New() with the kDummyNew option.
2002-11-15 15:40  rdm

	* meta/: inc/TClass.h, src/TClass.cxx:
	New() takes now enum ENewType instead of boolean. ENewType is either:
	TClass::kRealNew  - when called via plain new
	TClass::kClassNew - when called via TClass::New()
	TClass::kDummyNew - when called via TClass::New() but object is a dummy,
	                    in which case the object ctor might take short cuts
	this change is backward compatible in that the previous default was kTRUE
	and now kClassNew which is also 1. kRealNew is 0 which corresponds to kFALSE.
	The new kDummyNew is used in the TKey::IsFolder() method and checked in the
	TGeoManager to avoid to deletion and creation of a new geometry.
2002-11-15 14:26  rdm

	* base/inc/TStorage.h, base/src/TStorage.cxx,
	cont/src/TObjArray.cxx, cont/src/TOrdCollection.cxx:
	remove warnings produced by valgrind. Added TStorage::Alloc() and Dealloc()
	which work in conjunction with TStorage::ReAlloc() and are called from
	TObjArray and TOrdCollection.
2002-11-15 14:24  brun

	* gui/: inc/TGCanvas.h, inc/TGFSContainer.h, inc/TGListTree.h,
	inc/TGListView.h, src/TGCanvas.cxx, src/TGFSContainer.cxx,
	src/TGFileDialog.cxx, src/TGListTree.cxx, src/TGListView.cxx,
	src/TGScrollBar.cxx, src/TRootBrowser.cxx:
	Several improvements and bug fixes in the browser by Valery Onuchin
2002-11-14 18:27  rdm

	* base/src/TSystem.cxx:
	fInsideNotify was not initialized (by valgrind).
2002-11-13 23:25  brun

	* winnt/src/TWinNTSystem.cxx:
	New version from Bertrand fixing the the 100%CPU time consumption problem.
	New version of DispatchOneEvent.
2002-11-13 18:40  brun

	* pythia6/: inc/TPythia6Calls.h, src/TPythia6.cxx:
	Move the Fortran functions declaration from the header file to the
	implementation file.
	Add support for Windows
2002-11-13 18:35  rdm

	* test/MainEvent.cxx:
	small typo in comment.
2002-11-13 18:32  rdm

	* tree/inc/TBranchElement.h, config/,
	config/, gui/src/TRootBrowser.cxx,
	add special icons for TBranchElements that are folders as opposed to leaves.
	This is done by overriding TObject::GetIconName() which returns a different
	name for a branch folder than for a branch leave. In the mime types file
	this icon name is specified with the corresponding icons.
2002-11-13 18:04  brun

	* postscript/src/TPostScript.cxx:
	Fix by Olivier for a problem reported by Dmitri Smirnov.
	The current PS color must be reset after a polygon is drawn with
	  a PS pattern.
2002-11-13 15:31  brun

	* gpad/src/TPad.cxx:
	fModified was not set in the constructors.
	Thanks Maarten Ballintijn
2002-11-13 08:55  brun

	* g3d/: inc/TGLViewerImp.h, inc/TPadOpenGLView.h,
	src/TGLViewerImp.cxx, src/TPadOpenGLView.cxx:
	From Valery Fine:
	protection to the "g3d" sub-package (3D view)
	to eliminate the dead lock between TPadOpenGLView and TGLViewerImp
2002-11-12 16:51  brun

	* tree/src/TTree.cxx:
	Modify TTree::ChangeFile to remove several limitations.
	In particular, it is now possible to have more than one Tree
	in the file. All trees are correctly closed, written to the
	file and reset before switching to the new file.
2002-11-12 11:27  brun

	* test/guiviewer.h:
	Add a ClassDef for the Viewer class to prevent a fatal error when
	building the guiviewer test.
2002-11-11 22:51  brun

	* tutorials/basic3d.C:
	Replace teh creation of objects in the stack by objects in the heap
	to allow reexecution of the script (in particular on Windows where
	the detection of stack objects is not guaranteed.
2002-11-11 22:21  brun

	* base/src/TROOT.cxx:
	Extend TROOT::FindObjectAny to also scan the memory list of all files
	in case no object is found in the folder structure.
2002-11-11 22:19  brun

	* hist/src/TProfile.cxx:
	Minor change in TProfile::GetBinError taking into accounts under/overflow bins.
2002-11-11 18:45  brun

	* html/src/THtml.cxx:
	Patch from Axel Naumann
	The USER_Index does not contain ROOT classes anymore, and THtml does not try
	to access files that are not there anymore. Details of what I changed:
	* check if file exists before creating .cxx.html
	* removed postscript created prompt, as TCanvas already says Created file
	* Looks at impl file name, if that has format; base/src/TSomething.cxx; assume it comes from
	the BASE package. If impl file name is not set, look at decl file name and get package name
	the same way.
2002-11-11 18:05  brun

	* meta/src/TClass.cxx:
	This patch from Philippe fixes a side-effect of the way the ClassInfo was loaded by ROOT.
2002-11-11 17:23  brun

	* base/inc/Rtypes.h, base/inc/RtypesImp.h, cont/inc/TMap.h,
	gui/inc/TGLayout.h, gui/inc/TGMenu.h, meta/inc/TClass.h,
	meta/inc/TGenericClassInfo.h, meta/src/TClass.cxx,
	meta/src/TGenericClassInfo.cxx, utils/src/rootcint.cxx:
	The following patch 'upgrades' the new TClass and TGenericClassInfo code to actually follow the ROOT coding
	This patch also enables a rootcint error (prevents the creation of the dictionary) in the case where the class
	derives (directly or indirectly) from TObject and do not have its own ClassDef.
	3 helper class in ROOT failed the test: TGFrameElement, TAssoc and TGMenuEntry.
2002-11-11 16:16  brun

	* hist/src/TProfile.cxx:
	Modify TProfile::GetBinError to disable the optimisation when the number
	of bins is greater than 1000. The time of the old algorithm was proportional
	to the number of bins, generating a N^2 problem when projecting a TProfile
	with a large number of bins (eg 100000).
2002-11-11 15:45  rdm

	* base/: inc/RtypesImp.h, src/TBuffer.cxx, src/TKey.cxx:
	warning messages still contained reference to TSocket.
2002-11-11 13:02  brun

	* table/src/TCL.cxx:
	Remove unused variable mn in several functions.
2002-11-11 12:27  brun

	* base/inc/Rtypes.h, base/inc/RtypesImp.h, base/src/TBuffer.cxx,
	base/src/TKey.cxx, meta/inc/TClass.h, meta/inc/TGenericClassInfo.h,
	meta/src/TClass.cxx, meta/src/TGenericClassInfo.cxx,
	This patch enhances speed by avoid the use of the interpreter to access
	constructors and destructor.  It also allows for feeding a way to access
	the constructor and destructor independently of the dictionary.
	5 new data members were added to TGenericClassInfo/TClass.
	Those are direct wrapper around
	        - default constructor
	        - array constructor
	        - delete
	        - delete []
	        - destructor
	In TKey::TKey and TBuffer::WriteObjectAny, a new message was added:
	Warning in <TKey::TKey>: Since TSocket had no public constructor
	        which can be called without argument, TSocket objects can not be read
	        with the current library. You would need to add a default constructor
	        before attempting to read.
2002-11-11 12:24  brun

	* gpad/src/TPad.cxx:
	TPad::PaintPolyLine3D calls the new function TView::PaintLine
2002-11-11 12:23  brun

	* base/: inc/TView.h, src/TView.cxx:
	Add new status bit kPerspective and corresponding getter/setter
	  TView::SetPerspective (MENU)
	Add new functions
	  TView::PaintLine(Double_t *p1, Double_t *p2)
	  TView::PaintMarker(Double_t *p)
	These two new functions will support perspective view in a future version.
2002-11-11 12:21  brun

	* g3d/src/: TBRIK.cxx, TCONE.cxx, TELTU.cxx, THYPE.cxx, TPCON.cxx,
	TSPHE.cxx, TTUBE.cxx, TTUBS.cxx, TXTRU.cxx:
	Remove unnecessary references to TView.h
2002-11-08 18:45  brun

	* graf/src/TGraphAsymmErrors.cxx:
	Modify the algorithm computing the errors in X and Y in case of asymmetric errors.
	Instead of:
	   return TMath::Sqrt(elow*elow + ehigh*ehigh);
	the new algorithm returns
	   return TMath::Sqrt(0.5*(elow*elow + ehigh*ehigh));
2002-11-07 19:17  rdm

	* net/inc/: TFTP.h, TWebFile.h:
	provide default ctor for these classes.
2002-11-07 06:23  brun

	* hbook/src/THbookFile.cxx:
	One more suggestion from Andrei Gaponenko:
	"I suggest to put:
	as the first statement of THbookFile::Close(Option_t *).
	When a user closes an hbook file explicitly, the destructor calls the
	Close() function on the same file again and gets an HCDIR error
2002-11-07 06:20  brun

	* hbook/src/THbookFile.cxx:
	Fix from Andrei Gaponenko,
	"For the lack of THbookChain, I tried to do an explicit loop over
	ntuples.  After processing about 50 files, the program started to
	complain about "too many hbook files open".  According to the code
	logic, no more than one hbook file should have been opened at a time.
	(TFile was an automatic object in a loop of a compiled program.)
	I have fixed this by changing the THbookFile(const char*, int)
	constructor, so that HROPEN() and HREND() are now called with the
	same CHTOP parameter.
	It also fixes another problem (PR#1378). There is nothing wrong with
	opening an hbook file again if it's been closed."
2002-11-06 22:16  brun

	* graf/: inc/TMultiGraph.h, src/TMultiGraph.cxx:
	Implement function TMultiGraph::RecursiveRemove.
	When a TGraph is deleted (eg via the context menu), its parent TMultigraph
	is notified to remove the TGrapg from its list of graphs.
	Destructor protected.
2002-11-06 17:12  rdm

	* Makefile, config/ARCHS, config/Makefile.aixegcs,
	config/Makefile.alphaegcs, config/Makefile.freebsd,
	config/Makefile.freebsd4, config/Makefile.hpuxegcs,
	config/Makefile.hurddeb, config/Makefile.linux,
	config/Makefile.linuxalphaegcs, config/Makefile.linuxarm,
	config/Makefile.linuxdeb, config/Makefile.linuxdeb2,
	config/Makefile.linuxdeb2ppc, config/Makefile.linuxia64gcc,
	config/Makefile.linuxppcegcs, config/Makefile.linuxrh42,
	config/Makefile.linuxrh51, config/Makefile.linuxsuse6,
	config/Makefile.lynxos, config/Makefile.macosx,
	config/Makefile.mklinux, config/Makefile.sgiegcs,
	config/Makefile.sgin32egcs, config/Makefile.solarisegcs,
	add COMPILER = gnu in all backends that use gcc. This allows correct
	checking for gcc compiler type independent of compiler name, which may
	have been set to c++ or cc, instead of g++ and gcc. Also remove backend
	for solarisegcs which was identical to solarisgcc.
2002-11-06 10:11  brun

	* tree/src/TTree.cxx:
	In TTree::Fill, replace the call to TFile::GetBytesWritten by TFile::GetEND.
	The difference between the real size of the file (via GetEND) and the total number
	of bytes written can be very large when TTree::AutoSave is called frequently.
2002-11-06 07:33  brun

	* matrix/src/: TMatrix.cxx, TMatrixD.cxx:
	Small patch from Eddy Offermann:
	Do not calculate /correct the matrix determinant if the user does
	not requests its value. Reason is that after rescaling by the
	diagonal it might be too large or too small.
2002-11-05 19:14  rdm

	* configure:
	add check in case libpacklib.a does not contain any rfio references.
2002-11-05 18:01  rdm

	* mysql/src/TMySQLServer.cxx:
	add more explicit error message in case connection to mysqld fails.
2002-11-05 17:47  rdm

	* configure:
	correction for new version of srp in non-shared mode.
2002-11-05 17:09  brun

	* graf/src/TPolyLine.cxx:
	Add some comments and an example of a pad with the contour of
	a polyline and also its fill area.
2002-11-05 14:21  brun

	* tree/src/TChain.cxx:
	Fix a problem in TChain::LoadTree in case one file has a Tree
	with no entries.
2002-11-05 12:37  brun

	* graf/inc/TGaxis.h, graf/src/TGaxis.cxx, hist/inc/TAxis.h,
	Add a new option in TAxis and TGaxis to center the bin labels
	on the center of the bin instead of the tick marks.
	This option makes sense only when the number of bins is equal
	to the number of tick marks.
	The new function TAxis::CenterLabels sets the bit kCenterLabels.
	CenterLabels is visible in the TAxis context menu.
2002-11-05 11:38  brun

	* minuit/: inc/TMinuit.h, src/TMinuit.cxx:
	Make the following functions const
2002-11-05 11:28  rdm

	* gui/: inc/TGFrame.h, src/TGFrame.cxx:
	add getters for some WM resources that can be set for TGMainFrames.
2002-11-05 10:54  brun

	* minuit/: inc/TMinuit.h, src/TMinuit.cxx:
	Add new data members
	  Bool_t fGraphicsMode;
	  TObject *fPlot;
	By default fGraphicsMode is true.
	When calling the Minuit functions such as mncont, mnscan, or any Minuit
	command invoking mnplot, TMinuit::mnplot produces a TGraph object
	pointed by TObject *fPlot.
	One can retrieve this object with TMinuit::GetPlot();
	For example, one can do:
	  gMinuit->Command("SCAn 1");
	  TGraph *gr = (TGraph*)gMinuit->GetPlot();
	To set Minuit in no graphics mode, call gMinuit->SetGraphicsMode(kFALSE);
2002-11-05 10:37  brun

	* base/src/TProcessID.cxx:
	Fix from Bill Tanenbaum in TProcessID::WriteProcessID.
	  In TProcessID::WriteProcessID(TProcessID*, TFile *), the statement
	  must be replaced by
	The reason is that there may be a slot where the stored pid is NULL,
	and Add() will incorrectly add it at the first such slot, if any, rather
	than at the end of the TObjArray, where it belongs.
2002-11-05 09:15  brun

	* base/src/TSystem.cxx:
	This patch from Philippe was forgotten when the fixes for win32 were introduced.
2002-11-04 22:19  brun

	* graf/src/TGraph.cxx:
	In TGraph::PaintGrapHist, skip points that are below the minimum in y when in log scale.
2002-11-04 22:18  brun

	* histpainter/src/THistPainter.cxx:
	In THistPainter::PaintInit, optimize the computation of the minimum scale in case
	of log scale and the maximum is less than 1.
2002-11-04 18:22  brun

	* meta/src/: TCint.cxx, TClass.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	This patch removes 'interpreter errors' that happen when loading file with missing classes which happen to be
	template of templates.  It achieves this by changing TCint::CheckClassInfo so that it does not request
	instantiation of templates and by changing TClass::Init to not look for a classinfo when we create a fake
2002-11-04 17:43  rdm

	* cint/src/: newlink.c, typedef.c:
	the new CINT has several side effects. Take only mod 1743 that fixes the
	titles in the list of types.
2002-11-02 10:46  brun

	* config/:,
	Add entry for THbookFile.
	Currently the Root file icon is used for Hbook files. A dedicated icon
	should be created.
2002-11-02 10:41  brun

	* hbook/src/THbookFile.cxx:
	Remove the file from the list of Browsables in the destructor
2002-11-01 22:37  brun

	* win32gdk/src/: GWin32Gui.cxx, TGWin32.cxx:
	fix by Bertrand Bellenot fixing the speed problem when generating a gif file.
2002-11-01 22:25  brun

	* base/src/TKey.cxx:
	This update changes the semantic of TKey::ReadObj.  It now returns a proper TObject pointer (which sometimes is NOT the address of the actual start of the object).
	In particular, code that looks like:
	    MyClass *obj = (MyClass*)((void*)key->ReadObj());
	should be changed to
	    MyClass *obj = dynamic_cast<MyClass*>(key->ReadObj());
2002-11-01 21:41  brun

	* base/src/TKey.cxx:
	This patch speeds up TKey::ReadObj by replacing 'calling the streamer via the interpreter' by calculating a proper TObject* (by adding TObject's baseClassOffset to
	the address of the start of the object).
	Note that I did note change the semantic of TKey::ReadObj and it still returns an improper value when the object does not inherit from TObject first.  However, I
	could easily change that (and then the dynamic_cast would work).  The down-side is that existing code (using multiple inheritance) would break.
2002-11-01 20:58  brun

	* base/src/TBuffer.cxx:
	Change comment in TBuffer::ReadObjectAny
2002-11-01 20:12  brun

	* base/inc/TBuffer.h, base/src/TBuffer.cxx, base/src/TKey.cxx,
	meta/inc/TGenericClassInfo.h, meta/src/TClass.cxx,
	meta/src/TGenericClassInfo.cxx, meta/src/TStreamerElement.cxx,
	meta/src/TStreamerInfo.cxx, utils/src/rootcint.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	This patch adds the ability to save objects of classes using multiple
	inheritance (directly or indirectly) as part of other objects.
	(Previously multiple inheritance was only supported for top level objects).
	In TBuffer.h, TBuffer.cxx:
	   TBuffer::WriteObject( const void *actualObjStart, TClass *actualClass);
	has been made protected. It is replaced by
	    WriteObjectAny(const void *obj, TClass *ptrClass);
	which has a slightly different semantic (for multiple inheriting classes).
	The value of 'obj' in expected to be a value that can be legally stored
	in a pointer to an object of the type described by 'ptrClass'.  I.e:
	    MyClass *ptr;
	We introduced:
	   void    *ReadObjectAny(const TClass* cast);
	which returns a value suitable to be stored in a pointer to an object of
	the type described by 'cast'.  I.e, a typical usage is:
	   MyClass *ptr = (MyClass*)b.ReadObjectAny(MyClass::Class());
	The existing function
	    TObject *TBuffer::ReadObject(const TClass *clReq)
	now ignores its parameter and returns the address where the object read
	actually start.  It should be noted that if the object is of a class
	which derives from TObject but not as a first inheritance, this value is
	NOT a valid TObject*.  We recommend using ReadObjectAny instead.
	In TKey.cxx, I reverted the comments to properly describe how to deal with
	top level object which inherits from TObject but not as a first inheritance
	(can not use dynamic_cast).
	In TGenericInfo.h, TGenericInfo.cxx, rootcint.cxx and TClass.cxx, we moved
	to always use an IsA wrapper function instead of using the interpreter for
	TClass.cxx has been modified to optimize a few function now called many
	TStreamerInfo.cxx and TStreamerElement.cxx has been modified to use the
	new TBuffer function and to properly read/write multiple inheriting objects.
2002-10-31 22:38  brun

	* base/src/TProcessID.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	Add a missing IncrementCount when the processID object is being reused.
2002-10-31 14:23  rdm

	* base/src/TQObject.cxx:
	remove special case for Win32 introduced during the hunt for the startup bug.
2002-10-31 14:22  rdm

	* config/: Makefile.aix, Makefile.aix5:
	add missing matrix lib dependencies.
2002-10-31 08:27  brun

	* base/inc/TColor.h, base/inc/TDatime.h, base/inc/TDirectory.h,
	base/inc/TFile.h, base/inc/TFolder.h, base/inc/TNamed.h,
	base/inc/TObject.h, base/inc/TStyle.h, base/inc/TTimeStamp.h,
	base/src/TColor.cxx, base/src/TDatime.cxx, base/src/TNamed.cxx,
	base/src/TObject.cxx, base/src/TStyle.cxx, base/src/TTimeStamp.cxx,
	g3d/inc/TAxis3D.h, g3d/inc/THelix.h, g3d/inc/TPolyLine3D.h,
	g3d/inc/TPolyMarker3D.h, g3d/inc/TXTRU.h, g3d/src/TAxis3D.cxx,
	g3d/src/THelix.cxx, g3d/src/TPolyLine3D.cxx,
	g3d/src/TPolyMarker3D.cxx, g3d/src/TXTRU.cxx,
	gpad/inc/TPaveClass.h, gpad/src/TPaveClass.cxx, graf/inc/TArc.h,
	graf/inc/TArrow.h, graf/inc/TBox.h, graf/inc/TCrown.h,
	graf/inc/TEllipse.h, graf/inc/TFrame.h, graf/inc/TLatex.h,
	graf/inc/TLegend.h, graf/inc/TLegendEntry.h, graf/inc/TLine.h,
	graf/inc/TMarker.h, graf/inc/TPave.h, graf/inc/TPaveLabel.h,
	graf/inc/TPolyLine.h, graf/inc/TText.h, graf/inc/TWbox.h,
	graf/src/TArc.cxx, graf/src/TArrow.cxx, graf/src/TBox.cxx,
	graf/src/TCrown.cxx, graf/src/TEllipse.cxx, graf/src/TFrame.cxx,
	graf/src/TLatex.cxx, graf/src/TLegend.cxx,
	graf/src/TLegendEntry.cxx, graf/src/TLine.cxx,
	graf/src/TMarker.cxx, graf/src/TPave.cxx, graf/src/TPaveLabel.cxx,
	graf/src/TPolyLine.cxx, graf/src/TText.cxx, graf/src/TWbox.cxx,
	gui/inc/TGTextEdit.h, gui/inc/TGTextView.h, hist/inc/TAxis.h,
	hist/inc/TF1.h, hist/inc/TF2.h, hist/inc/TF3.h,
	hist/inc/TFormula.h, hist/inc/TH1.h, hist/inc/TH2.h,
	hist/inc/TH3.h, hist/inc/TPolyMarker.h, hist/inc/TProfile.h,
	hist/inc/TProfile2D.h, hist/src/TAxis.cxx, hist/src/TF1.cxx,
	hist/src/TF2.cxx, hist/src/TF3.cxx, hist/src/TFormula.cxx,
	hist/src/TH1.cxx, hist/src/TH2.cxx, hist/src/TH3.cxx,
	hist/src/TPolyMarker.cxx, hist/src/TProfile.cxx,
	hist/src/TProfile2D.cxx, meta/inc/TStreamerElement.h,
	meta/src/TClass.cxx, table/inc/TFileIter.h, table/inc/TPoints3D.h,
	table/inc/TPointsArray3D.h, table/src/TPoints3D.cxx,
	Make const all Copy functions.
	WARNING: If your class implements a Copy function deriving
	from TObject or one of the ROOT classes, you must make
	your Copy function const.
2002-10-30 22:56  brun

	* tree/src/TTree.cxx:
	Modify TTree::GetMaximum and TTree::GetMinimum to take into account
	variable length arrays.
2002-10-30 21:40  brun

	* gpad/: inc/TAttCanvas.h, src/TAttCanvas.cxx:
	Make TAttCanvas::Copy const
2002-10-30 21:39  brun

	* cont/inc/: TArrayC.h, TArrayD.h, TArrayF.h, TArrayI.h, TArrayL.h,
	Make const all Copy functions
2002-10-30 17:12  rdm

	* base/src/TEnv.cxx:
	fix in Save() so new values created at run time can be correctly saved.
	Patch by Nathaniel Tagg (Oxford, Minos).
2002-10-30 13:06  rdm

	* build/unix/, config/
	change $() syntax with ` ` which is understood by all shells.
2002-10-29 14:30  brun

	* meta/inc/TCint.h, meta/inc/TInterpreter.h, meta/src/TCint.cxx,
	From Philippe:
	I understood (and fixed) the problems on Window 98, XP, 2000 where ROOT
	was mysteriously, randomly crashing or giving error messages like 'this
	"text file name" is a binary file' or other weird behaviors.
	This problem was only appearing at startup time and only on Windows.
	In the constructor of TRint::TRint we had:
	   ProcessLine("#include <RtypesCint.h>");
	   gROOT->LoadClass("TGeometry",   "Graf3d");
	   gROOT->LoadClass("TTree",       "Tree");
	   ProcessLine(Form(".L %s",logon),kTRUE);
	The problem comes from the fact that on Windows ProcessLine has the
	execution of its CINT part delayed (1st problem) while gROOT->LoadClass
	has the execution of its CINT part done immediately (and not protected
	for multi-thread).
	Both the calls are asking CINT to load a file and in this case,
	__sometimes__ the loading of RtypesCint.h is happening __while__ loading
	the libraries thus over-writing (randomly) part of one of the loading.
	The problem did indeed worsen since ROOT 3.03/07 with the introduction
	of the first ProcessLine.
2002-10-29 09:25  brun

	* hist/src/TH2.cxx:
	Undo changes introduced by mistake in 3.03/09 in functions ProjectionX and ProjectionY
	in the algorithm computing the errors for the projected histogram.
2002-10-28 16:38  brun

	* graf/src/: TPaveLabel.cxx, TPaveText.cxx:
	Changes in the SavePrimitive functions in case of log scales.
2002-10-28 15:27  rdm

	* configure:
	add discovery support for SRP 1.7.x.
2002-10-28 15:22  rdm

	* rootd/: inc/rootdp.h, src/daemon.cxx, src/net.cxx, src/rootd.cxx:
	Applied rootd patch by Ulrik Egede and Tim Adye from BaBar. New features:
	1) New option, -P FILE, to specify an alternate SRP password file. As an
	   rootd -P $HOME/.srootdpass2
	   will start rootd using the files $HOME/.srootdpass2.conf and
	   $HOME/.srootdpass2 for SRP authentication.
	2) Modified option, -p port1-port2, will search for the first available
	port in the range. You can also specify -p 0-N for search relative to the
	service port specified in /etc/services (this was sort of accidental, but
	not a bad feature :-). If a single port is specified as before, then no
	search is made.
	3) Unless started by inetd (rootd -i), it prints something like
	before spawning the daemon so the user knows what was used (eval `rootd`
	will set these as variables in Bourne-shells).
	4) rootd now shows an error message (as well as the syslog message it
	always sent) if there is any problem binding the port or forking the
2002-10-25 23:19  brun

	* hbook/src/THbookFile.cxx:
	Add a few protections in case two Hbook files containing the same histogram IDs
	are open and the IDs read in memory.
2002-10-25 21:54  brun

	* tree/src/TLeafC.cxx:
	Remove a limitation in TLeafC::FillBasket and TLeafC::ReadBasket.
	A maximum of 255 characters could only be written/read.
	To be back compatible and still have minimal overhead, the following
	algorithm has been implemented.
	If the length of the string to be written is less than 255 bytes,
	we use the old agorithm.
	If more or equal 255 characters, we write the constant 255 followed
	by the real length of the long string in integer format.
	Thanks to Markus Frank for noticing/reporting the problem.
2002-10-25 19:38  rdm

	* win32gdk/inc/GdkConstants.h, win32gdk/inc/TGWin32.h,
	win32gdk/src/GWin32Gui.cxx, win32gdk/src/GdkThread.cxx,
	win32gdk/src/TGWin32.cxx, winnt/inc/TWinNTSystem.h,
	latest mods of Bertrand. This version implements separate threads for
	virtualX and cint. There are still several issues to solve, but it is already
	much better than what was in cvs before.
2002-10-25 19:25  rdm

	* build/unix/
	not all shells understand $() syntax, replace by ` `.
2002-10-25 18:51  rdm

	* config/: Makefile.win32, Makefile.win32gdk:
	because some methods in TVector and TMatrix are not inline anymore we now
	need to link explicitely with libMatrix for several modules.
2002-10-25 17:39  rdm

	* build/unix/, build/unix/,
	build/unix/, config/Makefile.macosx,
	latest patch by Keisuke. Now it should work on both fink and non-fink
2002-10-25 17:29  rdm

	* matrix/: inc/TMatrix.h, inc/TMatrixD.h, inc/TMatrixDUtils.h,
	inc/TMatrixUtils.h, inc/TVector.h, inc/TVectorD.h, src/TMatrix.cxx,
	src/TMatrixD.cxx, src/TMatrixDUtils.cxx, src/TMatrixUtils.cxx,
	src/TVector.cxx, src/TVectorD.cxx:
	last changes broke Win32. Should now, finally, be ok now on all platforms.
2002-10-25 15:35  rdm

	* matrix/: inc/TMatrix.h, inc/TMatrixD.h, inc/TMatrixDUtils.h,
	inc/TMatrixUtils.h, inc/TVector.h, inc/TVectorD.h, src/TMatrix.cxx,
	src/TMatrixD.cxx, src/TMatrixDUtils.cxx, src/TMatrixUtils.cxx,
	src/TVector.cxx, src/TVectorD.cxx:
	removed also the special case for MacOS X. Now all platforms can inline.
	Problem was due to a static "err" in only a few inlines. Moved this static
	as a class static fgErr. Damir verified that it works.
2002-10-25 14:41  brun

	* base/src/TRandom.cxx:
	TRandom::Rndm optimized by Sverre Jarp
2002-10-25 14:30  rdm

	* base/src/TApplication.cxx:
	remove compiler warning due to mode not being const char*.
2002-10-25 13:19  rdm

	* matrix/: inc/TMatrix.h, inc/TMatrixD.h, inc/TMatrixDUtils.h,
	inc/TMatrixUtils.h, inc/TVector.h, inc/TVectorD.h, src/TMatrix.cxx,
	src/TMatrixD.cxx, src/TMatrixDUtils.cxx, src/TMatrixUtils.cxx,
	src/TVector.cxx, src/TVectorD.cxx:
	remove special non-inlining case for obsolete HP-UX CC compiler.
	If now MACOSX could also solve this we could get completely get rid of
	this error prone construction.
2002-10-25 13:16  rdm

	* config/: ARCHS, Makefile.hpux:
	very old HP-UX CC compiler is no longer supported.
2002-10-25 12:47  rdm

	* test/: vmatrix.cxx, vvector.cxx:
	run in batch mode.
2002-10-25 12:40  rdm

	* cont/src/TClassTable.cxx:
	fix typo in comment.
2002-10-25 12:40  rdm

	* base/src/TApplication.cxx, gui/src/TGApplication.cxx,
	call gInterpreter->UpdateListOfTypes() after the dictionaries have been
	initialized. This fixes the problem as seen on Solaris when running
	vvector in batch mode where the basic typedef UInt_t et al are not known.
2002-10-25 12:31  rdm

	* rfio/src/TRFIOFile.cxx:
	fix compilation problem on Win32.
2002-10-25 12:18  rdm

	* configure:
	on Solaris the latest version of libshift requires the additional linking
	of libposix4.
2002-10-25 09:36  brun

	* matrix/src/: TVector.cxx, TVectorD.cxx:
	In the operator == replace the call to memcmp by an explicit loop.
	memcmp does not behave correctly on aix and sgi. (rounding problems)
	With this change, vvector executes correctly on all platforms.
2002-10-25 08:29  brun

	* matrix/src/: TMatrixD.cxx, TMatrixDUtils.cxx, TMatrixUtils.cxx,
	TVector.cxx, TVectorD.cxx:
	New fixes by Eddy to compile under macosx
2002-10-25 08:04  brun

	* net/src/TUrl.cxx:
	Fix fatal compilation errors
2002-10-25 03:23  rdm

	* base/inc/MessageTypes.h, proof/inc/TPacketizer.h,
	proof/inc/TPacketizer2.h, proof/inc/TProofPlayer.h,
	proof/src/TPacketizer.cxx, proof/src/TPacketizer2.cxx,
	proof/src/TProof.cxx, proof/src/TProofPlayer.cxx:
	this patch implements a signal Progress(total,processed) in the proofplayer.
	The patch provides some other small bug fixes and an implementation of
	file specs without host.
2002-10-25 02:50  rdm

	* base/src/TObject.cxx:
	unset kCanDelete bit also in copy ctor and assignment operator (like
	was done in Clone()).
2002-10-25 02:44  rdm

	* base/inc/TSystem.h, base/src/TSystem.cxx, config/,
	rfio/inc/LinkDef.h, rfio/inc/TRFIOFile.h, rfio/src/TRFIOFile.cxx,
	unix/inc/TUnixSystem.h, unix/src/TUnixSystem.cxx:
	add capability to read directory structures via RFIO. This works via
	the TRFIOSystem helper class (which derives from TSystem) that is loaded
	by the plugin manager whenever one tries to access a rfio directory or file.
	This helper class is used in the actual system class (TUnixSystem,
2002-10-25 02:19  rdm

	* net/: inc/TUrl.h, src/TUrl.cxx:
	add support for username and passwd embedded in url according to W3C specs.
2002-10-25 02:16  rdm

	* Makefile, config/ARCHS:
	remove reference to win32egcs, until this port really exist (if ever).
2002-10-24 21:45  brun

	* matrix/src/: TMatrix.cxx, TMatrixD.cxx:
	Fixes by Eddy for some compilation problems on macosx reported
	by George Irwin and Damir Buskulic
2002-10-24 18:45  brun

	Add Marco van Leeuwen for his contribution to THistPainter.
2002-10-24 18:32  brun

	* histpainter/src/THistPainter.cxx:
	From Marco van Leeuwen
	"I've adapted the THistPainter to allow logarithmic axes (x, y and z)
	when using the CONT drawing options."
2002-10-24 08:29  brun

	* build/unix/, build/unix/,
	config/Makefile.macosx, test/
	Changes in Makefiles by Keisuke Fujii for macosx.
	With these changes, test/Event can be executed on macosx.
2002-10-23 23:56  brun

	* matrix/: inc/LinkDef.h, inc/TMatrix.h, inc/TMatrixD.h,
	inc/TMatrixDUtils.h, inc/TMatrixUtils.h, inc/TVector.h,
	inc/TVectorD.h, src/TMatrix.cxx, src/TMatrixD.cxx,
	src/TMatrixDUtils.cxx, src/TMatrixUtils.cxx, src/TVector.cxx,
	A few fixes to previous Eddy's patch
2002-10-23 22:47  brun

	* matrix/inc/LinkDef.h, matrix/inc/TMatrix.h,
	matrix/inc/TMatrixD.h, matrix/inc/TMatrixDUtils.h,
	matrix/inc/TMatrixUtils.h, matrix/inc/TVector.h,
	matrix/inc/TVectorD.h, matrix/src/TMatrix.cxx,
	matrix/src/TMatrixD.cxx, matrix/src/TMatrixDUtils.cxx,
	matrix/src/TMatrixUtils.cxx, matrix/src/TVector.cxx,
	matrix/src/TVectorD.cxx, test/vlazy.cxx, test/vmatrix.cxx,
	From Eddy Offermann:
	I made the following changes to the matrix/vector classes:
	1. if rank(matrix) <= 3 determinant and matrix inversion
	   formulas are hard-coded to in order to improve speed
	2. As requested by Nicolas Produit
	   I have implemented a class called TMatrixFlat that lets
	   you access the matrix elements as a flat array. Functionalities
	   are identical to TMatrixRow, TMatrixColumn and TMatrixDiag ..
	3. Added some constructors to TVector:
	   TVector(const TMatrixRow &mr);
	   TVector(const TMatrixColumn &mc);
	   TVector(const TMatrixDiag &md);
	4. Operations like TMatrix(a,2) *= TMatrix(b,3) are now supported
	5. Elements in TVector/TMatrix/TMatrixRow ... can now be accessed
	   with operator() and []
	5. Code cleanup:
	    - made functions static in TMatrix
	    - enforced better "const"-ness
	      in particular the Apply methods in TVector/TMatrix now
	      have a "const" argument allowing constructs like (Nicolas Produit) in
	      This has as side effect that the signature of "Operation" has changed !!!!!
	In Addition I have removed the MakeHilbert() function
	from TMatrix class; no reason to give this matrix type a special
	I have added THilbertMatrix class just like the THaarrMatrix,
	both inheriting from TLazyMatrix
2002-10-23 14:36  brun

	* cint/include/iosfwd.h:
	Undo change proposed by Philippe. Too many side effects.
2002-10-23 13:15  brun

	* histpainter/src/THistPainter.cxx:
	Fix in PaintLego and PaintSurface in the new algorithm computing the scale.
2002-10-23 13:00  brun

	* cint/include/iosfwd.h:
	From Philippe
	"I found that in order to properly parse some of Geant4 header files I
	needed to add one declaration to iosfwd:"
2002-10-23 12:51  brun

	* cint/src/global2.c, cint/src/init.c, cint/src/newlink.c,
	From Philippe:
	"I think it is inconvenient for the user (and the documenter) that the
	'cint' executable behaves differently in the ROOT environment or in the
	pure CINT environment.  For example, the lastest change broke Fons'
	script to build the cintdlls (since linG__set_globalcompk was off by
	default, the cintdlls where actually empty!).
	So I propose to reset the 'link mode' to be on by default for the 'cint'
	executable.  We can then explicitly set it to be off in the 'rootcint'
	In order to properly implement this, I also needed to fix the handling
	of the argument to '-c' (corretly use the abs value and propagate all
	the change into G__set_globalcomp.
2002-10-23 08:26  brun

	* histpainter/src/THistPainter.cxx:
	Protect THistPainter::PaintLego and THistPainter::PaintSurface for the case
	where zmin >= zmax
2002-10-22 15:55  brun

	* cint/lib/stream/iostrm.h:
	Add AIX in the list of systems not supporting standard rdbuf
2002-10-22 14:10  brun

	* hbook/: inc/THbookFile.h, src/THbookFile.cxx:
	Implement new function IsOpen (like in TFile).
	Set the Zombie bit on if the file cannot be open.
	There are now two ways to detect if a file is open:
	   TFile f("myfile.hbook");
	   if (f.IsOpen()); //if true f has been open successfully
	   if (f.IsZombie()); //if true f cannot be used
2002-10-22 12:37  brun

	* utils/src/rootcint.cxx:
	Patch from Philippe:
	This updates increase the support for const data members (the existing
	std::string special cases needed to be updated).  It also explicitly
	disable I/O for data members which are references.
2002-10-22 10:32  brun

	* geom/src/TGeoBBox.cxx:
	Fix a portability problem. Variable Int_t i defined twice in the same function
2002-10-22 10:22  brun

	* cint/src/tmplt.c:
	From Masa
	Removed a side-effect
2002-10-22 10:19  brun

	* base/src/TMath.cxx:
	Add remarks in the doc of TMath::isInside
2002-10-22 09:43  brun

	* geom/inc/TGeoManager.h, geom/inc/TVirtualGeoPainter.h,
	geom/src/TGeoBoolNode.cxx, geom/src/TGeoManager.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoVoxelFinder.cxx, geompainter/inc/TGeoPainter.h,
	geompainter/src/TGeoChecker.cxx, geompainter/src/TGeoPainter.cxx:
	A few fixes to avoid compiler warnings
2002-10-22 08:43  brun

	* utils/src/rootcint.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	This patch repairs TBench.cxx on gcc below 3.1.
	We need to use the 'name' of the class rather than its TrueName (which is
	implementation dependent!!).
2002-10-21 21:19  brun

	* cint/src/pause.c:
	Fix a typo " recorvered" changed to "recovered"
2002-10-21 19:37  rdm

	* base/src/TQObject.cxx:
	fix typo in Error() message.
2002-10-21 19:32  rdm

	* utils/src/rootcint.cxx:
	correction in help making clear that + and - are mutual exclusive [{+,-}].
2002-10-21 19:09  brun

	* base/src/TQObject.cxx:
	From Philippe
	On windows instead of loading the TQObject macro via loadtext,
	let's go back to the previous implementation and do it by
	loading the header file.
2002-10-21 19:08  brun

	* test/: dt_DrawTest.C, dt_MakeRef.C:
	From Philippe
	DrawTest now has a test of drawing an array values with a scalar weight.
2002-10-21 18:47  brun

	* main/src/h2root.cxx:
	The recent increase of /pawc/ from 2 to 10 megawords prevents the
	generation of the h2root module under alpha/gcc.
	This fix reduces the size to 5 megawords.
2002-10-21 18:35  brun

	* pythia6/src/TPythia6.cxx:
	Fix by Constantin Loizides
	I had problems using ImportParticles
	with the "Final" option. When writing
	the "particle" branch with TTree::Fill
	it crashed whereas when using the "All"
	option the same macro work (macro is attached).
	Looping over the particles in the TClonesArray
	works perfectly in both cases
	I "solved" the problem  changing the
	TPythia6::ImportParticles in the following way:
	The dummy index i is always incremented regardless
	whether a particle was "final" or not. Introducing a
	variable which  actually counts the particles that
	were inserted into the TClonesArray apparently works
2002-10-21 18:15  brun

	* utils/src/rootcint.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	The following modification of rootcint allow the generation of
	dictionaries for classes with const data members.
2002-10-21 18:13  brun

	* treeplayer/src/TTreePlayer.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	This patch makes sure that a scalar weight is used for all the elements
	of an array which is drawn.
	Before this patch the scalar weight was only applied to the first
	element of the array.
2002-10-21 17:21  brun

	* geom/inc/TGeoAtt.h, geom/inc/TGeoManager.h, geom/inc/TGeoNode.h,
	geom/inc/TGeoShape.h, geom/inc/TGeoVolume.h, geom/src/TGeoArb8.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoBBox.cxx, geom/src/TGeoCompositeShape.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoManager.cxx, geom/src/TGeoNode.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoVolume.cxx, geompainter/src/TGeoChecker.cxx,
	Upgrade of the geom classes by Andrei:
	- improvements in the drawing mechanism (nodes can also be made
	invisible, having higher priority than volumes;
	- possibility of simple phi cut in TGeoManager::SetPhiRange(phimin, phimax)
	  - by default the phi range is (0, 360) - no cut performed
	 - setting different values for phimin, phimax will make invisible the
	nodes having the origin in this range;
	- documentation updated for TGeoArb8 class (picture in /gif directory)
2002-10-21 17:12  rdm

	* config/Makefile.linuxia64ecc:
	add -restrict option to CFLAGS and CINTCFLAGS for ecc v7.
2002-10-21 16:38  rdm

	* cint/: inc/G__ci.h, inc/common.h, inc/fproto.h, inc/global.h,
	include/_iostream, src/cast.c, src/disp.c, src/func.c,
	src/global2.c, src/ifunc.c, src/init.c, src/loadfile.c,
	src/newlink.c, src/pause.c, src/pcode.c, src/pragma.c,
	src/struct.c, src/tmplt.c, src/var.c, tool/makecint.c:
	import of CINT 5.15.61.
	For what else is new see
	Experimental release.
2002-10-21 12:04  rdm

	* Makefile:
	delete build/misc/root-help.el only when doing maintainer-clean, not
2002-10-20 18:08  brun

	* base/src/TApplication.cxx, base/src/TSystem.cxx,
	Patch from Philippe:
	"Following Masa's smart comment, I renamed the ACLiC option into 'g' and
	'O' to be more inline with all other compiler.
2002-10-18 19:14  brun

	* base/src/TApplication.cxx, cint/src/loadfile.c:
	aclic options, fix a couple of bugs
2002-10-18 19:01  brun

	* base/src/TApplication.cxx:
	add option to aclic to select debug or optimized mode
2002-10-18 19:01  brun

	* cint/src/loadfile.c:
	add option to aclic to select debug or optimized mode
2002-10-18 18:32  brun

	* tree/src/TBranchElement.cxx:
	Protection introduced in TBranchElement::SetAddress in case of fake classes.
2002-10-18 18:31  brun

	* meta/src/TClass.cxx:
	In TClass::BuildRealData, the TList of fRealData is always built, even
	when no dictionary info is available (fake class).
2002-10-18 16:58  brun

	* Makefile, base/inc/TSystem.h, base/src/TSystem.cxx,
	build/unix/, build/win/,
	config/Makefile.aix, config/Makefile.aix5, config/Makefile.aixegcs,
	config/Makefile.alphacxx6, config/Makefile.alphaegcs,
	config/Makefile.alphakcc, config/Makefile.freebsd,
	config/Makefile.freebsd4, config/Makefile.hpux,
	config/Makefile.hpuxacc, config/Makefile.hpuxegcs,
	config/Makefile.hpuxia64acc, config/Makefile.hurddeb,
	config/Makefile.linux, config/Makefile.linuxalphaegcs,
	config/Makefile.linuxarm, config/Makefile.linuxdeb,
	config/Makefile.linuxdeb2, config/Makefile.linuxdeb2ppc,
	config/Makefile.linuxia64ecc, config/Makefile.linuxia64gcc,
	config/Makefile.linuxia64sgi, config/Makefile.linuxicc,
	config/Makefile.linuxkcc, config/Makefile.linuxpgcc,
	config/Makefile.linuxppcegcs, config/Makefile.linuxrh42,
	config/Makefile.linuxrh51, config/Makefile.linuxsuse6,
	config/Makefile.lynxos, config/Makefile.macosx,
	config/Makefile.mklinux, config/Makefile.sgicc,
	config/Makefile.sgiegcs, config/Makefile.sgikcc,
	config/Makefile.sgin32egcs, config/Makefile.solaris,
	config/Makefile.solarisCC5, config/Makefile.solarisegcs,
	config/Makefile.solarisgcc, config/Makefile.solariskcc,
	config/Makefile.win32, config/Makefile.win32gdk:
	With this patch (Philippe) you can now select how ACLiC compiled the library:
	    root[] gSystem->SetAclicMode (TSystem::kDebug);
	    root[]  gSystem->SetAclicMode (TSystem::kOpt);
2002-10-18 11:45  brun

	* hist/src/TH1.cxx:
	Protect TH1::GetObjectInfo in case the member fPainter is null.
	This case can occur when moving the mouse on top of a THStack object.
2002-10-17 19:51  brun

	* main/src/h2root.cxx:
	Increase default /PAWC/ size from 2 Megawords to 10 Megawords
2002-10-17 08:54  brun

	* base/src/TSystem.cxx:
	From Philippe:
	With this absurdly simple patch, one can now create dictionaries for
	existing libraries.
	So now the following is possible:
	        root [] .L path/lib/
	        root [] .include path/include
	        root [] .L importantClass.h+
	By default the library is build in the directory of the header file but that
	can be changed by doing:
	        root [] TString cmd = gSystem->GetMakeSharedLib();
	        root [] cmd.ReplaceAll("$BuildDir","whereIwantTheLib/lib");
	        root [] gSystem->SetMakeSharedLib(cmd);
2002-10-16 16:53  rdm

	* config/Makefile.linuxicc:
	remove optimization option for P4 that remained after some testing.
	Option did not make any differencem, was: -tpp7
2002-10-16 07:39  brun

	* build/unix/
	Add a new patch previously forgotten for the macosx by Remi Mommsen
	"I missed one change which is needed to make ACLiC work"
2002-10-15 10:41  rdm

	* proof/src/TPacketizer2.cxx:
	fix in print statement.
2002-10-14 18:11  brun

	* geompainter/src/TGeoChecker.cxx:
	Fix typo from Andrei
2002-10-13 17:45  brun

	* geom/inc/TGeoVolume.h, geom/src/TGeoCompositeShape.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoManager.cxx, geom/src/TGeoPgon.cxx,
	From Andrei:
	 I have made a few corrections related to TGeoManager registration to
	the browser and to the TGeoChecker::LegoPlot. Also a small fix in
	TGeoPgon class. Change the default number of bins for lego plots.
2002-10-13 09:29  brun

	* gpad/src/TPad.cxx:
	Change algorithm in TPad::RecalculateRange computing the constant factor
	for the transformation to pixel coordinates. Do not use the offset=0.5
	but instead a small rounding offset = 0.00005.
	This fixes the problem of the axis lines not coinciding with the pad frame lines.
2002-10-12 18:41  brun

	* hist/src/: TF2.cxx, TF3.cxx:
	Fix TF2::Paint and TF3::Paint to remove the unnecessary gPad->Clear
	giving an additional empty picture when printing on Postscript.
2002-10-12 18:36  brun

	* hist/src/TF1.cxx:
	In TF1::Paint do not Clear the pad. This is already done in TF1::Draw
	and has the side-effect to generate an empty picture when printing
	on a Postscript file.
2002-10-12 18:02  brun

	Add Ivana Hrivnacova to the CREDITS file for her contribution
	to the design and implementation of the VirtualMC
2002-10-12 16:03  brun

	* hist/src/TF1.cxx:
	Add the following comments in the TF1 constructor:
	//  TF1 objects can reference other TF1 objects (thanks John Odonnell)
	//  of type A or B defined above.This excludes CINT interpreted functions
	//  and compiled functions.
	//  However, there is a restriction. A function cannot reference a basic
	//  function if the basic function is a polynomial polN.
2002-10-12 12:49  rdm

	* gui/: inc/TGCanvas.h, inc/TGFSContainer.h, inc/TGListTree.h,
	inc/TGListView.h, src/TGCanvas.cxx, src/TGFSContainer.cxx,
	src/TGListTree.cxx, src/TGListView.cxx, src/TGScrollBar.cxx,
	revert to previous version. Valeriy's mods still has some severe bugs and
	needs much more testing.
2002-10-11 18:41  brun

	* geom/inc/TGeoManager.h, geom/src/TGeoCache.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoManager.cxx, geom/src/TGeoNode.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoPgon.cxx, geom/src/TGeoVolume.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoVoxelFinder.cxx, geompainter/src/TGeoChecker.cxx:
	From Andrei,
	  - bug fix in TGeoPgon for finding next boundary
	 - bug fix in retrieving saved paths (affected "Where am I?" for MANY
	  - support for tracking algorithm with MANY's
	  - improvements in raytracing and lego plots.
2002-10-11 15:25  brun

	* base/: inc/TFile.h, src/TFile.cxx:
	Add entry kRecovered in TFile enum.
	The bit kRecovered is set when Recover has been called on the file.
	A user can test if the file has been recovered with
2002-10-11 08:54  brun

	* tree/src/TBranchElement.cxx:
	Fix a problem in TBranchElement::SetAddress in case of an object
	with a level of inheritance greater than 3 and when data members are simple types
	following classes at the same level (thanks Susan Kasahara for reporting
	an example).
	The new function has been simplified, taking advantage of the work already
	done by TClass::BuildRealData.
2002-10-10 21:36  brun

	* build/unix/, config/Makefile.macosx:
	Mods proposed to the build scripts for macos10.2 by Remigius K. Mommsen.
	 "I compiled the cvs head version (3.03/09) of root on my Mac OS X 10.2.1
	two days ago. I use the fink tools for package management
	( and used the CERNLIB 2002 compiled by
	myself to build against. This worked extremely well (thanks to the root
	developers). I had to make only two changes:
	- the above mentioned change in Makefile.macosx seems not to be in the
	cvs yet. I had to make the changes myself.
	- I added some EXTRA_*FLAGS for the fink dirs (/sw/include and
	/sw/lib). Doing so, I found out that in root/build/unix/ the
	LDFLAGS are not given to the static linker for mac os x. Is this by
	purpose? Anyway, I added them and it worked out."
2002-10-10 19:10  rdm

	* config/: Makefile.linuxicc, Makefile.win32, Makefile.win32gdk:
	small formatting change.
2002-10-10 19:09  brun

	* graf/src/TCutG.cxx:
	Use new function TMath::IsInside in TCutG::IsInside
2002-10-10 19:09  rdm

	* gui/: inc/TGCanvas.h, inc/TGFSContainer.h, inc/TGListTree.h,
	inc/TGListView.h, src/TGCanvas.cxx, src/TGFSContainer.cxx,
	src/TGListTree.cxx, src/TGListView.cxx, src/TGScrollBar.cxx,
	widget improvements by Valeriy Onuchin. In particular the TGListTree
	should now be able to handle very large tree's (not limited anymore by
	the bitmap size). Added key navigation options to TGListTree and some
	new signals.
2002-10-10 19:08  brun

	* base/: inc/TMath.h, src/TMath.cxx:
	Add  new functions Inside
	Bool_t TMath::IsInside(Double_t xp, Double_t yp, Int_t np, Double_t *x, Double_t *y)
	   // Function which returns kTRUE if point xp,yp lies inside the
	   // polygon defined by the np points in arrays x and y, kFALSE otherwise
	Bool_t TMath::IsInside(Float_t xp, Float_t yp, Int_t np, Float_t *x, Float_t *y)
	Bool_t TMath::IsInside(Int_t xp, Int_t yp, Int_t np, Int_t *x, Int_t *y)
2002-10-10 11:01  brun

	* base/src/TObject.cxx:
	In TObject::Clone ResetBit(kCanDelete) in the clone.
2002-10-10 10:08  brun

	* config/: Makefile.aix, Makefile.aix5, Makefile.win32,
	Add dependencies of GEOMPAINTER with libHist
2002-10-09 16:03  brun

	* geom/: inc/TGeoManager.h, inc/TGeoMaterial.h,
	src/TGeoManager.cxx, src/TGeoMaterial.cxx:
	Bug fix in the I/o
2002-10-09 16:02  brun

	* main/src/g2root.f:
	Add new argument density when generating code for mixtures
2002-10-09 14:57  brun

	* geom/inc/TGeoMaterial.h, geom/inc/TGeoVolume.h,
	geom/inc/TVirtualGeoPainter.h, geom/src/TGeoManager.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoMaterial.cxx, geom/src/TGeoVolume.cxx,
	geompainter/inc/TGeoChecker.h, geompainter/inc/TGeoPainter.h,
	geompainter/src/TGeoChecker.cxx, geompainter/src/TGeoPainter.cxx:
	Add a tentative prototype for producing the lego plot of radiation length
	in function of theta and phi.
2002-10-08 18:17  brun

	* geom/: inc/LinkDef.h, inc/TGeoFinder.h, inc/TGeoManager.h,
	inc/TGeoNode.h, inc/TGeoPatternFinder.h, inc/TGeoTube.h,
	inc/TGeoVolume.h, inc/TGeoVoxelFinder.h, src/TGeoArb8.cxx,
	src/TGeoBBox.cxx, src/TGeoCone.cxx, src/TGeoFinder.cxx,
	src/TGeoManager.cxx, src/TGeoNode.cxx, src/TGeoPara.cxx,
	src/TGeoPatternFinder.cxx, src/TGeoPcon.cxx, src/TGeoPgon.cxx,
	src/TGeoShape.cxx, src/TGeoSphere.cxx, src/TGeoTrd1.cxx,
	src/TGeoTrd2.cxx, src/TGeoTube.cxx, src/TGeoVolume.cxx,
	new version of the geometry package from Andrei:
	- bug fix in the destructor of TGeoPatternCylPhi
	- several modifications in the default constructors of shapes.
	- several corrections and "v" feature added to I/O
	- removed base class for finders
	 Now you can save voxels and retreive them with no problem. You can use :
	  gGeoManager->Export("filename", "", "v") to do that. The size of files
	without/with voxelization are :
	    Exp           no voxels saved             voxels saved
	ALICE            404227                        719703
	CMS               550440                       1275590
	ATLAS         1858198                      3335166
	Be careful, the files TGeoFinder.h and TGeoFinder.cxx have been removed.
	Suggest doing:
	rm geom/src/*.o geom/src/G__*
2002-10-08 14:41  rdm

	* cint/: inc/G__ci.h, lib/stream/iostrm.h, src/allstrm.cxx,
	src/fread.c, src/newlink.c, src/pause.c, stl/_vector.h:
	import of CINT 5.15.60.
	For what else is new see
	iostream redirect mod (G__OLDIMPLEMENTATION1635) is now enabled since it
	is needed some other feature (simultaneous stdout and stderr redirect via >&).
2002-10-08 14:39  rdm

	* config/Makefile.linuxicc:
	add -restrict to CFLAGS and CINTCFLAGS. It is needed by icc v7 (this
	option also works for the current icc v6).
2002-10-07 18:16  brun

	* hist/inc/TPolyMarker.h:
	Add forward reference to TCollection.
2002-10-07 17:58  brun

	* gpad/src/TPad.cxx:
	Add 0.5 to the computed values of the constants fXtoPixelk, fYtoPixelk
	This removes a side-effect (visible in hsimple.C, hsum.C) due to
	numerical precision or double to int conversion to pixels.
2002-10-07 12:43  rdm

	* proof/: inc/TPacketizer.h, inc/TPacketizer2.h,
	inc/TProofPlayer.h, inc/TProofServ.h, inc/TVirtualPacketizer.h,
	src/TPacketizer.cxx, src/TPacketizer2.cxx, src/TProof.cxx,
	src/TProofPlayer.cxx, src/TProofServ.cxx,
	added code to trace the latency and cpu time every work packet took.
	By Maarten.
2002-10-07 12:42  rdm

	* Makefile, build/unix/
	support building also static proofserv for profiling purposes. By Maarten.
2002-10-07 12:41  rdm

	* base/src/TStopwatch.cxx:
	added option "m" to Print() to allow millisecond precision in the
	real time reporting. By Maarten.
2002-10-07 12:40  rdm

	* cont/: inc/TMap.h, src/TMap.cxx:
	new method DeleteValue() to delete the value objects if they are owned by
	the TMap.
2002-10-05 11:28  brun

	* geom/inc/TGeoPatternFinder.h:
	Replace pure function definitions by dummy functions to avoid side-effects in I/O
2002-10-05 11:27  brun

	* hist/src/THStack.cxx:
	Fix a problem in THStack::Paint when option "nostack" is used.
	The "c" in "nostack" was interpreted to draw a smooth curve.
2002-10-04 22:14  brun

	* treeplayer/src/TTreePlayer.cxx:
	from Philippe:
	This prevent a crash in the case where
	        TTree::Draw is call with a zero length first arguments.
2002-10-04 19:59  brun

	* hist/src/THStack.cxx:
	In THStack::Paint, redraw the axis in case the fill area of one of the histos
	is hidding the axis (thanks Matt Palmer)
2002-10-04 19:03  rdm

	* gl/src/TRootGLViewer.cxx:
	cast Visual* to Visual_t.
2002-10-04 19:03  rdm

	* config/Makefile.win32gdk, gl/
	Win32gdk uses now TRootGLViewer.cxx.
2002-10-04 18:06  rdm

	* base/inc/TVirtualX.h, gl/src/TRootGLViewer.cxx,
	win32gdk/inc/TGWin32.h, win32gdk/src/GWin32Gui.cxx,
	x11/inc/TGX11.h, x11/src/GX11Gui.cxx:
	support for OpenGL in win32 gdk version. By Bertrand.
2002-10-04 18:05  rdm

	* configure:
	look also in /usr/local/lib for libpacklib.
2002-10-03 20:11  rdm

	* proof/src/TProofPlayer.cxx:
	more explicit info messages.
2002-10-03 20:09  rdm

	* treeplayer/src/TTreePlayer.cxx:
	fix small typo in comment of generated code.
2002-10-03 20:09  rdm

	* proof/src/TPacketizer2.cxx:
	more explicit info messages. Added initial support for rfio.
2002-10-03 20:07  rdm

	* proof/src/TSlave.cxx:
	pass passwd also to slave proofservers (was only to master).
2002-10-03 20:06  rdm

	* proof/src/TProofServ.cxx:
	create more explicit session directory names for the master and slaves.
	Work around an issue with deletion of session directories when they are on nfs.
	Pass valid passwd from master to slaves. This passwd can be used to authenticate
	to rootd to open files.
	More explicit info messages with slave and hostname mentioned.
2002-10-03 20:01  rdm

	* proof/: inc/TProof.h, src/TProof.cxx:
	make sure lock files are not created on an nfs mounted partition, always
	create in /tmp. When processing proof.conf make sure to obtain FQDN of
	master node.
2002-10-03 19:59  rdm

	* net/: inc/TMonitor.h, src/TMonitor.cxx:
	GetListOfActives() and GetListOfDeActives() now correctly returns a list of
	TSockets and not of TSocketHandlers.
2002-10-03 19:46  brun

	* graf/src/TLatex.cxx:
	One more optimisation in TLatex::Analyze when processing a superscript
	like "^{18}F"
2002-10-03 15:19  brun

	* geom/: inc/LinkDef.h, inc/TGeoFinder.h, inc/TGeoManager.h,
	inc/TGeoMatrix.h, inc/TGeoPatternFinder.h, src/TGeoManager.cxx,
	src/TGeoPatternFinder.cxx, src/TGeoVolume.cxx:
	From Andrei; Bug fixes related to I/O
2002-10-03 00:13  brun

	* tree/src/TBranchElement.cxx:
	Modify the logic in TTree::SetBranchAddress to support 4 or more levels
	of direct inheritance.
2002-10-02 23:04  brun

	* treeplayer/src/TTreeFormula.cxx:
	Protection added in TTreeFormula::UpdateFormulaLeaves
2002-10-02 21:14  brun

	* base/src/TObject.cxx:
	Add a comment in TObject::Write indicating that the function returns
	the total number of bytes written to the file.
2002-10-02 15:05  rdm

	* net/inc/TMonitor.h:
	make SetReady() private (and the 2 internal classes that called this method
	a friend of TMonitor). Provide getters for the active and de-active socket
2002-10-02 15:03  rdm

	* base/src/TDSet.cxx:
	update comments in several method and improve Print() output.
2002-10-02 15:02  rdm

	* base/inc/RtypesCint.h:
	fix typo in cvs identifier string.
2002-10-02 14:33  rdm

	* base/src/TRegexp.cxx:
	hopefully fix missing wildcard chars forever.
2002-10-02 12:29  brun

	* histpainter/src/THistPainter.cxx:
	Fix a problem in THistPainter::PaintColorLevels when a maximum has been set.
2002-10-01 22:59  brun

	* graf/src/TLatex.cxx:
	Fix a problem in case of strings like "^{18}H".
	When the first string was a "^", the vertical alignement was not correct
	for the superscript.
2002-10-01 12:23  brun

	* tutorials/quarks.C:
	New tutorials showing divided pads and TLatex
2002-09-30 22:44  brun

	* geom/inc/TGeoManager.h, geom/inc/TGeoNode.h,
	geom/inc/TVirtualGeoPainter.h, geom/src/TGeoManager.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoNode.cxx, geompainter/inc/TGeoPainter.h,
	A few changes in several classes in order to restore a TGeoManager.
	Implement two new functions in TGeoManager
	Int_t TGeoManager::Export(const char *filename, const char *name, Option_t *option)
	   // Export this geometry on filename with a key=name
	   // By default the geometry is saved without the voxelisation info.
	   // Use option 'v" to save the voxelisation info.
	TGeoManager *TGeoManager::Import(const char *filename, const char *name, Option_t *option)
	   //static function
	   //Import in memory from filename the geometry with key=name.
	   //if name="" (default), the first TGeoManager object in the file is returned.
	   //Note that this function deletes the current gGeoManager (if one)
	   //before importing the new object.
2002-09-30 19:34  rdm

	* cint/inc/G__ci.h:
	forgot to disable iostream io redirection. We should check again to see
	if it works on all platforms. Was not the case in the past.
2002-09-30 19:33  rdm

	* cint/:, inc/G__ci.h, inc/common.h,
	lib/pthread/Makefile, src/allstrm.cxx, src/disp.c, src/ifunc.c,
	src/inherit.c, src/newlink.c, src/parse.c, src/struct.c,
	src/tmplt.c, src/typedef.c, src/var.c:
	import of CINT 5.15.59.
	For what else is new see
	iostream redirect mod (G__OLDIMPLEMENTATION1635) still disabled.
2002-09-30 19:31  rdm

	* base/src/: Match.cxx, TRegexp.cxx:
	support the [] characters in character classes, i.e. [A-Z[]].
	Note that the [] must appear as a pair within the class not interspersed
	by any other character.
2002-09-30 11:18  brun

	* base/: inc/TBuffer.h, src/TBuffer.cxx:
	In the inline definition of the output operator << replace the call to
	buf.WriteObject(obj, cl)
	In TBuffer::ReadObject and TBuffer::WriteObject, replace calls to
	clRef->Streamer(obj, *this);
	With these corrections, one gain two levels of recursivity when
	streaming TObject*. It makes I/O faster and may help on MACOSX
	where the maximum recursivity level in the calling stack seems
	to be limited.
2002-09-30 10:56  rdm

	* configure:
	don't call nm on packlib in case packlib was not found.
2002-09-29 22:24  brun

	* hbook/src/THbookFile.cxx:
	In THbookFile::Get, print an error message if the requested ID is not in the file.
	Before the fix, if the requested ID did not exist, the last Hbook object
	was returned.
2002-09-28 09:27  brun

	* geom/: inc/LinkDef.h, src/TGeoManager.cxx:
	Implement TGeoManager::Streamer. When reading, CloseGeometry is automatically called
2002-09-28 08:46  brun

	* cint/src/newlink.c:
	Patch from Philippe changing the following:
	>   Note: link requested for unknown class MyMisSpelledClass FILE:LinkDef.h
	from a Note to an Error
2002-09-28 08:39  brun

	* geom/: inc/TGeoBoolNode.h, src/TGeoBoolNode.cxx:
	Forgot to add these two new files to the geom package
2002-09-27 20:06  brun

	* meta/src/TStreamerInfo.cxx:
	This patch from Philippe adds support for I/O of the following types of data members:
	        MyClass  myArr[3];
	        MyClass *myArrFix[3];
	The following is NOT supported yet:
	        MyClass **myArrVar; //[index]
	This is already supported for TObject classes via a streamer generated by rootcint.
2002-09-27 18:16  brun

	* geom/inc/LinkDef.h, geom/inc/TGeoArb8.h, geom/inc/TGeoBBox.h,
	geom/inc/TGeoBoolCombinator.h, geom/inc/TGeoCache.h,
	geom/inc/TGeoCompositeShape.h, geom/inc/TGeoCone.h,
	geom/inc/TGeoEltu.h, geom/inc/TGeoManager.h, geom/inc/TGeoMatrix.h,
	geom/inc/TGeoNode.h, geom/inc/TGeoPara.h,
	geom/inc/TGeoPatternFinder.h, geom/inc/TGeoPcon.h,
	geom/inc/TGeoPgon.h, geom/inc/TGeoShape.h, geom/inc/TGeoSphere.h,
	geom/inc/TGeoTrd1.h, geom/inc/TGeoTrd2.h, geom/inc/TGeoTube.h,
	geom/inc/TGeoVolume.h, geom/inc/TGeoVoxelFinder.h,
	geom/inc/TVirtualGeoPainter.h, geom/src/TGeoArb8.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoBBox.cxx, geom/src/TGeoBoolCombinator.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoCompositeShape.cxx, geom/src/TGeoCone.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoEltu.cxx, geom/src/TGeoManager.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoMatrix.cxx, geom/src/TGeoNode.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoPara.cxx, geom/src/TGeoPatternFinder.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoPcon.cxx, geom/src/TGeoPgon.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoShape.cxx, geom/src/TGeoSphere.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoTrd1.cxx, geom/src/TGeoTrd2.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoTube.cxx, geom/src/TGeoVolume.cxx,
	geom/src/TGeoVoxelFinder.cxx, geompainter/inc/TGeoChecker.h,
	geompainter/inc/TGeoPainter.h, geompainter/src/TGeoChecker.cxx,
	New version of the geometry package by Andrea & Mihaela Gheata
	New features:
	 -I/O for all geometry classes. For example, to save/restore a geometry structure,
	   TFile f("mygeom.root","recreate");
	  and to read it back;
	   TFile f("mygeom.root");
	 -Composite shapes fully implemented (no visualisation yet).
	  A composite shape is built out of basic shapes and transformations via
	  a simple formula mechanism, eg assuming a TGeoTube "tub1" and a TGeoMatrix "r1",
	  we can build a composite shape with:
	    TGeoCompositeShape *comp = new TGeoCompositeShape("comp",formula); where
	    char* formula="tub1+tub1:r1"
	  This will create the union of a tube with itself rotated.
	  The operators recognized by the geometry formula parser are "+","-","*"
	  for union, subtraction and intersection respectively. The colon ":" can be
	  used to specify a transformation for a given component.
	 -The voxelisation in cylindrical coordinates added as an optional optimisation
	 -Some bug fixes and several improvements in the tracking-related algorithms.
2002-09-27 14:15  brun

	* hist/src/TH1.cxx:
	Fix a problem in TH1::SavePrimitive in case the histogram does not have
	a "stats" box.
2002-09-27 14:14  brun

	* hist/src/TF1.cxx:
	Modify a format in TF1::SavePrimitive
2002-09-27 11:10  rdm

	* build/package/rpm/:,,
	correct some problems with prefix handling. By Christian Holm.
2002-09-26 21:13  brun

	* base/inc/Rtypes.h:
	This patch from Philippe  implements a ClassImpUnique for class template.
2002-09-25 23:06  brun

	* treeplayer/src/TTreePlayer.cxx:
	Add support for additional Tree use cases in TTreePlayer::MakeClass
2002-09-25 18:15  brun

	* gpad/src/TPad.cxx:
	Modify TPad::PaintModified to support the new date formats that can be
	specified by TStyle::SetOptDate
2002-09-25 18:13  brun

	* base/src/TStyle.cxx:
	Add new options in TStyle::SetOptDate to support several date formats.
	void TStyle::SetOptDate(Int_t optdate)
	// if optdate is non null, the current date/time will be printed in the canvas.
	// The position of the date string can be controlled by:
	//  optdate = 10*format + mode
	//    mode = 1   (default) date is printed in the bottom/left corner.
	//    mode = 2   date is printed in the bottom/right corner.
	//    mode = 3   date is printed in the top/right corner.
	//    format = 0 (default) date has the format like: "Wed Sep 25 17:10:35 2002"
	//    format = 1 date has the format like: "2002-09-25"
	//    format = 2 date has the format like: "2002-09-25 17:10:35"
	//  examples:
	//    optdate = 1  date like "Wed Sep 25 17:10:35 2002" in the bottom/left corner.
	//    optdate = 13 date like "2002-09-25" in the top/right corner.
2002-09-25 17:07  brun

	* build/unix/
	Introduce changes in the macosx part suggested by Mayly Sanchez
	in order to install Root under macosx with gcc3
2002-09-25 15:13  brun

	* cint/inc/G__ci.h:
	as suggested by Masa to circumvent an optimization bug.
2002-09-25 14:39  brun

	* cint/
	Use gcc3strm instead of libstrm for macosx
2002-09-25 11:37  rdm

	* cint/: inc/G__ci.h, inc/global.h, include/_iostream,
	lib/dll_stl/vec.h, lib/prec_stl/deque, lib/prec_stl/iterator,
	lib/prec_stl/vector, lib/pthread/Makefile, src/Api.cxx,
	src/CallFunc.cxx, src/Method.cxx, src/decl.c, src/disp.c,
	src/end.c, src/expr.c, src/func.c, src/g__cfunc.c, src/global2.c,
	src/ifunc.c, src/inherit.c, src/init.c, src/loadfile.c,
	src/newlink.c, src/parse.c, src/pause.c, src/scrupto.c,
	src/sizeof.c, src/struct.c, src/tmplt.c, src/typedef.c, src/var.c,
	stl/_iterator.h, stl/_string:
	import of CINT 5.15.58.
	For what else is new see
	iostream redirect mod (G__OLDIMPLEMENTATION1635) still disabled.
2002-09-23 20:24  brun

	* utils/src/rootcint.cxx:
	Additions by Philippe to support C-structs in the generated code
	for I/O.
2002-09-23 19:06  brun

	* gpad/src/TPad.cxx:
	Add a protection in TPad::PaintModified in case a user-derived TPad
	does not create the TList of primitives.
2002-09-21 23:59  brun

	* treeplayer/: inc/TPacketGenerator.h, src/TPacketGenerator.cxx:
	Remove unused class TPacketGenerator
2002-09-21 23:58  brun

	* tree/inc/TVirtualTreePlayer.h, treeplayer/inc/LinkDef.h,
	treeplayer/inc/TTreePlayer.h, treeplayer/src/TTreePlayer.cxx:
	Remove references to TPacketGenerator from TVirtualTreePlayer and TTreePlayer.
	These unused references required linking with libProof.
2002-09-21 22:46  brun

	* base/inc/TBuffer.h, cint/inc/G__ci.h:
	Include <typeinfo> only for gcc on Solaris
2002-09-21 10:12  brun

	* base/inc/TBuffer.h:
	Patch from Pat Welch/Eddy Offermann.
	#include <typeinfo> is required by solarisgcc
2002-09-19 15:59  rdm

	* base/inc/TVirtualProof.h, proof/inc/TProof.h,
	proof/inc/TProofDebug.h, proof/src/TPacketizer2.cxx,
	proof/src/TProof.cxx, proof/src/TProofServ.cxx:
	propagate in addition to loglevel also logmask via SetLogLevel(), default
	mask is TProofDebug::kAll. Use PDB macro everywhere instead of fLogLevel
	(which is now the same as gProofDebugLevel).
2002-09-19 15:56  rdm

	* cint/src/inherit.c:
	don't print warning when analysis class derives from TSelector.
2002-09-19 15:54  rdm

	* base/src/TROOT.cxx, tree/src/TVirtualTreePlayer.cxx:
	proof and treeplayer don't depend on each other anymore, no need to load them
	both at the same time.
2002-09-19 15:54  rdm

	* base/src/TApplication.cxx:
	CreateApplication() now does not force anymore the loading of the graphics
	libs since the default application is created in batch mode.
2002-09-18 15:33  brun

	* hist/src/TProfile.cxx:
	Add a warning message in TProfile::Divide.
	The computation of errors is not correct in this function.
	Expert help required.
	The warning indicates an alternative solution.
2002-09-18 15:12  rdm

	* base/inc/TBrowser.h, gpad/inc/TCanvas.h, gpad/inc/TControlBar.h,
	gpad/src/TCanvas.cxx, gui/inc/TRootBrowser.h,
	gui/inc/TRootCanvas.h, gui/inc/TRootControlBar.h,
	gui/src/TRootBrowser.cxx, gui/src/TRootCanvas.cxx,
	better closing strategy for the canvas, browser and controlbar. No need anymore
	for the DetachImp() method (which has been removed).
2002-09-18 14:22  rdm

	* gui/src/TGColorDialog.cxx, gui/src/TGFileDialog.cxx,
	gui/src/TGMsgBox.cxx, gui/src/TGTextEditDialogs.cxx,
	gui/src/TRootBrowser.cxx, gui/src/TRootCanvas.cxx,
	gui/src/TRootControlBar.cxx, gui/src/TRootHelpDialog.cxx,
	use DeleteWindow() instead of "delete this" to close and delete the widget.
2002-09-18 14:21  rdm

	* base/inc/TBrowser.h, gpad/inc/TCanvas.h, gpad/inc/TControlBar.h:
	add an inline GUI detach method. This method is used in the actual
	GUI implementation (TRootBrowser et al) to detach the GUI from the object
	to avoid the when the object is deleted it will also delete the GUI.
	The GUI itself will be deleted via the new TGFrame::DeleteWindow() method.
2002-09-18 14:13  rdm

	* gui/: inc/TGFrame.h, src/TGFrame.cxx:
	added two new methods to solve window closing problem seen on several
	platforms: DeleteWindow(), this method should be called instead of
	"delete this" to close and delete a widget. See guitest.cxx as axample.
	The second new method ReallyDelete() is called via a single shot timer
	setup in DeleteWindow(). It is a slot method which should be "protected",
	but due to a current CINT problem with making protected methods visible this
	is not yet done.
2002-09-17 17:17  rdm

	* cint/src/CallFunc.cxx:
	break statement was in wrong location, breaking loop to soon.
2002-09-17 16:38  brun

	* utils/src/rootcint.cxx:
	Patch from Philippe fixing a problem preventing a correct generation of TBenchDict.cxx
2002-09-17 16:38  rdm

	* base/src/TPluginManager.cxx, cint/src/CallFunc.cxx:
	allow correct handling of default arguments.
2002-09-17 16:23  brun

	* mc/inc/TVirtualMC.h:
	Remove enum TMCGeomType and the function GetGeomType
2002-09-17 12:14  rdm

	* proof/src/TEventIter.cxx:
	call TSelector::Notify() when switching to a new file in the TEventIter.
	By Maarten.

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