void DumpPoints(int npoints, float* pointbuff) const void DumpPolygons(int npolygons, int* polybuff, int buffsize) const void DumpSegments(int nsegments, int* segbuff) const protected:
void CheckOrdering() public:
TXTRU TXTRU() TXTRU TXTRU(const Text_t* name, const Text_t* title, const Text_t* material, Int_t nyx, Int_t nz) TXTRU TXTRU(const TXTRU& xtru) virtual void ~TXTRU() static TClass* Class() virtual void Copy(TObject& xtru) const virtual void DefineSection(Int_t secNum, Float_t z, Float_t scale = 1., Float_t x0 = 0., Float_t y0 = 0.) virtual void DefineVertex(Int_t pointNum, Float_t x, Float_t y) virtual Int_t DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py) virtual Int_t GetNxy() const virtual Int_t GetNz() const virtual Float_t GetOutlinePointX(Int_t pointNum) const virtual Float_t GetOutlinePointY(Int_t pointNum) const virtual Float_t* GetScale() const virtual Float_t GetSectionScale(Int_t secNum) const virtual Float_t GetSectionX0(Int_t secNum) const virtual Float_t GetSectionY0(Int_t secNum) const virtual Float_t GetSectionZ(Int_t secNum) const virtual Float_t* GetX0() const virtual Float_t* GetXvtx() const virtual Float_t* GetY0() const virtual Float_t* GetYvtx() const virtual Float_t* GetZ() const virtual TClass* IsA() const TXTRU& operator=(const TXTRU& rhs) virtual void Paint(Option_t* option) virtual void PaintGLPoints(Float_t* buff) virtual void Print(Option_t* option) const virtual void SetPoints(Float_t* buff) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Sizeof3D() const void SplitConcavePolygon(Bool_t split = kTRUE) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) virtual void TruncateNxy(Int_t npts) virtual void TruncateNz(Int_t npts)
Int_t fNxy number of x-y points in the cross section Int_t fNxyAlloc number of x-y points allocated Int_t fNz number of z planes Int_t fNzAlloc number of z planes allocated Float_t* fXvtx [fNxyAlloc] array of x positions Float_t* fYvtx [fNxyAlloc] array of y positions Float_t* fZ [fNzAlloc] array of z planes Float_t* fScale [fNzAlloc] array of scale factors (for each z) Float_t* fX0 [fNzAlloc] array of x offsets (for each z) Float_t* fY0 [fNzAlloc] array of y offsets (for each z) TXTRU::EXYChecked fPolygonShape CCW vs. CW, convex vs. concave TXTRU::EZChecked fZOrdering increasing or decreasing Bool_t fSplitConcave public:
static const TXTRU::EXYChecked kUncheckedXY static const TXTRU::EXYChecked kMalformedXY static const TXTRU::EXYChecked kConvexCCW static const TXTRU::EXYChecked kConvexCW static const TXTRU::EXYChecked kConcaveCCW static const TXTRU::EXYChecked kConcaveCW static const TXTRU::EZChecked kUncheckedZ static const TXTRU::EZChecked kMalformedZ static const TXTRU::EZChecked kConvexIncZ static const TXTRU::EZChecked kConvexDecZ static const TXTRU::EZChecked kConcaveIncZ static const TXTRU::EZChecked kConcaveDecZ
XTRU is an poly-extrusion with fixed outline shape in x-y, a sequence of z extents (segments) and two end faces perpendicular to the z axis. The x-y outline is defined by an ordered list of points; the overall scale of the outline scales linearly between z points and the center can have an x-y offset specified at each segment end. A TXTRU has the following parameters: - name name of the shape - title shape's title - material (see TMaterial) - nxy number of x-y vertex points constituting the outline -- this number should be at least 3 - nz number of planes perpendicular to the z axis where the scaling dimension of the section is given -- this number should be at least 2 - Xvtx array [nxy] of X coordinates of vertices - Yvtx array [nxy] of Y coordinates of vertices - z array [nz] of z plane positions - scale array [nz] of scale factors - x0 array [nz] of x offsets - y0 array [nz] of y offsets Author: R. Hatcher 2000.04.21 All XTRU shapes are correctly rendered in wire mode but can encounter difficulty when rendered as a solid with hidden surfaces. These exceptions occur if the outline shape is not a convex polygon. Both the X3D and OpenGL renderers expect polygons to be convex. The OpenGL spec specifies that points defining a polygon using the GL_POLYGON primitive may be rendered as the convex hull of that set. Solid rendering under X3D can also give unexpected artifacts if the combination of x-y-z offsets and scales for the segments are chosen in such a manner that they represent a concave shape when sliced along a plane parallel to the z axis. Choosing sets of point that represent a malformed polygon is not supported, but testing for such a condition is not implemented and thus it is left to the user to avoid this mistake.
TXTRU shape - default constructor
TXTRU shape - normal constructor Parameters of Nxy positions must be entered via TXTRU::DefineVertex Parameters of Nz positions must be entered via TXTRU::DefineSection
TXTRU copy constructor
TXTRU destructor deallocates arrays
TXTRU Copy method
Set z section iz information expand size of array if necessary
Compute the distance from point px,py to a TXTRU by calculating the closest approach to each corner
Paint this 3-D shape with its current attributes
Paint TXTRU via OpenGL
Dump the info of this TXTRU shape Option: "xy" to get x-y information "z" to get z information "alloc" to show full allocated arrays (not just used values)
Create TXTRU points in buffer order as expected by other methods (counterclockwise xy, increasing z)
Return total X3D size of this shape with its attributes
(Dis)Enable the splitting of concave polygon outlines into multiple convex polygons. This would make for better rendering in solid mode, but introduces extra, potentially confusing, lines in wireframe mode. *** Not yet implemented ***
Determine ordering over which to process points, segments, surfaces so that they render correctly. Generally this has to do with getting outward normals in the hidden/solid surface case.
Dump the vertex points for visual inspection
Dump the segment info for visual inspection
Dump the derived polygon info for visual inspection
TXTRU& operator=(const TXTRU& rhs) Int_t GetNxy() const Int_t GetNz() const Float_t* GetXvtx() const Float_t* GetYvtx() const Float_t* GetZ() const Float_t* GetScale() const Float_t* GetX0() const Float_t* GetY0() const TClass* Class() TClass* IsA() const void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)