Researchers from the Energy Frontier group in the Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies (IPNS) of KEK are working on various aspects of physics and detectors for the ILC. The group is a member of the International Large Detector group, which is designing an experimental apparatus to make physics measurements at the ILC.
Japanese groups play an active role in the CALICE collaboration, which is developing the calorimeter technologies which we plan to use for the ILC detectors. The main novel aspect of the devices being developed by CALICE is the fine readout granularity, of typically around a cubic centimetre. This allows particle showers, especially those within hadronic jets, to be individually identified and measured, enabling the optimal use of so-called particle flow reconstruction to measure jet energies with unprecedented precision.
Welcome to KalTest home page. KalTest is a Kalman Filter Package written in C++. It is based on ROOT and provides basic libraries for track fitting with Kalman filter technique. The package is distributed with some sample test programs to illustrate their usage.