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In the case of no multiple scattering,
the momentum resolution for a tracking detector with
(n+1) equally spaced sampling points is given by
Eq.B.9 through
|  |
(104) |
We plotted
in Fig.3.1-a)
as a function of lever arm length for different numbers of
sampling points.
Notice that we set
there to ease the
conversion to different B or
inversely proportional to B, while it is proportional to
The multiple scattering in the tracking volume
given by Eq.3.2.56
to the above measurement error in quardrature
(see Eq.3.2.48).
Fig.3.1-b) shows
a function of the lever arm length for different values of
material thickness in the tracking device.
Figure 3.1:
(a) The reciprocal transverse momentum resolution as a function of
lever arm length for
, and
. (b) The multiple scattering contribution as a function of lever arm
length for
Keisuke Fujii