// @@(#)root/g3d:$Name: $:$Id: TXTRU.cxx,v 1.13 2002/11/11 11:21:16 brun Exp $ // Author: Robert Hatcher (rhatcher@fnal.gov) 2000.09.06 #include "TXTRU.h" #include "TVirtualPad.h" #include "TVirtualGL.h" #include "GLConstants.h" #include "Riostream.h" ClassImp(TXTRU) //_____________________________________________________________________________ //// // XTRU is an poly-extrusion with fixed outline shape in x-y, // a sequence of z extents (segments) and two end faces perpendicular // to the z axis. The x-y outline is defined by an ordered list of // points; the overall scale of the outline scales linearly between // z points and the center can have an x-y offset specified // at each segment end. // // A TXTRU has the following parameters: // // - name name of the shape // - title shape's title // - material (see TMaterial) // - nxy number of x-y vertex points constituting the outline -- // this number should be at least 3 // - nz number of planes perpendicular to the z axis where // the scaling dimension of the section is given -- // this number should be at least 2 // - Xvtx array [nxy] of X coordinates of vertices // - Yvtx array [nxy] of Y coordinates of vertices // - z array [nz] of z plane positions // - scale array [nz] of scale factors // - x0 array [nz] of x offsets // - y0 array [nz] of y offsets // // Author: R. Hatcher 2000.04.21 // // All XTRU shapes are correctly rendered in wire mode but can encounter // difficulty when rendered as a solid with hidden surfaces. These // exceptions occur if the outline shape is not a convex polygon. // Both the X3D and OpenGL renderers expect polygons to be convex. // The OpenGL spec specifies that points defining a polygon using the // GL_POLYGON primitive may be rendered as the convex hull of that set. // // Solid rendering under X3D can also give unexpected artifacts if // the combination of x-y-z offsets and scales for the segments are // chosen in such a manner that they represent a concave shape when // sliced along a plane parallel to the z axis. // // Choosing sets of point that represent a malformed polygon is // not supported, but testing for such a condition is not implemented // and thus it is left to the user to avoid this mistake. // //
//______________________________________________________________________________ TXTRU::TXTRU() : fNxy(0), fNxyAlloc(0), fNz(0), fNzAlloc(0), fXvtx(0), fYvtx(0), fZ(0), fScale(0), fX0(0), fY0(0) { // // TXTRU shape - default constructor // fPolygonShape = kUncheckedXY; fZOrdering = kUncheckedZ; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TXTRU::TXTRU(const Text_t *name, const Text_t *title, const Text_t *material, Int_t nxy, Int_t nz) : TShape (name,title,material) { // // TXTRU shape - normal constructor // // Parameters of Nxy positions must be entered via TXTRU::DefineVertex // Parameters of Nz positions must be entered via TXTRU::DefineSection // start in a known state even if "Error" is encountered fNxy = 0; fNxyAlloc = 0; fNz = 0; fNzAlloc = 0; fXvtx = 0; fYvtx = 0; fZ = 0; fScale = 0; fX0 = 0; fY0 = 0; fPolygonShape = kUncheckedXY; fZOrdering = kUncheckedZ; if ( nxy < 3 ) { Error(name,"number of x-y points for %s must be at least three!",name); return; } if ( nz < 2 ) { Error(name,"number of z points for %s must be at least two!",name); return; } // allocate space for Nxy vertex points fNxy = nxy; fNxyAlloc = nxy; fXvtx = new Float_t [fNxyAlloc]; fYvtx = new Float_t [fNxyAlloc]; // zero out the vertex points Int_t i = 0; for (i = 0; i < fNxyAlloc; i++) { fXvtx[i] = 0; fYvtx[i] = 0; } // allocate space for Nz sections fNz = nz; fNzAlloc = nz; fZ = new Float_t [fNzAlloc]; fScale = new Float_t [fNzAlloc]; fX0 = new Float_t [fNzAlloc]; fY0 = new Float_t [fNzAlloc]; // zero out the z points Int_t j = 0; for (j = 0; j < fNzAlloc; j++) { fZ[j] = 0; fScale[j] = 0; fX0[j] = 0; fY0[j] = 0; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ TXTRU::TXTRU(const TXTRU &xtru) : TShape(xtru) { // TXTRU copy constructor // patterned after other ROOT objects ((TXTRU&)xtru).Copy(*this); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TXTRU::~TXTRU() { // // TXTRU destructor deallocates arrays // if (fXvtx) delete [] fXvtx; if (fYvtx) delete [] fYvtx; fXvtx = 0; fYvtx = 0; fNxy = 0; fNxyAlloc = 0; if (fZ) delete [] fZ; if (fScale) delete [] fScale; if (fX0) delete [] fX0; if (fY0) delete [] fY0; fZ = 0; fScale = 0; fX0 = 0; fY0 = 0; fNz = 0; fNzAlloc = 0; fPolygonShape = kUncheckedXY; fZOrdering = kUncheckedZ; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TXTRU& TXTRU::operator=(const TXTRU &rhs) { // deep assignment operator // protect against self-assignment if (this == &rhs) return *this; if (fNxyAlloc) { delete [] fXvtx; delete [] fYvtx; } if (fNzAlloc) { delete [] fZ; delete [] fScale; delete [] fX0; delete [] fY0; } ((TXTRU&)rhs).Copy(*this); return *this; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TXTRU::Copy(TObject &obj) const { // TXTRU Copy method // patterned after other ROOT objects TObject::Copy(obj); ((TXTRU&)obj).fNxy = fNxy; ((TXTRU&)obj).fNxyAlloc = fNxyAlloc; ((TXTRU&)obj).fXvtx = new Float_t [fNxyAlloc]; ((TXTRU&)obj).fYvtx = new Float_t [fNxyAlloc]; Int_t i = 0; for (i = 0; i < fNxyAlloc; i++) { ((TXTRU&)obj).fXvtx[i] = fXvtx[i]; ((TXTRU&)obj).fYvtx[i] = fYvtx[i]; } ((TXTRU&)obj).fNz = fNz; ((TXTRU&)obj).fNzAlloc = fNzAlloc; ((TXTRU&)obj).fZ = new Float_t [fNzAlloc]; ((TXTRU&)obj).fScale = new Float_t [fNzAlloc]; ((TXTRU&)obj).fX0 = new Float_t [fNzAlloc]; ((TXTRU&)obj).fY0 = new Float_t [fNzAlloc]; Int_t j = 0; for (j = 0; j < fNzAlloc; j++) { ((TXTRU&)obj).fZ[j] = fZ[j]; ((TXTRU&)obj).fScale[j] = fScale[j]; ((TXTRU&)obj).fX0[j] = fX0[j]; ((TXTRU&)obj).fY0[j] = fY0[j]; } ((TXTRU&)obj).fPolygonShape = fPolygonShape; ((TXTRU&)obj).fZOrdering = fZOrdering; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TXTRU::DefineSection(Int_t iz, Float_t z, Float_t scale, Float_t x0, Float_t y0) { // Set z section iz information // expand size of array if necessary if (iz < 0) return; // setting a new section makes things unverified fZOrdering = kUncheckedZ; if (!fZ || !fScale || iz >= fNzAlloc) { // re-allocate the z positions/scales Int_t newNalloc = iz + 1; Float_t *newZ = new Float_t [newNalloc]; Float_t *newS = new Float_t [newNalloc]; Float_t *newX = new Float_t [newNalloc]; Float_t *newY = new Float_t [newNalloc]; Int_t i = 0; for (i = 0; i < newNalloc; i++) { if (i<fNz) { // copy the old points newZ[i] = fZ[i]; newS[i] = fScale[i]; newX[i] = fX0[i]; newY[i] = fY0[i]; } else { // zero out the new points newZ[i] = 0; newS[i] = 0; newX[i] = 0; newY[i] = 0; } } delete [] fZ; delete [] fScale; delete [] fX0; delete [] fY0; fZ = newZ; fScale = newS; fX0 = newX; fY0 = newY; fNzAlloc = newNalloc; } // filled z "iz" means indices 0...iz have values -> iz+1 entries fNz = TMath::Max(iz+1,fNz); fZ[iz] = z; fScale[iz] = scale; fX0[iz] = x0; fY0[iz] = y0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TXTRU::DefineVertex(Int_t ipt, Float_t x, Float_t y) { // Set vertex point ipt to (x,y) // expand size of array if necessary if (ipt < 0) return; // setting a new vertex makes things unverified fPolygonShape = kUncheckedXY; if (!fXvtx || !fYvtx || ipt >= fNxyAlloc) { // re-allocate the outline points Int_t newNalloc = ipt + 1; Float_t *newX = new Float_t [newNalloc]; Float_t *newY = new Float_t [newNalloc]; Int_t i = 0; for (i = 0; i < newNalloc; i++) { if (i<fNxy) { // copy the old points newX[i] = fXvtx[i]; newY[i] = fYvtx[i]; } else { // zero out the new points newX[i] = 0; newY[i] = 0; } } delete [] fXvtx; delete [] fYvtx; fXvtx = newX; fYvtx = newY; fNxyAlloc = newNalloc; } // filled point "ipt" means indices 0...ipt have values -> ipt+1 entries fNxy = TMath::Max(ipt+1,fNxy); fXvtx[ipt] = x; fYvtx[ipt] = y; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TXTRU::DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py) { // Compute the distance from point px,py to a TXTRU // by calculating the closest approach to each corner Int_t numPoints = fNz*fNxy; return ShapeDistancetoPrimitive(numPoints,px,py); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t TXTRU::GetOutlinePointX(Int_t n) const { // Return x coordinate of a vertex point if ((n < 0) || (n >= fNxy)) { Error(fName,"no such point %d [of %d]",n,fNxy); return 0.0; } return fXvtx[n]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t TXTRU::GetOutlinePointY(Int_t n) const { // Return y coordinate of a vertex point if ((n < 0) || (n >= fNxy)) { Error(fName,"no such point %d [of %d]",n,fNxy); return 0.0; } return fYvtx[n]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t TXTRU::GetSectionX0(Int_t n) const { // Return x0 shift of a z section if ((n < 0) || (n >= fNz)) { Error(fName,"no such section %d [of %d]",n,fNz); return 0.0; } return fX0[n]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t TXTRU::GetSectionY0(Int_t n) const { // Return y0 shift of a z section if ((n < 0) || (n >= fNz)) { Error(fName,"no such section %d [of %d]",n,fNz); return 0.0; } return fY0[n]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t TXTRU::GetSectionScale(Int_t n) const { // Return scale factor for a z section if ((n < 0) || (n >= fNz)) { Error(fName,"no such section %d [of %d]",n,fNz); return 0.0; } return fScale[n]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t TXTRU::GetSectionZ(Int_t n) const { // Return z of a z section if ((n < 0) || (n >= fNz)) { Error(fName,"no such section %d [of %d]",n,fNz); return 0.0; } return fZ[n]; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TXTRU::Paint(Option_t *option) { // Paint this 3-D shape with its current attributes // Check that the polygon is well formed // convex vs. concave, z ordered monotonically if (fPolygonShape == kUncheckedXY || fZOrdering == kUncheckedZ ) CheckOrdering(); Int_t numpoints = fNz*fNxy; // each z slice has Nxy points // Allocate memory for points (x,y,z) for each Float_t *points = new Float_t[3*numpoints]; if (!points) return; SetPoints(points); Bool_t rangeView = option && *option && strcmp(option,"range")==0 ? kTRUE : kFALSE; if (!rangeView && gPad->GetView3D()) PaintGLPoints(points); Int_t c = ((GetLineColor() % 8) - 1) * 4; // Basic colors: 0, 1, ... 7 if (c < 0) c = 0; // Create overall structure, fill in counts of points,segments,polygons // float *points := x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, ..... ..... .... // int *segs := c0, p0, q0, c1, p1, q1, ..... ..... .... // int *polys := c0, n0, s0, s1, ... sn, c1, n1, s0, ... sn // where : (xi,yi,zi) for the i-th 3-space point // cx is a color // (pj,qj) is a pair of point indices that form a segment // nk is the number of sides to the polygon // (s0k,s1k,...snk) are the edge segments of the polygon X3DBuffer *buff = new X3DBuffer; if (buff) { buff->numPoints = numpoints; // each z slice has Nxy points buff->numSegs = (2*fNz-1)*fNxy; // (Nz-1)*Nxy along z + Nz outlines buff->numPolys = (fNz-1)*fNxy+2; // (Nz-1)*Nxy + 2 endcaps } // Connect previously allocated(+filled) points with buffer buff->points = points; // Allocate memory for segments buff->segs = new Int_t[buff->numSegs*3]; if (buff->segs) { int ioff = 0; int ip, iq; int iz = 0; for (iz=0; iz<fNz; iz++) { // for each layer first connect segments in x-y outline int ipt = 0; for (ipt=0; ipt<fNxy; ipt++) { ip = iz*fNxy + ipt; iq = iz*fNxy + ((ipt==fNxy-1) ? 0 : ipt+1); buff->segs[ioff] = c; buff->segs[ioff+1] = ip; buff->segs[ioff+2] = iq; ioff += 3; } // then for all but the last layer connect to the next layer if (iz < fNz-1) { for (int ipt=0; ipt<fNxy; ipt++) { ip = iz*fNxy + ipt; iq = (iz+1)*fNxy + ipt; buff->segs[ioff] = c; buff->segs[ioff+1] = ip; buff->segs[ioff+2] = iq; ioff += 3; } } } } // Allocate memory for polygons: // The polygons with z depth are 4-sided and there are fNxy of them // for each pair of z's; the two end faces that slice z are fNxy sided. // Each polygon needs nside+2 words allocated. // If c is a color, then c+1,c+2,c+3 are shades of same color. // Make the "ends" (z slices) color c; // for the "sides" step through c+1,c+2,c+3 // if fNxy is even then everything if fine // if fNxy is odd then we want to ensure that first and last // don't have same color ...punt for now.... Int_t polysize = 2*(2+fNxy) + (fNz-1)*fNxy*(2+4); buff->polys = new Int_t[polysize]; if (buff->polys) { int ioff = 0; // do first endcap buff->polys[ioff] = c; buff->polys[ioff+1] = fNxy; ioff +=2; int iseg=0; for (iseg=0; iseg<fNxy; iseg++) { buff->polys[ioff] = iseg; ioff++; } int is1, is2, is3, is4, cadd; cadd = 1; int iz=0; for (iz=0; iz<fNz-1; iz++) { // fNz-1 because last z section for (int iseg=0; iseg<fNxy; iseg++) { is1 = 2*iz*fNxy + iseg; is2 = is1 + fNxy + 1 - fNxy*(iseg==fNxy); is3 = 2*(iz+1)*fNxy + iseg; is4 = is1 + fNxy; buff->polys[ioff] = c + cadd; buff->polys[ioff+1] = 4; buff->polys[ioff+2] = is1; buff->polys[ioff+3] = is2; buff->polys[ioff+4] = is3; buff->polys[ioff+5] = is4; ioff += 6; cadd++; if (cadd==4) cadd=1; } } // do last endcap buff->polys[ioff] = c; buff->polys[ioff+1] = fNxy; ioff +=2; int jseg=0; for (jseg=0; jseg<fNxy; jseg++,ioff++) buff->polys[ioff] = jseg + 2*(fNz-1)*fNxy; } // Paint in the pad PaintShape(buff,rangeView); // Paint in X3D if asked if (strstr(option, "x3d")) { if(buff && buff->points && buff->segs) { FillX3DBuffer(buff); } else { gSize3D.numPoints -= buff->numPoints; gSize3D.numSegs -= buff->numSegs; gSize3D.numPolys -= buff->numPolys; } } delete [] points; if (buff->segs) delete [] buff->segs; if (buff->polys) delete [] buff->polys; if (buff) delete buff; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TXTRU::PaintGLPoints(Float_t *vertex) { // Paint TXTRU via OpenGL gVirtualGL->PaintXtru(vertex,fNxy,fNz); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TXTRU::Print(Option_t *option) const { // Dump the info of this TXTRU shape // Option: "xy" to get x-y information // "z" to get z information // "alloc" to show full allocated arrays (not just used values) TString opt = option; opt.ToLower(); printf("TXTRU %s Nxy=%d [of %d] Nz=%d [of %d] Option=%sn", GetName(),fNxy,fNxyAlloc,fNz,fNzAlloc,option); const char *shape = 0; const char *zorder = 0; switch (fPolygonShape) { case kUncheckedXY: shape = "Unchecked "; break; case kMalformedXY: shape = "Malformed "; break; case kConvexCCW: shape = "Convex CCW "; break; case kConvexCW: shape = "Convex CW "; break; case kConcaveCCW: shape = "Concave CCW"; break; case kConcaveCW: shape = "Concave CW "; break; } switch (fZOrdering) { case kUncheckedZ: zorder = "Unchecked Z"; break; case kMalformedZ: zorder = "Malformed Z"; break; case kConvexIncZ: zorder = "Convex Increasing Z"; break; case kConvexDecZ: zorder = "Convex Decreasing Z"; break; case kConcaveIncZ: zorder = "Concave Increasing Z"; break; case kConcaveDecZ: zorder = "Concave Decreasing Z"; break; } printf(" XY shape '%s', '%s'n",shape,zorder); Int_t nxy, nz; if (opt.Contains("alloc")) { nxy = fNxy; nz = fNz; } else { nxy = fNxyAlloc; nz = fNzAlloc; } const char *name; Float_t *p; Int_t nlimit; Bool_t print_vtx = opt.Contains("xy"); Bool_t print_z = opt.Contains("z"); Int_t ixyz=0; for (ixyz=0; ixyz<6; ixyz++) { switch (ixyz) { case 0: p = fXvtx; name = "x"; nlimit = nxy; break; case 1: p = fYvtx; name = "y"; nlimit = nxy; break; case 2: p = fZ; name = "z"; nlimit = nz; break; case 3: p = fScale; name = "scale"; nlimit = nz; break; case 4: p = fX0; name = "x0"; nlimit = nz; break; case 5: p = fY0; name = "y0"; nlimit = nz; break; default: continue; } if (ixyz<=1 && !print_vtx) continue; if (ixyz>=2 && !print_z) continue; printf(" Float_t %s[] = n { %10g",name,*p++); Int_t i=1; for (i=1;i<nlimit;i++) { printf(", %10g",*p++); if (i%6==5) printf("n "); } printf(" };n"); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TXTRU::SetPoints(Float_t *buff) { // Create TXTRU points in buffer // order as expected by other methods (counterclockwise xy, increasing z) if (buff) { Int_t ipt, ixy, iz, ioff; Float_t x, y; // put xy in counterclockwise order Bool_t iscw = (fPolygonShape == kConvexCW || fPolygonShape == kConcaveCW ); // put z Bool_t reversez = (fZOrdering == kConvexDecZ || fZOrdering == kConcaveDecZ ); ipt = 0; // point number Int_t i=0; for (i=0; i<fNz; i++) { // loop over sections iz = (reversez) ? fNz-1 - i : i; Int_t j=0; for (j=0; j<fNxy; j++) { // loop over points in section ixy = (iscw) ? fNxy-1 - j : j; ioff = ipt*3; // 3 words per point (x,y,z) x = fXvtx[ixy]; y = fYvtx[ixy]; buff[ioff ] = x*fScale[iz] + fX0[iz]; buff[ioff+1] = y*fScale[iz] + fY0[iz]; buff[ioff+2] = fZ[iz]; ipt++; } } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TXTRU::Sizeof3D() const { // Return total X3D size of this shape with its attributes gSize3D.numPoints += fNz*fNxy; gSize3D.numSegs += (2*fNz-1)*fNxy; gSize3D.numPolys += (fNz-1)*fNxy+2; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TXTRU::SplitConcavePolygon(Bool_t split) { // (Dis)Enable the splitting of concave polygon outlines into // multiple convex polygons. This would make for better rendering // in solid mode, but introduces extra, potentially confusing, lines // in wireframe mode. // *** Not yet implemented *** fSplitConcave = split; // Not implemented yet if (split) { fSplitConcave = kFALSE; cout << TNamed::GetName() << " TXTRU::SplitConcavePolygon is not yet implemented" << endl; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TXTRU::TruncateNxy(Int_t npts) { // Truncate the vertex list if ((npts < 0) || (npts > fNxy)) { Error(fName,"truncate to %d impossible on %d points",npts,fNxy); return; } fNxy = npts; return; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TXTRU::TruncateNz(Int_t nz) { // Truncate the z section list if ((nz < 0) || (nz > fNz)) { Error(fName,"truncate to %d impossible on %d points",nz,fNz); return; } fNz = nz; return; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TXTRU::CheckOrdering() { // Determine ordering over which to process points, segments, surfaces // so that they render correctly. Generally this has to do // with getting outward normals in the hidden/solid surface case. Float_t plus, minus, zero; // Check on polygon's shape // Convex vs. Concave and ClockWise vs. Counter-ClockWise plus = minus = zero = 0; Int_t ixy=0; for (ixy=0; ixy<fNxy; ixy++) { // calculate the cross product of the two segments that // meet at vertex "ixy" // concave polygons have a mixture of + and - values Int_t ixyprev = (ixy + fNxy - 1)%fNxy; Int_t ixynext = (ixy + fNxy + 1)%fNxy; Float_t dxprev = fXvtx[ixy] - fXvtx[ixyprev]; Float_t dyprev = fYvtx[ixy] - fYvtx[ixyprev]; Float_t dxnext = fXvtx[ixynext] - fXvtx[ixy]; Float_t dynext = fYvtx[ixynext] - fYvtx[ixy]; Float_t xprod = dxprev*dynext - dxnext*dyprev; if (xprod > 0) { plus += xprod; } else if (xprod < 0) { minus -= xprod; } else { zero++; } } if (fNxy<3) { // no check yet written for checking that the segments don't cross fPolygonShape = kMalformedXY; } else { if (plus==0 || minus==0) { // convex polygons have all of one sign if (plus>minus) { fPolygonShape = kConvexCCW; } else { fPolygonShape = kConvexCW; } } else { // concave if (plus>minus) { fPolygonShape = kConcaveCCW; } else { fPolygonShape = kConcaveCW; } } } // Check on z ordering // Convex vs. Concave and increasing or decreasing in z plus = minus = zero = 0; Bool_t scaleSignChange = kFALSE; Int_t iz=0; for (iz=0; iz<fNz; iz++) { // calculate the cross product of the two segments that // meet at vertex "iz" // concave polygons have a mixture of + and - values Int_t izprev = (iz + fNz - 1)%fNz; Int_t iznext = (iz + fNz + 1)%fNz; Float_t dzprev = fZ[iz] - fZ[izprev]; Float_t dsprev = fScale[iz] - fScale[izprev]; Float_t dznext = fZ[iznext] - fZ[iz]; Float_t dsnext = fScale[iznext] - fScale[iz]; // special cases for end faces if (iz==0) { dzprev = 0; dsprev = fScale[0]; } else if (iz==fNz-1) { dznext = 0; dsnext = -fScale[iz]; } Float_t xprod = dznext*dsprev - dzprev*dsnext; if (xprod > 0) { plus += xprod; } else if (xprod < 0) { minus -= xprod; } else { zero++; } // also check for scale factors that change sign... if (fScale[iz]*fScale[iznext] < 0) scaleSignChange = kTRUE; } if (fNz<1 || scaleSignChange) { // no check yet written for checking that the segments don't cross fZOrdering = kMalformedZ; } else { if (plus==0 || minus==0) { // convex polygons have all of one sign if (plus>minus) { fZOrdering = kConvexIncZ; } else { fZOrdering = kConvexDecZ; } } else { // concave if (plus>minus) { fZOrdering = kConcaveIncZ; } else { fZOrdering = kConcaveDecZ; } } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TXTRU::DumpPoints(int npoints, float *pointbuff) const { // Dump the vertex points for visual inspection cout << "TXTRU::DumpPoints - " << npoints << " points" << endl; int ioff = 0; float x,y,z; int ipt=0; for (ipt=0; ipt<npoints; ipt++) { x = pointbuff[ioff++]; y = pointbuff[ioff++]; z = pointbuff[ioff++]; printf(" [%4d] %6.1f %6.1f %6.1f n",ipt,x,y,z); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TXTRU::DumpSegments(int nsegments, int *segbuff) const { // Dump the segment info for visual inspection cout << "TXTRU::DumpSegments - " << nsegments << " segments" << endl; int ioff = 0; int icol, p1, p2; int iseg=0; for (iseg=0; iseg<nsegments; iseg++) { icol = segbuff[ioff++]; p1 = segbuff[ioff++]; p2 = segbuff[ioff++]; printf(" [%4d] %3d (%4d,%4d)n",iseg,icol,p1,p2); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TXTRU::DumpPolygons(int npolygons, int *polybuff, int buffsize) const { // Dump the derived polygon info for visual inspection cout << "TXTRU::DumpPolygons - " << npolygons << " polygons" << endl; int ioff = 0; int icol, nseg, iseg; int ipoly=0; for (ipoly=0; ipoly<npolygons; ipoly++) { icol = polybuff[ioff++]; nseg = polybuff[ioff++]; #ifndef R__MACOSX cout << " [" << setw(4) << ipoly << "] icol " << setw(3) << icol << " nseg " << setw(3) << nseg << " ("; #else printf(" [%d4] icol %d3 nseg %d3 (", ipoly, icol, nseg); #endif for (iseg=0; iseg<nseg-1; iseg++) { cout << polybuff[ioff++] << ","; } cout << polybuff[ioff++] << ")" << endl; } cout << " buffer size " << buffsize << " last used " << --ioff << endl; }