Re: what has happened to TH2F::Fill
Wouter Hulsbergen (
Wed, 17 Dec 1997 15:00:28 +0100 (MET)
> In the cleanup exercise for 1.03/09 we introduced a protection in
> TH1,TH2 ,TH3 classes
> TH1F::Fill(Axis_t,Stat_t) is for 1-d histograms
> TH2F::Fill(Axis_t,Axis_t) is for 2-d histograms
> TH2F::Fill(Axis_t,Axis_t,Stat_t) ""
> TH3F::Fill(Axis_t,Axis_t,Axis_t,Stat_t) is for 3-d histograms.
> We have included a private function TH2F::Fill(Axis_t,Stat_t) to prevent
> calling the function
> filling a 1-d histogram without you noticing the problem.
> You should change your call from Fill(Axis_t,Stat_t) to
> Fill(Axis_t,Axis_t)
Dear Rene,
I think the problem is that I still prefer to use c++ standard types
instead of the root types. Up till now I have alwys been able to use
TH2F::Fill(double,double). I assume that a double can be implicitly
converted to an Axis_t and a Stat_t. Wouldn't it then be a good solution
to remove the private Fill(Axis_t,Stat_t) alltogether ? Or doesn't that
solve the problem ?