> Dear root,
> Since this morning I have the following error when compiling:
> CC -O -w +a1 +Z -I/hp/lerad/disc3/s37/root/include -c
> ReconstructionAnalysisProgram3.C
> CC: "ReconstructionAnalysisProgram3.C", line 206: error: int main(int ,
> char **) cannot access void TH2F::Fill(Axis_t, Stat_t): private member
> (1655)
> CC: "ReconstructionAnalysisProgram3.C", line 207: error: int main(int ,
> char **) cannot access void TH2F::Fill(Axis_t, Stat_t): private member
> (1655)
> gmake: *** [ReconstructionAnalysisProgram3.o] Error 1
> This is new. What has happened to TH2F ?
> Wouter
In the cleanup exercise for 1.03/09 we introduced a protection in
TH1,TH2 ,TH3 classes
TH1F::Fill(Axis_t,Stat_t) is for 1-d histograms
TH2F::Fill(Axis_t,Axis_t) is for 2-d histograms
TH2F::Fill(Axis_t,Axis_t,Stat_t) ""
TH3F::Fill(Axis_t,Axis_t,Axis_t,Stat_t) is for 3-d histograms.
We have included a private function TH2F::Fill(Axis_t,Stat_t) to prevent
calling the function
filling a 1-d histogram without you noticing the problem.
You should change your call from Fill(Axis_t,Stat_t) to
Rene Brun