Re: Problems with graphics objects.
Rene Brun (
Thu, 14 Aug 1997 11:47:04 +0200
Valery Fine wrote:
> Hello,
> I am begging a pardon that I am repeating one and the same idea on
> this list again and again.
> "Making" the stand-alone ROOT-based interactive application one
> gains nothing but problems. Any appication opening the "real" canvas
> on the screen must treated as the "INTERACTIVE" one. Any the
> "simplest" mouse operation like resize window on the screen needs the
> FULL scale ROOT facilities, since even resize needs re-creating the
> Pad view of the all objects linked with that from the original
> objects.
Basil's request is OK. You may want to extend the Root functionality
in several ways:
a, write simple interpreted macros
b, write your own main program and add your own classes.
we give an example in root/test/hworld
c, use the standard root and use dynamic linking.
this is illustrated again with root/test/Event and
the macros eventa.cxx and eventb.cxx in the same directory.
Rene Brun