I have had some problems in the past week with root.
I am writing a online display for our experiment with root. So I do not use the
Cint interpreter, but compile everything together.
When I take a TPad, draw a box into it and then some lines into the box I get a
nice picture for my first Event - It's like I want it to be. But how can I
remove the Tbox and the Tlines from that TPad again?
I tried it by putting the grafics objects into a TObjArray and to delete them
one after the other when they are not longer needed - but this did a fault and
the application stopped. Also TObjArray->Delete() did the same.
So how can I remove the TLines and TBoxes?
Another problem occured when I tried to convert a TCanvas into a postscript
file. Everthing worked as it should, only when using a shaded contour plot the
whole output is getting messed (so now I don't use it...).
And just a remark or the THtml class. I really love it =8->. But I really tried
hard to get the automatic documentation running in a program which is linked.
After a quite while I found out that you have to init first a TApplication,
before you can define your THtml. This was not clear to me in advance! Perhaps I
did not read the documentation carfully enough, but I did not find any
references to that....
Basil Moshous