I am begging a pardon that I am repeating one and the same idea on
this list again and again.
"Making" the stand-alone ROOT-based interactive application one
gains nothing but problems. Any appication opening the "real" canvas
on the screen must treated as the "INTERACTIVE" one. Any the
"simplest" mouse operation like resize window on the screen needs the
FULL scale ROOT facilities, since even resize needs re-creating the
Pad view of the all objects linked with that from the original
Hope this helps,
On 14 Aug 97 at 10:54, basil@hbaxp04.mppmu.mpg.de wrote:
> From: basil@hbaxp04.mppmu.mpg.de
> To: roottalk@hpsalo.cern.ch
> Subject: Problems with graphics objects.
> Date: Thu, 14 Aug 97 10:54:21 +0200
> Hello,
> I have had some problems in the past week with root.
> After a quite while I found out that you have to init first a
> TApplication, before you can define your THtml. This was not clear
> to me in advance! Perhaps I did not read the documentation carfully
> enough, but I did not find any references to that....
Dr. Valeri Faine (Valery Fine)
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