There are several ways of deleting objects from a pad in batch mode.
Assume a pad created with the following objects:
TCanvas c1("c1")
TLine *line1=new TLine(.1,.1,.9,.7)
TLine *line2=new TLine(.1,.8,.8,.2)
TBox *box1=new TBox(.2,.2,.5,.4)
You can:
a, Delete all objects from a pad
b, Delete some objects
delete line1;
delete line2;
c, keep the objects alive, but remove them from the pad
TList *glist = c1->GetListOfPrimitives();
> Another problem occured when I tried to convert a TCanvas into a postscript
> file. Everthing worked as it should, only when using a shaded contour plot the
> whole output is getting messed (so now I don't use it...).
Could you tell me which fill color and fill style was used?
Some pattern styles are emulated under Postscript and may be
quite slow to print.
> And just a remark or the THtml class. I really love it =8->. But I really tried
> hard to get the automatic documentation running in a program which is linked.
> After a quite while I found out that you have to init first a TApplication,
> before you can define your THtml. This was not clear to me in advance! Perhaps I
> did not read the documentation carfully enough, but I did not find any
> references to that....
To generate the html documentation for a class, you must
generate the dictionary. See the root/test/Event example
how to generate a dictionary.
To generate the documentation, do:
THtml html;
Rene Brun