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3. Design Criteria
Required Global Performances
- Two-jet mass resolution comparable to natural width of Z/W
- Excellent flavour tagging for both b and c
- Hermiticity ( both crack-less and very forward )
- Timing resolution to separate bunch crossing
- Quick simulation analysis shows
that base-line JLC detector satisfies this requirement.
- Validation with full-simulation is essentially necessary. Working on it.
Break-down to requirements on individual sub-detectors will be shown in the section 5.
- Mass Resolution
- Momentum resolution = CT, IT, VTX
- Energy resolution = CAL
- Topological reconstruction = CT, CAL
- Flavour Tagging
- Vertexing = VTX, CT
- strangeness = PID (pi/K)
- Hermeticity
- Crackless = CAL, coil, Mask
- Very forward = CAL, LUM, tagger/veto
- Timing Resolution = CT, IT, CAL ; VTX? Moun?
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yoshiaki.fujii@kek.jp, July 10,2002 at 5th ACFA LCWS at Tokyo