CAIN:Beam-beam interaction involving high energy electron, positron and photons.
Beam-beam interaction including e+e- pair creations
This is the updated one in July, 1999.
The patch factors are set to be 0.90,0.92 and 0.92 for LL,BW and BH,
respectively. With NTUNE=1, the LL energy spectrum and the beam size effect are
updated. No update is applied with NTUNE=0 except for the patch factors.
When you receive this file as abel.tar.gz, then gunzip it to get
abel.tar and tar(tar -xvf abel.tar) it. Be carefull when you tar since
you will overwrite a directory of abel if it exists. You will get a
directory file named abel. A directory of is also made
in the abel-directory, which includes
example exec files to run abel and the output/hbook files.