Descriptions of the Current Directory

Japanized Tkmail

Japanese Page is here.



This directory containes Japanized "tkmail" related files:
   	SOURCES                       : patches
   	SPECS                         : package building specs
   	jp-tkmail-4.0beta9-2i.ppc.rpm : binary package
    	jp-tkmail-4.0beta9-2i.src.rpm : source package
  	README.html                   : this file

Precaution: This is STILL beta

The original tkmail-4.0beta9 is still in beta test as its name indicates. It works fine though as far as I know. The japanization patch I created is rather primitive and might contain bugs. If you find any problem, do not e-mail the original author. E-mail me at instead. Nevertheless I cannot be responsible for any damage caused by this package. As always, install the package at your own risk!

Installation Instructions

The package requires preinstallation of the japanized tcl/tk. If you don't have one, install it first as:

# ls
# rpm -Uvh jp-tcltk-7.6p2_4.2p2-2b.ppc.rpm
Once you have the japanized tcl/tk installed, check the tkmail rpm as

# ls
# rpm -qpl jp-tkmail-4.0beta9-2i.ppc.rpm

If you are satisfied with the contents of the package: proceed to

$ su
# rpm -Uvh jp-tkmail-4.0beta9-2i.ppc.rpm

Caution: If you have already the previous version of tkmail-4.0, you have to edit your .tkmail4rc in your home directory:

$ vi ~/.tkmail4rc
set mf(headlist-format) {%-20.20F %3m %2d %-5.5h %4l %-1000.1000s}
Otherwise, you had better copy one:
$ cp /usr/local/lib/tkmail4/example.tkmail4rc ~/.tkmail4rc

Now you are ready to try it by typing:

$ tkmail4
Good luck!

Note Added
If you get an error message telling that tkmail couldn't find "blt_bell", replace "blt_bell 80" by "bell" in ~/.tkmail4rc.

Japanization Notes

Back to Keisuke Fujii's MkLinux Page Jun 2, 1998