Geant4 on MacOS X

Geant4 compiles and runs on MacOS X 10.5. The following is how I did it. Take a look also at Kotoyo Hoshina's Geant4 installation note for more information.


Install gcc and cernlib following the instructions given in the GFORTRAN page and the CERNLIB page, if you haven't. In addition geant4 depends on CLHEP. Install it as

$ su
# apt-get update
# apt-get install clhep
# exit

If you just want to use precompiled binary packages, go directly to Installation subsection.

Geant4 Building Procedure

[1] Compilation Conditions

MacOS X Release 10.5.6
standard Mach Kernel (Darwin 9.6.0)
Apple's X11 for MacOS X
[2] Compilation Procedure

First download all of the necessary source files from the GEANT4 site and my private patch: gfortran patch into a directory, <somewhere>.

$ ls <somewhere>

Then expand the source tarballs as follows in whatever directory you want to install GEANT4.

$ tar -zxvf <somewhere>/geant4.9.2.tar.gz
$ cd geant4.9.2
$ patch -p1 -s < <somewhere>/geant4.9.1.p03-gfortran.patch
$ mkdir data
$ for i in <somewhere>/*.tar.gz; do tar -zxvf $i -C data; done
$ ./Configure -build
.... answer questions (default answers should work for most people)
.... compilation begins and after a long time it will finish
$ cd sources
$ make includes

[3] Test Run

Try exapmles in the "examples" directory.

Installation of Binary Packages


# apt-get update
# apt-get install geant4
# apt-get clean

# ln -s geant4.9.2 /opt/g4/pro

By default GEANT4 will be installed under /opt/g4. Use /opt/g4/pro/ to setup environmental variables necessary to run GEANT4.

Dawn (A Visualization Tool for GEANT4)

# apt-get update
# apt-get install dawn
# apt-get clean

Dawncut (A Tool to Make a Cut View for GEANT4 Geometrical Objects)

# apt-get update
# apt-get install dawncut
# apt-get clean

David (A Geometry Debugger for GEANT4)

# apt-get update
# apt-get install david
# apt-get clean

Back to Keisuke Fujii's HEP on X Page March 26, 2008