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The DESCRIBE LUND_Frag. is prepared for hadronize partons
stored in the bank ``Spring:Parton_List''.
The obtained stable and unstable particles
are written in the bank ``Generator:Particle_List''.
It uses LUND6.3 JETSET program for hadronization[#!LUND63!#].
The default parameter of JETSET program can be modified
as follows. The command syntax is,
- [array_name:]
The name of array where JETSET parameters are stored. As the array
name MST, PAR, MSTE, PARE, MASS, BRF, and IDB is
recognized (see. pp.375-382 or pp.395-399 of Ref.[#!LUND62!#]).
- [address:] The element address of the array
of which parameter is overwrite.
- [value:] New value for the parameter,
namely value is stored in array_name(address).
Input data should be terminated by EXIT to return to the FULL steering.
The example to overwrite default JETSET6.3 parameters
is shown in the Fig. 2, where
we suppress and Ks decay and change the fragmentation
parameters, and a=0.45.
Note that the all long lived unstable particles must be decayed properly
prior to give the result to the detector simulator
described in the following two subsections.
Figure 2:
Example of input data for LUND_Frag module.
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Miyamoto Akiya