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class PythiaGenerator : public JSFGenerator

PythiaGenerator(const Char_t* name = "PythiaGenerator", const Char_t* title = "Pythia Event generator", Option_t* opt) PythiaGenerator(const PythiaGenerator&) virtual ~PythiaGenerator() virtual Bool_t BeginRun(Int_t nrun) static TClass* Class() virtual Bool_t EndRun() Int_t GetBeamStrahlung() const JSFBeamGenerationCain* GetBS() const const TString& GetBSName() const Double_t GetEcm() Double_t GetEMinus() Double_t GetEPlus() Float_t GetEventWeight() Int_t GetISUB(Int_t i) virtual Bool_t GetLastRunInfo() Int_t GetNGEN(Int_t i) Int_t GetNUMSUB() TPythia6* GetPythia() const Int_t GetVersionNumber() const Double_t GetXSEC(Int_t i) virtual Bool_t Initialize() virtual TClass* IsA() const void PrintRandomSeed(Int_t num = 8) virtual Bool_t Process(Int_t ev = 1) void ReadRandomSeed(Char_t* fr) void SetBeamStrahlung(Int_t ibs) void SetEcm(Double_t ecm) void SetEventWeight(Float_t weight) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) virtual Bool_t Terminate() void WriteRandomSeed(Char_t* fw)

Data Members

Double_t fEcm Center of mass energy (GeV) TPythia6* fPythia ! Pointer to the pythia class Int_t fMRPY[6] Random seed at the begining of event Double_t fRRPY[100] Char_t fFrame[8] Name of beam particle Char_t fBeamParticle[8] Name of beam particle Char_t fTargetParticle[8] Target particle. Int_t fPrintStat ! call PYSTAT at the end run if not equal 0. Int_t fNUMSUB Number of defined subprocesses + 1 (for total) Int_t* fISUB [fNUMSUB] ISUB of subprocesses whose MSUB=1. (0=total, 1 to fNUMSUB ) Int_t* fNGEN [fNUMSUB] Number of generated subprocesses. (0=total, 1 to fNUMSUB ) Double_t* fXSEC [fNUMSUB] Integrated cross sections (0=total, 1 to fNUMSUB) Float_t fEventWeight ! Weight of current event. Int_t fBeamStrahlung > 0 to include beam strahlung. TFile* fBSFile ! Beamstrahlung file JSFBeamGenerationCain* fBS Beamstrahlung spectrum Double_t fEcmMax ! Abolutely max ECM energy TString fBSname Name of BS spectrum Double_t fBSwidth half-width of BS spectrum Double_t fEMinus ! Double_t fEPlus ! Int_t fNBSGen Int_t fNBSGood Double_t fBSThreshold

Class Description

  PythiaGenerator class

  To run Pythia in JLC Study Framework

  From version JSF-1-7, PythiaGenerator class is modified to save all
  LUJETS common as JSFGeneratorParticle class.  When the class is prepared,
  JSFGeneratorParticle::fMother < 0, if it is the documentation line in
  LUJETS common ( KS(K(i,1)) code is 21 ), with is absolute value is
  the pointer to the mother.  First two entries of JSFGeneratorParticle class
  are initial e- and e+ and their fMother = 0.  Also first particles of the
  final state have fMother=0.  fNDaughter for them are always 1 and pointer
  to the first daughter points first particle in the final state.

  About generated event information.
  At the end of run, total cross section and gnumber of generated events are
  saved togather with random seed into the data member of PythiaGenerator class.
  Seed of random number are used to continue the random number sequence in
  the next run.  Cross section and number of generated events are used
  to merge events to simulate piled up events.

  Environment parameters and default values used for this classes are as follows.

  PythiaGenerator.Ecm              500.0  # Center of mass energy (GeV)
  PythiaGenerator.Frame            CMS    # Event coordinate system
  PythiaGenerator.BeamParticle     e-     # Name of beam particle.
  PythiaGenerator.TargetParticle   e+     # Name of target particle.
  PythiaGenerator.PrintStat        1      # 1: call PYSTAT at the end run, =0 not call.

  Valid values of Frame, BeamParticle, and TragetParticle are described in
  the Pythia 5.7 manual page 140. (T.Sjostrand, CPC 82(1994) 74 ).

$Id: PythiaGenerator.cxx,v 1.32 2002/11/28 13:19:00 miyamoto Exp $

PythiaGenerator(const Char_t *name, const Char_t *title, const Char_t *opt) : JSFGenerator(name,title, opt)


Bool_t Initialize()
 Initializer of Pythia generator

Bool_t BeginRun(Int_t nrun)

Bool_t EndRun()

Bool_t Process(Int_t ev)
  Generate one pythia event, and results are saved in the
  GeneratorParticle class for JSF simulators

Bool_t Terminate()

void WriteRandomSeed(Char_t *fw)

void ReadRandomSeed(Char_t *fr)

void PrintRandomSeed(Int_t num)

Bool_t GetLastRunInfo()

void Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
 Stream an object of class PythiaGenerator.

void Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
 Stream an object of class PythiaGenerator.

Inline Functions

                            Double_t GetEMinus()
                            Double_t GetEPlus()
                           TPythia6* GetPythia()
                         const Int_t GetVersionNumber() const
        const JSFBeamGenerationCain* GetBS() const
                      const TString& GetBSName() const
                                void SetEcm(Double_t ecm)
                            Double_t GetEcm()
                               Int_t GetNUMSUB()
                               Int_t GetISUB(Int_t i)
                               Int_t GetNGEN(Int_t i)
                            Double_t GetXSEC(Int_t i)
                               Int_t GetBeamStrahlung()
                                void SetBeamStrahlung(Int_t ibs)
                                void SetEventWeight(Float_t weight)
                             Float_t GetEventWeight()
                             TClass* Class()
                             TClass* IsA() const
                                void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                                void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
                     PythiaGenerator PythiaGenerator(const PythiaGenerator&)

Last update: Tue Jan 20 15:54:24 2004

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