class description - source file - inheritance tree
JSFSpringParton(Int_t Ser, Int_t ID, Double_t Mass, Double_t Charge, TVector& P, Int_t Ndaughter, Int_t FirstDaughter, Int_t Mother, Int_t Helicity, Int_t ColorID, Int_t ShowerInfo)
JSFSpringParton(Int_t Ser, Int_t ID, Double_t Mass, Double_t Charge, TVector& P)
JSFSpringParton(Float_t* data)
JSFSpringParton(const JSFSpringParton&)
virtual ~JSFSpringParton()
static TClass* Class()
Double_t GetAzimthAngle()
Double_t GetCharge()
Int_t GetColorID()
Double_t GetCosth()
Double_t GetE()
Int_t GetFirstDaughter()
Int_t GetHelicity()
Int_t GetID()
TLorentzVector GetLorentzVector()
Double_t GetMass()
Int_t GetMother()
Int_t GetNDaughter()
Double_t GetPabs()
Double_t GetPt()
TVector GetPV()
Double_t GetPx()
Double_t GetPy()
Double_t GetPz()
Int_t GetSerial()
Int_t GetShowerInfo()
virtual TClass* IsA() const
virtual void ls(const Option_t* option)
virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
Int_t fSer parton serial number ( 1 to n )
Int_t fID Particle ID a la PDG.
Double_t fMass Particle mass (GeV);
Double_t fCharge Charge
Real_t fP[4] four momentum (E,Px,Py,Pz), GeV
Int_t fNdaughter Number of daughter particles
Int_t fFirstDaughter Serial number of 1st daughter
Int_t fMother Serial number of mother particle ( =0 for initial)
Int_t fHelicity parton helicity
Int_t fColorID Color singlet group ID
Int_t fShowerInfo ShowerLevel*100 + Shower-PairID
SpringParton Class
To store particle information produced by event generators
When JSFSpringParton is created, following parameters are specified.
Int_t fSer; // parton serial number ( 1 to n )
Int_t fID; // Particle ID a la PDG.
Double_t fMass; // Particle mass (GeV);
Double_t fCharge; // Charge
Real_t fP[4]; // four momentum (E,Px,Py,Pz), GeV
Int_t fNdaughter; // Number of daughter particles
Int_t fFirstDaughter; // Serial number of 1st daughter
Int_t fMother; // Serial number of mother particle ( =0 for initial)
Int_t fHelicity; // parton helicity
Int_t fColorID; // Color singlet group ID
Int_t fShowerInfo; // ShowerLevel*100 + Shower-PairID
Where fNdaughter, fFirstDaughter, fMother are numbers ranging from 1 to N
and corresponds to the fSer value.
For fHelicity, fColorID and fShowerInfo, see comments below,
which is taken from FORTRAN subroutine, LUFRAG.
The parton showering is handled level by level, since showers
from parent parton pairs might modify the momenta of their
daughter partons.
The level is defined by
RBUF(19,*) = ISLEV*100 + ISPAIR
where partons with the same ISLEV are passed to LUFRAG at one
time (that means they comprise a set of color singlet states and
that there is no parent-daughter relation among the set) and
partons with the same ISPAIR are paired in LUSHOW calls in
Lepton pairs are required to have ISLEV = 0 and NDAU = 0 for
proper polarization handling when the pair contains a tau.
If you are satisfied with the default tau decay treatment, you
do not have to distinguish leptons from quarks in the decay
daughters from W or Z, etc.
Color singlet groups are distinguished by
RBUF(18,*) = ICF
where ICF must have different values for different color singlet
Helicities of the primary partons should be stored in
RBUF(17,*) = IHEL
when necessary as with tau leptons.
void ls(Option_t *)
JSFSpringParton(Float_t data[])
void Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
Stream an object of class JSFSpringParton.
void Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
Stream an object of class JSFSpringParton.
Inline Functions
JSFSpringParton JSFSpringParton(Int_t Ser, Int_t ID, Double_t Mass, Double_t Charge, TVector& P, Int_t Ndaughter, Int_t FirstDaughter, Int_t Mother, Int_t Helicity, Int_t ColorID, Int_t ShowerInfo)
JSFSpringParton JSFSpringParton(Int_t Ser, Int_t ID, Double_t Mass, Double_t Charge, TVector& P)
JSFSpringParton JSFSpringParton(Float_t* data)
Double_t GetPx()
Double_t GetPy()
Double_t GetPz()
Double_t GetE()
Double_t GetPabs()
Double_t GetAzimthAngle()
Double_t GetPt()
Double_t GetCosth()
Int_t GetSerial()
Int_t GetID()
Double_t GetCharge()
Double_t GetMass()
Int_t GetNDaughter()
Int_t GetFirstDaughter()
Int_t GetMother()
Int_t GetHelicity()
Int_t GetColorID()
Int_t GetShowerInfo()
TVector GetPV()
TLorentzVector GetLorentzVector()
TClass* Class()
TClass* IsA() const
void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
JSFSpringParton JSFSpringParton(const JSFSpringParton&)
void ~JSFSpringParton()
Last update: Tue Jan 20 15:54:06 2004
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