class description - source file - inheritance tree

class JSFSIMDST : public JSFModule

JSFSIMDST(const char* name = "JSFSIMDST", const char* title = "Read/Write SIMDST data", Bool_t constbuf = kTRUE) JSFSIMDST(const JSFSIMDST&) virtual ~JSFSIMDST() virtual Bool_t BeginRun(Int_t nrun = 0) static TClass* Class() virtual Bool_t EndRun() Char_t* GetDataFileName() Int_t GetReadWriteFlag() Int_t GetUnit() virtual Bool_t Initialize() virtual TClass* IsA() const void NoReadWrite() virtual JSFQuickSimParam* Param() virtual Bool_t Process(Int_t ev = 1) void ReadData() void SetDataFileName(Char_t* name) void SetParamFileName(Char_t* name) virtual void SetQuickSimParam(JSFQuickSimParam* par) void SetUnit(Int_t nunit) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) void WriteData() virtual Bool_t WriteParameters(Int_t nrun)

Data Members

Int_t fUnit Fortran logical unit number to output SIMDST data. Char_t fDataFileName[256] ! File name of output file. Char_t fParamFileName[256] ! Simulator parameter file name. Int_t fReadWrite =0 no read/write =1 to write data, =2 to read JSFQuickSimParam* fParam ! Parameters for JSFQuickSim

Class Description


 Purpose of this class is
 (1) Output SIMDST record as a Fortran binary record.
 (2) Read SIMDST format fortran record.
 (3) For user program which uses SIMDST format data,
     provide interface with JSFQuickSim class
 Thus this class does not output ROOT event tree.

 For the data format of SIMDST data, pelase see   postscript , or   html  document.

 Three void functions are prepared to control write/read fortran data.
   If WriteData() function is called, fortran data is written.
   If ReadData() function is called, fortran data is read in.
   If NoReadWrite() function is called, no read/write of fortran record.
  When WriteData() or NoReadWrite() is called, JSFQuickSim module must be
  executed before this class.

 Following parameters can be specified in the configuration file,
 jsf.conf is default. They can be set by Set functions, too.
     parameter name       (Default)      Set functions
 JSFSIMDST.DataFile       simdst.dat    SetDataFileName()
 JSFSIMDST.ParameterFile  simdst.parm   SetParamFileName()
 JSFSIMDST.fUnit          21            SetUnut()
 JSFSIMDST.DataReadWrite   1            WriteData()/ReadData()/NoReadWrite()

   Maximum size of tracks, etc are limited as follows.
     GEN  : max 500 tracks
     TRKF, TRKD, VTX : Max. 500 tracks.
     EMH, HDH        : Max. 1000 hits.


  30-March-1999  A.Miyamoto
    SIMDST Format is changed.  EMH(2,i), HDH(2,i) is increased to
    EMH(3,i), and HDH(3,i), to store EM and HD responce separately.
  17-May-1999  A.Miyamoto   igendat is changed from Short to Int
  27-May-1999  A.Miyamoto   kVTXHmax is increased from 10 to 22.
  30-July-1999  A.Miyamoto   Does not use global variable to store particle information
   2-Feb-2000   A.Miyamoto   kVTXHmax is increased to 52 ( curled track is produced by JIM)
   7-Jul-2000   A.Miyamoto  Follow change of CAL part.

$Id: JSFSIMDST.cxx,v 1.21 2003/08/09 09:00:22 miyamoto Exp $

JSFSIMDST(const char *name, const char *title, Bool_t constbuf) : JSFModule(name,title)

Bool_t Initialize()

Bool_t BeginRun(Int_t nrun)

Bool_t WriteParameters(Int_t nrun)
  Save detector parameters into a ascii file.
  Parameter file name is obtained by fParamFileName.
  Format of the parameter file is similar to the detector parameter
  file used by the Quick Simulator, such as
  in /proj/phys/lclib/pro/simjlc/param/detect5.com

Bool_t EndRun()

Bool_t Process(Int_t nev)

Inline Functions

        JSFQuickSimParam* Param()
                     void SetQuickSimParam(JSFQuickSimParam* par)
                    Int_t GetUnit()
                  Char_t* GetDataFileName()
                     void SetUnit(Int_t nunit)
                     void SetDataFileName(Char_t* name)
                     void SetParamFileName(Char_t* name)
                     void WriteData()
                     void ReadData()
                     void NoReadWrite()
                    Int_t GetReadWriteFlag()
                  TClass* Class()
                  TClass* IsA() const
                     void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                     void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
                     void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
                     void ~JSFSIMDST()

Last update: Tue Jan 20 15:54:53 2004

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