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class JSFCDCTrack : public TObject

JSFCDCTrack() JSFCDCTrack(Int_t* trkp) JSFCDCTrack(Float_t* trkf, Double_t* trkd) JSFCDCTrack(JSFCDCTrack& t) virtual ~JSFCDCTrack() void AddMSError(Float_t xrad, Float_t deltakappa = 0.0) void AddVTXHit(JSFVTXHit* v) static TClass* Class() void ExtrapolateErrorAtEMC(Float_t* helix, Float_t* x, Float_t* dx) Int_t GetCharge() void GetError(Double_t* err) void GetErrorMatrix(Double_t* trkd) Int_t GetGenID() JSFHelicalTrack GetHelicalTrack() void GetHelix(Float_t* helix) JSFHelixParameter GetHelix() Int_t GetNDF() Int_t GetNVTX() Float_t GetP() void GetPivot(Float_t* pivot) JSF3DV_f GetPivot() void GetPosAtEMC(Float_t* pos) void GetPositionAtEMC(Float_t* pos, Float_t* poserr) TVector GetPV() Float_t GetPx() Float_t GetPy() Float_t GetPz() void GetTrackParameter(Float_t* trkf) JSFVTXHit* GetVTXHit(Int_t i) Float_t GetX() TVector GetXV() Float_t GetY() Float_t GetZ() virtual TClass* IsA() const void MovePivot(Float_t* pivot, Float_t bfield) Bool_t MovePivotToIP(JSFQuickSimParam* spar) virtual void Print() void SetGenID(Int_t igen) void SetPositionAtEMC(Float_t* pos) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Data Members

Int_t fCharge Apparent charge Int_t fGenID Corresponding generator track ID. ( 1 to n ) Int_t fNDF NDF ( 2* Number of measured CDC layer - 5 ) Int_t fNVTX ! Number of matched VTX hits. Float_t fP[3] Px, Py, Pz at cloest approach Float_t fE Particle energy assuming mass less particle. Float_t fX[3] x,y,z of cloest approach Float_t fHelix[5] Track Parameter, delta-r, phi, kappa, delta-z, tan-lambda Float_t fPivot[3] (x,y,z) of Pivot Float_t fPosAtEMC[3] ( r, th, phi) at EMC entrance. Float_t fEPosAtEMC[2] (dth,dphi) of EMC entrance position. Double_t fError[15] Helix's error matrix JSFVTXHit* fVTXHits[22] ! Pointer to linked VTX hits.

Class Description


  Utilities for CDC Tracks

 2-May-1999 A.Miyamoto  Bug in MovePivot is fixed.
 5-May-1999 A.Miyamoto  Add MovePivotToIP(...) and AddMSError(...)
 14-May-1999 A.Miyamoto Avoid negative costh in MovePivotToIP.
 17-May-1999 A.Miyamoto Put "delete helix" in MovePivotToIP to avoid memory leak
                      problem.  Thanks Hyunwoo Kim for pointed out the problem.
  1-Feb-2000 A.Miyamoto Increase limitter of #VTX hits in AddVTXHits from 10 to kMaxVTXAssoc.
                        and avoid invalid memory access when hits exceds kMaxVTXAssoc.

$Id: JSFCDCTrack.cxx,v 1.20 2003/02/14 07:53:52 miyamoto Exp $

JSFCDCTrack() : fNVTX(0)

JSFCDCTrack(Int_t itrkp[])
 Make a JSFCDCTrack class from a data from Production:CDC;Track_Parameter

JSFCDCTrack(Float_t trkf[], Double_t trkd[])
 Make a JSFCDCTrack class from a data from Production:CDC;Track_Parameter

 Make a JSFCDCTrack class from a data from Production:CDC;Track_Parameter


void AddVTXHit(JSFVTXHit *v)

void Print()

void GetErrorMatrix(Double_t trkd[])

void GetTrackParameter(Float_t trkf[])
 Get the Track parameter with the SIMDST format.

void GetPositionAtEMC(Float_t pos[3], Float_t poserr[2])
 Return position and its error at EMC surface.

void SetPositionAtEMC(Float_t xp[])
 Calculate position and its error of CDC Track at EMC entrance.
 and set it to the data member of the class.

void ExtrapolateErrorAtEMC(Float_t helix[], Float_t x[], Float_t dx[])
   Calculate Pivot's polar coordinate (theta, phi) and its error.
       Float_t helix[] ; helix parameter and error matrix
       Float_t x[0] ; radius of the pivot ( distance from the beam line)
               x[1] ; theta of pivot
               x[2] ; phi
       Float_t dx[0] ; delta-costh
               dx[1] ; delta-phi

void MovePivot(Float_t pivot[], Float_t bfield)
 Current helix parameter is expressed in terms of new pivot.

void AddMSError(Float_t xrad, Float_t deltakappa)
 Increase the error matrix to include the effect of
 the multiple scattering in the matterinal of radiation length xrad.

 deltakappa is subtracted from Kappa of helix parameter for
 energy loss correction

Bool_t MovePivotToIP(JSFQuickSimParam *spar)
 Move Pivot of Track parameter to IP
 This program assumes that pivot of the track parameter is at the
 first layer of VTX.  Procedure is
   (1) Include multiple-scattering effect in first layer of VTX,
   (2) Move pivot to beam pipe,
   (3) Include multiple-scatteing efect in the beam pipe.
   (4) Move pivot to IP.
 Geometry information is obtained from JSFQuickSimParam

void Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
 Stream an object of class JSFCDCTrack.

void Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
 Stream an object of class JSFCDCTrack.

Inline Functions

                    Int_t GetGenID()
                    Int_t GetNVTX()
               JSFVTXHit* GetVTXHit(Int_t i)
                     void SetGenID(Int_t igen)
                    Int_t GetCharge()
                    Int_t GetNDF()
                  Float_t GetPx()
                  Float_t GetPy()
                  Float_t GetPz()
                  Float_t GetP()
                  Float_t GetX()
                  Float_t GetY()
                  Float_t GetZ()
                  TVector GetPV()
                  TVector GetXV()
                     void GetHelix(Float_t* helix)
                     void GetPivot(Float_t* pivot)
                     void GetError(Double_t* err)
                     void GetPosAtEMC(Float_t* pos)
        JSFHelixParameter GetHelix()
          JSFHelicalTrack GetHelicalTrack()
                 JSF3DV_f GetPivot()
                  TClass* Class()
                  TClass* IsA() const
                     void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                     void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Last update: Tue Jan 20 15:55:01 2004

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