
class description - source file - inheritance tree

class JSFBases : public BasesSpring, public TNamed

JSFBases(const char* name = "JSFBases", const char* title = "JSFBases") JSFBases(const JSFBases&) virtual ~JSFBases() void Bases() void Bh_plot() void Bh_save() static TClass* Class() void CopyHists(TFile* f, TDirectory* dest = NULL) void DefineVariable(double& v, double low, double high, int wld, int grd) void DefineVariable(int ndim, int nwild, double* x_l, double* x_u, int* jg) void Dh_fill(int id, double x, double y, double fx) void Dh_init(int id, double x_low, double x_high, int Xbin, double y_low, double y_high, int Ybin, char* title) virtual void EndIntegration(Int_t step) Int_t Flag_bases() void Forder(float v, float& fv, float& order, int& iorder) virtual double Func(double* x) virtual double Func() virtual double func(double* x) virtual double func() Double_t GetError() Double_t GetEstimate() Int_t GetNoOfIterate() Double_t GetScalls() virtual JSFSpring* GetSpring() Double_t GetWeight() void H1Fill(Char_t* hn, Double_t x, Double_t fx) void H1Init(Char_t* hn, Char_t* title, Int_t nbin, Double_t xlow, Double_t xhigh) void H2Fill(Char_t* hn, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t fx) void H2Init(Char_t* hn, Char_t* title, Int_t nbinx, Double_t xlow, Double_t xhigh, Int_t nbiny, Double_t ylow, Double_t yhigh) virtual TClass* IsA() const void Param(int sample, double tune, int itr1, double ac1, int itr2, double ac2) void SetIteration1(double ac1, int itx1) void SetIteration2(double ac2, int itx2) void SetNoOfSample(int sample) virtual void SetSpring(JSFSpring* spring) void SetTuneValue(double tune) void Sh_plot() void Sh_reset() virtual void sh_reset() void Sh_update() virtual void sh_update() virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) void Sp_info() void Spring(int mxtry) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) virtual void Userin() void Xh_fill(int id, double x, double fx) void Xh_init(int id, double x_low, double x_high, int bin, char* title)

Data Members

JSFSpring* fSpring ! Bool_t fIsSpring ! kTRUE when Spring is called. THashTable* fBSHash1 ! Hash table for Bases TH1F histogram THashTable* fBSHash2 ! Hash table for Bases TH2F histogram THashTable* fSPHash1 ! Hash table for Spring TH1F histogram THashTable* fSPHash2 ! Hash table for Spring TH2F histogram THashTable* fTempHash1 ! THashTable* fTempHash2 !

Class Description


  JSF Interfaces to BASES/SPRING

  User's basis class should be derived from this class.
  Typical macro is,
       // An example of Bases.
       // Calculate cross section of e+e- --> gamma* --> f+f-
         TFile file("bases.root","RECREATE");  // Output file.
         bases = new LLbarBases();
         bases->SetEcm(300.0);            // Set ECM
         bases->SetParton(1, 2.0/3.0 );   // Set Parton

   8-Apr-1999 A.Miyamoto  forgetted Int_t is inserted in consit of
              function Streamer.
  17-May-1999 A.Miyamoto  Add Xhsave function.
  24-Jul-1999 A.Miyamoto  Environment variable, JSFBases.RandomSeed
              is added to set seed of random variable.
  11-Feb-2000 A.Miyamoto  Uses new C++ BasesSpring library
   3-Jul-2000 A.Miyamoto  Output 2D bases histogram in SPRING
                          In spring, allow multiple H1FILL call per functions.
$Id: JSFBases.cxx,v 1.13 2001/10/12 02:03:16 miyamoto Exp $

JSFBases(const char *name, const char *title) : BasesSpring(), TNamed(name,title)


void SetSpring(JSFSpring *spring)
 Set Address of spring module

void Param(int sample, double tune, int itr1, double ac1, int itr2, double ac2 )
*         ===================================================                *
* ( Function )                                                               *
*   To set the bases parameters.                                             *
* ( Output = Input )                                                         *
*   ncall  = sample  : the number of sampling points per iteration ( given ) *
*   itmx1  = itr1    : maximum number of iterations for grid opt. step       *
*   acc1   = ac1     : required accuracy for grid opt. step                  *
*   itmx2  = itr2    : maximum number of iterations for integration step     *
*   acc2   = ac2     : required accuracy for integration step                *
*   coded by S.kawabata June '99 at KEK                                      *

void SetNoOfSample( int sample )

void SetTuneValue ( double tune )

void SetIteration1( double ac1, int itx1 )

void SetIteration2( double ac2, int itx2 )

void DefineVariable( double &v, double low, double high, int wld, int grd )

void DefineVariable( int ndim, int nwild, double x_l[], double x_u[], int jg[] )

void Bases( )

void Spring( int mxtry )

void Sp_info( )

void Forder( float v, float &fv, float &order, int &iorder )

Double_t GetWeight( )

Double_t GetScalls( )

Int_t Flag_bases( )

Double_t GetEstimate( )

Double_t GetError( )

Int_t GetNoOfIterate( )

void H1Init(Char_t *hn, Char_t *title, Int_t nbin, Double_t xlow, Double_t xhigh)
 Create histogram object to save Bases and Spring result

void H1Fill(Char_t *hn, Double_t x, Double_t fx)
 Fill Histogram

void H2Init(Char_t *hn, Char_t *title, Int_t nbinx, Double_t xlow, Double_t xhigh, Int_t nbiny, Double_t ylow, Double_t yhigh)

void H2Fill(Char_t *hn, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t fx)

void EndIntegration( Int_t step )

void CopyHists(TFile *f, TDirectory *dest)
 Copy bases hists in f to the directory dest

void Xh_init( int id, double x_low, double x_high, int bin, char title[] )

void Dh_init( int id, double x_low, double x_high, int Xbin, double y_low, double y_high, int Ybin, char title[] )

void Bh_plot( )

void Xh_fill( int id, double x, double fx )

void Dh_fill( int id, double x, double y, double fx )

void Bh_save( )

void Sh_reset( )

void sh_reset( )

void Sh_update( )

void sh_update( )
 Fill saved histogram inforation

void Sh_plot( )

Double_t Func( double x[] )

Double_t Func( )

double func( double x[] )

double func()

void Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
 Stream an object of class JSFBases.

Inline Functions

         JSFSpring* GetSpring()
               void Userin()
            TClass* Class()
            TClass* IsA() const
               void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
               void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
           JSFBases JSFBases(const JSFBases&)

Last update: Tue Jan 20 15:54:08 2004

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