RE:rootcint function arg limit

Masaharu Goto (
Thu, 06 Aug 1998 19:55:00 +0900


Yes, you could increase the function argument limit by editing G__ci.h header
increasing G__MAXFUNCPARA macro and recompiling whole ROOT/CINT.

One problem here is that all of the shared libraries must be recompiled with
the new header. If this is OK for you, it works fine.

Masaharu Goto

When I run rootcint as follows:

rootcint -f FtoolsRootCint.cxx -c
-I/isdc/software/ftools/ftools_41/SunOS_5.5_sparc/include -I../dal/ FtoolsRoot

I get a message of:

Limitation: cint can not accept more than 40 function arguments FILE:FtoolsRoo
t.h LINE:2539

Ok, fair enough, but, could this limit be increased? I know, 40 sounds
like a good limit, but, believe it or not, I actually need a stunning
91 for what I'm trying to do. If not, this isn't a killer, but, it'd
be nice.


