> Dear rooters
> I tried to build root 2.00/10 under redhat4.2. Apart from warnings all
> went well (2 hours on a 486 so far..) until make executed the following
> command for rootcint, which then resulted in an error in the compile step...
> rootcint -f X11_G__X11.cxx -c G__TypeInfo.h TGX11.h X11_LinkDef.h
> sh: CC: command not found
> sh: CC: command not found
> sh: CC: command not found
> sh: CC: command not found
> sh: CC: command not found
> Error: No symbol Drawablemotif_window in current scope FILE:TGX11.h LINE:40
> Error: No symbol Drawabledrawing in current scope FILE:TGX11.h LINE:43
> Error: No symbol Drawablewindow in current scope FILE:TGX11.h LINE:44
> Error: No symbol Drawablebuffer in current scope FILE:TGX11.h LINE:45
> Error: No symbol Display in current scope FILE:TGX11.h LINE:60
> Error: No symbol fDisplay in current scope FILE:TGX11.h LINE:60
> Error: No symbol ColormapfColormap in current scope FILE:TGX11.h LINE:62
> Error: No symbol CursorfCursors[kNumCursors] in current scope FILE:TGX11.h
> LINE:66
> Note: operator new() masked 1c
> Note: operator delete() masked 1c
> g++ -Wall -fPIC -I/include -c X11_G__X11.cxx
> X11_G__X11.cxx: In function int G__TGX11_OpenDisplay_4_4(struct G__value *,
> char *, struct G__param *, int)':
> X11_G__X11.cxx:195: no matching function for call to TGX11::OpenDisplay ()'
> TGX11.h:185: candidates are: TGX11::OpenDisplay(const char *)
> TGX11.h:127: TGX11::OpenDisplay(_XDisplay *)
> Any idea what could been wrong?
No, but that's exactly the same problem I get if compiling on an S.u.S.E.-Linux
5.2 system
(german version). Like RedHat 4.2, S.u.S.E. 5.2 is a libc5-based distribution.
II. Physikalisches Institut, Univerität Göttingen