Re: ATLFast root file

Rene Brun (
Wed, 01 Jul 1998 15:08:37 +0200

Wei Xie wrote:
> Dear ROOTers'
> I want only to see how "ATLFDisplay" works. We have no "Pythia"
> locally and can not generate event with it, but I finally get the lib
> files:
> I load these two file into ROOT, and type:
> ** test = new ATLFDisplay("test");
> ROOT immediately gives the following errors messages:
> -- *** Break *** segmentation violation
> -- ( 0) 0xc134eb10 StackTrace__11TUnixSystemFv + 0x28
> -- [/data7/dst/ROOT/root/lib/]
> -- ( 1) 0xc134d508 DispatchSignals__11TUnixSystemF8ESignals + 0x150
> -- [/data7/dst/ROOT/root/lib/]
> -- ...................
> Could you help me to generate an ROOT event file, so that I can
> directly run "display.C" to see how it works ?

As explained in the ATLFast documentation, the event display class
requires the main object ATLFast to be created before.
I have stored a Root file generated with 100 Pythia events
on the Root Web site at
You can dowload this file and run the following macro (also
in the Atlfast distribution kit) display.C

void display(char *filename="atlfast.root")


// Open the root input file
TFile *file = new TFile(filename);
ATLFast *atlfast = (ATLFast*)file.Get("atlfast");

ATLFDisplay *disp = new ATLFDisplay("ATLFast/ROOT event display");

Rene Brun