I want only to see how "ATLFDisplay" works. We have no "Pythia"
locally and can not generate event with it, but I finally get the lib
libAtlfast.so libAtlfastg.so
I load these two file into ROOT, and type:
** test = new ATLFDisplay("test");
ROOT immediately gives the following errors messages:
-- *** Break *** segmentation violation
-- ( 0) 0xc134eb10 StackTrace__11TUnixSystemFv + 0x28
-- [/data7/dst/ROOT/root/lib/libUnix.sl]
-- ( 1) 0xc134d508 DispatchSignals__11TUnixSystemF8ESignals + 0x150
-- [/data7/dst/ROOT/root/lib/libUnix.sl]
-- ...................
Could you help me to generate an ROOT event file, so that I can
directly run "display.C" to see how it works ?