Re: Drawing complete inheritance tree

Rene Brun (
Thu, 04 Jun 1998 16:34:05 +0200

Damir Buskulic wrote:
> How do you draw the complete inheritance tree, I mean the one that is
> shown in The ROOT Class Categories section. I know how to obtain the
> standard one for one class, but I would like to see a sketch of the
> structure of all my classes.

I used a simple tool 3 years ago to draw the inheritance tree
of the existing Root classes at the time. This tool does not work
anymore as a general tool. This is the reason why several inheritance
trees are obsolete.
I am intending to implement a standard Root utility to draw this tree
with the nice format already used my Microsoft(yes) to show
their MFCs. This format is more compact and useful than the direct
graphics tree.
If somebody is volunteer for this job, let me know.

Rene Brun