I am building a class to use in ROOT. I want to use a TClonesArray
to store an array of my subclass.
>From reading the documentation, i see that the TClonesArray::AddAt
is the method i want to use to add elements.
fTracks->AddAt((TObject *)track,i);
where fTracks is a TClonesArray* .
When i use it, i get the run-time message:
Warning in <TClonesArray::AddAt>: may not use this method
I then decided that TClonesArray::AddLast would suit my needs, but
i get a similar run-time error.
Similarly for AddAfter & AddFirst.
In the end, i do it like the Event / Track example, using the
TClonesArray &tracks = *fTracks;
new(tracks[fNtrack++]) Track(random);
which works. Is this a bug or am i misunderstanding the documentation?
I am using Linux version 1.03/06.
Thank you very much.
Steve Eichblatt