At the NA49 GSI group we have an open position for a postdoc working in
data analysis for NA49 directly with the ROOT development team of Rene and
Fons, and also contribute to the planning for the ALICE experiment.
We will be developing large PC-Linux clusters in close collaboration with
HP and have a very broad Physics program with the analysis of millions of
Lead-Lead collisions with over 1,200 reconstructed tracks per event.
Data of p+p and p+nucleus taken with the same large acceptance detector
are also available.
At GSI we also have 2 other open postoc position in the new HADES
experiment for the development of Analysis and Simulation software based
on ROOT.
Please if you are interested or know somebody that might contact me or
directly Peter Braun-Munzinger at GSI.
Andres Sandoval
Here are the announcements:
Within its CERN-based Ultra-relativistic Heavy Ion Program GSI has
available as of Feb. 1998
a Postdoctoral Position
for a
Physicist with a PhD in Nuclear or Particle Physics.
We search for an individual who will take an active part in the running
of experiment NA49 and in the associated physics analysis as well as in
the planning for the ALICE experiment at the LHC.
NA49 is a Large Acceptance Hadron Detector for an Investigation of
Pb-induced Reactions at the CERN SPS. The GSI based analysis group
focusses mostly on the determination of baryonic resonance rates as well
as on event-by-event analysis of Pb+Pb collisions. The GSI group also
takes an active role in detector prototype development as well as
physics simulations for the central detector of ALICE. Some experience with
object-oriented programming techniques would be helpful.
The position is within the KP I research division at GSI and is
limited to a period of three years. Salary and fringe benefits will be
according to the German BAT, index IIa. Please direct all inquiries to:
Peter Braun-Munzinger, Internet:
GSI, Planckstr. 1 Tel.: 49-6159-712760/2761
D64220 Darmstadt Fax: 49-6159-712989
Within the HADES project GSI has available as of March 1998
Two Postdoctoral Positions
Physicists with a PhD in Nuclear or Particle Physics.
Main activities will be the development of the Analysis- and Simulation
Software as well as the development and installation of tracking
The HADES spectrometer is presently being constructed at GSI within a
large European collaboration for the investigation of dilepton pair
emission in relativistic heavy ion collisions. Experiments will start
late in 1998. GSI has taken over responsibility for the software
development as well as for the setup and coordination of the magnet and
detectors. Electron identification is achieved using RICH and tracking
detectors. Analysis programs are being written in C++ in a UNIX
environment utilizing ROOT and GEANT as analysis and simulation
packages. A computer network based on DEC/ALPHA, LINUX and IBM/AIX
workstations is available.
The positions are within the KP I research division at GSI and are
limited to a period of three years. Salary and fringe benefits will be
according to the German BAT, index IIa. Please direct all inquiries to:
Peter Braun-Munzinger, Internet:
GSI, Planckstr. 1 Tel.: 49-6159-712760/2761
D64220 Darmstadt Fax: 49-6159-712989