> Hi ROOTers,
> I want to draw the labels of the axis always in the same size in pixels units
> independent of the size of the pad.
> My idea to do this is to get notified from ROOT every time the pad is resized.
> Now I could recalculate the size of the labels if the function TPad::YtoPixel()
> already calculates with the new size of the pad.
> Is there a virtual function of TPad that I can use to recalculate the size of
> the labels?
> And is the new size of the pad already set while this function is called from
> I assume ExecuteEvent is only called at a mouse event but not at a resize
> event.
You can use a combination of the following TPad functions:
GetWh(); returns canvas size in pixels
GetAbsHNDC(); returns relative size (in Y) of this pad in canvas
==> size of pad in pixels = pad->GetWh()*pad->GetAbsHNDC()
Now, text sizes are always expressed as a fraction of the pad size.
If you want your text size to be (say 18 pixels in Y),
float textsize = 18/(pad->GetWh()*pad->GetAbsHNDC());
To set the Y axis label sizes, you can do;
TAxis *yaxis = hist->GetYaxis();
Currently, no user functions can be called when a pad is resized.
I remember discussing this possibility some time ago !!
Rene Brun