> Using ROOT 1.03/07 on AIX.
> I've a program which makes trees. The principle is to analyse runs, e.g.
> I'm making a loop over runs.
> When I'm just analyzing, everything is OK (no memory leak is apparent).
> But when I'm adding the tree->Fill() (split mode on), I see that the
> number
> of instances of the TList class grows up (approximatly one more TList
> for each event treated).
> I've to analyze runs of 400.000 events, by packets of 20 runs. Thus I
> reach a "storage exhausted in new" error...
> Is this growing of TList's instance normal or not ?
> Shall I join my header files ?
Well, I suppose you create a TList object somewhere in your classes.
Send me (not to this list) a short copy of your classes.
Rene Brun