it is forbidden to derive interpreted classes from TObject...
Gordon Watts (Brown University) writes:
> Hi,
> The below file is called "bummer.cpp" I use ".L bummer.cpp" to load it
> into CINT in Root (1.03/05, Windows NT), and then do:
> junk stuff;
> stuff.Dump();
> And I access violate (i.e. root crashes). Am I doing something stupid, or
> is this a bug? I was doing this chasing down a second problem.... I notice
> that for some of my objects the Dump prints garbage for array members... is
> this a known problem?
> CHeeers,
> Gordo.
> {
> class junk : public TObject {
> public:
> float _position[3];
> float _temp;
> int _temp_i;
> float _met[2];
> junk (void)
> { _position[0] = 0; _position[1] = 0; _position[2] = 0;
> _temp = 0; _temp_i = 0; _met[0] = 0; _met[1] = 0;};
> };
> }