> A future version of the browser will include the possibility to
> browse your file system (current directory) and automatically
> connect a Root file. Note also that the WindowsNT version does not
> include all the features of the Unix version.
The current directory of the file system is visible via Browser
as well just under the ROOT topmost folder on the right side of the
Browser window (List view).
Sometime to re-generate it one needs to click twice on the topmost
"ROOT" folder (left "Tree view" window), namely to collapse and
explore it again.
Dr. Valeri Faine (Valery Fine)
------------ ------------- Phone: +41 22 767 4921
CERN FAX : +41 22 767 7155
CH-1211 Geneva, 23 mailto:fine@mail.cern.ch
Switzerland http://nicewww.cern.ch/~fine