To set the size of the Postscript page do
The Nx,Ny mechanism in the PostScript class is currently
not operational. One of the many things still to be implemented.
> The behaviour I imagined is an independent style for screen and paper
> output. The paper output should by default scale objects automatically to
> fit in the raster. It should use black on white (I can stand greyish
> backgrounds on the screen but not on paper output -- a matter of taste
> after all) and it should print some headers and footers with pagenumbers.
> All features customizable of course :-)
> I think since one works rather differently with screen and paper output
> and layout styles are (much) different there should be a different default
> behaviour.
Agreed. Currently we support gStyle->SetFillColor(0) for the screen only.
The same option should be activated for Postscript output.
Rene Brun