I have some questions (and perhaps enhancement requests) concerning
production of postscript output.
I want to have several histograms on a postscript page that I do not want
to have in one canvas on the screen. I thought the Nx Ny divisions in
TPostScipt would do the resizing and placing automatically but all
histograms come out at full paper width. How can I set the size of a
histogram (canvas) for postscript output? (except using the mouse on the
The behaviour I imagined is an independent style for screen and paper
output. The paper output should by default scale objects automatically to
fit in the raster. It should use black on white (I can stand greyish
backgrounds on the screen but not on paper output -- a matter of taste
after all) and it should print some headers and footers with pagenumbers.
All features customizable of course :-)
I think since one works rather differently with screen and paper output
and layout styles are (much) different there should be a different default