Re: Status Box
Rene Brun (
Thu, 03 Jul 1997 12:12:30 +0200 wrote:
> Thanks for the information. But how can I set the option in a C++ program which is linked with the
> root library?
> For example:
> Canvas1 = new TCanvas("Vertex Fitting", "Vertex Fitting",200,10,700,840);
> Pad1 = new TPad("MainPad1","The first Pad " ,0. ,0.40,0.50 ,0.80 ,CanvasColor);
> Pad1->cd();
> sampleHist->Draw();
> I could not find any inheritance of TStyle in TCanvas or TPad or TH1F...
TStyle is an independant class managing graphics styles.
gStyle is a pointer to the default style.
In a C++ program, you can do:
Canvas1 = new TCanvas("Canvas1", "Vertex Fitting",200,10,700,840);
Rene Brun