Re: Status Box
Thu, 03 Jul 97 11:49:54 +0200
>> Hello,
>> I have again a very simple question. How can I draw a histogram without the
>> status information about number of entries, mean,....
>> How can I select the information I want to print there?
>> The second part of my question is how can I print the Fit Results in such a
>> status box?
>> It seems that is has something to do with TStyle, but I don't know how to access
>> it.
>You can enable/disable the statistics box or fit in a canvas
>by activating/deactivating the corresponding option in the canvas
>"Option" menu.
>.You can also set the equivalent mode via
> gStyle->SetOptStat(int mode)
> gStyle->SetOptFit(int mode)
>In version 1.01/07 coming this week, I have added additional options.
>- The type of information printed in the histogram statistics box
> can be selected via gStyle->SetOptStat(mode).
> The parameter mode can be = nemruo (default = 111100)
> n = 1; name of histogram is printed
> e = 1; number of entries printed
> m = 1; mean value printed
> r = 1; rms printed
> u = 1; number of underflows printed
> o = 1; number of overflows printed
> Example: gStyle->SetOptStat(11);
> print only name of histogram and number of entries.
>Rene Brun
Thanks for the information. But how can I set the option in a C++ program which is linked with the
root library?
For example:
Canvas1 = new TCanvas("Vertex Fitting", "Vertex Fitting",200,10,700,840);
Pad1 = new TPad("MainPad1","The first Pad " ,0. ,0.40,0.50 ,0.80 ,CanvasColor);
I could not find any inheritance of TStyle in TCanvas or TPad or TH1F...
Cheers Basil