No. I'm sorry I've been unable to look at it. I downloaded but
my computer doesn't have Winzip. I tried gzip but didn't take it. Will
you send it by e-mail if it is not too big?
I'm extremely busy upto July4 and unable to spend sufficient time.
This situation didn't happen normally, but...
On the other hand, I fixed a few pointer to pointer related bugs
and hoping these fixes will help.
Masaharu Goto
> Dear Masa,
> Did you already get some insight in the reason why my calorimeter
> reconstruction macro did not work under ROOT/CINT 1.01/06 whereas
> it worked fine under g++ ?
> Would be nice to have the problem fixed soon, since for the moment
> I am stuck in trying my cluster algorithm out on real data (which
> obviously is in ROOT tree format).
> Cheers,
> Nick.
> *----------------------------------------------------------------------*
> Dr. Nick van Eijndhoven Department of Subatomic Physics
> email : Utrecht University / NIKHEF
> tel. +31-30-2532331 (direct) P.O. Box 80.000
> tel. +31-30-2531492 (secr.) NL-3508 TA Utrecht
> fax. +31-30-2518689 The Netherlands
> WWW : Office : Ornstein lab. 172
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> tel. +41-22-7679751 (direct) CERN PPE Division / ALICE exp.
> tel. +41-22-7675857 (secr.) CH-1211 Geneva 23
> fax. +41-22-7679480 Switzerland
> CERN beep : 13+7294 Office : B 160 1-012
> *----------------------------------------------------------------------*