* Draw variable A versus B with a weight W under the condition that C>D
In PAW I can do this by :
nt/plot 999.A%B W*(C.gt.D)
and in ROOT I tried :
Root> TChain q("h999")
Root> q.Add("test.root")
Root> q.Draw("A:B","W*(C>D)")
but when I inspected the produced 2-dim histo in Lego layout all
heights were at 0.
Question : How to achieve this in ROOT ?
Dr. Nick van Eijndhoven Department of Subatomic Physics
email : nick@fys.ruu.nl Utrecht University / NIKHEF
tel. +31-30-2532331 (direct) P.O. Box 80.000
tel. +31-30-2531492 (secr.) NL-3508 TA Utrecht
fax. +31-30-2518689 The Netherlands
WWW : http://www.fys.ruu.nl/~nick Office : Ornstein lab. 172
tel. +41-22-7679751 (direct) CERN PPE Division / ALICE exp.
tel. +41-22-7675857 (secr.) CH-1211 Geneva 23
fax. +41-22-7679480 Switzerland
CERN beep : 13+7294 Office : B 160 1-012