brannon@surf ~/rs/VisionMagick/terry : cat LinkDef.h
#ifdef __CINT__
#pragma link off all globals;
#pragma link off all classes;
#pragma link off all functions;
brannon@surf ~/rs/VisionMagick/terry : ls -l paramVec.h
-rw-r--r-- 1 528 dip 3645 Jun 12 15:27 paramVec.h
brannon@surf ~/rs/VisionMagick/terry : rm mydict.C
brannon@surf ~/rs/VisionMagick/terry : rootcint mydict.C -c +P -I/usr/include/g++ -I`pwd` LinkDef.h
Error: source file "-I/usr/include/g++" cannot open FILE: LINE:0
brannon@surf ~/rs/VisionMagick/terry : rm mydict.C
brannon@surf ~/rs/VisionMagick/terry : rootcint mydict.C -c -I/usr/include/g++ -I`pwd` +P LinkDef.h
Error: source file "-I/oscar/public/root/include" cannot open FILE: LINE:0
brannon@surf ~/rs/VisionMagick/terry : rootcint mydict.C -c +P /usr/include/g++/builtin.h -I./param.defs.h LinkDef.h
Output file mydict.C already exists
brannon@surf ~/rs/VisionMagick/terry : rm mydict.C
brannon@surf ~/rs/VisionMagick/terry : rootcint mydict.C -c +P /usr/include/g++/builtin.h -I./param.defs.h LinkDef.h
Error: source file "-I/oscar/public/root/include" cannot open FILE: LINE:0
brannon@surf ~/rs/VisionMagick/terry :
================================================================= paramVec.h
// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
written by Doug Lea (
This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#ifndef _paramVec_h
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma interface
#define _paramVec_h 1
#include <builtin.h>
#include "param.defs.h"
#ifndef _param_typedefs
#define _param_typedefs 1
typedef void (*paramProcedure)(param&);
typedef param (*paramMapper)(param&);
typedef param (*paramCombiner)(param&, param&);
typedef int (*paramPredicate)(param&);
typedef int (*paramComparator)(param&, param&);
class paramVec
int len;
param *s;
paramVec(int l, param* d);
paramVec ();
paramVec (int l);
paramVec (int l, param& fill_value);
paramVec (const paramVec&);
~paramVec ();
paramVec & operator = (const paramVec & a);
paramVec at(int from = 0, int n = -1);
int capacity() const;
void resize(int newlen);
param& operator [] (int n);
param& elem(int n);
friend paramVec concat(paramVec & a, paramVec & b);
friend paramVec map(paramMapper f, paramVec & a);
friend paramVec merge(paramVec & a, paramVec & b, paramComparator f);
friend paramVec combine(paramCombiner f, paramVec & a, paramVec & b);
friend paramVec reverse(paramVec & a);
void reverse();
void sort(paramComparator f);
void fill(param& val, int from = 0, int n = -1);
void apply(paramProcedure f);
param reduce(paramCombiner f, param& base);
int index(param& targ);
friend int operator == (paramVec& a, paramVec& b);
friend int operator != (paramVec& a, paramVec& b);
void error(const char* msg);
void range_error();
extern void default_paramVec_error_handler(const char*);
extern one_arg_error_handler_t paramVec_error_handler;
extern one_arg_error_handler_t
set_paramVec_error_handler(one_arg_error_handler_t f);
inline paramVec::paramVec()
len = 0; s = 0;
inline paramVec::paramVec(int l)
s = new param [len = l];
inline paramVec::paramVec(int l, param* d) :len(l), s(d) {}
inline paramVec::~paramVec()
delete [] s;
inline param& paramVec::operator [] (int n)
if ((unsigned)n >= (unsigned)len)
return s[n];
inline param& paramVec::elem(int n)
return s[n];
inline int paramVec::capacity() const
return len;
inline int operator != (paramVec& a, paramVec& b)
return !(a == b);
-- Terrence Brannon * **** This message was produced with 100% recycled electrons! ***