For documentation of CINT C++ interpreter, download cint5.13.11.tar.gz
from and unpack the package. There
you find doc/man1~3 directory.
doc/man1/cint.1 : explains about -p , +P,-P options
doc/man2/syntax.2 : explains limitation of CINT
doc/man1/makecint.1 : explains embedding C/C++ program into CINT
CINT is a general purpose C++ interpreter + interpreter compiler which
works on almost all computer platforms with any C/C++ compiler. It can
embed arbitrary C/C++ programs as precompiled library. ROOT is an
example of embedded C++ application. There are other applications, for
example WildC++ (Tcl/Tk+CINT),etc... So, most of the part ROOT has
same usability as CINT. There are some differences because ROOT
team made modification on CINT. That should be explained in ROOT
Masaharu Goto
> For some reason, the existent and user+group+world-executable cpp
> program on my Linux box will not be run by rootcint. Also, rootcint -?
> doesnt explain what -p or +P does. Therefore, where are these options
> explained?
> ===== using -p
> When using +P, it appears that instead of specifying the directory in which the
> include files exist, I must specify the directory and the include file
> itself. Ie,
> rootcint MyDict.C -c +P -I/usr/include/g++/builtin.h -I/felix/brannon/rs/VisionMagick/terry/String.Defs.h String.Vec.h LinkDef.h
> This doesn't appear to be the case with -p.
> However, the class still is not accepted:
> brannon@palm ~/rs/VisionMagick/terry : rm MyDict.?
> brannon@palm ~/rs/VisionMagick/terry : rootcint MyDict.C -c -p -I/usr/include/g++ -I/felix/brannon/rs/VisionMagick/terry paramVec.h LinkDef.h
> gcc: installation problem, cannot exec `/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/': No such file or directory
> gcc: installation problem, cannot exec `/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/': No such file or directory
> gcc: installation problem, cannot exec `/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/': No such file or directory
> gcc: installation problem, cannot exec `/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/': No such file or directory
> Note: operator new() masked c
> Note: operator delete() masked c
> brannon@palm ~/rs/VisionMagick/terry : ls -l /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 75996 May 9 13:07 /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/
> brannon@palm ~/rs/VisionMagick/terry : file /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/
> /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/ ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1, stripped
> brannon@palm ~/rs/VisionMagick/terry :