> > > What is meant by 'all objects' in this case?
> Correct me, if I'm wrong. It typically means 'all objects that have a
> name' ( and a title ), that means all objects derived from TNamed.
That is true in theory but (as I finally found out) not all objects
derived from TNamed are initialized with a name! TText for example has no
constructor with a name option but you can use the SetName/SetObject
method and this works!
> I have met this problem, too ( my private opinion follows ).
> All root related objects could be divided into two groups. One group
> containing all NAMED objects and the other one containing ANONYMOUS
> objects ( that is NOT derived from TNamed ). Unfortunately ( and that's my
> private opinion ) quite a lot of important classes, existing in root
> framework, appear ONLY in the ANONYMOUS group. I would like to propose,
> that ALL classes ( o.k. almost all ) exist in two "versions" one without
Why two versions? Why would you want an object without a name (if you can
leave it empty)?
> and one with name/title ( the problem here is, that only NAMED objects
> can be "found" by root when scanning subdirectories, for example ). Why ?
> I would also like to propose another extension. It would be nice if root
> files could keep ascii files ( also compressed ), for example with c++
> macros used to analyze/display other objects in the same root file ( or
> maybe with some calibration parameters ).
That's a nice idea! The interpreter makes it possible to have 'real'
persistent objects with code, not only data. Sounds like the old days of
lisp and smaltalk interpreters :-)