your problem is a platform-dependent one: your example works fine
on SGI IRIX 5.3 with GCC-compiled ROOT. So you need to tell
authors which platform you are working on.
Otto Schaile writes:
> Hello roots,
> I have the following macro:
> ------------------
> class TH1F;
> class XX {
> private:
> TH1F *h1;
> public:
> XX();
> void Drawhist();
> };
> XX::XX(){
> h1 = new TH1F("xxx","tit",10,0.,10.);
> for (int i=0; i < 10 ; i++){
> h1->Fill(i,i);
> }
> }
> XX::Drawhist(){
> h1->Draw();
> }
> ---------------------
> running root (CINT) I get:
> root [0] .L xx.C
> root [1] XX *x=new XX()
> root [2] x.Drawhist()
> Warning in <MakeDefCanvas>: creating a default canvas with name c1
> root [3] .U xx.C
> root [4] .reset
> root [5] .L xx.C
> root [6] XX *y=new XX()
> *** Break *** segmentation violation
> ---------------------
> Before ".U xx.C" I close the Canvas from its popup menu.
> What is wrong with this macro/commands?
> Cheers,
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Otto Schaile Sektion Physik der LMU Muenchen
> Phone: (+49 89)289 14070 Am Coulombwall 1, D-85748 Garching, Germany
> FAX: (+49 89)289 14072 EMail: Otto.Schaile@Physik.Uni-Muenchen.DE