TGenerator & TVenus
Piotr Golonka (
Wed, 16 Apr 1997 13:46:09 +0200 (MET DST)
I'm using ROOT on Linux platform and recently downloaded v1.0beta.
As I needed an interface for ROOT to an event generator I was very
happy to discover TGenerator/TVenus. Unfortunately - only sources...
It seems that they aren't compiled and linked in Linux distribution.
I tried to make it working by myself , but the only effect was
a >6Megs file which still didn't provide me TVenus,TGenerator,...
after executing gSystem->Load("").
The other problem is I have no idea where could I download VENUS
(f77 source or compiled version for LINUX) from...
If anyone succeeded in linking it together - please, let me know...
Piotr Golonka
WFiTJ AGH Krakow