Valery Fine writes:
> > The serious: I would like to be able just to click to any of the
> > histogram texts (title, ...) and to change it. Also, to click to the
> > axis numbers and change their style.
> Well. All things on can see via "Canvas/Pad" are OBJECTS and one
> can discovered its properties with a "right" mouse botton.
Yes, this I also dicovered. But I didn't find anything like "Edit
text" there. The only I found is "add text" which adds more text and
"Set name" which does something completely different (it makes a new
object with a new name).
> I'd like to mention that PopUp property menu is generated "by automatic" from
> ANY *.h file supplied to ROOT . This means just one wrote his/her own
> C++ class and did define his class interface via the include file
> (as usually) ROOT will build the PopUp property menu for his/her
> class as well.
This is really nice, because it makes programming of real applications
much easier. So, if I understood you right, there is simply no methd
in the TPaveText classes to change a text?
One problem I see with this is: The class interface reflect the
prgrammers view to the objects, while the menus should reflect the
users point of view, which may lead to confusion (I e.g. dont
understand why "Set name" creates a new object).
> ROOT can communicate another ROOT and transfer any object across
> network for that. And event with your current version you can
> transfer via FTP (or with Web) any ROOT file to another computer and
> use the local ROOT to display it.
Yes, but this needs a local root installation which is probably not
the case at a random computer. A www browers is installed anywhere one
has network access.
> > all this OLE (for Win95) or similar compatible - then
> > one can write his paper with a text program, and just double-click
> > to the histogram to change the style, or the histogram ...
> The only problem some one has to make it (as you mentioned)
Yes, I know it. I was asking only if there is the *possibility* to do
it. I like the Root idea very much.
Thanks, Tschuessi