My mail again concerns the size of Postscript files. If the constructor
does set the initial size, and the Range function doesn't touches this
size afterwords, then one could (as a work around) just build an
additional constructor for the Postscript file, which takes the size as
an arguement.
I looked on the root-homepage but I couldn't find the sourcecode for the
the whole root class library (LINUX version). I mean, there are the
include files but not the source files for the libraries. Where - if
possible - do I get the whole - not precompiled - source code ? Or did I
overlook something ?
I would like to do the compiling (adding the constructor) on my own,
cause I like PS-files which don't have to be resized when used in papers
or similar things.
any help (or pointers to the right location) is appreciated.