He is right. We tried the same.
No matter what x/y arguments are given in
TPostScript mps("fff.ps");
the PS picture has always the same size.
In the TPostScript::Range source one can find
if( fType != -113) { xps = fXsize; yps = fYsize; }
else { xps = xsize; yps = ysize; }
Thus only in the case fType = -113 (EPS) the scaling
shouldn't be allowed (correctly).
But even if the fType is set explicitely to e.g.
TPostScript mps("fff.ps", -111);
the effect is just the same.
I think the reason is that the
28 20 t .25 .25 scale gsave
is written into the postscript file in the moment when using
the constructor - and remains unchanged by the Range() call.
| dr. jens soeren lange |
| Technical University, Inst. f. Kern- und Teilchenphysik, D-01062 Dresden |
| soeren.lange@physik.tu-dresden.de Phone +49-351-463-3161 |
| http://pktw09.phy.tu-dresden.de/~soeren Fax +49-351-463-7292 |