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K.Yokoya derived a theoretical expression of wakefield induced by the
collimators, which shall be compared to a measurement.
The emittance growth due to the wakefield is expressed by,
| ![\begin{displaymath}
\Delta \varepsilon_y = ( {\Delta y^2 \over{\beta_y}} ) \cdot...
...2}} + {L
+ 0.69 {\theta \over{a \sigma_z}}\biggr]\end{displaymath}](img12.gif) |
(3) |
is the resistive
depth of material of the collimator, and
is the conductivity, and N,
are the intensity/bunch, (vertical)
invariant emittance, vertical beam size, bunch length of the beam,
respectively. re is the electron classical radius. The geometrical
parameters of the collimator are displayed in Fig.3.
Figure 3:
Geometry of a collimator.
There is the optimal angle (
) minimizing the
, that is,
. With this angle and
instead of
, the
| ![\begin{displaymath}
\Delta = 1.77 N r_e {\beta_y \over{\gamma}}
\biggl[ \sqrt{\l...
+ \sqrt{2} {\theta_{opt} \over{a \sigma_z}} \biggr]\end{displaymath}](img22.gif) |
(4) |
is the Lorentz factor, Ebeam /me.
The emittance growth should be less than 1% so that the total growth due to 6
collimators is less than 6%. Assuming that the surface of the collimator is
plated by copper, the aperture (a) of the collimator must be 250
m corresponding to 70.4 (56.9)
with the length of 20
(10)cm, N = 1010/bunch
m and
=400m at
Ebeam=750GeV, where the optimal angle (
) is 1.05o
(1.17o) .
Next: muon background
Up: Collimation
Previous: material
Toshiaki Tauchi