Figure 6:
Radial distribution of scattered particles at z=+1m.
The solid circles are those of the nominal beam condition; the dotted,
dashed and solid lines are those of =2
respectively, where the other beam parameters are the same as those of
the nominal beam. The distributions are normalized by the total number
of particles of E>100MeV.
The maximum radius () seen in Fig.5(a)
corresponds to the maximum deflection angle, since most of the
particles obtain transverse momenta mainly due to deflection.
Therefore, from a measurement of
we can obtain information
(see Eq.14). A simulation has
confirmed that
depends mainly on
, at least for
, as shown in Fig.6, where
can be defined as the shoulder;
=7.1 and 6.1cm for
the nominal and the case of twice wider
, respectively.
Small tails due to scattering with large inherent angles are also
observed beyond the shoulders. The ratio
is found to be 0.86, which should be
compared with 0.88 estimated by Eq.14. In order to
from the observed
we have to know the
beam intensity (N); it can be accurately measured by using monitors
in the accelerators. We therefore expect a very good on-line
measurement of