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class DebugGenerator : public JSFGenerator

DebugGenerator(const char* name = "DebugGenerator", const char* title = "Debug Generator") DebugGenerator(const DebugGenerator&) virtual ~DebugGenerator() void AddSpecies(Int_t ID, Double_t charge, Double_t mass) virtual Bool_t BeginRun(Int_t nrun) static TClass* Class() virtual Bool_t EndRun() Double_t* GetAzimuthAngle() Double_t* GetCosth() virtual Bool_t GetLastRunInfo() Int_t GetNgen() Double_t* GetP() Double_t* GetVTXPhi() Double_t* GetVTXR() Double_t* GetVTXZ() virtual void Hcreate() virtual void Hfill() virtual Bool_t Initialize() virtual TClass* IsA() const void Print() void PrintParam() virtual Bool_t Process(Int_t event) void SetAzimuthAngle(Double_t min, Double_t max) void SetCosth(Double_t min, Double_t max) void SetNgen(Int_t n) void SetP(Double_t min, Double_t max) void SetSpecies(Int_t ID, Double_t charge, Double_t mass) void SetVTXPhi(Double_t min, Double_t max) void SetVTXR(Double_t min, Double_t max) void SetVTXZ(Double_t min, Double_t max) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Data Members

Int_t fSpec ! Species counter Int_t fRandomSeed random seed. Int_t fNgen Number of particles to generate. Double_t fP[2] momentum min. and max. (GeV) Double_t fCosth[2] Costh min and max (-1 to 1 ) Double_t fAzimA[2] Azimuthal angle min and max. (degree) Double_t fR[2] souce point rmin and rmax (cm) Double_t fPhi[2] source point phi-min and phi max (degree) Double_t fZ[2] source point zmin and z max. (cm); Int_t fNspecies Number of particle species ( <= 10 ) Int_t fID[10] particle ID Double_t fMasses[10] masses. Double_t fCharges[10] charges

Class Description

 DebugGenerator class

 Generate particles for debugging.  Event type can be specified by
 parameters in jsf.conf file.
 Valid parameters and default values are
   DebugGenerator.RandomSeed:  12345    # Start random seed.
   DebugGenerator.Nparticles:      4    # Number of particles per event.
   DebugGenerator.RangeP:  0.1  10.0    # Minimum and maximum momentum of
                                        # particle
   DebugGenerator.RangeCosth: -1.0 1.0  # Minimu and maximum of Costh
                                        # ( cosine of production angle.)
   DebugGenerator.RangeAzimuth: 0.0 360.0 # Minumum and maximum of
                                        # particles azimuthal angle in degree.
   DebugGenerator.RangeVTXR: 0.0 0.0  # min. and max. of radius of particle's
                                      # production point.
   DebugGenerator.RangeVTXPhi: 0.0 360.0 # min. and max. of azimuthal angle
                                      # of particle's production point.
   DebugGenerator.RangeVTXZ:  0.0 0.0 # min. and max of Z coordinate of
                                      # particles production point.
   DebugGenerator.Nspecies:  1  # Number of species of particles.
   DebugGenerator.Species[n]: 22, 0.0, 0.0  # Particle ID, mass, and charge
                                            # of [n]-th particle species.
                                            # [n] is positive integer.
   DebugGenerator.DoHistogram: YES     # Histogram generated event information.
   Several kind of particles can be produced in a single event, by
   setting Nspecies and Species[n] properly.
   "Species[n]" means Species1, Species2, ...


DebugGenerator(const char *name, const char *title) : JSFGenerator(name,title)


Bool_t Initialize()

void Hcreate()
 Create Histogram for Debug generator

void Hfill()

Bool_t BeginRun(Int_t nrun)

Bool_t EndRun()
 Save random seed

Bool_t GetLastRunInfo()

Bool_t Process(Int_t ievt)

void Print()

void AddSpecies(Int_t ID, Double_t charge, Double_t mass)
  Add particle species to the lists

void PrintParam()
  Print parameters

void Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
 Stream an object of class DebugGenerator.

void Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
 Stream an object of class DebugGenerator.

Inline Functions

                  void SetNgen(Int_t n)
                  void SetP(Double_t min, Double_t max)
                  void SetCosth(Double_t min, Double_t max)
                  void SetAzimuthAngle(Double_t min, Double_t max)
                  void SetVTXR(Double_t min, Double_t max)
                  void SetVTXPhi(Double_t min, Double_t max)
                  void SetVTXZ(Double_t min, Double_t max)
                  void SetSpecies(Int_t ID, Double_t charge, Double_t mass)
                 Int_t GetNgen()
             Double_t* GetP()
             Double_t* GetCosth()
             Double_t* GetAzimuthAngle()
             Double_t* GetVTXR()
             Double_t* GetVTXPhi()
             Double_t* GetVTXZ()
               TClass* Class()
               TClass* IsA() const
                  void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                  void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
        DebugGenerator DebugGenerator(const DebugGenerator&)

Last update: Tue Jan 20 15:54:29 2004

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